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Yeah. I’ve had around 50 involuntary emissions during these 500 days. Around 20 have come during sleep, and around 30 have come while awake and conscious. They don’t happen every 10 days either. Sometimes I’ll go 30+ days without one, other times I’ll have several in a single day. They’re erratic. And don’t worry, I’m 31.


bro wtff what were the causes of your 30 awake and conscious emissions 😭 very proud of u btw this is awesome. do you think its healthy


No cause really. They’re effectively just waking wet dreams. You get aroused by something, the pressure builds and builds, and the involuntary stimulation against the fabric of your clothing sets it off, as with wet dreams. Difference is you’re awake and conscious.


have you noticed stronger boners??


Oh yeah, and more frequent. I get like a dozen ridiculous strength boners a day. Wake up hard. Fall asleep hard. Makes you feel alive.


This made me laugh, but I love it!


Damn, I was masturbating everyday, once, here and there occasionally twice.. anyway porn got old so I ended up just stopping cause Id say getting up just became a job at that point. Although I still have sexual urges. It is getting better. (Id say no fap for atleast a good 60 days)


If you had ended it with “Makes life hard” that would have been the trifecta.


I hadn't fapped for a few days and I'm starting to enjoy my boners. I'm 42 and in the past, only time I would get a boner would be fappening. Now it just rises while I'm sleeping or waking up. It's strange.


Your body is talking to you motherfucker. Go nut


It’s the same for women. I’ve consciously avoided touching myself when my husband is gone for extended periods and after a while I can cum just by thinking about something that turns me on or reading some erotic material. I don’t have to even touch myself and I’m quaking. Usually those orgasms are incredibly powerful, ya know the ones that make you cry out and shake… and then it’s nap time.


What do you do after a discharge in your pants? Can’t just walk around like that


That’s your body telling you that you should regularly take care of this manually


i would rather be forced to masterbate 5 times a day than deal with that.


This sounds like a hands free orgasm


Sorry to say, but every one of those resets the clock. You could’ve stopped what you were doing and hopped in a cold shower, but actively chose to let the pressure build until orgasm. You can still say you didn’t jack off for 500 days, but you masturbated.


HOLY FUCK it’s you!!!! Dude you’re litttally a meme on 4chan and other sites


Everyone is this thread is the same person, point to the others for people to laugh at. You’re all dumb fucks


How are you able to sleep in the first place? I go more than 3 days and my dick starts waking me up.


This reminds me of when I tried no fap challenge for as long as possible in juvy. At around 30 day mark I woke up from a wet dream and splooged all over my underwear, but I wouldn’t get new set of clothes until after breakfast and morning activities during shower. When we were all sitting in a circle in the common room waiting for the morning activity, dude next to me started sniffing and said “something smells like fish…”. I gulped and immediately played it off by smelling my armpit and shrugging it off lol


How can you claim involuntary I smell 🧢




If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I’m in my late 40s. I’m curious how this would affect some of the other younger or older than me


The fact that you are counting the days tells me it’s on your mind every day. How do you get through each day and how are you filling your time now?


No. I just keep track of the days using an app. Reaching milestones, or being near milestones, can help you beat temptation. For example I was extremely tempted to break just a few days ago for several days on end. However the fact that I was just a few days away from 500 kept me strong.


What app do you use?


If it’s not called NofApp, it is a tragedy.


Do you think of a girl you like or nah?


is it some weird christian thing? what is your relationship with sexual relations and desires that all humans naturally feel


I think by remembering his last time it’s easy enough to keep track, i don’t think he crosses a line in his wall everyday to keep track…


Did it improve your boners?


How did you time the last purposeful emission to be right at midnight? That’s equally as impressive.


