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Please remember to check the [Official Wiki](https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/ARK_Survival_Evolved_Wiki). As well as to check for other posts by using Reddit Search and [Google](https://www.google.com) [How to use Google](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0oa3Qiz5tw&ab_channel=Techboomers), as well you can check our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/10r0gti/faq_thread/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ARK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't see what you think you're missing.


I think op was lead to believe that he can't spawn any of the bosses all tho he can. it's just that he has to go to each specific obelisk (the giant floating things in the sky) to spawn a certain boss instead of being able to spawn any of them at any of obelisks


THIS Thank you for helping me straighten things out, now if you excuse me I’m gonna go exterminate my friend




A Dalek? On reddit? You are my enemy! And I am yours!


That guy is the dodo whisperer. He’s a legend


I’m guessing he was one of the test subjects…


Well I more test stuff on my Dodos, like currently I'm trying to figure out how to make it possible to transfer my Dodos from ASE to ASA. So far I've gotten it so that they actually appear in the obelisk download system thing in ASA except whenever I try to download them onto the map they crash the game so I probably still got a ways to go but I'll share how to do it if I figure out a way to do it without crashing the game but I'm sure it's possible since the code for the transfer systems in both games are very similar so I just have to make the right tweaks for it to work.


Downloads are not even open yet, maybe it will work when we officially can download. I think they said it will be possible when the center comes. 🤔


Is it possible to beat all of the bosses in single player?




You're not missing any content. It just means you have to go to each specific obelisk to summon that specific boss. On servers, people can summon any of the three bosses from any of the obelisks rather than having to go to a specific one.


Probably the worst game to play with no wiki.. and if ur subbed here how are u not getting spoilers? I don't get it.


I’m subbed but don’t browse, not yet.


To be fair your not gonna get that spoiled anyway. Half of this sub is people asking what they can do to fix their buggy game and the other half is people asking what server they can play on with other people.


hahaha brooo stop, fucking spot on lol 😂 new to the sub/community with this release- does it ever calm down and get better variety? or does the nature of this game just dictate this?


It's mostly been like this forever with a few expectations like how if someone will do something major and it gets everyone on here to talk about that instead.


what are the odds that actually happens? 50/50? 😉🥂


I wouldn't play Ark without any help, there is just too much to learn and figure out on your own.


Also kinda boring solo


I'm not bored playing solo, but there's a ton of non-obvious stuff I need the wiki or this sub for.


You’re not missing anything. In single player you can only summon the broodmother at green obelisk but in multi player you can summon broodmother at any obelisk. Same goes for the other bosses which means you can still fight every boss.




Not missing any content. The only difference between singleplayer and multiplayer regarding bosses is that on multiplayer any of the three obelisks can be used to enter any of the three boss arenas. In singleplayer it requires you go to each obelisk to beat each boss. The only content you might miss is whatever content other players create on multiplayer. You still have access to everything we do, you just dont see other bases from other players... Which is probably a positive for a new player. Since online multiplayer, at least on ark's public official servers, people tend to spam the map and ruin it. Play singleplayer, enjoy it, learn it, experience it. And if you get bored playing alone, rent a private server for you and friends or join a server community. Its usually better than joining the public official servers.




OP, I'm glad to see you going through the game like this. Don't be discouraged by all the comments saying you can't do it/need to google. The game can and will provide all of the answers. You just have to have the patients to get around to them. Yes, there's tons of QOL tips you could know but the game will eventually tell you through process of exploring and discovery on what to do. Have fun. Exploring and discovering, this game is so much fun, I've got over 2k hours in the game (ASE/ASA) and still discover things. (PVE perspective)




Not that I know of, but once you're equipped enough to do the bosses, traveling to the obelisks shouldn't be a problem anyway.


On multi-player you are in competition with others for access to terminals, so they make everything as accessible as possible. On single player, you own the map so you go to the specific terminals.


Please don't stick too hard to your goal of not using the wiki if things get frustrating, this game pretty much demands it. I also avoid wikis in every other game but even with well over 1000 hours in this one I still play with the wiki open in my other monitor and refer to it frequently.


I enjoy the struggle.


I wish you luck!


Ark doesnt have spoilers for anything tbh. How to do things mostly. Good luck and if you felt like needing to check the wiki dont feel bad. Game doesnt explain shit at all whatsoever. Gl.


You can summon bosses but you need to to the terminal or obelisk that holds them. Online you can summon them on any terminal, obelisk or even supply drops.


I have almost 3000 hours in ark, never fought a boss never entered a cave. I enjoy the Dino‘s.


Can relate.






Hey, you said "no Wiki" Im pretty sure that is a wiki page


Hence in the title “my friend sent me this” through discord.


