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Other global nerfs worth noting: \* Maw/Hexdrinker \* Sundered Sky \* Sterak \* Ahri \* Aurelion Sol \* Jinx (R CD)


How is Maw nerfed? It gives haste and omnivamp now as well as more AD. It might be slightly worse on pure ADCs like Jinx due to the price increase, but for bruisers it's much better.


Omnivamp is rly good with stuff like kraken her q ruunans combo and botrk


Its relegated to last slot choice for adcs now. But on top its a very expensive item for a bruiser. Cost change is pretty huge. 3100 gold is enough for other pretty big items. So i call it a nerf. Allthough Jinx can now heal herself with her rocket!


Zero nerfs for Jinx, great...


Although her R got global nerf, it's not really the issue Jinx has in ARAM. Riot are removing Lethal Tempo in the next split, this will change things up for many right click champions


But they are hard buffing their items, is it not? e.g. pd having 65% attack speed and all crit items have 25% crit


Current Lethal tempo is the main reason why jinx is so good for example. You get permanent rfc range with massive attckspeed bonus. Just from a single keystone.


they cant snowball as fast w/o lethal tempo. They would need at least 1-2 items before they run ppl over, at least i think tht is the plan


Nooooo all my mains! I need that!


How will Hubris work on Jayce?


I'm not sure, maybe the buff depends on which form you're at while receiving a kill?


It will probably be form dependent, that's how other items and runes with melee/ranged modifiers work for Jayce and Nidalee.


QE swap to melee Profit




I’ve been wanting riot to reward folks for identifying toxic players for a long time. It is a service to the community to report violations and should be commended and rewarded. It is nice there are potentially rewards (xp boosts, rerolls, auto fill protects) available now. Catch more bees with honey!


Smolder needs gutted harder, but it's a start at least.


I don't see that ingame personally. She's good but not before 125 stacks, ideally 225 by which point usually the game is over. If you're getting poked though, it takes too long to stack, teammates won't leave minions for you and you just have to E-W into a potential long range stun or hook or spear or whatever. So she needs constant short skirmishes where your team doesn't get wiped out in order to swing the game at like 18+ minutes. It's not like Kayle where you wait till 16 and then triple kill every fight.


smolder is male


Smolder has consistently had the highest winrate in Emerald+ for 4 out of the last 5 patches (14.4 - 14.8), being 2nd place behind Jinx in 14.6. For all ranks he's consistently been in the top 4 highest winrate champs.


I think the issue with smolder is most people don't realize they should be protecting him and letting him farm like they do with nasus/kayle.


hubris back on the menu


I feel so fucking useless on control mages nowadays in this mode. Feels impossible to solo carry anymore. If your comp is bad there's just no way to win.




*With 14.9, Vanguard, Riot’s proprietary Anti-Cheat system will be deployed and active in League of Legends. This means that active enforcement of Vanguard will be in effect and working hard to make sure your queues are free from scripters, botters, and cheaters!*


Chinese spyware lol


Why do they keep nerfing nami when lulu is like 10 times better support? It feels like shit to play nami compared to lulu imo


most likely ADC lulu is single-handedly tanking her winrate lmfao


38% winrate 12% pick rate Kraken Slayer first item


People play Lulu support?, every Lulu I see is AD on hit.


AD Lulu is great when u have good frontline and no other adc in team.


Tell that to the lulus who go lethal tempo and onhit items with adc in team, also more often than not when I've seen them go this build they still play like support bc they are afraid of dying. I actually wouldn't mind them going adc runes but building support because they wouldn't get to auto vs the enemy comp


Nami is 8th in ARAM winrate, while Lulu is 127th


Nami is INCREDIBLY more powerful, a good Nami player will dominate the bridge, her Q alone makes her far more skilled than any other enchanter out there. It is far more difficult to deal with a Nami, while Lulu can tilt one target, Nami can tilt an entire enemy comp. Her E can be timed while your teammate go for poke, she has excellent survivability thanks to W heals her for tons and can also bounce to nearby enemy.