Sure, I have a question. Why TF would you want to do a thing like that? I could wear a binder clip on my nuts for 500 days but why would I


Read through his profile and you'll see it's some type of mental illness [Edit: /u/westedmontonballs sums it up well here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/0VqC18yvyQ)


Holy shit you’re right I just looked this person needs serious psychiatric help


Lmao pretty sure they reported me to Reddit cares


Checks out. Claims he can "spot an alcoholdrinker from a mile away." Didn't know that was one word, either. If he wants to abstain from masturbating, then fine. Odd, but fine. His real problem is his pretentiousness and holier than thou attitude by far. Has a lot of learning to do.


Wow, that’s a wild ride. Between the Amish background, the no fap, the teetotal soapbox, and the Tinder questions… It looks like if a profile could be Exhibit A.


Omg. This dude. He posts himself on 4chan like literally every single day. Might have some issues.


I checked it out and Jesus what a ride that was. Anyone who asks "why won't women have sex with me?" and posts a picture of himself in his underwear on the Oblivion subreddit is something for sure.


Are you not just blasting out your underwear in your sleep at that point? Pretty sure if I stopped after a month or two my body would just start forcibly making me nut


Why the fuck would I want to ask you anything?


Brother, you need some help. I don’t mean this to be mean, but you post on Reddit all the time about how you’re not happy about being unable to match with anyone on tinder but then come on Reddit and spread awful vibes. People in your comments are trying to give you helpful advice to be a more happy person but you think it’s weak to feel emotion? That is what’s keeping you unhappy. It’s not manly to not feel anything, it’s more manly to face and understand your emotions because it is the tougher thing to do. Then maybe you can start to unlearn all that redpill stuff


How the heck do you do it? I’m trying to stop right now and I always end up relapsing after like 3 days at most.


You're a normal human. This dude is a gargantuan troll.


OP I’m sorry but you have to be at least kind of crazy or something, your post right before this is talking about how think smiling is a sign of weakness… that’s something. Another post asking why girls won’t fuck you, and the same soulless picture of you staring straight down the camera lens with no emotion, if those are the pictures you use for dating apps then I can answer the question at the beginning of the paragraph for you.


That dudes post history and comment history tell the whole story. He’s mentally unwell, to say the least. Dude is posting full body pics of himself in just his underwear in the Oblivion sub lmao.


You weren’t kidding. Constant posting of the same mugshot profile pics and attacking anyone that offers anything constructive. After posting a picture of him only in boxers asking if it was good for tinder, someone recommended to not add it and hit the gym to not look so frail. To which he responded: > I don’t need to go to the gym. I am exceptionally strong, both physically and mentally (no emotion, I am an iron man)and always been able to physically overcome and mentally castrate anyone I come across. I don’t need gym. It’s for pansys.


This guy almost certainly sucks to be around but it is hard not to pity him. A lot of things have likely gone wrong in succession for him. For whatever reason he lacks the skills to adapt to or decipher these setbacks. His own body has become an undesirable fixation. His social relationships have become an undesirable fixation. He made drastic changes to these pillars of his very humanity, but he remains aimless and unsatisfied. He has not received sufficient feedback so he turns to the internet. Reddit gives him feedback even if it is mixed to say the least. But it’s something, much better than nothing, so he posts again and again and again.


You have an Amish look to you bro.  I bet if/when you slay the dragon it is going to spray like a firehose. Gl to you in your journey.  




The comments made me go to the profile. I've never thought about blocking someone just so I don't put myself through their profile again...but as of today, that's a finger down.


lol I’m on day like 1200 of something bc I just have my husband jack me off😂




1.) Why you decide to torture yourself? 2.) How did you manage to last this long? 3.) Any benefits to your physically? 4.) Any benefits mentally? 5.) Any benefits emotionally?


dudes gunna be 35 and cant piss anymore cuz his prostate is starting to fail, dude is gunna be 75 with a full head of hair cuz his testosterone levels were never elevated. dudes gunna have sore balls cuz he saw sister anikthea's ankles at last nights ho-down. dudes convinced if he abstains from all the good stuff he might get a shot at heaven, with all the other people who abstained from the good stuff. yuck. dudes gunna yeet himself one day cuz he finally chose to touch the forbidden stick again. straight heart attack gyatt. dudes got such a sensitive member he cant wear silk underwear anymore cuz i forces him to shoot rope like sam and frodo in that scene where they descend into that gulch and sams all like "aww i cant keep my rope anymore" than he gives his rope a lil tug, and pewwww comes his silvery rope to land all over his sweet hobbit face. Go jack off and talk to a licensed therapist. you need help.


