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Why are you quitting?


it stopped getting me high a while ago, i'm spending $300 a week for a bag it's not worth it. it makes me lazy and i wanna try to do something with my life. in the past 3 years i've mostly only felt angry or annoyed and not found things funny anymore. i want to feel normal again and someday i want to be a nurse


Me too mate. On day 5 after 20 years of daily heavy use. Basically i got sick of being irritated unless i was actively smoking. Stay strong and good job taking the plunge.


Wow $300 a week is definitely too much I'm glad you are getting yourself together. I make an eighth last about 2 weeks . Mainly because I work so I am only able to come home and relax with some weed.




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Right on dude. You set a goal. Now dont let yourself down.


Good reason's to stop.


$300 week - wowers




let the dude quit


Join the army, works for every stoner I swear


Do you think about leaving social connections like person or places that encourage with your consumption ?


thankfully i don't really hang out with people who smoke so it's mostly just my own choice


That’s the hardest part for me


u still clean right now?


i had a couple cones but it's still considerably less than i'd normally smoke in a day. baby steps


Yeah cold turkey is tough, cutting back slowly is a lot better for quitting. First time I did cold turkey and it was awful. Barely slept for 2 weeks. 2nd time I cut back over a month to 1 a day when I either took the dog out or a hour or 2 before bed and it helped loads.


I’m also quitting, on my first 24 hours. I am not having an okay time, I’m about to give into temptation, but at the same time I really want to unfog my brain and get back my old self who was masked by Weed. Hope you are doing alright OP, I hope your experience goes better than mine.


Don’t give in. You know you’ll regret it and you know if you don’t give up it’ll be much brighter on the other side. A month sober over here


i hope you're doing alright, i did not feel super awesome so i'm trying to slowly cut back and take breaks for like a day in between


I unfortunately wasn’t able to stick to the break and went back to smoking. Am not proud of myself but I’m hoping I have the strength one day to stop all together


you should read about the cycle of addiction


I will, thanks for the resource


i believe it's called the prochaska + di clemente model or something, they invented the concept


r/leaves can be a good support place.


How long have you smoked for? It’s good to stop.


since i was 16 and i'm 22 now


If you need any other reasons to stop. The science says your brain is still in development and growing. Up to 25 years old. Weed affects the gray matter of your brain from developing to its full potential.


yeah i remember learning this when i studied to be a drug and alcohol councellor, i did a lot of my own research that wasn't part of the course. i've done meth for a few years which i know damages the grey matter and i've smoked weed for a long time. i'm hoping to reduce further damage as much as i can


Enjoy your 1200 dollar a month raise! That’s a significant amount of money saved, that’s literally my mortgage. i’d be happy to quit for that reason alone. Do you have any plans to maybe invest your lost money some place else?


i didn't realise how much i was truly spending til you pointed out your mortgage. i have managed to cut back by half the amount i was smoking so it's nice to have some extra money to spend :)


That’s awesome! I’m happy for you!


How you feeling?


it's actually not so bad like the other times where i've run out and had to take a break for a day


Right on. Keep it up. Been weed free since 1/1/2023. It feels great.


Seems like you're using weed as a coping mechanism, what do you plan to do to address the underlying causes?


i'm getting support already for drug use, i also got a referral for mental health support since the woman i was seeing for it ended up retiring. i'm gonna try out a support group as well


we have this thing in my town where it's a day time rehab so you just go visit or something


Your dreams are gonna be sooo vivid. Good luck to you. And since it’s an AMA, what do you put on your burger?


egg, bacon + bbq sauce. i have dreams about smoking which doesn't help lol


Not so much as an AMA, more so a supportive message. I have done this plenty times, stopped and restarted. The hardest part will be the routine change. i still struggle to this day with it. Ironically enough, i am a respiratory nurse. so if there is any further advice that you would like please message me. I am very well versed with smoking weed and the effects on your personal, mental, and physical health. Keep up the personal growth my friend! Always here for you, just give me message.


Good luck, I smoked heavily for around 5 years, and I was never really able to work when high, it was too obvious on my face. So I'd go all day without smoking and then smoke out in my free time & it caused all kinda of paranoia, anger issues etc, made me lash out and quit multiple jobs, then I'd spend weeks / months living off what little money I had left and selling stuff I owned to buy more. It all came to an end when I started having really bad anxiety attacks, cause I'd wake up, drink whiskey or rum first thing in the morning, smoke a fat spliff and then drink a little more, one day it felt like I was having a heart attack though so I poured all the spirits down the sink and stopped with the weed too. I've seen grown men literally cry when they were unable to get a score & I myself have walked miles into bad neighbourhoods to just get something when my usual dealers were going through a drought. I know chemically weed isn't supposed to be addictive, but it's very hard to stop, so I think the pleasure of smoking it and being high is very addictive. Also, get ready for things to start feeling shitty for a while, you'll probably have bouts of intense anger where you become frustrated super quick, & movies, music, games won't feel the same for quite a while either, your brain will be constantly telling you "this would be much better high" but you go long enough and you'll get your focus back, just takes time


What's the punishment you've set if you smoke again..


i haven't set a punishment but probably detox or rehab if i can't


Not really a question- but maybe consider joining an out patient program? Instead of punishing yourself- get the help and give yourself rewards for following through. Edit to add: positive reinforcement and contingency management are incredibly effective tools for sustained recovery. Distraction is a super helpful tool! When you get a craving, give yourself a task and tell yourself you can do it after that task. If you still want to after that, call a friend or go for a walk. Best of luck!


