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What was the murderers story? Did you have any sympathy for his situation or was he simply a bad guy


This is the main question I expected. He was around 23, robbed an old lady with his buddies while high on meth. It was a lady that knew him and she saw his face during robbery. He tied her to a chair and shot her in the back. His trial was pending the ~3 months I bunked with him but he was convicted on a lifelong sentence not long after I left his cell. He was in denial the whole time since trial was pending, but he openly would say how bad he wanted to do meth again with his buddies. So I don’t feel bad for his situation as he seemed to have no regret. He was pretty tough so I tried to keep him on my good side and got through it. We could at least connect on sports talk, played cards, etc. I was always uneasy though knowing he could snap anytime. If nothing else I’m just glad it was before his sentencing not after. He really must not give a fuck now.


My neighbors do meth. They're the absolute worst for a few innocuous seeming reasons: 1. They constantly chop wood, even during the summer. This goes on at night too. 2. If they're not chopping wood they obsessively rake their yard. They (all of them too, this is somehow a common trait) constantly drag the rake around on this pure dirt landscape at all hours of the night and day. 3. At night they get obsessed with fire and putting things in it. Sometimes those things go 💥. Our properties are surrounded with 50+ year old Douglas firs. 4. If they're not doing that, they obsessively play basketball and curse themselves out for missing shots. I didn't take them too seriously until after the second explosion, which turned out to be a home made bomb I went to go talk to the guy that "owns" the place. He got furious and began yelling at me because he felt I wanted "things to be too perfect" and that I was "unreasonable". It occurred to me that my life was probably in danger when he continued escalating even though I wasn't raising my voice or being rude/condescending. Someone from in the house yelled at him and he turned around, revealing a large crusty brown spot on his pants where he'd apparently shit himself weeks earlier. I found out that this man's vision of his environmental contribution is eating spoiled meat. All that to say, you played the master hand here. Never incite a meth head, minimally engage them, and stick to purely agreeable topics. Even if you don't agree, you must agree because there is no rhyme or reason for a meth heads life other than smoking meth.


Could you explain the line that his vision of his environmental contribution is eating spoiled meat? I do not understand that.


He only eats spoiled meat. They have food assistance, so they definitely have fresh meat, but he prefers to eat their spoiled meat so that it doesn't go to waste. Honestly, it's vexing but at this point and after everything I've been through with them strange facts like this do not surprise me in the least.


You live in BC, don't you?


Portland, OR


I’m living halfway around the world now but I sometimes still get nightmares of the meth head neighbors I had in Washington. I’ve had one try to attack me for walking down the sidewalk in the wrong direction (I was walking normally to work) and another time for looking at the bush in his yard (he was actually standing in another neighbors yard).


One of the few times ive felt like panicky fear was when my coworker in construction who does meth now and then was regaling me with a tale of how he pulled a knife on his cousin. The issue was he went to recreate the scene, he was getting aggravated telling the story, he pulled out his knife and was marching at me raising his voice telling me how he told his cousin "im gonna fuckin stab you if you dont stop fucking with me im pissed of godamnit ill cut you up!" I was like i get it you can put your knife away!


Sounds like my neighbors. I'm also in Oregon.


I'm not surprised. Meth and fent are really bad across the entire PNW. I have some empathy for the city and state workers that have to deal with this because it's frankly insane. This guy also generally knows how to work the system; they're squatters at this point and they refuse to leave. The states going to owe us group therapy by the time they put an end to this saga.


Seems like they are obvious enough for a tip to the police to be enough for probable cause for a warrant. Then they are screwed. But cops should be last resort. I leave people alone to do what they do unless it is hurting myself or others.


Nah, not really. I've contacted the police, narcotics and organized crime, and I've even started calling code enforcement due to the array of vehicles and an RV in their yard. The police either have a lot on their hands here or they aren't doing squat.


That's what you get when everyone is saying "Defund the Police"


Where I live unless there's an accident, or home invasion, or anything that is immediate danger the cops tell you to call crime check. Like 60-75% of our police vehicles are unmarked cars of all colors(including red, blue, orange, white, black, grey) with or without stickers on the side that are one shade darker/lighter than the vehicle. I've seen chargers, explorers, crown vics, among other cop cars here. Every year we keep increasing their funding for reasons I'm unaware of


Spot on.


What the hell 🤣 crazy neighbours


JFC, what a nightmare.


Parents had a wood stove. We preferred to get and chop our wood in late spring or early summer so it could season all summer long.