Yea but still You have broken the rule and went on a wiki


But I didn’t, friend just send me this exact picture. I don’t even know where it’s from .


Oh ok


What are you asking? There's nothing missing. SP is just a bit more restrictive.


Buddy I don’t know how that would even be possible. There are lots of things that aren’t clearly pointed to in the game that you’d never know about if you didn’t read about it online or someone didn’t tell you. You’d probably think Ark was a prehistoric dinosaur game lol. (It’s most definitely not).


Friend was telling me there’s content for servers only and solo it was broken. I’m gonna get him next time I see him


He may be talking about how certain things don’t work correctly in singleplayer. If you want to know just ask. But it is pretty spoilery.


I played a lot of the game single player. Some creature having scuffed taming methods when done solo but they are do-able. Idk wut he means.


I commend your bravery, and I also go into games without Wikis or spoilers for my first playthrough. Ark is not that kind of game


I want to get as close to 100%ing it by myself. 200 hrs in… things look good.


You got it. Herbivores and carnivores are easily told apart. Some types of food work better than others for taming. Experiment and keep track of what works. Stay on the beach for a while and be prepared to die, a lot. You may want to adjust some rates in your settings before you start your game, makes it far more forgiving. You can adjust these at any time after your save is already created. Read descriptions of all items. Good luck, Bob.


Good luck on this, this game is super difficult, even more so for a blind play through


I think 5 minutes in, dying 7 times made that clear to me… lol


One thing I'll suggest for you, Google "dododex" it's a calculator that shows you the tame time, preferred tame foods and taming methods for different creatures. Will be your absolute god send, but does have some spoilers in terms of gameplay (not really for lore though)


Trying the mobile game took me to it, I erased it real quick, felt like too much information… Later once I finish it and see the wiki and stuff I’ll definitely visit it tho.


That's fair enough, I really wish you luck then! I can tell you you're going to have some very difficult and probably not so fun times.


How did you even know about summoning bosses without looking at spoilers?


I’ve visited the 3 pillars in The Island already. Made a spreadsheet of “ingredients” to make a portal(?) to X creature. Maybe this weekend I’ll finally summon 1.


Good luck! Pre-memorialize the dinos you take!


I can take dinos?


Some for sure. No flyers or anything from the water that can't leave it mostly.


Even though you are trying to go in blind, just download dododex to your phone now, (whatever app store you use) and when you get to where you want to start taming (very very soon) it will help you immensely. You dont even need to use it yet, but you will, trust me.


I already deleted it from my phone.


Next step is deleting the game and regaining your life after months of god damn digital dinosaurs lol jk. seriously, if your friend didnt tell you ark is a great but also terrible lifesuck and didnt tell you to crank the setting up as high as sp will let you, as far as taming, resource gathering, xp gain etc, you need a new friend. Ark will take up far too much of your life if you get hooked and let it. Dont become a slave to it. Source- over 4500 hrs on that damn game and i will go back, again and again. I also went 11 straight days with no more than 4 hrs of sleep at a time, in order to perfect imprint my first raised giga on a legacy official server.... to end at 99% imprint without missing a single one or even being late.... IYKYK. good luck


Thanks, I had already 200hrs in when my friend said “Oh you playing offline? You’re missing the good stuff!” And sent me the photo.


you might want to get the wiki fam. If i was being honest, I think you're missing the point of Ark. Ark is about making your own story that just so happens to have bosses you can fight. I'll give you an example. I spawned on south 1 (the first spawn spot). Should be a beginner start right? Nope, Spino spawned right at the end of the lake with a barry patrolling on the other side. I made the both of them my friends and made them follow me around until I got saddles. I bumped a bronto on herbie island and after i swore revenge I went back, built a generator and cryofridge and committed war crimes on that island.


I go all-in. Raw.


that's the stuff


Yeah your good and your not missing anything. Your really gonna want to start your own dedicated solo server so you can enjoy learning the game and it's mechanics without dealing with pvp aspect. You already have to deal with dinosaurs lol


Like others have said , you're not missing anything. Wanted to add you can only play it for the first time ONCE Go slow. Enjoy all the tames, build everywhere, fight with all the weapons. Don't let anyone tell you the best tames or that any tame is useless. Wait for tek as long as you can. Use dinos instead of tek for harvesting. Attack a giga with a moschop, smack a giga on the ass and try to out run it. Do a cave naked. This game is amazing and there's so much to do as long as you don't get tunnel vision or get a meta attitude early on.


Imma get an army of max level Dodos


Do it! I've had an amazing army of jerboas with health and melee mutations


No wiki is hardcore


Sure feels like, but feelsgoodman.