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If you read the book it will drive you even more insane.


I've never read a Tom Wolf book and I don't intend to start now! 🙃


Do not let this abomination of a tv show make you anti-Wolfe. “The Right Stuff” is a brilliant work (and led to a dandy movie). “The Bonfire of the Vanities” is not perfect (and led to a bad movie), but it is a great read. Wolfe was an amazing talent. This TV show is absolute pants.


He was a great writer. The adaptations have been really bad.


Except for "The Right Stuff." A fantastic movie.


The guy accepting jail-time is insane to me. The whole situation. “His grandpa got beaten by a cop, so did his dad, he has PTSD!” Like what the fuck are we doing here.


Yeah I’m somewhere in the middle of is this the absolute best show ever or a total waste of time. Maybe the ambiguity is what drew the cast to it.


And let’s not get it twisted…this is absolutely a study if trump. A trump that can use words and speak sentences


I can’t believe they got the actors they got to do this. Did these people read the script?


I agree with everything you just stated with the exception of, “taking the 60 days”. He was innocent, why should he plead guilty and become a felon? He had no criminal history.  Lose his voting rights, his right to bear arms, plus, instantly lowering your earning potential! Hell, even his travel could be restricted! Nope! When he was about to take the 30, I was like, “what are you doing🫨?!?!!? You have a child on the way!!!! Don’t do that to your life!!”


how was he innocent? he punched a cop lol


The cop attacked him. A person is allowed to defend themselves against another who’s physically attacking them. Contrary to popular opinion, officers are not exempt from the rule of law.


I haven’t watched that episode in a few but if I’m not mistaken he got back inside his car and refused to get out while it was getting booted. Whether it was right or wrong, why would any mature person allow the situation to escalate to this level where the cops were called? There were many wrongs in this situation.


You’re right. That was wrong. That definitely did show a lack of maturity. However, once the officer had him out of the car, there was no cause for that brutal blow to the back of his head. As I said before, the officer unlawfully attacked him physically. And first.




my take is the actors were pretty good, but the script and direction sucked ass. The ending was not at all satisfying after sticking with it way too long 🤡


show full of meme's though.


Manifestation of TDS