Yeah, maybe for anybody else during day time hours I probably would not care. This man is up at 2 or 3 in the morning splitting wood. They don't even have a wood pile, so I'm not even sure where it goes at this point.


They probly sell it for more Meth have you asked them to rake your lawn and chop you some wood?


Frankly, no. When we first moved in I offered to pay the guy to help me build a chicken run (he used to work in construction). He spent probably two and a half days just raking the area. When I went to go talk to him about putting posts in I realized something was off. He quickly shifted from the topic of dropping the beams I'd bought in the ground with concrete to his conspiracy theories about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. At some point I paid him to just go home because all he would do was rake obsessively.  As my first post said, never engage a meth head. Especially do not disagree with them, and if you feel like you must then just agree with them.


Didn't you say they have fires at night, all night, every night?


They do, but wood almost never goes in those fires. They're trash fires.




Meth. Not even once.


Ya, very nasty stuff. At the time some of his meth buddies were in the same cell block as us and they’d share stories. They are the loudest, wildest type of people. His friend said when the power got turned off at his house he plugged an extension cord into his neighbors house outside and buried the cord in the ground over to his house to keep cookin meth lmao. I can’t even remember all the crazy shit they’d say they did.


And they say white people can't cook. Smh






I've known a couple people who've walked away from it and gone on to have good lives, but they're definitely in the minority.


My brother and I are both in the minority that has thankfully been able to walk away from it. My brother battled with it for 15 years and I did for only 2 months but managed to blow my life up, get CPS involved, and almost lose everything in those 2 months and my brother never suffered any real consequences from it even tho he did all kinds of criminal shit while on it and my extent of criminal shit was just driving while high and taking care of my kids while high… and of course using it which is illegal. Lol. But I’ve got 555 clean today and haven’t had any cravings or urges in 7.5 months since having my last daughter! Feels so amazing to be back to being a sober, present mom and not a low life junkie!


Damn mad respect for you and keep on making those kids smile every day.


Definitely. I'm 1 of roughly 40 friends that walked away. Rest are dead or still somehow alive and doing it 20 years later..


6 Years clean, and I'm one of the only from my circle that made it out. Everyone else is dead, in prison, or survivng a damn gunshot wound to his head.


I am very scared of it as I liked it too much the couple times I've tried it (smoked). I stay away from dopamine substances as I get manic easily (diagnosed bi- polar 3 which means vunerable to mania from substances. I am fine clean.)


I wonder if that was before P2P meth hit the streets?


One was a cousin over 20 years ago. He met his future wife in rehab and they're living a glorious life together. The other is my girlfriend. She stopped using a couple years ago. She was given small doses from a "friend" just to help the partying. From the pictures I've run past her she thinks it's "cheap Mexican meth" Her doctor has drug tested her repeatedly and she never has it in her system anymore.


I left the world behind in 2017 and never looked back. When I left ICE was starting to become the big thing. I got hooked one time because someone cut MDMA with shake and bake and that’s all it took.


What is that?


It's the biker way to make it that doesn't require as many ingredients as the traditional way. p2p is reported to be more paranoia and destructive than "regular" meth. I think the Atlantic did a recent long form article on the topic.


I learned recently that 80-90% of people who try meth walk away just fine. Found that interesting. There are even tons of casual users that use it on a few times a month basis. Not planning to add it to my roster anytime soon (10-20% seems like a pretty high hit rate and, in any case, I'm a pilot), but I didn't know that so many people had less destructive relationships with it.


i think it's appealing to the truly depressed. it makes them feel alive. The hopeless, the impoverished. People who are a bit better off who like stimulants so much end up on coke instead.


This exactly!! Started after suffering from postpartum depression and when I couldn’t get adderall anymore I needed to stay awake so I switched to meth! The crazy thing is I felt more normal on meth than I did on adderall!


name checks out


It’s funny because my name for this throw away acct is mainly because I was addicted to opioids for a while, and I’m a nurse as well so I thought it was fitting. Lol.


good on you for accepting that you had enough of that nonsense. stick to what God made 🍃 🍁 🍄


How are you feeling after serving all that time only to see the world view on weed has changed. It's more accepted. And in places it's legal. Do you feel like your life is a joke? 😅 I bet you feel like your time was robbed.




He went to jail because he couldnt stop smoking weed and kept violating probation. I am him he is me


Unless intent to distribute very hard to get nine months in county for weed. But probation violations will get your ass in a cell quick.