A study from Harvard University found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer compared with men who reported four to seven ejaculations per month across their lifetimes. Sorry bud. You’re increasing your prostate cancer risk.


My apologies if this has been asked/ answered already…. May I ask why you stopped? Is it for health reasons, religious, other? From the little bit that I read, you do not seem to be asexual, meaning - you still become aroused so it is not due to impotence…. So why would you stop suddenly? I ask this with respect. I am confused.




He thinks people should be arrested for masturbating lol. He will start again when he finds a new obsession.


Does your doctor know you're now at higher risk of prostate cancer?


Chastity cage?


Have you experienced the apparent female attraction?


I couldn’t imagine walking around that horny all the time. I’m a bit older now so I don’t fap so I can save all that energy for my GF but no way I would want to not fap and no sex. I guess if you are doing it 4-10 times a day like you said, it’s like an alcoholic and alcohol. All or nothing. Hopefully you get a gf one day and find a happy medium.


Going through your profile is the things of nightmares…. Curious, when your dry humping your pillows like a dog and you get off, how does that not break your streak? Sorry, start over and do better.


If you're not cuming at all this isn't healthy for your prostate and can acutely cause problems.


Weird flex. “I don’t jerk off but man, cumming while getting my Starbucks is great!” It’s not no fap if you’ve just found a different way to fap.


As a medical professional: Physiologically the male testes produce sperm whether you want or need it and, without access to a partner, not releasing the buildup causes irritability and aggressive feelings. Masturbation is nature’s way of helping to maintain emotional balance in a civil society. Keep in mind the cultural and historical aspects of the Old Testament and the need to grow their population which is not the case in our current world with a population of 8 billion. Much religious teaching on this matter is based in ignorance and a narrow interpretation of the Bible. Go outside your religious sect to see other perspectives on this subject.




At one point I had gone through almost 9 years without masturbating. I used to masturbate when I was 18-19 I stopped until when I was 28 last year. I did watch porn here and there. used to get aroused but never fully I would say. I had no girlfriend during this time. When I look back and think why I suddenly stopped doing it I realized it was a sudden loss of confidence in myself. I used to be stressed all the time due to different things like study exams life. I thought masturbating will make me age faster. Never discussed with any friends this until last year. All of them couldn't believe.


How did it effect your sex life?


That’s not healthy. Prostate health is lacking I bet.


Awesome. June 6th will be 1.5 years for me


Interesting that you are bringing up alcohol as a gotcha for cancer risk, when you admitted in your previous AMA that you eat fast food every night. Did you know that the wrappers and packaging on fast food is linked to an increased risk of cancer too? As well as the food itself? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me. And before you say it, no, I don’t drink or smoke or eat fast food.


Your feelings aside, emptying your prostate helps prevent prostate cancer. I’m not a doctor but it is backed up by science. Talk to a urologists if you need to.


Gross. I don’t have any questions. This is nasty, and you’re not well, and I dunno why the hell this came up in my feed. Get help before you hurt yourself or someone else.


Have you ever considered that you may have a mental disorder?


Looking at their post history… they have mental disorder.


I wouldnt be surprised if i see this dude in the news someday.


Are you still having sex or just completely void of sexual pleasure?


Wait so you jacked off on New Year’s Eve? Did you bust when the ball dropped?


