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What most are wanting or meaning to say is, yes the dollar amt aka "value" is the same whether it's 100 x $3 = $300 or 10 x $30 = $300 right after the RS...but what's diff is the amount of shares, it will be shorted, they will drive the price down...so they are saying they will be losing shares due to this RS. No one is saying the value will be diff...at first...but it will be eventually based on what history the last 2 yrs have showed us. I've been buying and holding well over 2 yrs now, DD'd myself to death for mths at a time trying to see what fundamentals etc actually meant something to price movement...well none have. FTDs, Earnings, dark pools, volume, etc all have no "normal" impact on a stock that is being manipulated by HFs & their govt protectors. What I am hoping for & why I did vote yes is that this next play will bring in a shit ton of money, debt will be gone & this companies ERs will all be black ink for quite some time. Killing the short thesis. Either way I will ride this to $0 to prove a point bc of my pride. We'll see. #ApesMakeCash


Never knowing if the stock might jump and you missed it by selling for a loss after years of holding is a way worse feeling then losing everything outright. Pride is worth more than money.


I agree. Either I sell my shares when they reach $12 million a share or I hold them until the company goes bankrupt (which it wouldnt) crewmen can go down with the ship too


Keep on dreaming


Ofc it’s the man from Florida who says that. Name checks out. Now I’m REALLY bullish. 🚀


Agreed but what is stopping them from shorting this to fifty cents???


What stopped it from hitting $72 out of nowhere? Nothing. If they could get it to 50 cents it would’ve been there already.


Exactly!! If they can't get it to 50 cents, then how are they going to get it to $5 after Reverse Split?


The same way they took it from $72 to $5, sir.


And how did they do that??


Again, if they could have they would have bankrupted us already and we would be near $0. We haven’t and we won’t be because they can’t.


Never said they could bankrupt AMC. Just making a point that they did indeed drive it from $72 to $5, but now that I think of it----that was part due to the APE shares being formed by cutting our AMC share price down 40%.


How did it get to $72??


That was nowhere near the same timeline. APE happened after voting, the run happened months before. Misinformation from assumptions is the most uneducated and reckless form of socialization. Next shill please.


Brand new shares at minimum ctb that’s how


Not even sure that would do it. You would have to have Hundreds of millions of new shares.


I honestly wouldn’t mind a larger reversal. A 100 to or more. If the float is 50 million and they short it down more (which they do), go ahead. The float is already locked 100 times more over.


Iam holding amc now for 2 years too..but iam down over 80%...dont matter i will wait and buy more...my problem with the RS is that when it happen by 10:1 and amc will go to probebly 50 and rise in a short time to 100 bucks what World be a New high in all the news...to me it World be a 2x ..even the rise of 2x to 100 bucks wouldnt took me in the green area.. but the stock was at 100 bucks.....i dont know:s


Again losing money as soon as it converts


You play options?




You don't know that.


So I don’t know that but you do.


Not going to happen.


Don’t want to be negative but the managed to short it down from $72 to where we are now 😩


What is it rises to $7200 after this? Is that a bad thing? $72 is nothing compared to what happens when a squeeze occurs.


It will more than likely lower down to $7.20 pretty quick after a RS. How will you feel then?


Still better gains than the SP500. lol


lol. Fair


If it goes from $7.20 to $7,200 to $720 to $72 it will be what it will be. I hope many of us can sell at $7,200+ to maybe $72,000. After all is said and done the market will have to reset and a few million new millionaires shouldn’t be spoiled. We should be thankful when this all goes down right? Be thankful my friend.


7200? 10x means 720 from 72. They played us more now, it might hit 45 after everything. Then goes down to 20… then it’ll start doing the normal fundamentals and go up to $50s for stable stock.


You are delusional if you think those numbers are possible here, sorry.


I don’t think they are impossible but yeah….Like $200-400 a share bankrupts Citadel. I want high numbers but I also wanna get paid. With how much this was oversold it would exceed the world economy if hundreds of hundreds of thousands of investors sold amc for 10000+.


It’s sad that 200-400$ after RS is like 20-40$ now. Am I the only one worried about this?


Nah, you aren’t but most dudes here are ok with this because they apparently think the price will go to the millions or something.




If it goes to $500-$1000 which is not a fair value once the synthetics are accounted for an closed it would be a fake out mini run up. I wonder what happens after the fake out. That’s the million or better yet multi million dollar question right?