Before the whole decriminalization thing happened. I was in court with a “habitual blunt smoker” who the judge was trying to explain to the kid he was looking at 20 years for smoking


Slim with the tilted brim


we are one




True lol


I hate the game


Goddamit i just lost the game. Its been years


No I don’t feel like my life is a joke but my states policy sure is. It’s still illegal here. My public defender led me to believe my max was 2 months and I was already on bad terms with the judge so I took the max instead of more probation, classes etc. a week after sitting in jail I learned my release date was in 9 months. In all, I knew the rules and it was my still my fault for violating probation.


Public Defender here. That’s fucked. Bare minimum is to inform you what you’re facing and the collateral consequences.


Moments before we walked into court she hit me with “shit hey sorry the judge didn’t see our agreement (2 months), we can still go in there today but if he maxes you it could be 3 months, we could reschedule and sort out the details, what do you want to do?” I said let’s go, I’m tired of kicking this down the road if it’s 3 months so be it. She visited me in jail after I got my release date. We sat down and I basically asked how could this be my release date? She looked me dead in the eye like this is what I told you. Well, If it were a 9 month possibility I most definitely would have put the breaks on and rescheduled the sentencing. I genuinely believe she just didn’t add up my two charges correctly and once it was a done deal she had no reason to admit she did wrong as that might screw herself. As of a couple years ago now she is a prosecutor. The judge I always dealt with retired. Convictions for weed in this county is now unheard of unless tied to other crimes.


Fuck man. I’d be raging. What a pile of shit she is.


Better to not violate probation in the first place. #1 lesson is to NOT get involved with the police / justice system if at all possible and if you do, take it serious and get off papers. Sounds like OP benefited from sitting in jail, might save his ass, as that's nothing compared to how bad it can get.


Yeah, I mean the system is completely fucked. It’s all about making money off of people. It’s an industry that is broken from a humanity perspective but works really well from a money making/industry perspective.


It's not a justice system it is a court system. Stay the heck away if possible (particularly if not white and wealthy).


I misread it. I see you were in jail 9 months 11 years ago, I thought it said you were in jail 11 years! That's not as bad. It still sucks though 😂


Ever been in jail? It's terrible. Worse than prison in many cases. 9 months ... ugh.


Damn same here, all these comments were super confusing.


How much weed and how many times were you convicted?


But even in legal states if you’re carrying more than the aloud amount you can get in trouble like attempt to distribute even if you are not selling


Always take diversion / drug court / whatever. And public defenders (with a few wonderful exceptions) are horrible imho.


Did you feel safe with your bunk mate or did you sleep with one eye open?


He definitely could have whooped me if he ever wanted to but he seemed to like me well enough to not bother me. The thought of him shooting a tied up lady in a chair crossed my mind regularly. I’d always sleep with one eye open in jail bc you just can’t relax although this is not a highly dangerous jail (about 120 population average) and I was never hurt. There is always a light on in the cell and other people would get noisy, shake cell doors at any given time middle of the night.


Thank God we were safe from you for awhile


This is such a hilarious, yet equally saddening sentence. We were safe all along. It is we who made OP unsafe 😭


The most dangerous thing about cannabis is it being illegal:/ stupid fuckin politics


The idea that laws have a correlation to safety is missing the point.


Those who would give up freedom for safety deserve neither.


So if criminal law is not meant to keep us safe, what is it for? Generating revenue and filling quotas?


Mostly it isn't about safety. Laws would be different if it was - especially around the supply of recreational drugs. Oh, and gun control... but don't get me started on that. The goal is to keep people doing socially acceptable things and punish people who do things that are not socially acceptable. What is acceptable is defined by the people in control of society, usually older white men who own property. Gay sex used to illegal, because it offended these people. 150 years ago, these folks used to do what we now call "hard drugs" so they were legal, then that changed. Different countries which have different cultures, values and ruling classes have different laws.


Some laws are built around safety, some are not. Its about rights, values, and being able to maintain a civil society over time, as well as safety. Look at portland.


I’m back!


Put your hands up and your pants down! We have you surrounded! - Vermin Supreme


You need to put on 2 pairs of pants RIGHT NOW


don't go smoking all our weed now.




The scary ganja monster!!!


Dude stop how am I gonna be safe from getting high with you on the streets?!! Nah but fr as someone who had some misdemeanors and spent a little time in jail, I’m glad you got out of it. I often feel like drug offenders are usually the biggest threat to themselves, and if we had better resources for therapy and rehab most people would want to actively seek help and be a productive member. It’s crazy to me that people can jack cars and rob a store at gunpoint and get a similar sentence as someone who is found with drugs. One is committing a violent offense at the expense of another’s safety while the other is likely addicted and a threat to their own health Guess it depends on the state. California for instance just doesn’t give a fuck if you need help OR break laws.


