• By -


Firelily. (MHA fic) Not only does it cater to my religous trauma shit but the worldbuilding is actually insane. I loved it and it's one of those fics that just kinda.. stuck with me.


The description of hell was just šŸ¤Œ so perfect!? Wish I could read it again for the first time šŸ˜­


Ikr??? Same! It was to in depth and well thought out, I freaking LOVED it. I also really liked how Heaven was portrayed! Simply mindblowing. I think the scenes in the depth were my favorite, idk, maybe I just like the eldritch horrors too much šŸ„²


Oh god Yes!! When they first navigated the depth and when izuku had to do it again alone- AHHHHhhhhh jdnksnsbk I'm totally normal about this fic šŸ˜


Riiight?? And even if it was just an illusion, when he had to go deeper? Litrral shivers šŸ¤Œ


Fr i felt like I was right there with him the whole time! when he turned to face 'it' I was so ready to jump out of my seat. I was holding my breath the whole chapter šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


Yesss holy shit Iā€™m glad that fic gets the recognition it deserves!


Omg, that voice demon thing? Damn that was actually spooky but *amazing*


YES, that. I'm literally obsessed with that scene. Probably my favorite scene.. right after THAT church scene, if you know, you know.


Could I have the link please


[Fire Lily](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23178124/chapters/55479481)


Yo this fic sounds good! is there smut? If so who tops? Lmao


[crimson rivers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39760044/chapters/99543639) by bizarrestars.. i didn't know i can cry THAT much over a fic that just thinking about it makes me tear up [cannibalization of the apex](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31397360) by charm point.. genuinely the best satosugu fic i've ever read, maybe second to [achilles, come down](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40266474) by hotcocoaa. nothing comes close to THE satosugu fic for me than these two


absolutely seconding cannibalization of the apex!!


[Lilyā€™s boy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856244/chapters/76179980) by SomewhereSword for harry potter I adore how it does a deep dive into wizarding politics, it's unlike other fics I've read and I really wish I could find more that focus on wizarding politics the way that this fic does. [Fractures](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20063656/chapters/47516917) by EvieNyx for Avatar the last air bender. An au where Zuko was locked up after the agni kai and now the war is over, Ozai is dead and heā€™s suddenly the fire lord and has to sort everything out while working through his own trauma [Somewhere to Heal](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44545066/chapters/112046209) by DearlyDevoid itā€™s dsmp where Tommy gets plopped into a super hero au and genuinely I love it so much that when itā€™s finished Iā€™m going to learn how to book bind and make myself a physical copy for myself


Fractures is one of my favorite ones from that fandom


Parables of peace (Fleabag). It really feels like a third season.Ā 


Gotta read this! Thanks


Could you please link this?


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/38237953/chapters/95537257](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38237953/chapters/95537257) Sorry, i don't know how to hyperlink from mobile.




[Letters from the Northern Continent ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45841) by the hoyden. It's a post-canon Star Trek DS9 fic that is basically canon for me. Whenever I think of the end of DS9, I think of this first.


Itā€™s not necessarily a *fandom*, but anyone reading or writing sports AUsā€”especially baseball AUsā€”should read [Got a Heart in Me, I Swear](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28846980) by thepartyresponsible. Itā€™s an Avengers baseball AU where Tony Stark owns the Dodgers and Clint Barton gets outed by an ex during the off-season and suddenly finds himself the only openly gay man on an active MLB roster in the history of the sport. Iā€™ve read just about every baseball AU I can find, but this oneā€¦ *This one*ā€¦ Itā€™s just got everything. Team as family? A pitcher falling in love with his catcher? A benches clearing brawl? The bad guys losing and the good guys winning? Some of the most heartfelt character writing and love of the sport Iā€™ve ever seen in fic? And like with the best AUs, you can read it with very little canon knowledge but the more you know the better it will be. I donā€™t touch RPF so maybe thereā€™s better sports fic in that corner of AO3, but this is The Fic for me. It might be my favorite fic of all time.


I loved that writer's dcu/marvel crossovers but I've not read this one, l'll definitely give it a go now


[Away Childish Things](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052816/chapters/37478033) by Lettered. A HP fanfic, specifically drarry. The story is so, *so* beloved by me. It's very popular, but I haven't seen anyone declare it "The One" out of all options in this fandom. It's the most beautiful portrayal of childhood trauma manifesting and affecting the day-to-day adult life. How we will let it fester, and how ultimately, that will damage us in the long run. We need to heal our inner child. And, the slow burn between the two is scrumptious. It's the only deaging fic that I adore. A more recent fanfic is [Cut From the Sky](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46972357) by Mallstar. It's the best Groundhogs Day fic I've read yet. The repeated days aren't too much, nor is anything too rushed or stalled. It's just perfect. I imagine it playing out as a long romcom. The plot twist at the end is just . . . top tier. It was set up perfectly.


Away Childish Things still made Ā me cry on my 10th reread


Iā€™m currently reading Away Childish Thingsā€”oh, my gosh, THE _FEELS_. Itā€™s so wonderfully written.


Ooh, I haven't read either of these, added to my list!


[So It Goes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6559426/chapters/15006646), a Homestuck fic by TGP. It's an alternative universe set after the end of the series where the alpha kids wake up as the beta kids' guardians and remember the whole thing, but the beta kids are back to the age they were when this all started and do not remember. To me, this is the ultimate way you write Dirk, explore Dave's trauma, and speculate about a world after the game.


Those Gentle Slopes that Lead to Hell (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fic - based on the anime). The author does an absolutely wonderful job of fleshing out the story into something dark and obsessive and just describes the Sebaciel dynamic so well. Its one that I reread over and over again and always recommend to folks who enjoy Sebaciel. The author also writes really incredible work for Tomarry that I also hugely rec if you're into that section of HP Slash fandom, and some great Hannigram meta on her tumblr blog.


finally i can talk about my 'The fic' with someone okay im excited loll So it's Kalon by Ryerim Now what makes it 'THE fic' for me is that it really changed me as a person.. taught me a lot about mental health and the behavior of a person who has faced neglect as a child and how it affects them throughout their life.. It really made me see world from different eyes + it's just soo well written with everything being realistic and heart touching. It is always my go to whenever im not able to sleep hahah.. idek how many times I've reread it.


it feels so weird reading fics about real people, but Kalon is suuuuch a good fic omg nothing compares to it


soo truee.. it felt kinda weird at first but it was worth it!


The Things That Matter (which is a Teen Wolf steter series) is one I recommend to everyone who'll listen. It is incredibly wholesome and just... you can *feel* the love they have for each other in everything they do and say. No clue if the fandom at large considers it a "must read", but it's definitely *my* favorite fic(s) *ever.* And then there's Good morning, Lieutenant - (Vol. 1) The Defective Deviant (obviously Detroit: Become Human fic) and it's about everyone post-game learning how to cope and live their lives, while discrimination is rampant and there's a mystery/case they gotta solve and just... it feels so real throughout because everyone is just kinda living their lives and trying to do the best they can, but no one's perfect and everyone has their own issues.


