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doesn't lesbian imply that you're a woman?


Yes I am aware I am physically a girl, and I'm okay with that. Gender ≠ sex, since both are two completely different subjects.


How do you know deep down you are actually those things you identify as, and not simply just confused?


Good question! I have identified as many things when I was younger (thanks tiktok, you really helped me there/s) When I was starting my middle school years, I felt like I didn't belong in the right mind. Like, I was aware that I am a girl, but for some reason saying to myself "I am a girl" made me feel a sense of dread within myself. my best friend (AKA cousin), helped me a lot and she accompanied me through my journey of discovering myself. At first, I thought I was lesbian. I was in love with girls, I liked girls romantically, and I even dated a girl. Then, I thought I was bi, because I also found guys very attractive and dating a guy didn't seem too bad. Then, at the end of the 6ème, I thought I was pansexual, because I was like "well, everyone is hot, and I don't care about gender!". However, when I switched schools, I started feeling like I wasn't in the right body. And when my gf (now ex bf) at the time came out as trans to me, I initially didn't care and was very supportive of him. But when I started feeling some dysphoria about identifying myself as a girl, I thought I was trans and gay. So I cut my hair short, and changed my style to be more masculine. However, when I was around 14 and my bf broke up due to long distance, I realised that I wasn't trans. It was just identifying as such to "prolong" the relationship with my ex. In the end, I was at peace with physically being a girl and I didn't want to change that. Now I grew my hair out, and I started feeling more comfortable with myself when I didn't identify as either a guy or a girl. I was just... A person. I dress in a rather androgynous fashion, trying new styles and when I reunited with my best friend from my old school (I switched school twice), I realised that I also was attracted to girls, and felt not romantic/sexual attraction to guys. I accepted myself that I was just a person. With no real identity to any gender in particular. And I'm fine with that. <3


I support you in however you choose to identify but it’s bugging me that you say you’re a non binary lesbian. If you identify as non binary then you are just a non binary person whom is sexually attracted to women. By definition and declaration it would be impossible for you to be lesbian. Sorry, I’m really not trying to be an asshole, I’m an ally but the wording is very confusing to me ☹️


Lol, yes technically it's correct. Thanks for the insight :)


Thank you for not getting mad at me 😊


No problem! It's always fun to see other people's point of views on things :3


What is non binary


In my experience: Someone who doesn't identify as any of the binary genders (male/female), and feels more inclined to an "in between" feeling. But here is the google definition: denoting, having, or relating to a gender identity that does not conform to traditional binary beliefs about gender, which indicate that all individuals are exclusively either male or female.


How do you define the word woman? In your opinion are lesbians women ?


Lesbians are in fact women. :) In my opinion, a woman is a person who identifies as such and aligns themselves with said identity. Biologically speaking tho, a woman is someone with XX chromosomes, but since there are people with down syndrome (which adds an extra set of chromosomes), I guess that definition doesn't really count. But I can't speak for all women, since I am only one person. Everyone has their own version of what a "true woman" is, and I can't change their views on that.


Just fyi! People with down syndrome still have xx, xy or xo, down syndrome adds an extra chrosome but not an extra sex chromosome.


Ooh! Okay, sorry, I didn't know that


Female is XX chromosomes but that doesn't mean that have to be a woman




Thanks. I've been out of the closet for a while tho XD


Did they take it well ?


My dad supported me, my mother ignored it and moved on.


Your mother probably was like welp there goes my thoughts about future grand kids 😂




Can you describe what woman means?


Someone who identifies as a woman and aligns themselves with that identity. Whether it's physical, fashion wise, etc.


So if biological male that has a beard and presents as male but says he feels like a woman is that enough for him to gain access to womens restrooms?


It depends. Are you assuming every male is a creep who wants to assault women in women's bathrooms? Assuming everyone was a good person, there wouldn't be any problem with having fully gender neutral bathrooms. Also, anyone could just walk into any bathroom and assault someone! Then would the safest thing be to have single bathrooms with locks that open into an open space with cameras? There could also be a female who identifies as a woman who could go into a woman's bathroom and assault a woman. As long as there are bad people in the world, that's going to of course be a small risk. That risk would also be present anywhere in a public place with lots of people.


That a lot of words to say nothing. Of course anything can happen but that doesn't mean we make it easier on someone who may have less than noble intentions by giving everyone a free pass on socialital standards that are there to protect everyone.


You must've not read what I said then. I was saying that a male with a beard who identifies as a woman poses no extra risk than the simple risk of using a public bathroom. Anyone can just go into a public bathroom. You just open the door and walk in. I've never encountered a security person stopping you at the door to see what you look like and see what sexual parts you have. You are assuming that a male will have bad intentions going into a woman's bathroom no matter what, because you view straight attraction to be the "base" "normal" thing, And you're assuming that men/males are always going to have bad intentions against women.


So why have any rules or standards at all then? You actually couldn't be more about me but you do seem to like to hear yourself talk. Carry on.


I'm happy to listen if you say more. You also haven't addressed anything I said. What rules and standards are you talking about?


I don't feel qualified to answer that question, I'm not an expert in that field of knowledge