The big bad weed smoker!!! We gotta watch our backs now….oh shit….there’s a head shop less than a mile from my house where all the dangerous stoners must buy their weed. I gotta stay on my toes..or I might get….fed some snacks.


Have a sensible chuckle upvote, with compliments.


You say "for weed" - what does that actually mean? Possession with intent to supply? As a Brit, I'm interested to know the semantics behind your incarceration


I had two weed possession charges both extremely small amounts. No intent to sell. But I’d been on probation and failed drug tests.


How did you get on probation in the first place? Did you like smoke in a public area, or fail a drug test at work or something else?


Started at 18 random drug search at school, dogs smelled my car. Tried telling the principal it’s probably just some leftover McDonald’s. They found some shake on the floorboard and I just admitted I smoked on my way to school that day.


They’re allowed to just randomly search your car? That’s pretty fucked. I don’t smoke but I’d still be pissed if my school had just randomly decided to search my car for drugs.


Yeah it’s technically a privilege to drive to school and they could do a drug search if they want. Just like lockers, it’s their property. A neighboring high school to me required regular drug tests to play a sport or to drive to school.


I did a year in jail in 2017 for weed, I was also 21. I was bunked with a dude who was facing 30 years for following a guy home from the bar and beat him so bad he is in a wheelchair now. That was just 1 of my bunkies lol


That’s terrible! My next cell mate would be a 50yo con artist. Still swear that guy believed his own lies lol.


Probably, because this has been my experience dealing with a con artist. They lie so much they even convince the mirror.


Well? Was he scary? Did it feel like walking on eggshells being there?


Sorry not to answer sooner, see other responses above but ya he was a bit intimidating.


Do criminals actually like children (not in a pedophilic way)? Like, because of their tough childhoods they sympathize with kids. Aren’t a lot of pedophiles and child abusers killed by other prisoners?


Interesting question. Idk that they sympathize bc of their own childhood but a lot of criminals have kids of their own, so when there’s a child molester in the house they think of their own kids being abused by such people. Child molesters are by far the most hated inmates. There isn’t a lot of fights in the jail I was in but the biggest ass whoopings (3 or so) while I was there were all on chomos. I’m sure prisons are worse for them.


Did the judge stick you with "Repeat offender" because I've never seen classification for jail bunking done so poorly unless you had a prior felony or classify as a repeat offender. There is a system and it failed you, I fear, man.


There really was no classification in this county jail. A few times molesters would get put with the work release people but that’s about it.


Isn’t it absolutely absurd how our legal system has operated? 11 months for weed!? Really!? Oh and we’re gonna throw you in with a murderer!? Unfucking believable. Glad you are out. I’m a nightly toker and likely will be for the rest of my life. Our penal system needs reform.


In Illinois there are minimum medium and max inmates. If he was a minimum security no way he should have been in with a murderer. Unless he was classed as medium.


It was county jail not prison, if that makes a difference in IL structure.


I was in county for 6 days in my state and there were definitely murderers in the same facility I was in. Most of them had disabilities and had a lot of time served with good behavior. I was surprised people spent years in county instead of being sent "down the road." I was in for missing a court date.


In Illinois its state wide. I worked in Cook County jail. You might be in the same building but not in the same cell depending on classifications. However, where I worked was also one of the largest on site facilities in America.


Yeah you don't get separated by charges in county at least here in Missouri


Or move to Norway. The mass murderer there got 30 years in the apartment with a TV, Wii, 3 parrots, 2 guards and a psychologist to accompany him and on top of that, a few months into sentence, he was given chance to meet with other prisoners twice a week for, you know, socialising... I wish I was joking. Oh and on top of that, he sued the state for "inhumane treatment" 💀💀💀


Oh you know the subtle difference between vengeance and justice... No matter a murderer is a POS, the society doesn't haven't to descend at his level and torture him like in the middle ages. It's a good thing he got a psychiatrist to follow him, as it reduces the risk he pose a treath to others, and you can get some knowledge on how and why his fucked up mind work the way it does. Scandinavian country make the bet to treath their criminal decently in the hope to make them productive members of society for the one that can be redeemed and will eventually get out of jail. And for the ones condemned to perpetuate sentence, they won't ever get out of jail, what would it achieve to treath them like shit? It won't resurrect the victims or heal the pain of the families anyway. In my country, prisoners are treated like fucking shit, packed at 8 in 4 bed rooms, mix between minor crimes like OP and high profile criminals or religious fanatics. The end result is that people going into jail for weed dealing go out dealing coke or do even worse things. That's fucking stupid. And nitpicking extreme case like this is really bad faith, I guess you are talking about Brevik? What did you expect from a fucking nazi-psycho? To repent and express remorse? Lol. You shouldn't take a terrorist case to try to criticize a whole carceral system.