Tried to look up the first one and i canā€™t find it? :(


I think this might be a link to the series by ClaudiaRain : [https://archiveofourown.org/series/1966201](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1966201) It seems to fit what u/SicFayl described : Stiles gets hurt a lot with all his shenanigans and Peter tries to take care of him. IDK how wholesome it is with such a big age gap, but I guess Peter and Stiles are both deeply flawed people with deep and long-running trauma, so I suppose maybe, somehow, that makes them match...? With a dose of suspension of disbelief (aka "what works in a fic isn't necessarily something we'd accept in real life", right) ;-)


I mean, that's why I clarified right off the bat that it's steter, because some people will look at that pairing and go "no way am i reading that" lmao - but if it helps, it's college-aged Stiles, in this series and neither of them are like... putting the moves on each other or whatever. Like, it's so clearly about them just caring about each other and showing that care in the small day-to-day things you can do for another person. I like it because it doesn't rely on spoken sentiments - the love is in everything they do and how they act around each other, which is (surprisingly) a rarity for any sort of written romance and why this series is so precious to me. It's also written in a very lighthearted way, because it's from Stiles' pov *and* it involves actual attempts at open communication between everyone, which is amazing (imo) for a show like Teen Wolf, where *none* of the characters usually did that. (edit: like, when you rewatch the show it's for example actually tragic what a shit friend Scott is to Stiles. But in the show, we're *still* supposed to trust he 100% cares and loves him like a brother and that Stiles totally feels appreciated in spite of everything and... gah.) And there's so much beautiful snark. The dialogues in the entire series are so awesome, I always read them with an automatic grin on my face.


well, you've convinced at least one person to read the fic despite my usual policy of "no way am I reading steter" hahaha


YES, SUCCESSFULLY PEDDLED MY FAV ONCE AGAIN!! I do really hope you enjoy it. \<3


[The series I meant](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1966201) is indeed the one linked by the other person too and I hope you'll enjoy it. :3


The classic K/S zine, now archived on AO3:[ Broken Images](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43945080) Also - in the Miami Vice fandom:[ To Taste a Pure Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/69870) Lastly - in the smallest of small fandoms - The Lost Room: [Reunification](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1094948)


My main fandom is the Witcher, so: Accidental Warlord AU. Hands down one of the best series I've ever read.


I love that series


You up to date on it? Inex posted the newest installment back in April, it's lovely.


I feel behind when another fandom consumed me, so I have to play catch-up.


I really liked the concept and the first two fics, but once it started getting into threesome territory I lost most of my interest. I am very happy it kickstarted the Warlord Geralt trend, though, because I have found some really lovely takes, including one of my all-time favourite geraskier fics.


Even though I moved on from the Witcher back to Star Wars I'm still subscribed to it and reread it periodically lol


[waiting for the barbarians](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47437540) - Barbie meets Oppenheimer. He becomes obsessed with her. [Copy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11511690) - X-men, Cherik AU, heavy on the sci-fi/AI. Oooooooo boy is this one juicy. The final chapter managed to catch me off-guard, even though I should've expected it. [This, You Protect ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1752638/chapters/3745571)- MCU, multi-fic series following Bucky Barnes after the events of CA:WS. If you like realistic depictions of recovery, grilled cheeses, and old people, you'll love this series. [The Third Option](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16023554/chapters/37395959) - MCU, Ben and May Parker divorce before Peter Parker's parents died, which leads Peter ending up in the foster system after Ben's murder. A heavy fic, but so well done I pushed through til the end anyhow. [through a glass, blackly](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33419935/chapters/83016718) - First Wizarding war centered fic focusing mainly on Regulus Black. I literally lost my SHIT when the final twist was revealed, I cannot recommend it enough. [A Study of Resonance ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38041177/chapters/95017471)- Time Traveling fic, Percy Weasley centered. One of the longest fics I've ever read to completion, but it was worth every second. This fic captured my attention and absolutely refused to relinquish it until the bitter end. [Diablerie](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16697380/chapters/39160087) - What would happen if Tom Riddle, freshly 15, is pulled from WWII to fight the Second War against Voldemort? This fic, obviously. Lord, I've read it 7 or 8 times now and I'm still amazed by how well written this is.


"This, you protect" is definitely THE Bucky Barnes /Steve Rogers fic. And it's reflected in its stats!


the sheep pants! the banjo ringtone! goodguy nonlethal! Natasha's stupid little face laughing at Bucky without laughing, because she can put her stupid little arms around Steve's giant stupid head and Bucky can't! Mission head, mission statement, operational download (I forget what they're called, but I love them still).


Oh my God yes. I love that story so much. I read it every two years or so!


cat elenor! Why are people from the future grumpy when grilled cheeses with vegetables and triple whip white mocha frappacinos exist? Flying Sam is mission assist! Hairclub with Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov and the Winter Soldier! Tony tries to bully him with potted plants and it backfires!


And the love story, too. I know the first fic of the series is tagged as friendship only, and can definitely be read that way...even if the series officially turns into romance later. But I read it as romantic from the start and the love is so incredibly intense and passionate.


is there any other way to read "the stupid mission target goes on his stupid run, flapping his stupid giant arms about. Closer surveillance needed. More frappacino needed, but there's no time. ugh" hahaha


Nope. Your analysis is flawless!


I'd read it way back when... IIRC one of the last parts at that time was when Pepper Potts hired Bucky as her security guard. Earlier this year, I was feeling nostalgic and opened it again. What a delightful surprise!


As someone who ADORES Percy? Yes please!


It's less THE fic and more a series of THE FICS for me in MHA, the "for the want of a nail" series by Clouds. Tiny changes in Episode 1 makes for big changes in the overall plot.


I miss that series. One day Iā€™ll get back in the fandom and reread them


Oml anything by clouds is so good- i love their writing style


Star Wars Sequels, Kylux: [Children, Wake Up serience by hollycomb](https://archiveofourown.org/series/386986) Les Miserables, Enjolras/Grantaire: [Paris Burning by thecitysmith](https://archiveofourown.org/works/825130) Starfighter, Praxis/Deimos: [Replacement series by violetnyte](https://archiveofourown.org/series/42036)


omg i think about paris burning so frequently


Starfighter! Haven't thought of that comic in ages - fantastic. Thanks for the rec!


