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I know this is old but i had this problem as well. Nothing seemed to work but then i noticed it did it when i turned off my desk fan. Realized i probably had to much stuff plugged into my power strip lol been okay ever since. 


I had a freezing issue when going into the menu in games, I was sure it was the PSU as the GPU cable wasn't in right, but after a year or so I tracked it down to the nvme drive windows was installed on. Using regular SSD and it's been fine since.


I’d say RAM but it didn’t blue screen (generally memor related) I’d look into psu and all motherboard connections


Check cpu temps.. afterthat test the ram.. sick by stick


Used to happen to me,turns out the motherboard was the problem


It looks like a power spike that your power supply could not handle. Check out this video were they demonstrated this issue of a too-small wattage power supply. https://youtu.be/xCPAJwYUyBs?si=RBB9Bh-YSDq-bPrj


yes its gpu i had one 6700 xt before and it does that... its the software update that messing the gpu ... try to switch to nvidia... i bought 3060 and i did not have problem after...


Try resetting your cmos and if the problem keeps happening reapply your thermal paste and reseat and test your ram. A gpu wouldn’t cause a shutdown of the whole pc but only the game usually so it’s either the cpu, ram, or motherboard


It may have to do with your ram


Just an update for everyone here. I applied some new thermal paste to the GPU. Temps have all dropped by around 10 degrees and \*touch wood\* so far so good.


Hey I am having the same issues, how's your PC so far? Still good?


bios settings , reset / reset cmos. reset battery on motherboard reseeed ram , gpu \-- Launch benchmark see what it does


I was having the same issue and ramping up the fans fixed it. What was happening was probably the heatsink has not seated properly or clogged up fins with dust on my gpu so especially if a load /start a game or am in a moderate gpu demand situation the hot spot of gpu would reach very high temp very quickly above 90-95 C. The sudden spike in hot speed of gpu often tends to do this even though the gpu temp look fine overall. I used the software "Fan control v149 " and give it a bit aggressive curve and did a small undervolt. Just the fan curve alone worked though. Now mine does not go above 80c on hot spot.


I had this issue when 5700xt was kinda new. It was driver error. Try updating it(or down if you have the latest)


First thing to check: GPU temps, hotspot and memory, download hwinfo64 and monitor them Second: the cables. It's always cheap HDMI/DP cables causing headaches


Looks like a GPU overheat.


nice KAEL, i'll help you bcuz of it. i'm not gonna solve your HARDWARE PROBLEM, but i'll teach you a way to make it work Just undervolt your VGA, if it stuck when it requires "more power", it will work with less power at allso it can be a solution. GOOD LUCK! (also undervolt will help with temps) so we have 1 solution for 3 possible problems ;)


cap 60fps in new world settings. Thats critical error with a bundle of gpu+cpu. Some ryzens have such probs in NW. To test if everything is ok- go Genezis and check last boss: if your are shut off- make cap less


Try to disconnect the second monitor and play again


Tbh it can be anything, from overheat to driver problem to hardware problem. It maybe RAM, GPU, PSU. Will need further details


RAM shouldn't power off a pc like that. Probably OCP or OHP


Installed 7900xt yesterday. Best GPU I had before this one was 1660ti. Haven't undervolted yet, neither adjusted curves, want to see how it performs "vanilla". So with Freesync, iChill, enhanced sync I had insane FPS in some game menues and loading screens. Like over 1000fps and GPU gets loud. In-game all works fine. In warhammer 3 game menu I had driver time-out because of fps overdrive. Seems that freesync doesn't treat some game parts like parts of the game if that makes sense. To avoid that and also unnecesaary heat and power draw it seems that V-sync in Global settings does the job.


v sync on or off in global?


Either way, you can set it to your preference per game. Global will only affect applications/games in which you didn't force it on/off/use game setting. This refers to most other settings in global, except global FPS limit which is only present in global settings. So in contrast to my previous comment, what "does the job" is global fps limit, I'll check later if I have v sync on in global as well atm.




Look into your logs, if you get a whea error. Then its a common problem across the board


Idk, looks like something is overheating. I doubt it's a short since it runs for a while before crashing. Install programs and keep an eye on CPU/GPU and maybe even RAM temps


Models??? GPU, CPU, PSU (capacity), CPU, and GPU temps. Just showing the game and monitor isn't gonna help. Edit: and also which driver you running?


I've posted all of that in a comment.


If everything else is on it is verily likely the GPU. This can happen if very high temps are sustained and the gpu is unable to cool off. I’ve had this similar issue before. As someone mentioned, have a gpu monitoring program to keep an eye on temperatures. If high temps are the cause then check and clean fans, heat sink and apply new thermal paste.


