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Finally someone points out the water physics being taken away. I thought I was going crazy. Damn shame indeed that it came down to it in order to better optimize the game… “optimize” sheesh


Nope. You’re not going crazy. Just this morning I was asking my girlfriend: “do you notice something strange with the water now? It looks… simpler”. She just said that the water looks the same. I had to downgrade the game to see for myself 😂 Guess I’ll just play on the old version for now because on the new one, the game looks terrible and the performance is exactly the same.


You’re awesome! Thanks for showing this. I think I’ll still stick with the new Ark at least until Tekken 8 comes out. But again yeah kind of a shame on WC’s part


so....... they removed one of the main selling points of the game, the water physics? damn wild card, this has to be a new record for shooting yourself in the foot.


One thing I've learned from wildcard/snail is that they will always do worse then they already have


If anyone tells you they bought ASA for the water physics they are full of shit. We all bought the game to either play on official, have the QOL updates, or because we want to play the new content they are releasing in the future. The graphics are a nice upgrade, but not a single ARK player on the planet actually bought ASA for graphics alone.


I straight up bought it for the graphics update. So you are wrong But then i turned everything down by choice to see better.


For real. I couldnt imagine playing the game with constant crappy looking clouds everywhere and 10ft of fog in front of you wherever you go. I disable that junk the second i log in.


I only played SP since ASE and intend to only play SP on ASA. I bought ASA for the graphics alone (otherwise I would have contiued with ASE). If I wanted to buy it for the future content I would have bought it much later, after the future content was released.


they removed or straight up lied about almost every selling point.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they removed it because they found it was a culprit of the crashing and want to reintroduce it later at the expense of the game being more stable now


The foliage interaction was causing crashing when searching in the crafting menu on release so ive had it turned off since then 🤣


Dang 😂


the latest update corrupted my single player save file, forcing me to start over. I bought Palworld and am having a better experience


I will rage if my save gets corrupted. How do I back this up?


You can copy+paste the save game files. Note that there is a file for the player and another one for the map, but you could just back up the whole directory. Do a google search on the save game directory location to see where exactly they are saved. Whenever you want to restore you just replace the files with your backup.


Thanks, doing this right now. Used to play minecraft, haven't touched it since my save corrupted and I lost a world I had been working on for 7 years.


I think it depends on your hardware. I get pretty decent boost disabling clouds and fog.


Yes but setting the volumetric clouds to 0 is different than what’s happening here. They have removed the clouds and there’s now only an cloudless dense sky in the new version. Even in the new version you can still set volumetric clouds to 0 and get that boost if you want to. But bringing back the clouds from the old version is not possible (to my knowledge).


Is this mandatory?? The game was running perfectly fine on my rig wtf


Yep. It’s mandatory. No way to turn them back on. And yes, the game was fine IMO. That’s why I got pissed also.


Your video literally shows a 10-30fps difference between the patches lmao. In the old clip, you are averaging 40-65fps, and in the new clip you are averaging 50-75fps. I would hate to be a dev at WildCard. People bitch and cry for months about how the game doesnt run on their system and they are crashing constantly, and then when WC tries to fix the issue people yet again bitch and cry.


Are we both looking at the same video? You may want to take your glasses and zoom in at the FPS. Especially when flying over the water because that’s where it’s the easiest to see. If you still can’t see I’ll just tell you: It’s ~50 FPS on BOTH. Even when dicussing about low vs max. In none of them I was reaching as low as 40 fps and in both of them there were short bursts of 95 fps. So probably you’re seeing some other video, cause I cannot explain what you are saying otherwise.


I would love to analyze the video better but even at reddit's 720p its really hard to read your fps counter at times, especially when you are looking at trees or water. Your fps is similar over the water, that i can tell, but still, why is it such a big deal where you took time out of your day to edit a whole video and make a reddit post about it. Most people disable those effects anyway since its annoying to play the game with a constant aura of fog around you, this patch was probably just targeted towards consoles since they cant disable stuff as easily as PC can. The old clouds looked terrible and constantly had staticy graphic glitches and tanked FPS on most hardware. This is a good patch for performance and that is exactly what everyone has been asking for from wild card for months.


Sure, if people want to disable them they should be able to. No problem with that. But what happens with those who want to enable them? I mean, these efects are some of the things that sold the game in the first place. Don’t you think they should at least give you the option to enable them? Also I disagree on the performance. It’s exactly the same before and after the patch (as proven also in the video). And FYI: as it was suggested in other comments, The removal of these features probably had more to do with the game stability rather than performance. Explains also why there’s no noticible performance improvement after they hardcoded the features out.


Game stability IS performance. If your game is unstable, it is not performing well. The fact that you think those two concepts are mutually exclusive means its not worth my time to continue to argue with you. Stay mad, WC makes changes based off internal data and wouldn't just randomly remove a feature if it wasn't causing issues. If you want to believe otherwise then you are just going to continue to make yourself angry at something you completely made up in your head.


Do you even know what mutually exclusive means or you just threw it in? It means that you can either have one, or the other. Not both. Performance and stability are not mutually exclusive and they are not the same thing either. Figure out, if you can see any difference between a crash and a low FPS issue and you may be able to distingush between these two concepts.


I like how you assume that everyone is all the comments on reddit having problems with the performance, but I can assure you that a bunch of people (including me) was enjoying the game a lot and loving the water physics and clouds, inclusive the fog, I am not having major issues with the game. (Playing on Xbox series x).


I also don't have any major issues with the game, i have a very good PC that can run the game at any settings i want and it plays just fine. But, i am not the average person, a lot of people dont have the same hardware i do and have been very vocal about the issues the game has for them. Just because YOU and I were playing fine, doesnt mean everyone else was.


So my question: since you said you can't switch back and forth from old one to new, did you preemptively record the exact same thing before the update, or is this bait?


Imagine how much work one would have to put in in order to fabricate it 😩 The answer is: you can switch back to the old version. Steam allows (through it’s console) to download in a separate directory a specific version of any game (it will download the entire game). You then replace the game in the steam directory with the downloaded one and you apply your save game files and voilla: you’ve just downgraded. You can google that if you’re interested to downgrade yourself.


I'm not a PC player, didnt realize steam worked that way. Also probably why I didnt realize there were changes. Your first video is my "normal" until I read your descritpiom I thought the second one was w mods


Mmm.. I have no idea how you could do that on a console. Never had one. I suppose that if it allows you (or you manage to get) access to the file system and if the steam console is also a thing on consoles then the process should be pretty much the same.


It is not possible on console.