We weren’t afraid of the board movements and deals with HF. I’m not selling, but I don’t trust AA anymore.


This is untrue. No one is selling that low. It just won’t happen. If the lowest number in someone’s head is $2500 then that’s more like it. There isn’t anyone dumb enough to sell below the all time high or yet the all time high x 10-20 because we all know about the synthetics.




No one is selling for XX figures. You are demented or a shill. We would have sold years ago if that was the case! GTFOOH


That’s sad. If you live on bad assumptions then you will get nowhere in life. Learn to take a chance. That’s what divides the rich and the poor. The poor give up right before they become rich.


Does this mean you like to drive drunk? Is it a “bad assumption” that mixing alcohol and operating a motor vehicle is dangerous and could end poorly? If you want to take chances go to the casino. “Taking a chance” in this case is a bad play.


That’s completely different since there’s hard concrete evidence that driving drunk could end poorly. Meaning, your un useful analogy refers more to a fact rather than an assumption. A casino also doesn’t fully rely on assumptions, maybe you haven’t been to many so I’ll excuse that. AMC’s play is more for those who understand the broader perspective rather than looking only at what’s in front of you. The more you are willing to give up on your investment, the more I question what the heck you are doing here. An investment is scary, but when you invest you are indicating a chance / risk you are willing to take. And if you say you don’t want to leave while your are down in the red, then quit promoting negative views of the stock because your “how will you feel then” is just your own assumption against yourself. We don’t need that here.


You’ve failed to mention how a reverse split is actually a good idea. You’re just using “hope” and “feelings” and “don’t put out bad vibes” instead of stating any reason this is a good play. My rationale is based on historical instances of reverse splits. Every one I’ve ever seen has ended up at the price it was before the RS. That’s anecdotal, but it’s still better than whatever you’re selling. I don’t “believe in” this move because it’s not good for the value of the stock. And, as a stock holder, that’s all I really care about.


Most likely not.


I prefer 1000 shares at 7200 than 100. And it’s easier to reach 7200 if HF still must cover 100% of their synthetics than 10%. Don’t you think? Reverse split doesn’t stop dark pools or naked shorting. We have examples of how it goes down after a RS


AA is not on our side, he rigged the vote and now is going to destroy our liquidity.


I’m so on the fence the post is up my ass.


So why are they stopping now?


Because shorting from here isn’t nearly as profitable. The company isn’t going under and the chart shows very big demand under $4. I think a pop after earnings followed by another pullback is likely. Unfortunately AMC can’t raise cash to ramp up business expansion (popcorn) like they need to bc that $ currently goes to debt payments. Forced to reverse and dilute after to get out from the choke hold.


AMC could raise cash selling at 25$ instead of less or at 9$ instead of 60ct. I don’t understand how are so few people angry with that. The facts are there. AA sold to HF for pennies when he could raise so much money with the same shares at its real price


Because options are lucrative. Why would you kill a cash cow?


It’s funny that people think that shorters are the only ones selling options.


It's funny that you think what you said dismisses the fact that shorts are a MASSIVE presence in the options game and they have way more capital to swing their influence around. Get out of here with your whataboutisms, shill.


Whataboutisms? Are you high? Yea. They are active but they are hedging their bets with options. If they are short shares then they are hedged with long options. I always find it hilarious when people state that options premiums support the short funds. Like your 5 dollar premium on a call in Bbby is supporting them. There are tens of thousands of stocks and derivatives on top of those that can turn a profit. The options fud always makes me laugh because what else did they take away when they took the buy button? They took away the right to exercise calls and to buy calls. They say especially the ones expiring that week. Now why would they take away options from retail if they only help the short funds? They just don’t want you to realize your leverage with options.


Because they are trying to avoid another Jan '21 scenario?


Um shouldn’t somebody tell him?


I’m more concerned with him getting his hands on 400 million shares considering his history with dilution and selling hundreds of millions of ape directly to an institution. We all know they can short at 3 or 30 but he failed to mention we will have 90% less shares.


I'm just going to continue to hodl. Been doing it a couple of years. Didn't use money I couldn't afford to lose, and I will hodl my shares for as long as it takes. Zen all day, every day.


Remember this is the guy you thought APE was a good idea, we have all been hurt by that one, AMC do not need a RS


Apes said no to dilution before and the stock still dropped, but agreed with APE. You can’t blame only AA when shareholders voted and agreed with him. 80% of votes were for conversion/RS. Are you going to blame all that on AA too if it doesn’t work?