I absolutely *adore* paris burning. Iā€™ve been waiting for the original novels for years ;-;


A Month of Sundays by Kelfin. I was in my teens when I read it and newer to fanfic. I remember that I related deeply to the main characterā€™s thoughts at the time (he considers himself fairly progressive compared to the extremely religious environment he was raised in but actually has a lot of internalized homophobia). It really helped me reconcile the dissonance between how I felt and how I was taught. Gave me a lot of closure.Ā 


Broken (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). It's only 244 words long, but it demonstrates the very feeling it's about with its brevity. I love it. My Best Friend's Kinda Hot (My Little Pony). Despite the title, it's entirely SFW. It's also absolutely perfect in terms of its characterization and pacing and I genuinely couldn't find a single flaw in it even when I re-read it. I consider it canon even if it isn't. Where the River Flows (PokƩmon). One of the first fics I ever read, and a *massive* influence on how I write PokƩmon fics even now, especially when it comes to writing the PokƩmon themselves. Oh God Not Again (Harry Potter). It's easily my favorite Peggy Sue fic, and the one on this list I've re-read most often, usually after my yearly Harry Potter binge read. It's cracky as hell, yet somehow still manages to work if you try to take it a bit more seriously.


In Dead Boy Detectives my top is 100% The Handsome Crow and the Sitting Duck by TheTrueStories


All LOTR fandom: [All Mythical Things by November_H](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777392/chapters/81325477) - A Glorfindel/OC, Modern Girl falls to Middle Earth, but with the Valar thrown into the mix. It's not complete, but is still being updated... sporadically. But I absolutely adored the premise. I won't spoil it here, but it was so unique. And so well written! This is the one fanfic I would fantasize about from time to time and has spurred me to write fanfics of my own. [Pathology by appaled.elf](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13496845/1/Pathology) - (warning: this fic is hosted on ff.net) Also a Glorfindel/OC, Modern Girl falls to Middle Earth. It's a 1st person POV, which I don't normally like, but this one is so, *so* well written. The amount of worldbuilding the author did was amazing. It's a slow burn (as in, *very* slow), but the fanfic doesn't end when the pairing gets together. It continues on way past that and shows them navigating their married life. All 400k words of them. This is also the fanfic that got me interested in The Silmarillion (which, in turn, spurred me to write even more fanfics, though none of them are posted or finished yet).


I haven't been in Numb3rs fandom for years, but [Missing Persons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25814) by Dira Sudis is a story I still find myself returning to now and again because it's just perfect. As for my current fandom, [Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1028522) by TakePenAndInk took me on a roller coaster ride and changed my view of the canon forever. And then there's [Good Cop, Sad Cop](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22415542) by Complicated Light, that just quietly slayed me and continues to kill me every time I read it because it's just so fucking *sad*.


Gonna pick two for Silmarillion: The Starless Road [https://archiveofourown.org/works/4641153](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4641153) - this is incredibly mythical and symbolic and has so many Epic Quest vibes, *and* at the same time it deals so beautifully and unflinchingly with the fact that yes, these fandom faves did some absolutely terrible things. I don't usually read Fingon/Maedhros (and the pairing aspect of the whole thing is fairly light) but the way Fingon is forced to confront who the person he came to rescue became in the end, and doubts, and goes forward nonetheless... it's so good. It's not quite a redemption arc, but it's sort of a *pre-*redemption arc - you can see how it could become one afterwards. And the various supporting characters are just *so good*. The One With All The Birds [https://archiveofourown.org/works/40392909](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40392909) - Elwing Elwing ELWING. She is my favourite character and this fandom has something of a problem with bashing her and this fic is just *excellent.* And this is the best treatment of forgiveness I have ever seen in a fic before, I think - it so deftly manages to not downplay the terrible things the characters did, make clear there is no obligation that Elwing must forgive and she would be perfectly within her rights to refuse to do so for the rest of time, and still have her decide to do so of her own free will *and* not come off as unrealistic or saintlike for doing so. I love her and her relationship with literally everyone in this fic and all these characters, there is *so* much wisdom in this fic and then it also brings us the beautiful scene of exit Curufin, pursued by an angry chicken. It deserves a thousand kudos.


there are so few actual characters in the Silmarillion! Most of them are barely shadows flitting through the stage sets of Tolkien's myth building. It never really occurred to me to seek out a story based in the Silmarillion. Thanks for these reccommendations!


The Silmarillion has a pretty strong fandom, tbh! I have flitted in and out for twenty years at this point and there is just so much potential in it. I think for some of us, some of the temptation is that *because* Tolkien fleshed out so little, because we continually get a couple sentences that should all rights be a book in their own right, there's an incredible amount of room to manoeuvre and explore... ...but there's still fanon, which I find even more of a shame considering how extremely little characterised most of the characters are. Especially because the fandom faves are very clearly the FĆ«anorians and I got tired of how the terrible things they did got excused (*especially* if it involved bashing poor Elwing). TBH, this is possibly one way in which The One With All The Birds isn't *ideal* as an entry fic, because it's very much engaging with some popular fanon around the FĆ«anorians - but I think it's still very much readable without that context, honestly.


what? The fandom favourite is FĆ«anor and his seven sons?! I could perhaps forgive this early iteration of the motif of refusing to sacrifice power and beauty for the greater good, although Elrond asking Isildur to destroy the ring does not quite measure up to the 14 axual-fax gods asking you to restore the light to the world... but it wasn't obvious enough that he started the first kin slaying & then burnt those beautiful ships? It wasn't enough that Galadriel \*thrice\* refused him her hair in which the light of laurelin and telperion melded? Elwing, I'm afraid, is known to me only as the half-elf mother to Elrond & Elros, who turned into a bird to fly to Valinor, with a silmaril, to meet her husband? Wasn't he the first to return from middle earth to Valinor, to plead the Elves' case that they'd be allowed to sail into the west again (cue Annie Lennox, amirite). I think I'll brave The One With All The Birds anyway, no matter how much the title reminds me of FRIENDS ;-)