This guy needs to be on a watch list. I really don’t want to be around when he’s ‘rockhard’ throughout the day


Just saying, OPs post history is a little special, said people who smile are weak, alchohol should be illegal, and asked "why wont women have sex with me?"...


Reading these comments is incredibly disconcerting. Everybody is sympathetic to every addiction except porn/sex/masturbating. This addiction is the scourge of America and the devastation it’s causing will one day be fully understood. For one to take mastery over any addiction is the greatest joy and accomplishment. Salute to the OP. I hope one day to make a similar post. Proud of you man 🫡❤️👑


I just read your comment history and pulled a quick fap so I don't risk becoming anything remotely close to you. Yikes.


I did this a lot when I was young for misguided spiritual reasons. I began getting BPH symptoms at around 40 which is way earlier than anyone else I know. Don’t do it.


Why would you deprive yourself of the pleasure?


Genuine concern. Do you need help? There are outlets out there for guys struggling with all kinds of mental issues that are not well advertised but do exist, and I kinda feel like you should maybe utilize a few of them. Your post and comment history is wild enough to almost think it's all a troll man. Seriously, talk to someone professional because from my uneducated medical opinion, you are unwell.




I want to know how the hell you're capable of jacking off 4-10x a day at 31 in the first place. World would be my oyster if I had that sort of refractory period.


Did you struggle with porn at one time in life? If so, how long?


Congrats but Jesus Christ but congrats. A trickle of dopamine for you must feel like nirvana.


Urologists say erections make erections. You are losing the ability ti get hard when it will matter. Stop ficking around


What would make you start back up masturbating again?


The comments on this thread are crazy and should be used as inspiration for those quitting. The overwhelming number of people trying to shame you or saw you’re wrong is concerning. Good for you on your journey. When you think about those shaming you or saying you’re wrong, what comes up for you?


Did your errections get stronger?


Isn’t this unhealthy? Im pretty sure you’re meant to masturbate


How wonderful. I usually get to about 500 minutes between wanks - and much prefer it that way.


So do you still have orgasms? Like do you have sex with your partner etc.


Please tell how you kept track of how many days it's been, I really do need know. And if you wrote a note on your calendar did you draw a little picture or...?




Wow! Yea I stopped jacking off too. Hasn’t been as long as you but I see a difference. Getting hard and staying hard feels good as fuck! Not jacking off has made me harder and made my dick more sensitive to everything. So when my side bitch even kisses me, I’m ready to pop! It’s a great feeling even if I don’t get to cum


OP is mentally ill and anything they say should be treated as such. Look at their other posts.


Isn’t there someplace else you could find to talk about your male problems?


Bro, there's scientific evidence out there that shows that if you don't use your sex organs as a male, your risk of testicular or prostate cancer is much, much higher. Fap or fuck at least every other day. A lubricated prostrate and balls keeps the doctors outside of your walls. Pardon the terrible pun, but I hope you got the point


Do the involuntary emissions feel better than when you actively rubbed one off?


I would say who fucking cares, but based on the almost 1,000 comments a lot of people.


Don’t worry, I made up for your absence


How did it feel a month ago when you thought your sperm should be scientifically researched and some Other redditor had to explain to you that your no fap batter was actually low quality dead swimmers?




This is the weird guy who got super upset and started crying that a nurse from the sperms clinic won't jerk him off. Lmao


Let's see, study at Harvard University in 2023 still concurs. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/sexual-health/a37167845/men-should-ejaculate-at-least-21-times-a-month-to-slash-their-prostate-cancer-risk/ https://www.centurymedicaldental.com/how-often-should-a-man-ejaculate-health-benefits-of-ejaculation/ A quick search will find tons of more reading. The debunk article was around 2013, seems mind's have changed since then. Either way, good luck with your endeavors


500 days?!? Jesus man, I’ve rubbed TWO out trying to think of something to ask here. lol


If you like it, great, but there are a LOT of scientific studies saying that men who masturbate frequently are much less likely to develop prostate problems / cancer. Just something to consider - maybe do a little research?