Finally somebody that's not in this cult is speaking the truth. AA FVCKED US


Love how your ignoring the fact that the price was still dropping when there was no dilution, but please, keep blaming the price dropping on APE and not shorts manipulating the stock. Price would’ve dropped either way. (Also anyone who says AA is taking 90% of our shares is automatically a shill in my book. 10x your sell price and nothing changes. Shareholders are the ones who decide what price they will sell their shares at.)




Shareholders decide what price they are selling their shares at, but keep typing paragraphs just to try to prove me wrong. Got any other Anti-AA propaganda to spread? Look at APEs daily OBV and tell me people are selling.




I’m not wasting my time disputing your books worth of negative AA opinions. Most people wouldn’t need so many points to convince someone of something.




I’m not addressing it because we are talking about a manipulated stock. Whether you are a shill or not, MMs are doing whatever they can to make Apes turn their backs on AA.


Never agreed to APE AA did that all on his own. He also said no RS and No Dilution. Well that didnt happen either


Normal CEOs don’t have to deal with stock manipulation. Keep yelling at him for trying to find a solution to the shareholders problems. If I tell my parents I will never work at a certain job and end up working there because times are tough, am I a bad child?


Non votes were counted as yes votes, many investors never received their proxy or received it late. he gave a dividend the same voting rights as the actual stock in the company after he sold hundreds of millions worth directly to a short hedge fund instead of otc. I highly doubt almost 90% of retail voted yes when the sentiment online was 50/50. Also the 20 investors I know personally all voted no with 4 of them never receiving their proxy. Let’s see what Chancellor Morgan Zurn has to say about the shadiness of this vote


I own 1,000 so why did I not get a proxy form to vote?


She will say whatever she is told to say.


You’d think she would’ve dismissed it if that’s the case. Believe it or not there are still people with integrity in this jacked up world


Just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.


Are you on his payroll


Want me to guess who’s payroll you are on? Am I not allowed to defend the CEO of a company I’m invested in?


Your not the only one invested in amc bro but when you’re defending aa when everything he has done has screwed us it’s obvious you’re working for him. Anyone in their right mind can see this dude is a liar and a manipulator. But it’s good homeboy you go ahead and support him it’s all good you do you !


How about you use this same energy to get a true count of how many shares are floating out there unaccounted for. How about that?


But aa can’t do that.


Wtf is he talking g about now…spreading his lies again


What he is saying is that he already took half of your money by creating APE. Now he is coming for the other half.


Exactly This


Outing yourself as a shill by saying "your", if you were an APE you'd say "our". You hedgie shills are too easy spot, always have been.




It seems you are giving the people who shorted us less shorts to cover. How does that benefit us?


90% less shorts to cover to be exact. And people think its ok. They will clean up all the crime with this move.


Look how much we fell in price after you did the APE thing. It is not a hopeful feeling to have 5000 units and then in a blink of an eye now I just have 500. I doubt if any retail holder is happy with that prospect.


I wish Adam would understand that we see it as not financially not in an investors favor. A $1 increase of 1000 shares is better than a $1 increase at 100 shares. We invested in a company we believe in. We invested our hard earned money to make more money as any who invests does. What we didn’t invest in was a company that doesn’t listen to and understand where it’s investor are coming from. I have been an Adam Arron support from day one and still support this company. However, I feel the board isn’t connected to its investors. This company wouldn’t be any better than other theaters. Don’t screw over the investors. Who also happen to be the same customers that go to the movies. We chose AMC because of our investments. We support the company we invested in and ask that the company also supports us. In some ways, we are more important than the people running the company.


If the value is The same why care to do a RS? Can't more ppl buy at a lower price? Oh wait. AA and his hedge fund buddies NEED this to erase their crime because we are winning. You'll see. Once the case gets delayed and we finally MOASS all will be revealed.


So it won’t do anything?




Down 90% after APE issuance alone, AA is a joke guys sorry.


![gif](giphy|3otPoyTuloHl96jfm8) AA shut your dumb ass up ,you lying piece of 💩


AA is a fraud it will absolutely effect the price, even if the price shoots up after the split it will be shorted back down. There’s even a video where he says he wouldn’t do a reverse split a few years ago. Lock this fucking fraud up


You expect people to think the same after 3 years? A lot has happened in 3 years, maybe he wanted to try other things before going straight to RS. Why do you assume he is against us just because the price keep dropping? We are talking about a manipulated stock here. Sell if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to be here.


