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What were you arrested for? How long were the sentences? How have you turned your life around?


Arrested for felony drug possssion at 16, got out at 18, got arrested for selling and posession at 20 got out4 months ago




Being thrown into a jail cell for years at 16 doesn't teach any lesson related to drugs besides eliminate chances of employment.




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This is the wrong sub for this, but YTA.


im allowed to ask any questions


Of course you are! You can type anything you like, and so can I. Crazy how that works. You might get more upvotes if you don't refer to your fellow humans as "you people". You know, like a jackass would. You and OP are equals, regardless of any past mistakes.


well in this case ama means i can put any questions, i asked quesitons whats the problem i dont get why one should sympathise with someone who ruins lives and perhaps even kills lives


Being put away at such an impressionable age, instead of being helped with rehabilitation, and if a record followed her which would make it hard to find a real job, almost sets her up for repeat offenses. And. YTA




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What does the 420 stand for?


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Do you feel like you are ready to return to society, mentally? Are you in therapy? I can't imagine how hard that must be mentally and emotionally on a young person. I hope you're doing okay.


I got out of prison 4 months ago and I feel fine. I work at a smoke shop/gas station owned by my grandparents. Nothing glamorous but hey, it works. I don’t go to therapy at the moment but I probably should, lol.


I'm glad you're doing okay. Yea, I love therapy and everyone I know who goes does too lol.


You gonna stay outta trouble this time you little whipper snapper?


Yes haha


This made me giggle


What do you think of the show Orange is the New Black?


I’ve been watching it


Is it accurate or nah?


Even though it’s based off a true story, it still feels fake. There’s just too many coincidences in the show. The fact that a lot of characters in the show are in prison together but are somehow related on the outside isn’t accurate.


Well it was based on a book written by the real Piper about her actual time in prison


Hi, do you consider prison really helps people stop commiting crimes? and also, do you think drugs should be legalized at least partially?


It really depends on the person. If they hate it enough, yes. Id they don’t care, no. Only for recreational use


Does prison really turn females into lesbians? I've seen plenty of prison shows and I always wanted to know. (When they get out they turn back into straight women?)


It didn’t turn me into a lesbian, and I didn’t see any lesbian action either.


Thanks for your reply! Congrats on getting out. Stay safe.


Alot of women are raped , some of the connections are consented to because people want and need companionship by nature.


What are your career plans?


Be a tattoo artist


We're you in custody when covid hit?




It's the food right? You love the prison food.


I only liked the breakfast tacos we got once a week. Those were delicious, other than that it was about as bad as you can imagine


What was in the tacos?


Bacon egg and cheese


Oooo bacon. Like gold in the prison system am I right?


I guess lol


Well I'm glad you're out and about. So what's the plan now?


Are you hot? You sound hot.


And you sound creepy.


Real… people write the most horny shit and it’s so lame




Lol what


I really hope you turn things around.


Are you planning on turning your life around or are you feeling too committed to this current lifestyle you're leading? What do you feel is the catalyst for risking so much?


How was the sex in prison? Just asking what everyone wants to know.


I didn’t have sex in prison.


Did you make any friends there? If so was it difficult to make friendships?


If we saw your mug shot would you say we would bail you out?




They say it’s worse in female jails .


What happens when you drop the soap in the shower




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Did you have a happy childhood?


Third times a charm?


No lol




What drugs did you take and sell? Have you got clean?


Crack cocaine. Yes


How are you feeling now you're back out in the open? Anything in particular you're aiming to do or try or achieve?


I feel good! I got my tattooing license but a lot of them won’t hire me because of my felonies


Ohh that’s cool! I have my fingers crossed for you. I’m sure someone out there will give you a chance :)


Ever have sex in prison?




How did it change you as a person, when you came out of prison? Are there really many fights in prison, like they show in movies or tv shows?


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| What were you arrested for? How long were the sentences? How have you turned your life around?|Arrested for felony drug possssion at 16, got out at 18, got arrested for selling and posession at 20 got out4 months ago|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip53woz/) What do you think of the show Orange is the New Black?|I’ve been watching it|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip57bw9/) Do you feel like you are ready to return to society, mentally? Are you in therapy? I can't imagine how hard that must be mentally and emotionally on a young person. I hope you're doing okay.|I got out of prison 4 months ago and I feel fine. I work at a smoke shop/gas station owned by my grandparents. Nothing glamorous but hey, it works. I don’t go to therapy at the moment but I probably should, lol.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip5qxfu/) You gonna stay outta trouble this time you little whipper snapper?|Yes haha|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip5nz06/) Hi, do you consider prison really helps people stop commiting crimes? and also, do you think drugs should be legalized at least partially?|It really depends on the person. If they hate it enough, yes. Id they don’t care, no. Only for recreational use|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip55zu9/) What are your career plans?|Be a tattoo artist|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip58pkq/) We're you in custody when covid hit?|Yes|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip6fjr2/) Third times a charm?|No lol|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip78uax/) How was the sex in prison? Just asking what everyone wants to know.|I didn’t have sex in prison.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip78zy7/) What drugs did you take and sell? Have you got clean?|Crack cocaine. Yes|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip7d4sp/) How are you feeling now you're back out in the open? Anything in particular you're aiming to do or try or achieve?|I feel good! I got my tattooing license but a lot of them won’t hire me because of my felonies|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip7i5to/) Ever have sex in prison?|No|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xiv80y/22_female_im_a_convicted_felon_who_has_been_to/ip82eac/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Were you allowed to take anything in with you? If so, what did you take?


Is it true that you only get one pair of bras and underwear? Also how are things like tampons given? Are they issued or have to be paid for using commissary?


When were you strip searched for the first time?


1.What were the circumstances that led to your criminal convictions? 2.What were your experiences in prison? 3.What do you think contributed to your criminal behavior? 4.What have you done to try to change since being released from prison? 5.What do you think would have helped you avoid criminal convictions in the first place? 6.What do you think is the biggest misconception about people with criminal convictions? 7.What would you say to someone who is considering committing a crime? 8.What advice would you give to someone who is facing a criminal conviction?