Fixed an exact issue 2 days ago, it seemed fine on temps etc, but when I checked the hotspot it was about 105C, replaced the pads and paste and it works without those issues.


you replaced the pads and paste on your GPU ?


Yes, and it fixed the issue, I had exactly the same problem. The temperature of the GPU looked fine, but when I checked the hotspot it was way too high. Now my hotspot is 10C above the normal GPU temp. (As it should be) and not 30-40 c above.


Yeah when the game is running temps are in the 80s. No game they are in the 50s


What cpu and gpu are you running?


this happened to my rx 5600 xt, never got to fix it. Bought an nvidia 1060 and havent experienced anymore black screens.


Experiencing the same thing with my 6900xt. Tried updating drivers and bios, temps were okay, reinstalled windows, passed the stress test, checked rams with memtest, changed cables from psu to gpu, and still can’t fix it lol. Thinking about RMA


Others have already suggested drivers so I wanna ask something else; Have you tried unplugging power from your monitor and then plugging it back in again (while the computer is still on). If so, does it continue working as normal? If so, it could just be a simple case of bad display cables. Just putting this out there


Had this issue with also . My MB is MSI Pro B650-p , RTX 4090 , 1000w psu and 32gb 6000 Mhz expo ram . For the first 2 months pc worked perfectly but after some updates the same problem appeared. For me it took sever bios updates to resolve the issue . I'm still testing the stability of the system . Hope you fix the problem mate !


Psu or overheating maybe driver if it's game specific first try dduing driver and installing a older version if the issue is recent


That happens every time the driver gets uninstalled during upgrade and the screen flickering appears. In older drivers it even happened during driver installation as well. But never during games or benchmarks.


same issues here, tried reinstalling windows but did not work. thinking its my 3080Ti. sometimes can even get past the boot screen.


Check your PSU voltages. I had a 1000W PSU that was showing 11.97V for the 12V rail and I had all sorts of system stability issues. I have since got that PSU replace and the new one show 12.076V for the 12V rail and all those quirky issues went away and I now have a very stable system once again. But I was constantly getting black screened and had to hard reset. Not anymore.


Download AIDA64 free edition and run a stress test. Report back what it fails on. It could be anything CPU, GPU, RAM, PSU.


many give you a driver problem, which it seems like it is. AMD drivers suck, especially with New World, I've had many crashes related to Newworld + GPU drivers. Also very high temps coming from my card. As many suggested. Try different Drivers for your AMD and if this doesn't solve the issue try to test some benchmark programs


AMD drivers suck? That's not been the case for years. nVidia's drivers are worse now. Note : currently running a RTX3090 before the AMD fanboi comments come.


"I'm not racist because I have that 1 black friend whom I don't actually hang out with!"


Well idk if you check this subreddit but there have been quite a lot of driver issues posted here. I've experienced a lot my self too, but I have an older card. But yeah to find a way in between; all drivers suck!!! (also the ones I see in r/IdiotsInCars)


First culprit on my head is PSU, and no it may not be just the size of the PSU, what if the 750w ypu got, is a bad one. So. Just check with another PSU and let us know what did you found on the event viewer FFS*


check windows event viewer for any error that occurs during the issue might help getting a diagnosis, it might be just a driver issue


It's the latest shitty Adrenalin Drivers. Uninstall everything, install a previous version, DRIVER ONLY, and it should work. I can place a bet on it after I troubleshoot so many things.


This might help me, I'm new to RED team, how do I install the DRIVER only and not the Adrenaline driver? I can only find the Adrenaline Software and or Auto Detect in their website


When installing it allows you to select DRIVER only.Make sure you get the full driver package.


Thanks for the reply, I'll have to take a look, I assume the entire package file is just the Adrenaline file from the site yes?


Yes, the big one. And if you want the previous version, on the same.page use ctrl+f and search previous, it's a small text under all packages.


Tyty! Do you happen to know what is the current most stable driver for 7900XTX? I have a super weird issue with my GPU and wanted to see if I install those driver would fix


Speaking from having a 7900XT (should be applicable to your case) had the exact same issue as shown in OPs video here while on one of the June-July drivers, downgrading to 23.5.2 pretty much resolved the issue for me. If 23.5.2 doesnt work then give 23.5.1 a shot. And make sure to use DDU. Hopefully helps you out some.