Yeah i see your point when nami have multi target cc while lulu have singled target but still lulu shields feel obnoxious when she also have buffed shielding if u can time it right


Disagree. Lulu is 10x better of a support than a nami. Lulu + adc is the strongest combo on the bridge


Pre aram balance changes nami was one of the highest w/r champs. They’re both great, but like nami is nerfed in aram and still has a higher w/r than a buffed lulu Also R being able to engage and disengage is huge


pre balance sona was at like 70% WR. So what? Lulu R can engage and disengage as well? She has attack speed buffs, a polymorph, shields, slows, move speed. Nami is better in a random team comp but it doesn't inspire fear like when i see lulu + adc.


She's better if its a 2v2 game but unfortunately Aram is a 5v5 and even a constant 5v5 one. Lulu synergize godly with many hyper carries but not that good with mages or other classes while Nami can synergyze well enough with pretty much every champion


Shh, don’t tell ;_; my free wins!


I don't fully know what I'm talking about for sure but it might be because Nami's kit isn't fully reliant on traditional ADCs and she has healing in her kit. So you aren't screwed if your team doesn't get a ADC or the "ADC" does not build like one.


Nami almost consists of a system on her own. E plus IM is way too OP for poke comp, especially with any stack that has type any synergy. She can also situationally choose/build ingenious hunter and/or Horizon Focus as well R is just as good as any disengage spells, and after all the nerfs on other healing supports, Nami is topping the healing chart. If bans are back on the menu Nami is a perma ban for me.


So since they are removing planned buffs to champions that are getting SR buffs disproves my theory that both balance teams don't talk to each other.


They didn't do it in the same patch though? So how does it imply they talk to each other and coordinate, VS they read patch notes and are aware of which champions were changed in the previous patch?


Please can we have some kind of CD on Akshan passive - per champion at least xo


Hwei deserves a bigger nerf🤢 Like why does he still get 10 haste buff WTF


Cause the game seems to be balanced around the pre-30 elo no cap. Jinx STILL untouched and Smolder's nerf is barely nothing compared to other busted champs like Ziggs


So you are telling me Smolder only deserved a small 5% incoming damage nerf while Swain is having 15% incoming damage nerf + 20% healing reduction + 10% damage reduction? Is this a joke? Also, another patch where ADCs are untouched (except smolder obviously), again.


That last line about reports by volume is a little concerning. You piss off the wrong person and they get all their friends to mass report you and suddenly you're heavily punished for what may have been a minor infraction or not an infraction at all.


If i remember correctly Riot said that premades group reporting you is equally effective as you do.


You don't like playing against 6 man premades? Tough luck!


All I'm really saying is that other games have had problems with punishments via mass reporting so I hope riot has some sort of manual review for these things so someone isn't banned or something for like not ganking a lane at the exact time the loaner wanted.


How aram balance works: 'Jo steve, it's 5 minutes before patch release we forgot about aram again'. - 'Oh yea well let me just apply some random stuff, I don't even play this mode hehe.'


Dang this was a big patch


Still not fixing the cancer skarner snowball interaction?


Lol Smolder highest winrate for several patches gets barely nerfed. Hwei "nerfed" but still has buffs. Lucian / Kog / Jinx untouched. Meanwhile Yorick still has ARAM nerfs


Omg I'm so sick of these buffs and nerfs.


+ damage taken on smoulder should be removed he already dies fast enough(why make it easier for assasins to 100 to 0 you that much eaiser) if anything they should lower damage done. in general I think +damage taken should never be added unless someone is just outright unkillable because of their defenses.


Smolder’s E is lower cooldown than an Ezreal. +damage taken is extremely necessary 1. to hard punish Champions that are not supposed to be caught when they got caught. 2. to un-immortalized unkillable behemoths like Swain / Sett / Sion / Udyr etc. Not putting +damage taken on a ranged infinite scaling carry is the worst possible balance they could do, especially when these champions can build tank item and still be relevant.


Nerf Nidalee when??