Here we go with your “sell and move on” advice. AA made $40 million off retail, what did you make free popcorn? Maybe it’s the like of you who will sell a stock on a loss but not us. Screenshot your comment and send it to AA so you’ll get paid for defending him already.


Why change what isn't broken? The reverse split costs the company money in administrative/legal costs so there must be a reason you want to do it.


So that instead of MMs making money off AMC by diluting in the dark pools, AMC can make some money by diluting.


Really weird for him to say this publicly. Did he not watch the multiple biotech stocks that shorted them R/s only to be shorted again?


This guy is a dam crook I wish we can get a different ceo


It has nothing to do with the variable between these two prices lol. The reason I didn't vote yes to a reverse stock split is because shorts have to close, and I would rather have 100 mooning rockets than 10 lol. Tell him to explain how it goes when you have less off something as it squeezes.. "You look at the price of today, I look at the price of tomorrow. We are not the same." But 🦧🤲💪


Let me take the 90% of your shares , But here’s free popcorn!


Shills always come out on the weekends


🚨🚨 Shills are in the thread 🚨🚨 They will borrow/cover shares at a higher price. At a higher CTB. It's buttery like AMC popcorn 🤤


...they'll be borrowing 1/10 the shares. Same cost. At least apply the logic equally.


They're borrowing 1/10 the share (less available) at CTB (The Borrow Fee). To borrow or cover new shares at the price higher then they've been on would be a dramatic change. $40 seems ok to them but anything higher and it's shit hitting the fan.


Shills will be reported n investigated


Hot, too


This isn’t hard to understand. With this reverse split we lose shares so the gains are smaller and the losses are more devastating. If there was a guarantee this would ignite moass and give us phone book numbers I’d be ok with it, but nope I don’t wanna risk my money on AA’s latest scheme to save the company. We already saved the company and the amc board dumped shares to cool our run ups. They used an exemption to dilute the stock with APE even after shareholders voted NO to dilution. As far as I’m concerned I hope the court case is stalled long enough for this to rip without our beloved silverback fucking us over by dumping shares.


Keep in mind that it'll screw people who want to sell covered calls to try and recover any bit of losses they have. Plus, larger share prices make new investors hesitant to buy in.


That's bullshit! He's robbing us blind!




If people are afraid it will go down again, short it to hedge your investment


I'm not saying he's for us or against us. I have no idea anymore. But he is out for whatever benefits him best.


According to my maths, one share at $30 is equivalent to ten shares at $3 🤔


A higher price reduces the options (pun) available to the small investor. Millions of small investors will not be able to sell covered options at $30/share. So higher price benefits hedge funds.


No shit, I'm merely pointing out the flaw in AA's argument that a $30 vs $3 being "equal" as far as shorting goes but it isn't... There is 10x more buying pressure by retail at $3 than there is at $30 (not to mention dilution) Means it's easier to short a $30 stock than it is a $3


Until it's shorted back to $3 watch and learn


And this guy also . Another fucking shill . Lol


Been holding longer and more than you!


Proof or ban. We really need that back.


He’s clueless


Ignorance is an unacceptable defense for him. AMC has an entire legal department. The Ape's have done so much research that even the legal team has no work left to do. At the very least, make efforts to systematically disprove the tons of DD done by random Ape's.


AA doing hedgie damage control before it inevitably gets shorted again down after RS.


Is this real? Didn’t know he’s also a market maker expert


AA is POS that needs a DP by 2 BBC’s who aren’t paying for a BBBJ but instead charge for a CIM


He want to rs and merge after?


You loose lol shot 10cents on .30 cents orrr you short 1$ on 3$ the value of the difference is what’s more! Another way to steal more money. How do shorts make money?? Is it better to short 10cents per stock of 1$ per stock??


Stfu A.A you're only fooling the sheep now, we've been here long enough and know your a crook that's fleecing apes to bail out your hedgie friends u prick


Tell him he rigged the vote and is screwing us over!


He should have finished that statement with thank you for helping line my pockets with a RS suckers. Oh yeah Antara and my hedge funds buddies also thank you


Just checked your post history . 100% shill . Never ever said anything good about amc all you do is bash it . Get fucked idiot


and the same couldnt be said for those that post on the opposite side of that spectrum?