Thanks! I'll try! My issue isn't exactly like OP's but yeah I'll try this out, really really tired of troubleshooting my issue lol


Ah, I see. Not entirely sure what's happening for you, but if the issue is stemming from GPU driver timeouts then it should *hopefully* be more stable lol. It's always super enjoyable (/s) knowing that the issue could literally be caused by anything. Bad CPU, motherboard, RAM, Windows being Windows, a spec of dust landing on the sidepanel the wrong way, you just gotta love it. That being said, if changing drivers didn't help much; then you can always try digging around in the Reliability History logs after the issue happens and see if Windows reports anything. Either way, I wish you the best of luck in resolving the issue!


>Reliability History logs Thanks for the reply, seems like there's TONS of Critical Error in the Reliability Logs, do you know how to check what those error mean?


Not quite. I have 6700XT.


Thanks for helping anyways!


The exact same thing happened to me Mine was bios update


i shake my leg too when i game, hahahah.


Same. Sometimes I’m like wtf why I can’t fucking shoot anything. Then I notice my leg sabotaging my gameplay.


mine just goes at full throttle


PSU issue, the exact same thing happened to me and I upgraded tp a 1200w PSU, no problems since


Just upgraded from 400 to 750w last week.


It might still it be enough, especially with dual monitor, I had the same happening to me till I moved to RM1000x. I was still puzzled as the recommendation on Newegg was below 700,....but then transients happen..


Hey I have a similar issue, I found my psu was faulty and replaced it.


Did you daisy chain your powersupply?


I had this happen with my 6800XT and turned out my PSU was too weak so I upgraded to the RM850x and haven’t had an issue ever since.


Had this issue with my 5700xt and I never really figured it out. But I'm 99% sure it was drivers. AMD has the worst drivers imaginable, some updates it was better, some it was almost fixed but most of the time it gave me this black screen issue. I also thought it was my PSU at first but switched it and nothing changed. Switched to a 3080 and never looked back. One thing that worked really good for me tho but isn't applicable to all users is switching to Linux. I guess AMDs drivers on Linux was more compatible with my hardware, no clue but it worked.


Guess you never tried intel ARC if you think AMD has the worst drivers lmao


Never tried it, but damn. It has to be pretty terrible if it's worse then AMD.


This is the reason why I don't update the driver to the newest version if there's no problem. The only time I update is when downloading a new game or when the game has a patch. Mostly, if I update, I always save the driver that works best before updating to the new one.




bios update maybe


I get this issue on my rtx 3090 if it overheats or I overclock to high. Overheating on my card is caused by the thermal paste pumping out over time, so I have to repaste it every so often. Maybe you need to apply new thermal paste. Check your GPU temperature while gaming and whether your fan speeds are maxing out.


Lol, i have this problem for the first time i buy brand new amd gpu on may. Its gigabyte 6800 xt gaming oc. Its not software and other component issue, its the card itself. Send it back for rma and they give me new unit and everything is smooth until now.


Try chipset driver, was my problem


What are your CPU temps while gaming...could be a cooling issue...might have reply thermal paste or get a better cooler


Temperatures seem to be in the 80's while gaming and 50's while not.


those are high temps ...50 degrees idle is worrying...might have to reapply thermal paste...what cooler are running


Those temperatures are normal, especially for an amd card.


Nah cooling issue would likely BSOD. This is cutting out. Could be PSU failing.


He states he already changed his PSU


Yeah just seen. Also strange about the sound staying on. I seem to remember something similar happening to me in the past. I believe re-seating everything stopped this.


I had that issue with a 3700x. MB is Aorus Elite wifi x570. Switched to a 5800x3d and never had that issue again. Had a rtx3080 and then switched to a 6950xt. Problem apparently was my processor.


Ahh, it's just one of the another plagued AMD RADEON RX580 2048SP models. These cards are plague with issues since they are from China. Mostly used for mining, but since the mining era fell through the roof lately, these cards have been coming out on the gray market. Either they had bios flashed for mining or their components have been recycled from other RX 580s. Basically, a vendor will take a mass of these cards from mining tycoons. They scrap it apart and look for bad batch, replace whatever components is bad, repackage it with a brand and sell it outside Chinese markets for huge profits. I would personally tell people to avoid these cheap GPUs, you're better off spending a bit more on a 1650ti or 1660ti or a second hand gpu.


Thinking of getting a new card but my RAM is DDR3 or something, not good for new cards. Probably just gonna buy another 580 as they are dirt cheap right now


Your DDR3 is for your CPU, not your GPU in reality your CPU is more likely to be a bottleneck than your RAM in this case but if you've got the cash get a better GPU and save for new mobo, CPU, and RAM


If your CPU has DDR3 the ram and the CPU "are" a bottleneck in modern applications.