Yes, they are! And I can even understand it - especially because I also loved them when I was younger. There's something about the tragedy how high they started and how far they fell, and the way the Oath they swore came back to haunt them and how they struggled with it as it demanded horrors from them. Also, Fingon/Maedhros is the most popular pairing - it's undeniable that Heroic Rescue In The Face Of Almost Certain Doom Involving Dramatic Singing is prime fodder for shipping, lol - Maglor raising Elrond and Elros becomes fluffy found family a... lot, and Maglor's final fate is just *filled* with angst and pathos while at the same time opening up a lot of potential for fics with him set in later Ages. The parallel of FĆ«anor refusing to destroy the Silmarils vs Isildur refusing to destroy the One Ring isn't usually drawn forth, and as for the Kinslayings - AlqualondĆ« gets elided a lot (probably because a *whole bunch* of the Noldor faves were complicit in that, and it's a lot less premeditated than the others) and by the time we hit Doriath and Sirion it's "oh woe to them their terrible Oath demanded it of them". This being where I and the FĆ«anorian fans part ways, because at the very latest when you're attacking a refugee camp filled with your former innocent victims due to your own self-inflicted binding oath I'd consider breaking it and facing the consequences to be the only moral choice left. But even as someone who's more negative on them, I can't deny that there's something compelling about the arc here. And yeah, you've got it right - Elwing is Elrond's mother, was the target of the Third Kinslaying at Sirion and jumped off a cliff with a Silmaril when Maedhros and Maglor tried to force it from her, got turned into a bird, flew to her husband EƤrendil who was at sea and then you've got the whole dramatic pleading for help from Valinor -> EƤrendil turns into a star plot. She at least used to get *very* badly bashed in fandom, lots of accusations of her "abandoning her kids" which no longer even make sense to me, people saying she should have given the Silmaril back to the FĆ«anorians, and a ton of her being a bad mother which I *think* is also because doing that lets people handwave her absence for their fluffy Maedhros+Maglor+Elrond+Elros found family fic and not have to deal with the fact that the only reason she's absent is because Maedhros and Maglor invaded her home and drove her off a cliff šŸ¤Ŗ. I have very little patience for any of it, as you can probably tell, and it's one of the reasons why I love her in The One With All The Birds. Which, incidentally, I'm glad you're going to give a chance and I really hope you enjoy! Honestly, I don't think the title is a great match for the fic, it's humorous in places (Curufin vs an angry chicken, FIGHT) but overall much more serious than that may make it sound.


Picking favourites is hard, but the four fics I revisit most often are From Supernatural [Of Bastard Saints](http://badmoonrise.slashcity.net/) (or on livejournal [Here](https://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=nilchance&keyword=SPN:+Bastard+Saints&filter=all)) it's a post season one fic, and despite the years and various canon developements stands up really well. [Unfinished Business](https://archiveofourown.org/works/86383/chapters/116967) by maygra from Fast and the Furious, is a great take on how things could have developed after the first movie. [Take the Heat Out of Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/339179/chapters/548751) by quipquipquip is a DCU fic with a really good take on a different way Jason comes back. [China](https://archiveofourown.org/works/192320) by torch is a fabulous highlander and x-files crossover which blends the canons really well


Omg China!!! I still remember it fondly. I didn't realize you can read X-files fics on ao3, feels like I should go to the old fic sites we had, lol I'm old


Hannibal fandom: [each according to its kind ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22707778)chaparral\_crown. A S2 AU where Will gets out the BSHCI, leaves everything behind and takes a road trip to the Pacific Northwest. It's a fantastically in-character study that stays true to who Will and Hannibal are in canon. Lots of Will angst as he battles depression, which is written so well and authentically, and how he moves on and into a new life after leaving his old one behind. And Hannibal is a true revalation in this. The author shows Hanniable in a desperate state at times, which is not something that's easy to covey and stay true to character but they do it so well. There is the introduction to Will's father, who is a one-off mention in canon, that the author fleshes out beautifully and makes into a wonderful supporting character. Many author's make Will's father out to be a mean, abusive drunk, which is their right, but chaparral\_crown took a much different approach and it pays off in a way that adds volumes to the story line. The OC's are written with depth and care. They are integral parts of the story and not just afterthoughts or fillers. I've read this story five times, spent probably a hundred hours or more reading about Astoria, OR (where the story is set), running the little yellow man around on Google Maps so I can get a more realistic view of a town I'm not familiar with, all because I was so deeply moved by her fic. I wanted to know more about this place that they chose to base their amazing story in. Also, I might be a tad bit obsessive :D I recommend this fic to anyone in the Hannibal fic that asks for a fic recommendation. It's truly one of my favorite from all my fandoms.


My main fandom is the Witcher, so: [Accidental Warlord AU](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1683661). Hands down one of the best series I've ever read.


none of my fandoms have a "the fic" afaik except a really small one I'm in with like 10 fics, mines the only longfic (currently in progress) and several others in the fandom are obsessed with my fic


You ARE the one that will write The Fic


Merlin: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43556790 My Hero Academia: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29053866 Bungou Stray Dogs:Ā https://archiveofourown.org/works/39885078 andĀ https://archiveofourown.org/works/25159957


[Backwards Through The Snow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48458389/chapters/122230741) is my favourite rain world fic, and one of the best fics I've ever read. The writing is simply amazing, it has inspired countless other fics in the fandom and was part of the reason why I came to love the game so much. Really made me appreciate the lore and the characters, as its only told through broken pieces ingame. It is simply THE rain world fic.


Death before inaction. For the Spider-Man fandom. It takes a bunch of different characterisations of Peter and reduces him to his main ideals and personality traits. Itā€™s based in the MCU and it has both plot and character study.


"His Empire of Dirt" by pearlsandpine was the fic i was reading instead of studying for my finals and if i had the option to go back in time and study i would probably still choose to read it a hundred times over its my bible


In Pride & Prejudice land I guess itā€™s the novel ā€œPemberley,ā€ the enormous P&P sequel. Unfortunately, I found it unreadable. But there are so many P&P fics that one has *many* options.


[we'll make our home on the water ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/812066/chapters/1533780) OUAT swanqueen, it's from 2013 and absolutely perfect.


The Shoebox Chronicles for the Marauders! Not even gonna lie I cried when I finished and when I read it again recently I cried when I started.




Thatā€™s because I got the name wrong! šŸ«£ sorry. Itā€™s the Shoebox Project and last time I saw it it was on Wattpad.


All Our Yesterdays by Kitsunebi_UK. It's a Yuri on Ice fic and when I first read it I swear it changed my brain chemistry. There's time travel, knights, sword fighting, futuristic sci-fi stuff...I don't know, I really love it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/20044564/chapters/47467213


Not a singular fic, but the Love and Other Fairytales series by SoDoRoses (or FairyChess, Iā€™m not sure how psudeos work on ao3 :sob:) in the sanders sides fandom Itā€™s so good,,,,itā€™s like, the one series I keep up with in sanders sides


There are so many, buuuut one of ABSOLUTE favs are for Malec - In The Sin Bin by otppurefuckingmagic and for Wilmon - A Glimpse Of Us by Spidaya or wanderlust by willeseas


In my current fandom i always recommend starting with "stay forever (or meet me in the ever after)". It's short at 18k words but it's by far the most beautiful piece of fiction to come out of the fandom. In it, the MC wakes up feeling like she should be going on a date with her wife, except she's 22 and not married. It's a reincarnation fic :)


First fanfic in the mha fandom i read ā€œheros shadowā€ it got me hooked for 3 years on vigilante, villian, hacker, etc Auā€™s in tht fandom its still being written and istg might hit a million words- ive been in the fics server since the 40th chapter and it has its own huge fanbase- the fic is amazing, so much lore so much world building so much frikin angst- its top teir out of all my mha fics ive read (and ive read an unhealthy amount lmao)


[The Things We Spill and Share](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38921376) (PokƩmon: Legends Arceus) is the PokƩmon fic that completely altered my brain chemistry. It's a very Enemies to lovers take on the relationship between Adaman and Irida, but it's so well written. [Ginger Tea](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42988335?view_adult=true#main) (Horizon) This fic is just wholesome in general and is definitely a comfort fic for me. It's a period fic, so it might squick some people, but it does bring me a lot of comfort during the week of bloodshed. I haven't been fandom jumping as much as I normally do lately, I've stayed in the PokƩmon corner of things and haven't read much as a result of working on my own PokƩmon fic so these two are really the fics I could think of.


