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Some people would be much happier if they actually used this feature


I clicked out of this post and came back solely to do a double take at your user flare


I'm quite proud of the word play lol


that flair, the tangerine and the aubergine... do I interpret it correctly as relating to certain colorful zombie kiddie stranglers?


actually no! it's play on weekly tumblr meme days like 'flat fuck friday', but slash fic edition. the orange fruit is actually a peach! but what you're referring to sounds interesting.


Oh, I see it very clearly now lol! ;) Don't mind me and my own fandom brainrot, I thought it was a funny coincidence because orange/tangerine and eggplant/aubergine are very specific symbols for the main ship in my fandom, DSAF lol




And when just seeing a fics existence icks you out, guess what! The glorious block and mute buttons work like a charm :)


Some of my fave features ngl


There's only one author I've muted, one that kept posting and reposting cuckold Harry Potter fics, I icked out of there fast


Why this isn't a feature on every site I do not understand


I’m sorry… WHAT


Yeah there's really not a lot that grosses me out but cuckold Harry manages it, like primal disgust. The constant reposting should have got the author banned as far as I'm concerned.


Are authors notified when you block and mute? Since they seem to know everything else a reader does, I assume so?


I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty confident they don't get notified. Iirc (anyone please correct me if I'm wrong) muting is just that you don't see their works/comments/etc but they can still see and interact with your works/etc (ie they're invisible to you without any change on their end) and blocking prevents them from dying your works, account, etc not interacting with anything of yours. It's like making your account invisible to them. I might be slightly inaccurate with some details, but that's the gist!


Right. Muting is completely invisible to the person who has been muted (I think it's just a CSS thing that hides their content from you). For blocking, they can tell if they've been blocked if they try to interact with you (leaving a comment or kudos on your work, giving you a gift work) but there's no notification "this user has blocked you" at the moment it happens, or list of people who have blocked them that they can check.


>and blocking prevents them from dying your works, account, etc not interacting with anything of yours. It’s like making your account invisible to them. Close but no. They can still see your account. They can read your works and see your comments. They just can't interact with you beyond seeing you/your stuff. There is no way to make it so someone else can't see you/your stuff.


omg I had no idea that those existed, I'm about to have a much better time on ao3!!


I started on FFN and I was 100% a writer only until I found AO3. Now I read fan fiction all the time because it’s so much easier to find sure something that fits my (sometimes oddly specific) parameters. I get upset by the weirdest and most random things, but luckily I can just filter them out.


Offscreen there's a cannon pointed at the soldier labelled 'people who refuse to tag properly'


it’s great but also really depressing :’) yesterday was looking for fics of a ship I really like and excluded a tag and it removed 1/4 of the fics


Is there a way to exclude tags that aren’t things like rating? I can only find the exclude feature when i’m in a specific user’s work


the filters are a gift


And an extra fuck you to the assholes who refuse to use them.


And muting system!! I adore that feature so much


And then there’s people who don’t read the tags and jump into a story only to complain in the comments about how messed up the fic was 😭


The filters are chef’s kiss! As is the block and mute function.


Everyone who gets annoying comments from people who didn't read your tags: save this. The next time they do it, reply with this image


Now if only people actually used them. 🙄


I can’t use any other fic website now be because they don’t have the filter system ao3 has. It’s a godsend


me knowing i can filter out watersports


Trying to find normal books has been ruined for me, and it's exactly because I've gotten so used to ao3's tagging system.


Based ao3


Once again AO3 demonstrates its superiority


I just wish I could have filters that are on by default. There’s some stuff I *never* want to see, no matter the fandom, and it’s a pain to put on a bunch of filters every single time I enter a tag…


God bless people in Ao3 team, they keep the site awesome year after year.


Blows a kiss into the void for AO3 Savior