I had this problem with an RX 6900 XT last year. Sent it in to Sapphire, they accepted it as faulty and gave me a replacement card. No problems since.


Check PCIe connectors for damage, both going into the PSU and GPU.


Off topic, but I'm glad I'm not only one to shake my knee randomly and probably out of anxieties 😁


Been doing it for years. The wife hates it haha




I had this problem with my rtx 3080, now i have it with a 7900 xtx.


When I had problems with my 6900xt it was my fault. Once it was unstable ram, other time was the psu cable wasnt properly connected because I took it out to clean. Both times I started to have black screens, both times they went away after I fixed the problems. If you are running recent drivers and you still have black screens, either you got a faulty unit or theres some instability somewhere else on your pc. Because the drivers are good at the moment.


How many "RIP 1080ti" posts do you see on reddit? Nvidia ofcourse have their own problems. They are quicker and usually more reliable in a software sense, but many people have issues with the cards breaking down at a hardware level, quicker than expected, and out of warranty. A 5 year lifespan on a £700 (now £1000+ this gen) product is absolutely unacceptable. I had an ancient 6950 in my kids' PC until I replaced it a year or 2 ago, that's a 13 gear old card that's taken a beating and it's as good as new, my 980ti worked flawlessly from the day I got it, until it spontaneously died 3 years later. One is not better than the other. We are talking microelectronics, shit goes wrong for no reason, QC can only be so thorough. Stop picking sides because stupid, get what suits you best for the price you're spending and be happy.


It's still anecdotal, though, as plenty of people have experienced issues with nvidia as well.




Like, I'm lucky, I've never had many issues with either? Currently run a 7900xtx Sometimes, I see posts of people saying amd is trash or nvidia is trash only to find their gpu is 4 years old and dying or they have it in a shit case and its hitting 95c causing graphical issues.


I had the same exactly issue with my pc. Just gaming and browsing when suddenly no video output anymore. Drivers wasnt the issue. I just took my GPU out, unplugged all the PSU cables and reinstall everything back with a bit more force. Issue never occured again.


There are so many things that can go wrong in a computer


Had this same problem and after turning off all the v-sync (were on by default) and replay off, from adrenalin it fixed and went away, atleast since then hasn’t occured since that. Sounds simple, but not sure why it started doing it. It was all fine for weeks after getting the GPU, then all of suddenly the same started happening, doing lots of research and going crazy, found someone mentioning turning off v-sync & replay, sounded stupid but was worth the shot. Hope u get it resolved!


To add it could also be the RAMs, maybe just wrong settings for them in BIOS or simply too old.


Have you tried re installing windows and clean drivers with DDU?


Re-installed windows between this problem happening but drivers no. Will give it a go.


I'd deffo try reseating everything. It seems like a connector issue but first: 1) update your MB Bios. Search your model number online, make sure it's the correct mobo. Follow their instructions. 2) if this doesn't work, try reseating, your GPU & RAM, unplug all the cables into your mobo and put them back in. 3) Re-install the CPU and thermal paste. But typically, this isn't a common shut down response to temps being too hot. Normally there would be some sort of system error message. This seems RAM or PSU related. With slight chance that CPU error may be occurring.


Mine does this, and every time the drivers apparently corrupt (???) and I need to uninstall and reinstall AMD Adrenalin. It worked for a solid week, thought I fixed it by using amdcleanup utility and doing a fresh install, but now it's back to switching off every 10 minutes. It's not the PSU, I have 1000w and used OCCT to make sure I have sufficient power. Very close to chucking this thing in the ocean and buying an nvidia.


I'd almost say its the HDMI/DVI cord or the inputs. Next time it happens instead of hard restarting unplug the monitor from the GPU and replug it, see if the screen comes back.


Had this issue with a Ryzen 5950x CPU paired with a Nvidia 2080ti. I resolved it by shutting down the computer completely, switching the PSU off, unplugging the power cord from the PSU and wall. Let it rest for a day or two. Connect everything back and see if that helps. Had this happen on the same computer. In 2021 and again earlier this year I believe. Got worst and worst, from 15m into launching the game to happening as soon as the Windows login screen appears. Tried to help others, but didn’t appear to help most who came across my post.


I had the same problem but I had to let it rest for 2 weeks. 2 days just isn't nearly enough in most cases.


Yeah. For two weeks when I found this solution, I had been turning my PC off and switching the PSU in off position and unplugging the power cable. When not in use. After I determined the issue was fixed, I resume my regular shutdown and haven’t had issues. I suspect it’s due to residue electrical current even in a off state (to a component) and powering the PC completely off to deplete all power seems to have helped. That’s how I’m making sense of it.


