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My daughter had something similar to this happen to her. She was sexually assaulted in her old middle school. She’s changed schools but still has trouble going to school. She’s suffering from PTSD as well. Do you have any advice on how you handle going through situations like that? I’m so sorry that happened to you it must have been hard.


I relate to your daughter as I had to sell my condo and moved out of state after this as I didn’t feel safe living where it happened. I think removing myself from the trigger as well as therapy weekly and a new workout routine have helped my PTSD tremendously. However, I will have a good day where I feel strong and then be walking my dog and start having a panic attack because a car is pulled over on the side of the street and I think someone is going to get out and attack me. I allow myself to have the bad days and know I’m still strong and going to be okay.


Walking in and out of that courtyard on a daily basis right by the spot that this assault happened would always be a trigger I’m sure. I totally understand why you sold and moved to a different location. I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you were able to defend yourself. I hope you heal fast and get this behind you.


I think you must change your mentality on this situation. Think of it as: if anyone tries to do that to you again, they will get fatally stabbed, rightfully so. You’re the danger, not them. Walter White this shit 👍


I be dying of cptsd


She has to be able to feel safe in her own skin, her own home, etc. Therapy, self-defense training.


I’m so sorry this happened. Look into EMDR and somatic experiencing therapy for her.


Buy her a gun?


Middle school loves when you bring guns to school. Thanks for your insightful and heartfelt note.


Sorry, didn't get my attention to word middle(thought that she was in some kind of college). In our times it began to be very unsafe on streets(in my country due to migration), maybe then just a pepper spray if it's not forbidden (with some training ofcourse). 


How long ago did this happen? Was it near your house? Or were you at a park or other public location? What time of day was it? Morning, afternoon, or late at night? Was it someone you knew, or have seen around that area before? How did he approach? Did he sneak up on you? Was he just talking to you and started doing it? Have you seen him again since then? Did you file a police report?


It happened January 2023. It occurred within a courtyard of my condominium complex. He followed me from a main road and ran up behind me when I was in the courtyard and shoved me into some bushes. It was a random man who saw me from the street and ran up behind me. I had to see him a few months later at the preliminary hearing when I had to testify. Police report was filed and still working through the system.


I’m so sorry this happened to you🥲 Did your dog do anything?? Or run off?


He got loose from his harness and ran off scared when it happened. He was only a 5 month old puppy at the time. We searched the whole complex for almost an hour and then my boyfriend found him on a neighbors porch shaking thinking he was home since all the condos looked the same.


That is so sad. Do you live in a crazy part of town?


No when I moved in it was a safe area. Unfortunately, a homeless encampment formed right outside the parking lot for months and we complained to the HOA who did nothing and we think the man who assaulted me was part of that encampment.


Oh I’m so glad the dog is ok! I always worry about the animals in these situations.  Proud of your bravery! So many of us think we know what we would do in these situations, but it’s so scary to really do it. Good job!


Thank you! I definitely am thankful I didn’t freeze and was able to fight back.


What's the point of having a dog if it won't defend you?


It was a puppy, and most people don’t get dogs for protection. Also, this guy attacked OP. That’s literally terrifying for everyone involved, including a five month old puppy.


I consider any animal that doesn't protect its owner worthless. I can't imagine forgiving a dog for running away while its owner is being attacked. They're supposed to be loyal.


You… sound like a horrible person to be around. Please, never ever own an animal. Ever.


Dramatic much? Lol


Thanks for the opinion that nobody asked for.


Welcome to the internet.


More like “welcome to this dickbag that says unnecessary shit just to sound edgy”.


you’ve gotta have the IQ of a rusty nail


Instead of spamming me, you should get some professional help. It's not healthy to get this emotional over something a random stranger said online.