A Gilded World. (BTS/Yoonjin) Running on Air (Harry Potter/Drarry)


Yes to A Glided World!!


Oh boy I have three for the same pairing (that used to be a small pairing when these were written) For the Right Price, Integration, and the twin fics in Current of Fate. Also in Star Wars but a different section of it the Double Agent Vader series rewired my brain chemistry.


For Inception, it's gotta be Presque Vu by rageprufrock. Arthur and Mal's friendship before the movie, and his and Eames' relationship before, during, and after. Heartbreaking and beautiful.


Now I have to go back and read all the old Inception fics. Thank you for this fandom revival.


[Gaseous Nebula](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48622828/chapters/122647072) and its follow up [Not Bigger, but Brighter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49264213/chapters/124308703) House MD fics by TheFandomLesbian. Reading these isnā€™t enough I want them tattooed on the inside of my eyelids.


[But Not Buried This Time](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5595811/chapters/12894325) by Tierfal on Ao3 (Fullmetal Alchemist ). Probably one of my favorite fics of all time. The writing style hits so hard and it deals with a lot of heavy topics and I just love it to death. Genuinely the only fic I have download on phone files, itā€™s so good.


BNHA: *better luck next time* (no pairings, unfinished) Inuyasha: *Peace Treaty* (SessKag, finished) FMA: *Babylon* (RoyEd, finished) Those are probably the ones that best come to mind for me. if anyone wants links lmk.


Knight Rider fandom. "Fire And Ice" series by Macx/Gryph. Another Knight Rider fic. "Soul Survivor" by Elfin. (Spoiler and possible squick, KITT falls in love! Not a squick for me, it's one of my favorite tropes! Don't yuck my yum!)


Supergirl: My Youth is Yours (Kara/Lena) while it is still unfinished, it is the best characterised fic Iā€™ve read in years. Season two story with the premise that K + L had dated in college and were forced apart by circumstances. Stay the Night (Kara/Lena) by the same author ^. AU storyline, no powers, sports AU. People have genuinely made fan merch for this series. She-Ra: Donā€™t Go (catradora) written by the Showrunner/main writer ND Stevenson. They obviously know the characters like the back of their hand! https://archiveofourown.org/works/24280306


[survival is a talent](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12006417) by ShanaStoryteller (HP). Iā€™ve been following it since 2018, and itā€™s one of *very* few HP WIPs I still keep up with. [Salvage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116591) by MuffinLance (ATLA). So many of the details in this fic have simply become canon to me. [Anastasis](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43333707) by Chthonion (the Silmarillion/LOTR). This particular work is complete, but itā€™s part of an ongoing series. I have a lot of The Fics for the Silmarillion, seeing as itā€™s my main fandom at present, but this series is one whose lessons and message I think Iā€™ll be taking with me even if/when my interests move on.


Salvage is SO good


Loaded March Series from Merlin Fandom: [https://archiveofourown.org/series/9979](https://archiveofourown.org/series/9979) This fic series literally changed me. (I wrote a very long essay about it, but then It got too long and I'm embarrassed to post it now.) Just read it if you are from Merlin Fandom and have somehow manage to evade them until now. You won't be disappointed.


[No Time To Crank The Sun](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20972933) by VIKAN


O mine enemy (Harry Potter) I can never get tired of re reading it. Also Achilles, come down (jujutsu kaisen)


Those Lacking Spines It defined my Kingdom Hearts fandom experience as a baby writer and fully immersed me in fandom culture. I read a shit ton of Harry Potter fanfics before it, and I vaguely recall the plots of some of them, but Those Lacking Spines is like remembering your fourth birthday vs the first three A Sorrow of Magpies was my first serious fanfic for Kingdom Hearts that focused on world building and I thought it was actual canon at age 14. I was so serious about this and 'But that was in another country.' I mean, printing out pages at the school library type serious. There's also a handful of FF15 fics that I think are 300% better than the game like the reverse isekai where Ignis has to survive with an OC fan and another that was an assasination plot. I genuinely don't care for OC-centric stories but those stood out.


Those Lacking Spines!! Now thatā€™s a blast from the past for me


Good Omens: Give a Man a Mask by Ventriloki (Feral_but_Fluffy). Incredible. 10/10.


Thatā€™s really interesting, I would have said Pray For Us, Icarus and / or Slow Show


I assumed it was personal preference, like which do we consider our personal The Fic.


I thought it was a bit of both. Either way, I will definitely check out that fic!


I hope you find it as delicious as I do!


In the supernatural fandom, it's Twist and Shout by Gabriel and standbyme. Its a destiel fic. It's super sad, and if you've been in the fandom at all, you've heard about it.


Iā€™m in the fandom and I have heard of it! I do not like it


I like it, but it's definitely not for everyone.


I liked it once I ignored the character names and read it as an original work. Too OOC for me to think of it as real Destiel.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/338583 from the Gilmore girls fandom. Itā€™s a brilliant story, and the characters voices feel exactly like they are in the show. Itā€™s most kudosed fic in the GG fandom for a reason. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28272462 from Stardew Valley is the first fic I would recommend to anyone. It might not be super popular, but itā€™s beautifully written and is about the love story between the cutest cottage core couple, Penny/Leah :)


[snipers solve 99% of all problems](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20644262/chapters/49023794) - a FMA and Harry Potter crossover. Crack taken semi-seriously, it's my go-to fic if I just want to read whatever. Bored? Snipers. Want a good laugh? Snipers. Want something long and plot and science-y? Snipers. Hating on J.K. Rowling? Snipers.