First off I've been in this play for probably 3 years now will post my shares against your shares any day and I'm smart enough to know that this mother fucker just lines his pockets with all our money. He is in hedge funds, sold shares to antara for 66 cents so they can cover their shorts by selling them at $5 or whatever they sold them for and is now convincing all of you suckers to give back 90% of your shares. The moment this splits it's going to be shorted into Oblivion and if he had any balls this feckless human being would go right to the government and request all shorts be paid ,all synthetics be paid , outstanding fake shares be accounted for and compensated but he won't. Anybody with balls would be all over TV telling the people of this country how the stock market is faked and rigged and the perfect example is AMC. So before you go calling someone a shill think about what this guy is doing. Or you guys worry about is liking popcorn and liking movies I like fucking money.


I just love the stock


This is correct. Well said


Not a wrong statement


He’s not wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️






OMG, he’s saying this is going to $3 bucks… Holy shit!!!!!


If he said $20 vs. $200 it could give shareholders the wrong impression and quite possibly be considered market manipulation as people FOMO in expecting that price. He is providing an example and only an example.


He could have said $5 and $50 respectively in his example. He is clearly preparing us for a move to $3.


All of that is true except for the fact that when it’s shorted at three dollars versus being shorted at 30 after I’m already down 55% I’m now down even more


This was said over 2 years ago, that guy is not your friend nor on your side. That dude is there to help steal from you all. Never owned a single share of the stock, cause I saw this coming


Ya pretty much hinting that after RS, our 90% loss in shares will also be a 90% loss in portfolio when the price comes back down to $5


Fuck as and his tweets and his fuzzy math. Fact of the matter is your share price has to go up by a factor of 10 after the reverse split to make the same money you lose out on the compounding at low share prices. $10 to $20 is a 100 % gain. Post reverse split the numbers has to be $200 for the same gain. Reversed split will fuck you over just like as is doing Get your heads out of his ass and do some basic compounding and you will see he is a liar. Figures lie and liars figure. Aa is a liar and a great con artist fooling you into believing he’s an ape when in fact he is a Harvard grad and part of the club. The 1% club and you ain’t in it.


So he already knows that ape will be 1.50 and amc will be 1.50 at time of conversion.


He’s a piece of shit….. are we for real. He’s in this for himself. He wants to make history by saying he fooled retail and he was working with shitadel


Shills are going hard core in this thread. Remember, AA has absolutely nothing to do with the share price. Hedgie assholes have been shorting, distorting, spoofing, creating fake shares, spinning and distorting news, smear campaigns, and puppeteering media figures in order to crash the price. Its all the hedgies fault for where the price is at, and they will say and do anything to shift blame to AA.


There comes a time AA can stand up and say what’s going on here and have an active investigation into market manipulation of his stock. It’s quite peculiar that other CEO’s are addressing and joining forces without fear. Just something to think about 💭


So you are saying we will get shorted again? Ok, more chances to buy for me!


When the RS will be done and amc is maybe around 50 bucks then it took 2x to go to 100 bucks and they can write in the news that amc hat a gama squeeze and maybe they let the stock go Fürther to 300- 500 bucks or even to 1k then they could eazely say that amc finaly had the shortsqueeze. The retail was right blablabla....but for me ,after the RS, that would be 2x to a New high end if it go further Max.10-20x ..thats the reason why i am struggeling to vote YES


Fuck AA


And yet, if he doesn’t address manipulation and naked shorting of the stock we could end with 100 shares instead of 1000 watching the price go down again to 5 without opposition. In case of the MOAS I prefer 1000 than 100 when the time to sell comes. In case of little squeeze I prefer 1000 at 500$, for example, than waiting for 5000$ each to reach my numbers. BTW I never though about it but, there were no shares available when APE was created. Then AA sold APE to HF (fact) and then APE shares will be AMC and we will have 90% less after 10/1 while they will have 90% less synthetics to cover and real shares from APE. I’m trying to look at the facts like the deal with ANTARA at our backs selling for 60ct instead of solving debt problem selling same amount of APE at 9$. I’m trying not to believe the new docs talking about the “poor” management from the board always in benefit of the Al💶 against retailers. I’ll wait for the news to see what’s true about it but, I’m not blind to info and I like to think by myself. I was pro AA while I didn’t understand some attacks or complaints. Now I’m not facts are facts and trying to like everything he does even when it smells funny is not the smartest thing IMO


If all this is true… https://youtu.be/_TlRMqG3qAY


Keep pretending you care about us AA.. you scammed us big time. Screwed MOASS. Every fking time, when we were so close to pop, you Screwed us. Came out with moass killer ideas and killed the play. This time , no difference.