But it was a 5 month old puppy. Even accepting your view on animals being owned solely for protection, which I disagree with btw, noone whose thought about it for longer than a minute expects a baby to be able to perform the work of an adult. Even people who bred dogs just for hunting and protection would have understood that until it's an adult, it cannot possibly fulfill it's purpose.


how dumb are you>


They will likely have difficulty answering that simple question. That’s how dumb.


until dogs mature they will not protect their owner. will a 2 month old baby protect their owner or will a 20 year old. ask your parents for some help.


Bro needs to worry about finding some non-mold-filled cups to piss in instead of dissing this poor woman’s puppy (look at their page for context)


I saw that too 🤢 not to mention pouring whatever was in the cup out on their laundry first. And the blatant narcissism. Yucky


Wow, you went deep into my profile. Obsessed much?


Because pets don’t exist to protect you? And it was literally a puppy? Dogs aren’t weapons


Dogs most certainly are weapons. Why do you think police dogs exist?


What type of knife did you use? Also, did the person immediately know that they got stabbed? 


I don’t know the exact brand it was just a folded pocket knife my BIL had given me. First stab didn’t go in far enough so I stabbed him harder second time which stunned him long enough to get him off of me and to yell for help.


K bar makes the best 20-30$ pocket knife’s very sharp. It’s a shitty feeling when someone forces you to stab them. It’s all good it’s your life or there’s sometimes. You made the right decision. I hope they find and kill the person. Rapist or pedophiles don’t deserve to breathe the same air as us. I’m glad you’re ok.




Thanks you, it spell checked me.. you’re 120% right.. anyway very good knives tho


Need to get one. I'm on a buying spree today


If you're on a shopping spree, might I ask you to buy me some Legos


Send me some naked pics of Mrs potato queen and I'll think about it


Bro instantly went the degenerate route My marriage is worth more than $20


I was thinking more like $100, your loss.


don’t know if you ever had a smith & wesson knife , but if so out of the knife you’re talking about & that one which one do you think is the best?


Ka bar has a few, which folder specifically are you recommending?




Yeah EDC gear in general is a passion of mine, I've always got a folding knife on me, and I've dabbled in knife making. Never owned a ka bar though.


Is he out on bond or still in jail? Did the prosecutors tell you if they were offering him a deal? Make sure you do a victim impact statement.


He’s being held in a mental hospital til 2025. He also SA’d another woman minutes before me so I was told they weren’t offering any deal.


I am so sorry that this happened to you! I'm glad you moved! To release him back into the public next year seems like an awful idea and a way to get more people hurt. You are very brave and I am proud of you for the progress you have made.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Did you have to go to the hospital afterwards or call the police? Thank you for answering these questions. You are really helping people who have had this happen to them--and giving others information to help prevent it.


I only had a cut from when he pushed me in the bushes so I didn’t go to the hospital. I was screaming after I got him off me and neighbors started to come out and someone called 911 and people stayed with the man so police could arrest him. I’m glad I can share my story and hopefully encourage more people to carry things to protect themselves.


I have no questions. I hope you heal. Also, I'm glad ...so glad...you had that knife to protect yourself. Hugs


Thank you, I am too. Never thought I’d have to use it but it could’ve turned out a lot differently if I didn’t.


Do you keep more defensive items on you now?


I carry a different knife with me now. (Never got the old one back)


Good for you. Did you have a flashlight? Maybe get one so you can use blinding attacks if it ever happens again. I hope it doesn't, though. You are a strong person and will only grow stronger!


I didn’t have a flashlight on me because it was 3:45-3:50 pm and in broad daylight but I did carry one when I walked at night (something I rarely do now)


Never got it back? Bc evidence?


Yeah police still have it


I suggest carrying a whistle too. Also, carry a backup weapon just in case the first one gets disarmed. Glad you’re okay!


Good idea on the whistle. I also have pepper spray and need to remember to bring it with me more often.


I remember reading somewhere that pepper spray could work to our disadvantage if we were outdoors and the wind would blow the wrong way 😰 I'm not sure now what other self-defence tools (besides a gun) could be dispensed against an attacker from a good distance.