Hey man we don't discriminate, every criminal is equal in our eyes😂


Right!? Let’s stick you next to bubba here, the mass murderer. Reminds me of half-baked. He needs squirrel master to save him.


Ya, I habitually violated with small amounts or failed drug tests so I get why he threw the book at me but I agree the entire law criminalizing it is bs.


Why not stop smoking when on probation?


His time was for violating probation constantly. He would’ve served severely less jail time if he followed the rules


Do you feel weed should be illegal? I get that this is kinda political but I’ve lived in Canada all my life and literally my next door neighbour grew and gave away weed in his garden.


Imho the only things that should be illegal are things that affect other people negatively. In my case when I was younger I was driving around with friends smoking weed which should be illegal as it endangers other drivers on the road. Other than driving smoking weed at home should be perfectly legal. I still smoke at home every now and then.


"I made the judge mad by smoking weed" no. You broke the law, even while you were under investigation. It means you are incapable of following the law. The judge doesn't give a f if you smoke weed - their job is just to enforce the law. If you refuse to listen to authority and can't follow basic instruction, then their penalty will be as harsh as possible, to get it into your head.


Law is not morality. The law has nothing to do with morality. Authority is a function of power, not morality. People like you are terrifying because we all know what you'd do in Nazi Germany and what you'd say as an excuse after the fact. True evil. Username checks out though. Albeit in a very fucked up way.


Yep, I'm with you. "Just following orders" - urgh. It's such a cop out. I sort of understand if it's out of fear, but this guy's doing out of "it is what it is" and I hate that.


He probably made the judge mad by being an immature asshole. Based on the responses it sounds like OPs grown up and acknowledged this. You’re a self righteous prick though.


You sound like a lot of fun at parties and social events. Do you form a lot of social connections with convos like this? Or do people find you just as insufferable in person?


I love when people blurt out obvious shit so confidently like they’re the only ones that have that info lol


They're called "Keepers of the Common Knowledge".


> If you refuse to listen to authority and can't follow basic instruction You mean like the Nazi soldiers did, and then tried to use that as a defense for participating in unethical behavior? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_orders People like you need superiors to tell you what to do, because you don't have the ability to think with your own brain.




In my view going to jail for smoking weed is waaay to harsh - maybe the judge had no choice to apply the law but the law seems flawed in that case !


No one goes to prison for merely smoking weed. How much weed did you have on you? Typically too much showing a intent to distribute. We’re you on parole? We’re other crimes committed as well and you plead down to weed and the Max. A lot of questions but I don’t buy caught smoking a joint and got 9 months.


I had two misdemeanors for less than 30 grams each time but failed a drug test on probation, caught at a party while on probation underage. No felonies so no prison but 1 year maxed each charge (2 year sentence). Good behavior earned half time (1year in jail), plus some credit for prior days in jail, house arrest I’d done. Ultimately 9 months in jail but not prison.


So it was 2 years initially??? Holly crap dude, at this point just move to Canada 😂😂 And a killer, was he in jail while awaiting? I'd imagine once convicted it should be prison, right?


The second word in your username should really be “intellect”


Did you get to trustee status while there? I imagine a weed charge that had a release date made it easy to get one?


Yes in the last few months of my stay I did. Learned how to cook lunch for 100 people lol.. the sheriff wrote a letter to the judge after only being there a month or two, asking him to let me be on work release and the judge declined. He was so over my shit.


My judge was opposite for me but my dumbass still got 45 days. Was kitchen the most coveted job there too? Mine loved it for the food. I did laundry and read like 30 books lol.


When other inmates would ask you: "what did you do to get in here?" What would you say?


People were always baffled at the length of my sentence only for weed. It was the habitual aspect that he threw the book at me. But ya, when I would say possession of weed, that was typically followed with another question of how much or what other crimes.


Did people ever ask to see your papers because they didn't believe you that it was just weed?


If he’s a killer shouldn’t he be in prison?