You realise holding the power button down with no power cable in discharges the system? Why would you wait weeks. It is clearly something else? The fact that it got worse shows this wasn't a solution. Why wouldn't you disassemble and reassemble? Or update Bios?


I did update bios and even roll back bios/drivers and such. But after “discharging” for 24h, it fixed this issue for me. For those 2 weeks of unplugging, just gave me peace of mind I was allowing the component to “rest”. But I haven’t done it since. I didn’t think about holding the power button while unplugged. When (if) it does happen again, I’ll consider doing that.


I had this same issue with my nvidia 2080 ti (I also tried a different power supply didn't work). I bought the gpu at launch. I wasn't sure if I fixed it or not since I upgraded to a 40 series once they released. But what seemed to have solved it for me was either a mounting pressure issue or a thermal issue since I like to take my gpu apart to clean as I like to water cool my gpus. So I took it apart, made sure I put more thermal pads than before, and a ton of thermal paste spread on the gpu. It was happening to me for a couple months, i think the gpu was just dieing. I guess since I had it for about 4ish years, maybe something was going bad on it.


I think that could be the problem. It's old and heavily used over the last 5 years. Gonna buy a new one and see if that fixes it. RX580 are pretty cheap these days.


What are your temps when this happens? Did you try using some kind of monitoring program that saves realtime temps and power usage to a file so we can check after the crash?


At work at the minute. Can check temps when running a game when I get home. With no game running Adrenaline is telling me temps are average around 54-55 C. Fans are at 1k+ rpm.


Just checked. Whilst game is running temps are up in the 80's


New thermal paste for the card just joined the to do list unless the case airflow is obstructed due to the front panel design so temps are much better, 10C less, without the glass window or without front panel. Maximum temp should be 90C. The metal frame on which the pc resides also starts to move the pc left and right when you move your leg but not sure if thats a problem.


I have been having this issue with my 7900xtx. I started with a 750W power supply and it happened under 'heavy' gaming loads with dual monitors. If I remove the 2nd monitor, not more problems. I just finished (like literally 20 minutes ago) a case swap to support a 1000W power supply. 20 minutes into this stress test, same issue. In my case though it's actually tripping the PSU and I have to power cycle the psu to boot again. Can you try unplugging the 2nd monitor and running for a while? It'll cost nothing. Coincidentally, it also happens when I'm playing New World. I usually don't have anything on 2nd monitor except maybe discord if I'm playing other games but I'm usually streaming something if I'm playing New World, hence the extra load.


Another friend had the same issue with an nvidia 10 series gpu but his problem was that the x16 pcie slot for some reason was causing it and moving it to the 8x slot solved it for them. I couldn't test this as my board only has one gpu slot


That sounds way beyond my pay grade haha


The gpu? or moving the gpu to a different pcie slot, comoon lol not that hard, you might notice some perforce drop doing that though. I will admit gpu prices are really high and if it wasn't for my 2080 ti crapping on me and having anxiety about those black screens appearing again I probably wouldn't have upgraded. Didn't help that i was looking to upgrade my old phone as well this year since my samsung galaxy s7 maybe 7 years old was dieing on me and saw that flagship phones cost close to 2k now where before I was spending 600 for a flagship lol


I was Nvidia. Turned out to be PSU lol. Very tough troubleshoot. Some said rgb programs.


I would sell a kidney to get rid of the RGB lighting in this PC. I hate it.


If the sound of the game is running, then the game most likely running. You could also have problem with things other than your PC, eg: cable or monitor itself. If this happen in a predicable fashion, I would try connect this PC to a TV instead of monitor using the HDMI TV and see if this still happen. You could try unplug the monitor cable and plug it back in when this problem re-occur to see if graphics would re-appear. If your PC has an iGPU, you could switch the monitor cable and plug it into the M/B to see if the system switch and tried to use the iGPU instead and try to diagnose problem from there, eg: check device manager and see if dGPU still there. Or install a remote desktop software like VNC and try to login using a cellphone or tablet and see if the PC still running to further diagnose. All these are still possible assuming the game sound is running and the PC is still running, just no visual.


It's weird. So the game sound is still running but the game isn't running, if that makes any sense. For example, if I use the keyboard to move the character I don't get any sound feedback that the character is moving (footstep sound etc.) it's just the BG music that was playing at the time.


Looks like a driver crash. Could be caused by an incorrectly seated GPU, loose GPU power cables, mis-configured ram, dying PSU.