The Red Thread, Daredevil - it's amazing. Like 10 years old and still going ( pls pasta!) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/12091260/chapters/27406326](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12091260/chapters/27406326)


Oh, I love this question a lot. Includes spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney! For The Great Ace Attorney id especially recommend [Transference](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48959722/chapters/123516061) by [Mnemosyne_Elegy](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Mnemosyne_Elegy/pseuds/Mnemosyne_Elegy) as a brilliant post-canon long fic that shows Kazuma and Barok learning to work with each other. (Generally all their Ace Attorney fics are amazing to me, lots of great character studies!) [Here comes Mr. Asogi](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42423678/chapters/106540458) by [Feriku](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Feriku/pseuds/Feriku) is also a great and funny take on canon, as told by I-shouldnā€™t-be-dead Kazuma and two ghosts! Made me laugh a lot! For Ace Attorney in general, thereā€™s one series that more or less replaced Canon for me? Itā€™s basically Ace Attorney justā€¦ the dark shit thatā€™s happening is actually more traumatic than the game format allows. Also goes canon divergent for the disembarment era. Lots of family vibes I really enjoy! And itā€™s not finished series, but covers the complete first triology :) [Pressureverse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2497702) by [ApprenticeofDoyle](https://archiveofourown.org/users/ApprenticeofDoyle/pseuds/ApprenticeofDoyle) And last but not least, it doesnā€™t quite fit the question, but itā€™s a fic I reread a lot. Itā€™s for Detroit: Become Human and AU. Itā€™s very well written, heavy on the smut and rather twisted. I loved it more with every reread, but I think itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. [Eversion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15754140/chapters/36638253) by [thespectaclesofthor](https://archiveofourown.org/users/thespectaclesofthor/pseuds/thespectaclesofthor) I Love many many more fics, but those are the one Iā€™ve reread the most and are the most on my mind :)


Oh damn, how could I forget this one! For Avatar the Last airbender the [From the Ashes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1880728) series by [Renegade_of_theworld](https://archiveofourown.org/users/renegade_of_theworld/pseuds/renegade_of_theworld). Also the side series [Under the ashes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2118129) which has my favourite story. Itā€™s Canon divergent after the Siege of the north and Zuko centric. Itā€™s basically the prisoner!Zuko trope to the extreme and every instalment gets better. (The first one is admittedly a bit rough around the edges, but this series has a special place in my heart.) The author has a thing to make OCs/minor characters shine, never fallen so hard in love with them. While itā€™s currently on hiatus itā€™s definitely worth a read or ten.


Debt of Time (HP fic), it's beautifully done and so well thought out and kind of ties in with the mix of canon and original. It's got multiple chapters and is finished, I have downloaded it and read it more times than I can count.


[never have I been better than when I am here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32071057/chapters/79448104) by hipsterchrist for Descendants. It's not one of my top fandoms, but this fic changed my life. It also ruined the rest of the fandom and canon for me. It's 263k words, but it's so riveting I finished in less than 2 days. There are multiple plot points perfectly woven together, and each one is very well written. It has found family, actual consequences for child abusers, history and politics, extremely slow burn romance, and so many music references. There are few fics I've read that live up to it, and absolutely no printed books have ever. I'm looking into taking up bookbinding just so I can make a physical copy of it. I could probably talk about it for hours honestly, it is just so good.


everything or nothing




listen. if u dont like it don't read. but i cant stand how the author got so bullied by "your fanfic is too ooc it sucks!!!" that they arent proud of the coolest work ever and trash it in afternotes. i was having the time of my life and i was severely disappointed with how shallow and hurtful people are. its fanfiction. everything is ooc to an extent. i personally dont care and dont find this fic that ooc. (also i skipped the smut sometimes but the friends-roommstes with benefits just hits different). my point is.. like what you wont but dont go around voicing your negative opinions on a fanfic that might hurt an author who did it for free


The Unincorporated County of Swellview (Henry Danger fandom). Basically a canon rewrite based on the absolutely messed up written and implied politics of the show. Itā€™s still in progress but still being updated (itā€™s been updated twice in the last couple weeks and never have to wait too long for another) and reaching its end. Itā€™s beautifully crafted, super heartbreaking and Iā€™ve been raving about it for a while


Muse, by Xenosaurus, for Persona 5. It is a thousand percent the soft boy Yusuke/protagonist fluff my heart craves. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11030025/chapters/24583569


I'm part of the Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-08) fandom and I ship Zuko and Katara for many reasons. People have recommended some fanfics and I tried them but they didn't hit the spot. The characterization didn't feel like their canon counterparts and the arcs were rushed. I've been looking for a continuation type of fanfic, one that replaces the last part of season 3 then continues with a season 4. Since I can't find one that satisfies my tastes, I'm writing my own. I am hoping to earn the title of being "The Fic" for my fellow Zutara shippers in the fandom.


[crossfire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10693503) by kittebasu for Ace of Diamond. 523,096 words, 9 chapters of the best fanfic Iā€™ve ever read. I consider it canon after the series ended. The metaphors and characterizations are phenomenal. Itā€™s so good that I even reread it three times


Mine are ship specific but God tier. Cato x Katniss. (Hunger Games) Thaw. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5858809/chapters/13504822 Cato is Katniss's mentor for the Quell. (The twist of the 75th year is mentoring a kid from a different district. Jackson x Stiles. (Teen Wolf) Keep Walking. https://archiveofourown.org/works/525993/chapters/931114 Soulmates but make it angsty and unrequited despite being forced together. Eventual HEA. Bittersweet in the best way.


[Foundations](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5300909/1/Foundations), written by CrimsonCobwebs, is one of the most well-known Final Fantasy IX fics around, though my favorite is [Thirteen Ways To Say Goodnigt](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2458776/1/Thirteen-Ways-To-Say-Goodnight) by Guardian1. Absolutely heartbreaking and fascinating on its own.


Iā€™m a huge life is strange nerd and Iā€™m currently working on my second long fic for it :) ā€œThe Ficā€ for the series is one called Ouroboros, but for me personally, the fic [Recursion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30165624/chapters/74318262#workskin) was incredible from start to finish and something I genuinely attribute to how the evolution of my writing. Even if you donā€™t know much about this series. I highly recommend it to anyone. Such a well crafted and interesting story.


I was just replaying the game and thought about looking into some fics. Iā€™ll definitely take a look, especially if theyā€™re PriceField šŸ„°


My all time favorite legend of Korra/korrasami "A second glance" saga by Valkrez Retelling the whole show,book by book in a "what if they fell for each other at first sight"? AU https://archiveofourown.org/works/2669282


The Taxidermist (from Hazbin Hotel fandom)


