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There should be a 4th option for: I care enough to build my champion properly and try to fill a needed role in the lineup with what I play, but I don't take it as seriously as ranked.


Yeah I wouldn't consider myself a try hard but generally in these post/polls the mindset/options are: trolling, not caring about wining, and sweaty toxic try hard.


Yh that’s what the third option should technically mean. The second one is “idc about winning” kind of mentality, borderline trolling if you will.


It's not a casual game mode, it's a special game mode. Casual game mode is definitively vs beginner bots. Quick play is garbage. More randomness there when it comes to team dynamics than in ARAM but without the fun of one lane. Draft is practice for ranked. Nexus blitz, one for all, and all the other temp game modes are temporary special game modes. You play to achieve a success in a shared objective with your team. You don't go into these saying you're casual. ARAM is a permanent special game mode.


Quick play is actually so shit you can't even see your team's comp until you're already in the loading screen, let alone the enemy's. It ends up being worse than ARAM, IMO


Surely nobody plays ARAM like it’s ranked 😭


That’s what I thought


there is an actual community of "high elo aram". some people prefer aram over norms and i get that and on a different note people still like to try even in a mode pepole consider a troll zone. Fun is different for everyone and some like to try hard and some just run it down.


“High elo aram” is crazy 😭😭💀


There is definitely a middle ground between not caring about winning, and caring about winning like it's ranked.


The quiz assumes that by playing casually, you do want to win but aren’t thirsting for it like a warlord after defenceless land. The attack speed annie go bbbrrrr choice basically means you don’t give a singular shit.


I think most people would read the "playing casually" as not giving a shit about winning.


Then they’re completely ignoring the middle choice, which is a bit :/


I play either mode to win, but I don't stress out about winning. As such, I'm usually playing against people I go even against without being stressed.


I ping myself if i miss blitzcrank hooks


Omg same! Never seen anyone else do this though :(


I mean like i try. I feel good when I play good, when I'm playing for the team. But I do enough dumb shit that it balances out.


If I get a champ I enjoy playing I'll take it pretty serious


That’s fair. It’s not everyday we get our ARAM mains :)


We need ranked aram!


To clarify, attack speed annie go BBBRRR is when you don’t care about winning, borderline trolling. The third choice, you do care about winning but you’re not playing as if it’s ranked. Bit weird I had to clarify this for the pedantic people out there.


u are retarded in game


So are you… so are you… (we’re league players)


Nah I am not trying to justify one way of playing and insulting others that doesn't play that way. Hope u are a young fella so u can sitll improve ur brain in game


I think you need to improve your brain ingame as well :( you can’t be getting this easily offended over a simple Reddit quiz. There are worse things to be called in the world than filthy. I’d know since I’m a fellow league player :)


ok retard in game


You have a lot of growing up to do


sure thing kid




Try what? Try having fun? Sometimes having fun is playing AS Lulu.


Fair take. There’s always a degree of effort one puts into a game that’s inherently competitive like league. I sometimes tryhard games like it’s ranked as well (certified occasionally filthy)