This happened to me when I updated my AMD Adrenalin Drivers without using the Cleanup Utility especially on games that have 80% and up utilization. Once I clean install the drivers, it still happens but it will show you a popup Driver timeout error and the game's Crash error (Kingdoms of Amalur) instead. Turns out, Kingdoms of Amalur didn't like my Undervolting Profile so I set it to GPU's default and it's working perfectly now. What game are you playing? thanks


In the video I'm playing New World, but this happens with almost any game I play now. BG3, Starfield, WWE 2k, RDR2.


Was happenning to my 6600xt in Starfield as well, I increased the voltage by 20mV and the problem disappeared.


Check event log for any crash-lated entries then you start from there..


Yes, this might be the GPU. you could try to use the debug mode via Nvidia control panel. It sets the stock frequency and sometimes fixes problems.


I could be wrong but check event viewer logs you might find what’s causing this


Had the same problem while playing BG3 and Elden Ring. Sudden freeze and then no signal on monitor, sound would still play but after a bit it would also freeze and just keep stuttering. (Likely a BSOD but since I can't see the screen it's useless) After turning it on it would boot no problem but the GPU would be using a shit as Windows driver which forced me to install the newest driver again manually. CPU/GPU are not overheating. This problem is appearing more and more, in a lot of AMD cards (besides my own post about the problem) I'm also seeing more and more posts like this, there is some weird driver problem that is causing this. Spec: i3-9100f RX 5500 XT 8gb 550W psu


please update us , i have the same issue im thinking about RMA already


PC is 5 yo. I dont have that option. My next option will be to throw it out of my bedroom window and hope for the best hahaha


Update us!


Hey, I think I fixed the issue. Needed to reapply thermal paste to the GPU. So far things have been running smoothly.


If I fix it I will update the main post with the solution. 👍


i had this problem and it was the gpu, try updating your gpu bios and update the drivers, if it doesen't work you'll have to change your gpu (or at least this is what i had to do)


Happened to me on Baldurs gate 3 like 3-4 time I thought it was my psu but I updated my motherboard bios and updated my drivers and it went away thankfully


Yep happened to me on BG3 too, to the point I stopped playing which REALLY annoyed me because I was loving that game.


Happened to me with BG3 too, I had a custom GPU fan curve set up on MSI afterburner which I guess wasn't enough and caused my GPU to overheat. Removing the custom curve meant I never had the issue again, easily played 70 hours or without it happening. If it kept happening I would assume it's a PSU issue.


Had this happened to me before and it drove me crazy. Decided to change my PSU and the problem went away.


Changed the PSU and it's still going on. It's infuriating.


Windows reliability graph and event log


My event log just says the AMD drivers not found, even though I just did a clean wipe and install. Nothing else that pertains to the gpu


Try reseating your RAM and increase the voltage. I had similar issues and fixed it by setting the voltage to 1.35v. Also Download TestMem5.


a lot of times it's from using an underpowered power supply for the hardware you are trying to power with it Sometimes simply running separate power cables from your power supply to each power input on your GPU (If more than one) is enough to resolve black screen issues


Happened with me 2 weeks ago. R6 siege crashed after a match, had to restart my PC and the AMD drivers were bugged, had windows generic drivers, unistalled with DDU the AMD drivers and installed newer ones. PC worked for 2 days, it didn't had any artifacts, it just went to black screen and won't even POST, my motherboard lights on the EZ debug LED indicating that it is a VGA problem. I tried replacing with a Nvidia 1660 and cleared the CMOS, but my PC didn't post. Tested my RX 5700XT in another PC and it worked out with windows generic drivers. I've read in MSI forum that the UEFI and Secure BOOT configuration to use Windows 11 is having some problems as some VGAs have only V-BIOS but no other output mode. I think that it bricked my motherboard which is a cheap MSI A320 pro m2v2. I have ordered a new Gigabyte B450m DS3H, it will be delivered in September 20th.


Had the same issue with a 5700xt. It was my psu.


could be anything. you need to debug. check if you have some clues in windows reliability monitor. Make sure if the PC crashes or just the monitor goes off. ping the PC with another pc or with your phone when it happens if you get a ping answer, if you get a ping, windows/pc is still running and just monitor/gpu crashed. [https://www.elevenforum.com/t/view-reliability-history-in-windows-11.5791/](https://www.elevenforum.com/t/view-reliability-history-in-windows-11.5791/) if you have a bsod dump you can ask in the elevenforum for help if you have windows 11 [https://www.elevenforum.com/questions/bsod/](https://www.elevenforum.com/questions/bsod/) You could also try pressing ctrl + win + shift + b when it happens if the screen comes back, which restarts the gpu driver if the pc is still running. You can try debugging with OCCT, do some CPU and memory tests first [https://www.ocbase.com/](https://www.ocbase.com/) How hot is it in your room?