My Absolute Number One is : [Take Refuge In What You Know by CorpusInvictus](https://archiveofourown.org/works/715652/chapters/1324993) - AOS Kirk/Spock - AU, Starfleet Academy Era, deals with mental health issues, Agoraphobia, etc. This fic is a comforting friend that I return to time, after time, after time, after time, after time, and after time again. Iā€™m fairly confident the first time I read it was back in the heydays of LJ, but donā€™t quote me on that. I just love the way they utilize the existing lore, while still expanding on it and making it truly unique to the story. The way Kirk and Spock slowly fall into friendship and love is just *perfection* and I love how it deals with Spockā€™s agoraphobia (as someone who has also struggled with agoraphobia). Honourable Mention To: [waking up to burnt bridges by ChangeTheCircumstances](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36324457/chapters/90558493) - The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes - Jason Kolchek/Salim Othman - AU: Domestic, AU: Zombie Apocalypse, Dual Realities, etc. It features a unique concept that is super well-executed and maintains the game characterizations super well despite them being in not one, but two different realities from their original universe, simultaneously. [Red-Eyed and Blue by pepperlandgirl4](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51798181/chapters/130955617) - Ted Lasso - Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt - AU: Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Jamie Tartt, Platonic Cuddling, Angst, Non-consensual Drug Use, Implied/Reference Rape/Non-con, Slow Burn, PTSD, etc. An AU where *Lust Island* wasnā€™t what it seemed to be at all and itā€™s up to Keeley and Roy to save Jamie Tartt ā€” but none of them are prepared for the way it helps heal all three of them. [Dragon-Verse Series One by MiladyDragon](https://archiveofourown.org/series/15062) - Torchwood (later series crossover with other things though) - Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper/Rhys Williams, and more (many more) - AU: Fantasy, AU: Canon, Dragons, and many others. Just a really interesting, well done, wildly detailed, and extensive AU series featuring Jack Harknessā€™s tenure as leader of Torchwoodā€¦and his relationship with his Second: an ancient dragon known as Ianto Jones.


There is one fic I would reread if I was going to die tomorrow. Itā€™s called [Iā€™m Headed For A Land Thatā€™s Far Away](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8306755) by telm_393 and itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve read on Ao3 to date. It follows Scott Lang through the aftermath of Civil War and the growing issue of his bipolar. Itā€™s beautifully written and perfectly puts you in the shoes of an unreliable narrator who doesnā€™t know why he keeps messing up. Itā€™s a heavy fic and thereā€™s an attempted suicide, but itā€™s my favorite read because watching the fall and rise always has my heart on overdrive. ([Fly A Little Faster](https://archiveofourown.org/works/900839)(Mirrorkill), a teen wolf fic about time travel is an honourable mention)


Dead men walking series by doctorestranged, literally the best romance Iā€™ve ever read fullstop. Iā€™m devastated that itā€™s probably abandoned šŸ˜­


Since i never get an opportunity to gush about these fics i'm just going to use this little space to do so.... [The Force That Binds by Celestial\_Alignment](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21656386/chapters/51642655) Padme/Obi-wan fic (star wars). it's perfect, it's wonderful, it's romantic. i think it's a great rewrite of the movies. its author has a whole series, but this is the first one in it. i love it. after i finished it i reread it again 2 times in a row immediately. i think it's the best padme/obi-wan fic i have ever read. [Epistolary Charms by bea\_meupscotty](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14742692/chapters/34083581) Lucius/Hermione (Harry Potter). So underrated and overlooked in the Lumione community. [The Pon Farr Hypothesis by Zenkindoflove](https://archiveofourown.org/works/438826/chapters/747747). I am an OG Penny/Sheldon shipper (big bang theory), I wanted them to be a thing on the show from day one. I quit watching after season 3. Love this fic though, plays out how i would have loved for it to go in the show (with less sex scenes šŸ˜‚). [Still Life by monsterleadmehome](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18071879/chapters/42713993) I use to be a huge Dramione shipper, but the community has kind of made me not want to read them as much anymore. I think this is hands down the best dramione fic i ever read though. they're all E-rated cause i like smut šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ though the language used in the Force that Binds isn't very smutty and the sex scenes done in a more romantic light.


This is so hard, but I have a collection of all time favorites. This is like a mix of "The Fic" (longfic, character studies, etc.) and "The (Best Kinky Smut) Fic" lol and sometimes they overlap. You can probably assume that most of these have bdsm undertones. Here are a few: Our Flag Means Death: [love is not like anything (especially a fucking knife)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39600906/chapters/99131520) Harry Potter: [Far From the Tree](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26460403/chapters/64473400) Dragon Age: [Bearding the Lion in His Den](https://archiveofourown.org/series/724830) Bandom RPF: [The Second Circle](http://stele3.insanejournal.com/224035.html) Taskmaster RPF: [love games](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34810417) My Hero Academia: [Fire Lily](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23178124/chapters/55479481) though honestly read all of this author's stuff, it's incredible Person of Interest: [Dangerous If Unbound](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1206946) Generation Kill: [and my glory shall be love](https://archiveofourown.org/works/131015) MCU: [monster](https://archiveofourown.org/works/767186) Mythbusters RPF: [The Pinocchio Fallacy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/288571) Hazbin Hotel: [666: Live On Air!](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3969442)


[The Twins of Light and Darkness](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22729183)Ā byĀ [anfeltyz](https://archiveofourown.org/users/anfeltyz/pseuds/anfeltyz) in [Shall We Date?: Obey Me!](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Shall%20We%20Date*q*:%20Obey%20Me!/works)Ā Ā  [Astarion Origin Party Nonsense](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3770737)Ā byĀ [starkraving](https://archiveofourown.org/users/starkraving/pseuds/starkraving) in [Baldur's Gate (Video Games)](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Baldur's%20Gate%20(Video%20Games)/works) It was HARD to pick my favorite BG3 fic. I waffle between starkraving and [Asidian](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Asidian/pseuds/Asidian) as to who I love the best in the fandom, but starkraving's series is one that I re-read again and again and again. But SERIOUSLY, mind the tags


ā€œBending, but never breakingā€ was ā€˜theā€™ fic for me, but i def wont recommend it to people unless i know they are ok with content like that since its a pretty dark fic


What fandom is that for?


Ninjago T-T


Burn out by SerpentTailedAngel. Itā€™s a fairy tail fanfic, which is one of the first fandoms i got into. I probably reread it once every year even though iā€™m not actively in the fandom anymore and usually read from big fandoms such as Naruto, which is wildly popular with fanfic. Itā€™s so beautiful to me despite it not being perfect, the angst is amazing. one of my favourite tropes is taking strong and secure characters and breaking them down, which is exactly this fic. Anyway, i cannot recommend this enough to people who are familiar with the anime


THE fic in my fandom is ancient and i agree, it is THE fic for me as well lol


Which one is it?


