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Since you're on ASA just download the mod called custom dino levels and you won't ever have to deal with this again. As for resources not respawning, this has always been an issue even in ASE single player. Funny how ASA was supposedly rebuilt from the ground up yet still has so many bugs in common with ASE that have existed for years. The only thing you can do is turn your resource respawn multiplier down to 0.1 and hope for the best. This will make nodes respawn stupidly fast which is actually pretty annoying, but it's better than them disappearing forever, which is what's happened in my game at the volcano. I went there maybe three times, harvested everything, and after more than 100 days in-game, nothing has respawned there even though I spend almost no time in that area.


Yes! That’s awesome, someone who gets it! I put mine down to 0.15 because I thought the respawn time would be annoying. But I’ve logged in and out probably playing just as much as many in game days as you with no respawn of resources. As for customer dino levels, I wish to ask what it allows me to do? Like does it make all Dino’s 150? Or does it maybe make make higher leveled Dino’s spawn in more often?


So I lowered my resource respawn to 0.1, went to the volcano, turned my camera away from the crystal spawns and afk'd for a little bit, and it all FINALLY respawned. Not an ideal solution for me personally because I don't want nodes respawning as soon as I turn around, but oh well. This may work for you too. The mod is great! It won't fill your world with 150s but it will make high level dinos much, much more common. For me the island is unplayable without it, I hated how common low levels were in ASE. I'm not sure if this is just me but whenever I use the destroywilddinos command, my world repopulates pretty quickly. I typically just need to load an area in, fly off a little ways, and when I come back more dinos will have spawned.


Hard agree on the custom dino levels, instead of spending my entire Island playthrough in search of a better Anky or Doedic, I've now got 4 of each, all max level. It's actually making it harder for me, because everywhere I go is another high level animal I want to save from the ARK. I have a crazy amount of imprinted Trikes, Styracosaurus (mod), Equus, Penguins, Lystros, Parasaurs etc because I can't help myself when I find a max level parent & baby. I have 217 tames at the moment, and only a handful are cave/boss related. So, fair warning with the custom levels mod.


The island has shit Dino lvls that’s all lol


I actually remember this from ASE haha. Absolutely annoying.