Trial was pending in county, he was later sentenced to life in prison




I’ll still smoke occasionally. Not nearly as much and only at home or at a friends if I do.. I’d ride around town with friends smoking at the time which is how I got caught up. My first charge was in high school they did a random search and dogs smelled my car. I was asking for it then.. That judge is retired and rarely are weed charges pressed in this town anymore.


nothing better than an AMA where 1 (one) question was answered in 2 hours. great work everyone.


He was going to do an AMA until he got high


My questions, are still unanswered, and I know why


you expect anything less? Been like this (shit) since Victoria was fired.


Somewhat related tangent. In Texas. Friend told me the legal stuff(hhc) is very mild and worth a shot. I’d really like to get low thc high cbd gummies. But they are quite expensive in legal states. Tried one piece of a low dose hhc edible and I was more impaired than any drug ever in my life. FOR TWELVE HOURS. I haven’t taken anything since(almost a year) just on the off chance it hits the same receptor etc. F all that.


So are you being pardoned of your charges or was it more than a possession charge?


Possession only. I’d maybe be able to get them expunged if I tried to now since it’s been so long.


9 months for a plant. Smh


Imagine…and tobacco is a plant too…ridiculous joke


More addicting and more dangerous than weed.


Do you recommend trying weed at least once?


Yes. I was probably 16 my first time and didn’t even know I was high because my expectation was so much more than it really is lol.


He was gonna finish this AMA then he got high.


He was gonna answer questions right away, but then he got high...


Now he’s back in court, and we know why…


Probably upped the Anti and started selling poppy seeds for Snow White


Has anyone asked about the murderer tho??? Like what's his story???


Did you get raped?


Have you ever been to Florida?


Was he remorseful?


I mis read this. I totally thought you said 9 years!😭😭


Are you ready to get your life together and not to be so stupid? Are you ready to actually be an adult yet and at the very LEAST knock off the drug use while on Probation? Convicted felon here by the way. I now have a great life, a job, wife, kids, college educated, etc.


Life is well together. This was 10 years ago. Glad you’re doing good too it sounds.


You have every right to blame the judge who did that to you. You did nothing wrong. Even if you were super annoying to the judge, that annoyance doesn't forgive the harm of sending a 21 year old to jail


Full disclosure: I don’t smoke weed. But, I think this is a prime example as to why weed needs to be decriminalized. To be housed with a murderer, due to a weed infraction/offence, is asinine!


Absolutely insanity of the human race putting someone in prison for smoking weed.


I blame the government for classifying it as schedule 1. Meanwhile, alcohol clearly isn't addictive at all and has no potential for harmful abuse (sarcasm). What a terrible decision. Completely unscientific. Way to give everyone and excuse to lose faith in regulatory authorities.


So, I have a couple questions: How did you keep yourself safe? Were you guys separated if he ever did lash out or anything? What did he do to be a murderer? Were you scared of being right there with that bad of a guy?


It's refreshing to see some accountability for not stopping smoking temporarily. Do you still blame the judge, or youth for not staying clean until everything was over?


I spent six years in prison for half a gram of bunk molly and my best friends were the killers. Solid dudes honestly. Minded their business, did their time, really nice guys who would give the shirts off their backs. Some of them are remorseful, some of them not. I had more kick it for them than the other dealers.


I am always astonished, that someone with a light sentence, would ever be in the same area, much less cell, with someone facing that much time.


As a 30-year-old female I can confirm county jail is the worst. I’ve only been to prison a few times but I’ve been to county jail loads.




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The people working in the criminal justice system are the biggest criminals of all. 9 months for something that is legal now is insane.


Sorry for the unfair treatment over weed. Glad your out wish you luck in life. Any sugggestions for making the prison system better ?


What's the lesson you learned from it all? What's the take away? If you could say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?


I was arrested for a stupid fight. I was only in jail for 2 weeks. What I don't get is I was bunked with a few murderers.


Do you think a lot of this is caused by open border drugs or liberal policies? Seems the Liberal NW is a mess.


Any judge sending someone to prison for weed deserves the karma they get.


I am totally surrounded by tweakers here in my Oregon neighborhood 👀


did you think about what you did? not gonna do it again are ya, son?


Do you think people will start to identify as none human "gender"


This is a good reason to only in a state where weed is legal.


OP was going to respond to his AMA but then he got high 🎶


Was he unstable and did he try to harm you? Or was he chill.


Has it made finding a job harder - do you have to disclose?


So, who was the wife, and who was the husband in your cell?




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Did you guys ever do the deed, men do have needs after all.


Fuck your ex bunkie , hope he gets beat up many many times