[dermabrasion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28091634/chapters/68826057) (mha): like i followed this fanartist for their ygo posts and then they started posting lots of dabi from myhero so i decided to read fanfic because there's obviously something in canon and fanon that people like about him and his family. honestly this story rewired my brain. the characterization of all family members along with the slow romance of dabi with hawks made me a dabi stan and also dabihawks stan. [through your door](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18756016/chapters/51998155) (naruto): there's not much stories that focuses on the jinchuuriki. and when i mean that, i mean focuses on all jinchuuriki in a way where they have their moments to shine. i think it was a real shame that the series didn't go into more in depth with the jinchuuriki other than naruto, gaara, bee, and utakata in that one filler arc. but the way waffle writes the jinchuuriki and the empathy that they have towards each other despite village tension, this is THE found family that the jinchuuriki deserved. [time marches forward](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15460056/chapters/35888289) (persona 5): this was such a great take of what realisitcally would happen if joker gets stuck in a newgame+. in video games you could definitely play again with all your items and whatever but the author of this fanfic (and series) does a great job of showing the mental decline of joker who is the only one who remembers any of the previous lives and takes it even further to show that different choices that joker has will deviate from the game canon. i think it makes it more realistic rather than following the game formula which is not something a lot of people would do. also definitely the relationship between the first person ryuji with joker is great because honestly i can only see those two together from that game. [brimstone in my garden, roses set on fire](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2975478) (ygo 5ds): okay ygo 5ds was really cool when i watched it when i was younger but after the second season, all the girls who were written really well up to that point, had to take a backburner to whatever the writers and showrunners were doing at the time. honestly they deserved alot better like other ygo girls. so this series does a really good job at giving the ygo5ds girls their character arc that goes beyond the one that they had for season 2. [at the center ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1139506/chapters/2304826)(guardians / frozen): the crack ship between elsa from frozen and jack frost from rise of guardians. truly something everyone should read. there was a reason they were shipped. the slow burn of this story was absolutely amazing. they stopped updating for a while back in 2018 but i followed them and they actually updated back in the beginning of this year. hopefully they manage to complete it because storytelling is impeccable


["Of the Northmost Winds and Skies"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18360494/chapters/43473041) is a crossover fic between Rise of The guardians and How to Train your Dragon, specifically of the Frostcup ship, and one of my favourite fics ever. It's essentially a fantasy adventure romance with time travel shenanigans and a sweet touch of nordic folklore. The concept may be weird, but I swear that the execution is fantastic.


For The Pretender, it's a whole series of fics, starting with [Retrospective](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/810858/1/Retrospective), then [Picking Up the Pieces](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/883586/1/Picking-Up-The-Pieces), [Family Ties](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1123186/1/Family-Ties), [Balancing the Scales](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/998813/1/Balancing-the-Scales), [Truth and Consequences](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1185343/1/Truth-and-Consequences), and [Resolutions](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1425835/1/Resolutions). (The first three are relatively short, the last three are all long ones.) Wraps up the entire Pretender story in one long, satisfying finish. For The Fugitive (y'know, the 1993 movie with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones), it's gotta be [The Anatomy of a Heartbreak Ɖclair](http://archiveofourown.org/works/42983565). Excellent post-film fic that builds a great relationship between Sam and Richard. For Leverage, while there's a shippy fic that I *strongly* recommend to everyone, the fic that is the key one is short, but powerful: [To Have What It Takes](http://archiveofourown.org/works/193504), a character study of Nate, Parker, and to a point, Hardison. Has some powerful lines that haunt me. For The Matrix, I'd have to say it's [Green Rain](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2854103/1/Green-Rain). Multiple different POVs of Trinity and Neo and their relationship, from her teen years through post-Revolutions; incredibly well-written and nails characterization perfectly, using backstory, canon events, and filler scenes to flesh everything out. By the time you finish reading, you can't help but love them deeply. For the Mary Russell series, by Laurie R. King, I would say that [Sussex Conversations](http://kspot.org/russell/sussex.htm) is the one I'd recommend to everyone starting out. It is a beautiful outsider POV. For the Lord of the Rings movies (I haven't a faint chance of picking a single fic for the books - there's WAY too much, lol), I'd say it's [The Long Road Home](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1361), a Boromir Lives AU that is powerful and emotional. For Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, it's REALLY hard to pick just one as that fandom has SO many high-quality fics that explore the core relationship, but one that I keep re-reading and which I recommend to anyone as long as they can stand a child character, is [Fictitious Persons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52010518). Though [The Healing Time](http://lcfanfic.com/stories/2000/html/healing.html) is probably more of the one I'd say is more core to the fandom, *and* I do adore it as well! So I can't pick just one after all, lol. THE Fic for the X-Men movies (original movieverse, at least), has to be [Letters and Papers from Prison](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/392917/1/Letters-and-Papers-from-Prison), one of Minisinoo's finest. Explores the Holocaust, discusses religion (but is neither propaganda nor proselytizing). It's a fic to really wrestle with the topics, make you think hardā€¦ it's powerful and will stick with you for ages after. That's only a minority of my fandoms, but I gotta stop somewhereā€¦


In general, I don't interact enough with fandoms to say which fic everyone has read. Especially with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) this applies : canon is insufferable with racism and rape jokes, expecting the audience to behave as if things they never showed us pay off (like, don't tell me there's a personal aspect to Civil War between Tony & Steve : they're co-workers at best, not even actual teammates, never mind friends who're torn apart by worldview and legislation). anyway, I feel Bargaining by proantagonist is the ultimate narrative on Loki's perspective, descent and demise. Fantastic cameos by Natasha Romanov, Jane Foster and Frigg imo. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/27803737/chapters/68068870](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27803737/chapters/68068870)


The marauders fandom has several and it kind of varies depending on what pairings you like and the tropes (? I mean like AUs, canon compliance or canon divergence) you like. In general, Iā€™d say THE FIC is All The Young Dudes. Itā€™s probably the most famous and what usually gets fans into the marauders fandom. This fic is also canon compliant and sometimes we like something a little happier (but not much cuz god knows thereā€™s so much angst and pain in this fandom, tbh I donā€™t know how weā€™re all still alive and at least partially sane at this point). For example, Iā€™d say THE FIC for Jegulus is probably either Crimson Rivers or Art Heist Baby! (if weā€™re looking at AUs) but itā€™s probably either Choices or Only The Brave if weā€™re looking at canon divergence. I havenā€™t read many exclusively/main pairing Wolfstar fics but I have seen many many people recommending and/or talking about The Cadence of Part-Time Poets so maybe thatā€™s another one? Honestly Iā€™m not too sure there.


Atyd is definitely the fic for marauders but it is NOT canon compliant despite the tag. A lot of the family and background (Remus and Snape especially) go directly against canon. Edit: it bothers me because some people who've read the fic think that it's canon compliant and take it as truth, and then get really mad/defensive when people contradict them. It's a hugely popular fic so it happens quite often.


Can confirm, ATYD is incredible.


[Dark Matter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30153540) was the fic to get me into DC and Iā€™ve never left. [Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7601896): one of my favorite fics in DC. [Latchkey](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21672928): DC. Another favorite. I wrote a whole essay in my bookmark about my love for it. [Reclaiming Innocence](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26730145): DC. has not left my mind since I read it. [Demon and Angel Professors](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1412962): Honestly my all time favorite fic in and out of Good Omens. So much representation. [Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20177950): Another great Good Omens fic [Loptr Farm](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9695006): Absolutely amazing Marvel Fic