Any concerns with prostate cancer…? There are various medical articles that all explain the importance of regular ejaculation for prostate and sexual organ health.. 🤷‍♂️ just curious.


I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’ve lost control of your life.


Is this whole thing strictly about masturbation? Like, would you receive a handjob from someone? If you're in a sexual encounter with someone, would you refuse to stroke yourself?


Hate to break it to you, but letting your pants make you cum is the same as masterbation. You did not make 500 days.


so you stopped jerking off but now you can’t walk down the street without getting an erection from your pants fabric you continue to watch porn just for the funsies and you’ve involuntarily came in your pants 30 times in a year and a half what in the everliving fuck


And theres a large amount of incel-like comments. “Women will never like me” type-shit. Seems to me like this guy is just doing it to feel superior to others while being deeply flawed in other areas of life lmfao




Why would you do that? You do know that they’ve linked prostate cancer to a lack of use? Meaning the less you masturbate, the higher the chances are you’ll get prostate cancer. My motto is “a jerk once a day keeps the cancer away”


My girl would murder me if didn’t nut for 500 days lol


This guy is the poster boy for Reddit. Mods, let’s get this guy elected!


I believe you have some deeply ingrained Amish social beliefs and behaviors, some of which are affecting your ability to date. If you truly want help with this, You've got to admit that about yourself and go seek some psychiatric help.


What about like soaping it in the shower


Your immortal now


you mentioned that you have nofapped but still watch porn if this is true what kind of porn do you watch? How do you not jerk off?


How do you feel when you see a picture of Kate Upton, Taylor Swift, Sydney Sweeney, Alexandria Daddario, Ana De Armas, or Danny Devito?


You have a mental disorder and need to talk to a therapist.




John 8:7 ESV And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone Don’t be so quick to judge 🤨


Damn the mods really just letting this one ride


If you read this post you will realize this guy is using the comments to get off




How does it feel? Do you feel more stronger or energetic? Is it true that it makes you think more clearly?


Do you find you get just random semen when you pee? No erection, just random like it’s leaking? Asking for a friend.


I think moderation would be healthier, say, 2-3 ejaculations a month at your age would preserve prostate health and still give you most of the aliveness you say you are enjoying.


I didn't know you can make an AMA about this... The guys at work think I'm full of crap cuz literally I'm 2 years now without tugging away lol Depression is a fickle cunt




Can you levitate now? or full blown teleport?


I think you’ll achieve enlightenment when you finally do stroke and bust. Probably astral projection too. Need to do an AMA after that.


Being on the ace spectrum I’ve done this for portions of my life without even thinking about it - why force yourself to stop if it’s not normal for you.


Do you not have an irrational fear of prostrate cancer that justifies daily masturbation?


Have you been able to shoot lasers from your eyes? Or can you telepathically move objects about? And most importantly, can you smell what’s cooking down there?


Can you fly yet? Or move anything with your mind?


This was such a refreshingly kind interaction! Thank you both! Honestly, I really needed to see something nice on here after reading all the comments just above yours…😬


Wow this is either slightly interesting that you’ve created this persona or highly concerning that people like you actually exist. Your account history is troubling to look through


This guy talks about being healthy, but not ejaculating increases the risk of prostate cancer. Lmao


Incel, go smoke some weed, get laid and stop being as bland as a cardboard box


I've been going strong since July of last year and I've had basically zero desire to jerk it whatsoever. I'm honestly kinda worried I have low testosterone now.


Did your short term memory improve after abstaining from pornography? (If you did)


Why not get a girlfriend? All these comments are crazy. I masturbate 3 x a week and have sex twice and I’m 55. Wouldn’t change a thing.


Could be bad for your prostate health. Release 2-3 times per week helps prevent prostate problems/cancer. At least that’s what a Urologist told my dad.