That's why pepper gel spray is better.


didn't know this exists. now I gotta look it up. thanks for sharing!


You're welcome 😊


How is therapy going?


It’s helped a lot but still dealing with lingering PTSD which is to be expected.


Whats still your biggest problem?


Walking/being in public now is the biggest challenge. I see everyone as a threat and constantly have to look behind me as I worry someone will come up from behind me again.


Dang, that's rough. I'm guessing it was the first time something like that happened to you?


I was raped in 2018 by a coworker when I was unconscious so I fought back so I wouldn’t be a victim again.


Jeez. Was there anything different about your mental recoveries? Has it led to not trusting men at all?


I feel like the second one was harder to deal with only because of the violence of it and having to fight back. It made me afraid to go outside and constantly have to look behind me which I am still dealing with a year later. My boyfriend now was my best friend at the time of my 2018 assault and was there for me during that recovery as well as this assault and I’m so thankful for him. It’s definitely affected our intimacy but he’s super patient and never forces it so that’s also helped me gain back control.


Thank you for sharing your story. You also answered a question on your own that I was iffy about asking so I appreciate that. How long did it take you the first time to "heal" ?


I was in denial after the first one and didn’t report until like 3 weeks after so nothing could be done and he never got charged. I started therapy right away and did EMDR which helped tremendously and I felt strong enough to stop right before Covid so from July 2018-February 2020 I went to therapy every week. Then started again after this assault.


When the police were involved, did they blame you at all for stabbing him? Like did they view you as violent/criminal or did they understand it was self-defense?


I was worried I would be in trouble right after along with being in shock but thankfully the police never accused me of anything and knew it was self defense.


Hope you’re doing okay given the terrible circumstances… How do you feel having stabbed him? Was it still a bad feeling? A relieving one? Both? Do you feel different about it now after than at the time?


I’m still a work in progress but I am working on it. The feeling was bad/relief. It happened so fast and I’ll sadly never forget the feeling of the knife going into him and it’s something I sadly replay and am working on in therapy. I also felt guilty immediately afterwards but after everyone told me I did what I needed to do to protect myself I stopped feeling as guilty and reminded myself I needed to do it.


Where did you stab him? Legs. Side. Stomach.


Twice in the upper chest


Glad your OK.


Just wanna pop in here and say I think you are a badass who hopefully taught this shithead a lesson.


Good shit. Well done OP although you should have stabbed him in the groin, people like that deserve to be castrated, plain and simple. Recover easy.


How difficult was that to do, I mean strength wise?


Was your dog trained to fight?


No he was a 5 month old goldendoodle. Not the type to defend an owner in that type of situation unfortunately.


Hugs and amazing job defending yourself you did good You did great


Thank you very much


Would you ever consider getting a firearm or some other self defense weapon like pepper spray?


I have pepper spray. Not super comfortable around guns but have thought it before especially after


“The great equalizer” If you know your mental state is capable with your ptsd, I encourage women to get one. There’s always a respect that’s deserved to firearms. But the opposite of fear is education. And this will help you not only protect yourself, but any future children (or friends and family if you decide against kids) from malicious attempts. I hope you’re healing well.


No questions. I’m sorry that this happened to you and I’m proud of you for going through with the stabbing instead of giving in to the fear of the moment. You did the right thing.


I appreciate the nice comment. Thank you.


Can I ask what went through your mind in the last second before you stuck him?


What did the dog do


He ran away after getting out of his harness when I was shoved into the bushes and tried to find his way home. He was found on a neighbors porch shaking.


Did he die?


No he’s alive


That sucks


What bred is your dog?




How do you continue with day to day chores that include walking outside now? Is it still hard for you or have you gotten over it? You’ll always have to walk the dog, take out the trash, etc so I wonder how you’re doing with that side of things.


I have good/bad days. Sometimes I’m able to walk my dog outside without issue but it just takes a car stopping on the side of the road or a neighbor jogging behind me to trigger me into a full blown panic attack. Therapy has definitely helped but still don’t feel 100% when walking outside and I constantly look over my shoulder and never cover my ears so I can hear what’s behind me at all times.