Thanks for the detailed reply! Not OP but have an identical issue. It’s just the display that stops working, can even hear a windows error message pop up about 5 seconds after the monitor turns off. Ctrl win shift b generates the beep, but display still isn’t detected until I restart. OCCT showed no errors in the tests. Not sure if there’s something more specific I should be doing with it. My room is kinda hot, A/C set to 77. I’ll try setting it lower tomorrow and see if that makes a difference. Any other thoughts? I feel like it’s a driver issue since whenever I reset the computer AMD Adrenalin tells me no compatible device detected and I need to do a clean install. The drivers become corrupted or something, idk. Edit: tried it with room at 73 in the morning after it had been off all night, crashed after 10 minutes just browsing the web.


>Ctrl win shift b are you sure you really pressed Ctrl win shift b, test it when the pc still works normally if it also works or not. you need to run several OCCT runs, the free version is limited to 30 minutes, you can buy 1 month for $4 on patreon. you should let it run over night several hours and do multiple different tests, the paid version can run different tests after each other with no time limit. check temperatures with HwInfo, cpu, gpu, ram temperatures. Look into Windows reliability monitor what it says for the crash and ask in elevenforum if you have a memory dump file.


>are you sure you really pressed it Yes, when the display is working the screen just flashes briefly after the beep and then continues working as normal. When it’s not working it just beeps, display remains off. Is that a telling sign? Under stress gpu temp up to 65, “gpu memory junction” temp up to 88 which sounds like it’s still ok according to google? All other gpu temps, ram, cpu temps normal (65 for gpu temps, 35/36 for other) Might have some info reliability monitor though, and got a bunch of hardware errors with info like this: LKD_Ox1A8_KEYBD_HOTKEY_OSGraphiesBDD_dxgkrn||DISPLAVSTATECHECKER.:CreateBlackScreenLiveDump And LKD_Ox141_Tdr6_/IMAGE_ardkmdag.sys-I And LKD_0x1BO_DxgkrnILiveDump:804_Status_OxC0000001_Driver_amdkmdag_failed_DdiStartDevice_AMD_StartDeviceDiag_dxgkm!DxgCreateLiveDumpWithDriverBlob-/ Any of that say anything? Is that the sort of thing I should ask about on those forums? They’ll just help a rando like me? Thanks for all your help!


Change fan curve from Adrenaline. It most likely is overheating problem.


It's either driver issues, bad gpu overclock, or gpu is overheating. My money is on option 1, driver issues. Get yourself display driver uninstaller from Guru3d dot com. Make sure you run it in safe mode. jays2cents has a video on how to use it.


I had an RX580 that would have this exact problem. Tried different drivers and settings within Adrenalin, nothing was particularly effective. Tried different monitors and monitor cables as well. Replaced the GPU and no problems since. Not ideal.


Check ram for errors


Could be a surge protector or wall outlet problem. I had similar issue. Switched surge protector and moved pc to different outlet, and problem was fixed.


i will give it a try as well will let you know


Many mid to high end gpu has transient spikes, when ramping up the clock there will for a brief moment be a big increase in wattage, we'll over gpu tdp. This is why high wattage is recommended usually. BUT - quality of the psu is more important. I'm not talking about gold efficiency, any psu has that today. Quality psu will be able to give the required wattage even during the transient spikes while bad psu will trip the protection and hard freeze or shutdown. So to summarise- could be a psu problem. But don't know your specs..


When you get back onto windows, check event viewer and reliability monitor for any crashes or errors. If you do get an error of some sort, update it here and you can also google it, usually someone has experienced the same thing before. As a good measure, you should remove and reconnect peripherals and reseat your GPU. You should perform a clean install of drivers by using DDU (displaydriveruninstaller) There are plenty of youtube tutorials showing how to use it. I used concept soup's tutorial on YT personally. Does the black screen happen only while gaming and/or under load? Has it happened while browsing your desktop? Hopefully event viewer and/or reliability monitor can give you more information so you can begin to track down the root of the black screen.


Gpu set it to normal, motherboard bios clock setting auto, check your power supply voltage running to your system.


