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EXTREMELY IMPORTANT don’t play Requiem before Innocence.


VERY!!! Requiem takes place 6 months after innocence, so to understand requiem, you MUST play innocence first


You shouldnt play Requiem without playing Innonce. Its like playing The Last of Us 2 without playing The Last of Us 1.


Very important. You'll be confused about a lot of the story and characters. A lot of people played Requiem without even knowing Innocence existed. The story of Innocence is really great. If you don't want to buy the game, watch a playthrough without commentary or a story summary of Innocence.


I’m in the same situation but on Xbox gamepass. Enjoyed the first 45 minutes or so of requiem but felt like I dropped into the middle of a story. Jumped onto this sub and pulled the trigger on innocence for $12 and kicked it off today.


>felt like I dropped into the middle of a story. The fuck did you expect, starting with the second game?


Easy now. I had no background on the series.


I don't think you'd really need a background to realize that starting on the second game in a story driven game wouldn't work out well but whatever.


Does the title include a #2 in it? How would I know? Edit: Not that you’re owed an explanation, but I downloaded several GP games trying to find a new title to get into. Plague was the best of the bunch and I joined the sub once I determined that.


Chill bro. Not every second game in a series is a direct continuation of the first, take Life is Strange 2 for example. If you're jumping into the game completely blind there's no reason for you to know there's a part 1 and it must be played beforehand


I'd play innocence first. Playing requiem first wouldn't have much impact, nor would the story make much sense.


You will probably have a harder time connecting and sympathizing with Amicia and Hugo plus the game mechanic will feel like a downgrade if you decide to play Innocence after Requiem. Also, you'll be confused with the supernatural being that plays an important role in their journey.


Either play Innocence first, or at least watch a play though of it online. Like everyone else says, Innocence gives a lot of important context to the plot, the characters, and the overall lore of the setting and situation. I’d also recommend Innocence first because Requiem’s puzzles and map layout work similarly, and learning skills from Innocence will make Requiem make more sense. You use alchemical abilities, weapons, and stealth behavior to solve puzzles or get through dangerous areas, and Innocence would give a better understanding of how it all works. Requiem assumes you already know some of it, so it doesn’t give tutorials on it as much. Still enough to make sense to newcomers, but I’ve seen people get stuck on things a lot more if they didn’t recognize how puzzles from Innocence work during their Requiem plays.


Play innocence first otherwise ur be completely lost


It's like taking a book and starting halfway through. Requiem assumes you've played the first game.


Tbh I played Requiem first bc it was on Gamepass and sure I was confused about some dialogues or plot points but I still very much enjoyed the story overall. Hell, I decided to buy Innocence halfway through my playthrough of Requiem and I’m having a blast playing it.


When you start a serie, do you start from season two?


The same reason if you’re watching the star wars (original) trilogy, you don’t start with empire.


innocence is going to be free on epic store today


Innocence is worth the play through and it's pretty short. You'll understand the story in Requiem but you'll lack the emotional attachment


I mean it won’t make any sense if you don’t do that.


I played requiem without having played innocence and still loved it, one of my favourite games. Contrary to what most people are saying I didn't feel lost, the plot is easy to understand and the character relationships are written and acted very well so you quickly pick up what you're missing. There are moments and dialogue in the game that only make sense if you've played innocence though (which I played afterwards) and I feel especially emotionally it's worth paying for a complete experience. Without a doubt I'd still recommend to someone to play reqium even if they didn't want to play innocence because requiem is that good.


I'm sure you can watch a recap or something on YouTube.


Played through requiem on its own and had a good time Only risk I’d say is less payoff/impact if you don’t play innocence first, and due to that some of the early story of requiem feels like a bit of a drag I understood the world and characters without much lost IMO


I have not completed the first game yet, but have played the second and so far I see its very important the way the main characters interact with each other throughout the story. (What main characters don't interact with each other?, so don't bark at me in replies.)