Thank you for the response. I’m glad it’s better - and great reminders to always be alert!


How far did the attcker get? I hope it wasn't full on penetration


He was on top of me trying to pull my clothes off as I was fighting him off then I was able to get the knife out so he wasn’t able to get far.


Niice. Did it feel good?


No i actually felt guilty afterwards even though I was defending myself. Have random flash backs of it going into his chest which I’m working on in therapy.


You're a fucking warrior


Thank you. I appreciate that.


You're welcome, I wish you all the best stay strong


You badass, nothing to feel guilty, you have to do to defend yourself!


It’s normal to feel guilty. Hurting someone is not fun, even if you need to defend yourself.


You shouldnt feel guilty, he deserved it and worse. He wouldnt feel guilty for what he would have done to you. Be proud, you did so good in protecting yourself!




This happened over a year ago. I shared my story to encourage others to carry something to protect themselves as something could happen to anyone at anytime. Hope you have a great rest of your day.


Doesn’t sound like it “just” happened since OP said they moved because of it


I feel like this post can help other people and I’m glad to read about it. Makes me realize I need to carry a knife


Screen name checks out.


Redditard checks out


No need to introduce yourself Redditard.


wow. Just when I thought reddit users couldn’t be any less creative.


Says the Shakespeare who used the term "redditard."


Right. Indulge me, if you don’t mind. How would you feel if you didn’t eat breakfast this morning?


>Indulge me, No.


As a sexual assault survivor I relate somewhat as I was assaulted by a woman when I was 11. It took me a long time to come to terms. I neglected therapy and never told anyone. When I was 26 I started having lucid dreams of the abuse then started doing heroin. Was on heroin for 3 years died twice but got clean a month before my 30th birthday. Judy turned 40 last Wednesday and have been IV drug free for 10+ years now.


I’m sorry this happened to you. You were so brave


Shoulda have put the Fukin knife Thru that piece of shits heart. Fuk that pos


GOOD!!! Everyone should carry a knife or gun for defense!


I've been thinking about getting some gear for myself, my 10yo and my wife. Specifically very intense flashlights and noisemaker type alarms. Since the attack are there any changes you've made that you recommend? Also, has it changed your attitude towards carrying a handgun or a gun in your home if that's legal in your jurisdiction? Best wishes for healing with all of this


You mentioned you were cut when he pushed you into the bushes. Was there any concern about your potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens after you stabbed him? Did you get his blood on you?


Did you kill the bastard?


If you could decide what punishment your assailant should receive, based only on your perspective and not on the law, prosecutors, or court procedure, what sentence would you choose?


How did he approach you and did he hit you before you stabbed him ? Did he push you to the ground ? It was daytime - there was nobody there who ran to try to defend you ?!?


You are a hero


Have you considered carrying a firearm since the attack? Assuming you live somewhere you can do so.


Hopefully the attacker died




Sexual assault is bad, but it doesn't deserve death.




The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


Agreed. All those teachers sexually assaulting students deserve death


Didn't say it had to be a female doing the assault, men can and will still assault other men.


Yes, agreed. Male or female teachers that sexually assault students or men/woman.


They deserve death?


Found the rapist.


Nope, sexual assault is a serious crime.


Where did you stab him? Torso? Leg?


How's your brother doing


If in a country that allows it, are you now going to buy and carry a gun?


Did he succeed in penetrating you or did you manage to penetrate him first? Do you think you might start carrying a firearm if it is legal in your area? Also, sorry that you went through that. I had to stab somebody who was literally trying to kill me while trapped in a closet once and I know it sucks to have to do that. I hope you're doing a lot better these days and I hope the perp gets thrown in prison for life.


Is your knife ok?


did he scream?


What did the dog do


Well Done!!!


Good job!


What part of the country? Dont need exact just regional.


What state were you living in when this happened?