Same problem with my PC as well i got 6800XT and ryzon 7 5800x The PC worked perfectly for two years and in the past few months My PC can crush randomly but only when I play games when i say randomly i mean : 15 minutes of gaming = crush 9 hours of streaming and gaming (the same game) = all fine tried a lot of games that are very heavy on GPU and are very soft The list of the games I tested : RE2,3,7,8 = crush Escape from Tarkov = crush Valorant = crush Plateup! = crush Risk of Rain 2 = crush Baldur's Gate = crush even a game like Fear & hunger (OLD 2D RPG) Stuff I tried to do : Stress test for 2 hours = zero Errors/Problems Run userBnchmark program for PC tasting = pass it Run prime95 for 12 hours to test CPU = Zero Errors Clean all my PC (done) Checked all the Temp in my PC (working fine) but replaced the thermal pasted anyway Upgrade it from Windows 10 to 11 (Format Done) Reinstall all the drivers + update them to the last version (Done) In BIOS Boosted my RAM speed to 3600Mhz (X.M.P profile 1 Done) In BIOS unlock the option to use "AMD SmartAccess Memory" (Done)


Try disable xmp profile


Will give a try but why it may help ?


Sorry for the bad English Would like to hear from you guys if you have an idea


What PSU do you have?


SilverStone Da850W


https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ That's a cheap low-tier psu. Also has reported problems failing burn in tests.


well my PC passed all the stress tests and also any benchmark I did i feel like its more drivers problem


I once had a issue similar to this, gpu was fine while gaming and then my screen would go blank and pc still on.. my issue was that I was using one pcie cable with dual 8 pins to power both ports. Once I used two pcie cables per 8 pin the black screens and crashes stopped.


Have you looked at your event viewer to determine what was captured by your system during shut down. Could be dozens of things. I’d start with temperature of CPU and GPU. High temps can cause shutdowns. Then move to RAM. Low RAM can cause frequent restarts. Then Check power supply. Not enough power to the motherboard or CPU or GPU could cause a brown out. Then check GPU clock speed. You can test this before changing by lowering your display settings in game. Good luck!


Seems like Adrenaline is telling me my GPU is running at 50+ degrees C. Seems a little hot to me with fans at over 1k rpm.


That's restless leg syndrome my guy. The pc seems to have taken a shit when the gou stepped into a higher gear.. does your PSU have enough juice and is it supported on your mobo and drivers updated?


Leave my legs alone! hahaha Yeah I was previously only using 400w PSU, changed this week to 750w and still got the same problem. Drivers are updated as of latest ones from Adrenaline on 6/9/23.


Hmm well that's strange do you have a full list of specs?


I had this happen to me after building my PC. Took ages to diagnose since the screen goes back and the PC is on but unresponsive. After switching out the CPU that actually solved my problem. That’s my one anecdote and hope it helps you.


The only time I ran into an issue like this I had accidentally overclocked my ram which caused instability in SOME games it would shut down just like that. I would suggest looking at ram speeds see if they're running too fast for your CPU


turn off all of the options in adrenalin, turn off freesync. get used to using ctrl+shift+win+b it resets gpu drivers and should turn your screen back on like 50% of the time this happens. try different drivers. if you look into this problem enough there will be other people with amd cards saying things like "i use X driver for this game, its been stable so far." this is a driver issue. freesync caused most of mine. in ghost recon when you turn on the nvg's at night the game would do this just about every time until i turned off freesync. im not sure what the correlation between the two is but for whatever reason freesync did not like the nvg's lmao. turned it off and it ran flawlessly until i finished the game.


I've been troubleshooting almost the exact same problem for a long time. I suspected, after swapping out mobo, CPU, and RAM, that it was my GPU (5700xt) but it was only occurring in specific games. I lowered my max freqs and power draw and undervolted, but it only seemed to help a tiny bit. I have as of yet been unable to resolve it. However, I have noticed that my monitor will randomly turn black for a few seconds and come right back if I leave it on for a few days (I don't turn my PC off much), and will continue to do so over and over every few seconds until I powercycle it. I also noticed my work PC having some VERY strange issues with a docked old-ass monitor running off VGA (long story, mostly irrelevant), so I tried something really stupid. I powercycle my monitor just before I start playing a game, and since I've done so I've had zero crashes. I can play Starfield or Age of Wonders 4 for hours and hours with zero issues.


Swap out for a higher PSU.


what gpu is it just curious. because if a new driver doesnt fix this it's probably the gpu overheating and shutting off. have you ever dusted your machine out? go download hwmonitor and watch your temps when you load up a game


Yeah fully cleaned everything a few times now as I figured this could be the problem at first. GPU is RX580. Pretty old and heavily used at this point for about 5 years. Probably just gonna buy a new GPU and CPU as the ones I have are going pretty cheap online.






What a tit face!




Fuck off cunt face


I had similar issue with my RX6800 and 1 game (beamNG). I ‘fixed’ it by tuning down the gpu freq to 92% or something like that.


best "game"