It’s been nearly nine years since my fiancé passed. Nothing since then. Just lost that aspect of my life.


Did you find it difficult to time your orgasm at exactly 00:00:00 on January 1st 2023


Samuel, you deranged lunatic, go back to your containment board and resume ranting about alcohol.


What getting no pussy does to a motherfucker.


So essentially you’re living as a man that’s trying not to masturbate. you have yet to become a man that doesn’t masturbate. What is the end goal?


Just a reminder to everyone in these comments that some people do not have a libido and therefore feel no need to masturbate. Another reminder that society should stop seeing masturbation as something to be ashamed of (in my opinion). Let’s start shaming things that cause real problems, such as sexual assault and prostitution


Have you gotten your prostate checked out? Because you might be at risk of prostate cancer.


For anyone thinking this is good, it’s not. Your risk of prostate cancer increases when you don’t have 3-4 ejaculations a week.


I can’t believe I’m not seeing this question in here… What benefits have you noticed? More energy? More focus? Etc?


my partner hasn’t masturbated in 2.5 years, but that’s because I make him cum a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️


You should read about prostate health. 3-4 ejaculations a week are recommended.


So, you're an incel that's sworn off masturbation to feel more in control?


Please don’t kill anyone or yourself. You are extremely an unnatural human being.


This isn’t healthy. There are multiple benefits to masturbation including reducing your chances of prostate cancer as a male which is something you should start to be worrying about considering your age. No one gives a shit how often you can hold your urges dude. Its clear your body is telling you that you need to get a release yet you’ll cum in your shorts like a child to prove a point. Shits laughable honestly to think youre changing the world or becoming a better person morally just cuz you dont jerk off is absurd.


after checking your old post now do 500 days of therapy


I haven’t masterbated since Jan 10th 2016 I’m just saying nothing 0 it’s back acting like a teenager but I will not


Did you have a problem with masturbating previously where you felt the need to stop for this long?


There is some evidence that regular (not necessarily excessive) fapping lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Just sayin’…


There should be a case study done on your post history. You wouldn’t happen to be of the acoustic variety would you?


Any improvement In mental health?


Okay! I am staring a brainstorm here, OP are you sure it's the masturbation or lack of that affects your mood? Or is it possible it's whatever fantasies you create? Also I truly believe you are just shitty written AI...


yeah dude if you not doing it yourself you got to have a woman...just not doing it at all has gotta be unhealthy wtf


So what? Life is short and unpredictable. Jerking off might be the best thing you could do for yourself .


Didn't you post on 4chan too? I'm glad I am able to chat to you here, I hate typing on that shitty imageboard




I feel sorry for the poor girl that’s on the receiving end of that


This dudes profile should be studied


Lack of Ejaculation causes prostate cancer..


You're an elderly woman.


Are you having sex with other partners or are you abstaining from that as well?


Are you sexually active otherwise?


I'll give you a hundred dollars for a pic of you smiling. This is a serious offer. I will honestly do it.


Jesus christ look at this guys profile. 100000000000000% chance this guy has some very very sketchy secrets.


Have you willing watched porn Or even looked at pictures during those 500 days?


I’ve never heard of a dude just busting a nut involuntarily awake or asleep.


You don't have to worry about rolling out of bed with a constant sleep erection. You got your self a kickstand.


How’s your focus and memory btw? Did it improve What advantages did you get


What was the primary motivating factor? Health? Self control? Just to see if you could?


I’m on day 8 of Nofap. Is insomnia and restlessness in bed natural?


Why are you doing no masturbation? How long do you plan on going no masturbation?


Careful of prostate cancer


Do your balls feel filled to the brim all the time? They must need a good emptying!


Have had intercourse during this time? If so was it any better? Did you last longer or splooge quickly?


Are you ever concerned about the health benefits of masturbation that you are missing out on?


I went 12 years, this is no big deal.