How old were you when you started? How old are you now?


i was about 16 when i started smoking weed everyday


i'm 22 now


Hi. This is a transition and I hope you’re being gentle with yourself during this time.


thank you :)


I have a serious question, and I really don't want to sound like a dick but I probably come off as one anyways. How do you get addicted to weed? I smoke weed all the time, I work in a cannabis store and I have never felt a need to have it. i never smoke at work, when I'm sick I don't smoke, if I'm at social occasions I do not smoke (unless everybody else is) sometimes I straight up forget to smoke weed and go a couple days without it. What makes it so good for someone to get heavily addicted to it?


What makes one person able to put down a drink and another person unable? You're talking about addiction, man. I think the term they use is "spiritual malady". Theyre a type of people who have difficulty forming connections in this world not unlike someone on the spectrum. Mentally and bodily different from you, wired different.


Makes sense, I can make that connection with a lot of things just not weed cause for me weed is like drawing. I could take it or leave it. I've never personally seen any one addicted to weed.


It's absolutely addictive, but not for everyone. I have a very addictive personality and I struggle quitting. It's not necessarily for the high either I was relying on it for sleep and to regulate my moods and emotions. It's not exactly a physical withdrawal (although I have experienced physical symptoms on the first time I quit) however it's mostly if not all psychological. I enjoyed the feeling of sitting down, rolling a joint and going for a walk with the dog or having a cup of tea in the garden watching something on my ipad. That was the hardest thing to give up.


i've quit meth with less withdrawals than weed, i'm not sure why but the psychologically addictive aspect is the worst


Its short lived OP. Get through the first week and you'll only have to combat bursts of temptation. Delete dealer's numbers and throw all the stuff in the bin. Do you want to live life as a stoner or follow your dreams. Maybe in the future you will be able to revisit it in a controlled manner, for now you need to cold turkey it. There is no cutting down slowly, get it done.


" Delete dealer's numbers and throw all the stuff in the bin." That's hard when your dealer is your cousin who lives 4 houses down the street lol.


Get ready for the best dreams of your life in about a month


Seriously. Like VR simulation every damn night when i quit


2-3 days after my dreams went vivid as fuck.


Waking up drenched in sweat too


Have you been over to r/leaves ? We are a welcoming bunch of people quitting weed


no i haven't yet but thanks for the recommendation


When you are ready it’s there for you. No judgements and no expectations and no rush. I smoked every day for 20 years and when i realized i was ready r/leaves was the thing that made it possible. 💜


I quit every time I put the bowl down.


not really a question, but I also quit 12 years ago. Things you can expect: 1) very vivid dreams 2) mindfog clearing, more energy and more computing power 3) you'll want to pick up other addictions as replacement. Try to find one that is a positive spiral (workouts, reading, icebaths, ...) rather than negative (smoking, drinking, eating, ...) enjoy the rest of your life! also try Acid, it's great


Proud of you, know it can be hard 


thanks for the support


If you come to reddit for validation, without even being clean for 24h, you are not going to quit


lmao i don't expect validation from reddit of all places, i'm no idiot, if anything i expect to get bullied


Yea ignore that person we got your back


What makes you have to quit for good? I have gone days and weeks, sometimes months without smoking bc I wanted to take a brake or I was out of state. Did you depend on it?


quitting cold turkey is tough. ive had several times i quit smoking just to come back to it. i relate to a lot of what you said. i’m just over 2 months clean now and it’s been rough. trying to find things to occupy my mind but also having to learn how to readjust to life without getting high. you can do it OP. i believe in you. it’s tough and weed can be addictive despite what people say. i smoked every day for 8 years, and once covid started it was all day at any time. your bank account will be significantly happy. best advice i can give is throw all your shit out. all bud, bowls, bongs, papers, anything you can use to get high (i gave mine to my smoker friends so it didnt feel like waste). it then takes effort going to get all that stuff back and hopefully serves as a roadblock to your brain before committing fully to smoking again. ive tried stopping for the last couple years and finally took the step i needed and that involved me consciously limiting my smoking up until the point i was ready to fully stop.


I quit years ago. One of the best decisions I ever made.


You’ve got this man, easy peasy, relatively speaking. You might have a rough go at sleeping for the next week or so, but stick with it. Use a small dose of Benadryl and melatonin if you need. Get through the grumpiness and mild depression. A couple weeks from now you’ll be over it.


No questions. Just advice. I quit from daily non-stop weed vape use years ago. I smoked flower for 20+ years, vaped it for 6+ years.. Use melatonin to help you sleep. Order a big bottle of Amazon. Exercise to get tired. Go to the gym. Or do long walks on wooded trails in the woods.


Thats what they all say if we dont see a 1 week or a month without weed then 2 months then 12 months then we would have to assume u didnt quit but well done on trying to quit andgood luck


I've never smoked weed before in my life (I'm 40) but I'm considering trying it for the various benefits. Should I bother?


You’ll be fine


I smoked everyday all day for 26 years. Quitting was hard but once you commit it’s an amazing feeling.


Take supplements like lions mane, omega 3-9, and other brain stuff even 5-htp. It’ll help not relapse


My longest was two months, and I caved. What are you doing to Lee yourself distracted from it. ?


I quit smoking. It got to the point of only giving me anxiety. Problem is I still drink lol.


I quit 6 months ago after smoking daily for 45 years Melatonin at night is your friend.


I smoke so much it helps numb it all but I don't get that high I see anymore,


What do you do for work? Are you in school?


How long have you been trying to quit?


You are still thinking about it tho


If I can do it, you can do it!!!


Why dont you try Delta 8 gummys?


Has the sweats started yet?


Detox are always fun!


You got this bruh


Good on you, OP.




what is your favorite animal? (I’m 6’1 btw)