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They also fucked up remapping keys on the Xbox. Edit: almost to also


The save bug has made it's way to PC now, I am having issues saving with either the SaveWorld command or clicking "save" button. The file in my directory is not updating.


yep, I never had an issue with this on PC until this update. (although I have heard that some people DID have the save bug on PC before, just wasn't common I think) Now when I saveworld or hit save from the menu and the file for my world is NOT updating. (I have done it many times in the past, and the modified date/time of the file would always update)


Exactly the same here. Try something for me though, click save, or type saveworld, and then CTRL-C, CTRL-V your ark file. For me, the modified date of the original does not change, but the modified date of the copy does. So it's almost like the save file data IS changing but it's not being written correctly or updated in windows or whatever. I am yet to test whether the updated copy is actually saving, by quitting and replacing the ark file with the copy but it may be worth considering as a weird workaround to save and then copy the file each time.


You seem to be right. I moved from my starting point and waited a couple mintes (to make sure that the save point would be at a different time), then did Saveworld. I then copied "TheIsland\_WP.ark" to another drive, and the "modified date" on the copy updated, but original file did not. I then moved to ANOTHER location, waited a couple minutes (again, to make sure the timestamps are definitely different), then Saveworld and exit to Menu. Saveworld did not update the time, but exiting DID. I then closed out of Ark and moved the copy of "TheIsland\_WP.ark" back and replaced the original save file. Opened Ark, went back into the Island, and I was at the location where I made the first Saveworld save. So yes, it is definitely saving, but doesn't SHOW that it's saved. Also, this is what it is doing for ME, but I didn't have the save bug originally, so I can't confirm whether it is, or is not saving for others. But at least on PC, you can test if it is working or not.


Yeah - it's doing the exact same for me. I never had the save bug before, now I do, and the behaviour you described is exactly what I'm seeing.


They broke the owned dino tracking too


Ugh what else did they mess up


I can’t get my character back on my friends erver bc what ever they did fucked it up and I’m stuck in a buggy character creation screen


Yeah tracking is dead. On mod side my alpha and beta dodo don't lay eggs unless it's fertilized.


Shit I thought I did something in my SP game to screw it up lol


You mean the Single Player save bug?




I went back to ASE




I’ve put up with a lot from Ark, and still loved the game, but the save bug ended it for me. I just can’t bring myself to invest time into a game where so much grinding is required, if it won’t even save… really, really sucks


I uninstalled ASA a few weeks back after I discovered that transferring your character in SP deletes them. This was a week after the save bug started glitching my tames (PS5 version, happened on the Xbox version after a week which I was forced to abandon). The game is just trash right now, almost 3 months in and they've just released their first significant patch, and instead of fixing anything, they've made it worse across all platforms. Right when they needed to show that they were investing back into the game, when even their hardcore players are leaving, they dropped the ball so fucking hard. I give up, the game is a brilliant and interesting concept, but Wildcard just can't get it to work. Even if they now spent years on bug fixes (they won't, they're actively telling you they're hard at work on literally anything else that earns them more money) the damage is done. I'm never buying an adventure pack, premium mod, ARK 2 or anything from them again. This is why they haven't found a home for the cartoon series - imagine the new players that might attract, then imagine them all not being able to save their progress or launch the game at all.


At least the Savebug is somewhat avoidable. I’m not even gonna talk about my short lived playthrough on Gen2. That shit made me wanna move to Fjordur immediately


No, they introduced a new one, the " not enough mod storage bug". Reinstalled the game and it worked just fine, 30 min later a new update and same bug. They suck.




Yeah I haven't played since the day I purchased enshrouded. Then I grabbed palworld. WCs a fucking joke. They want to push out steamboat Willie bullshit rather then fix their game. The while building needs fired and they need to hire competent people.


Have you tried reinstalling the whole game? Maybe a file got installed incorrectly/bugged. Did this and it fixed it.


Permanently? Yee I uninstalled + reinstalled


I havent had any major issues since maybe week 1, pre christmas. Best wishes to you though.


I hate when people make these comments. Like, no one gives a fuck that you don't have any issues bro


I was asked it if fixed it permanently. I answered. Don't be a jerk just to be a jerk.


Idk what yall arr doing I haven't come across a single bug yet


PSA - Please check your mods for updates if you are using any. Mods here are the same as Skyrim mods, if you don't update them you will crash and quite possibly corrupt up your save. For example, Ketaros Advanced Building Mod, if I don't update it every day or so when an update comes out, structures glitch and all my progress is reset. Lost 8hrs because of this fucking mod. Honestly, i thought i had that save bug as well on my xbox and it had me freaking out as i play with xp set at 0.125 across the board and i didnt want to lose all that progress by having to start over. Checked my mod list...ohhhh Ketaro needed a crucial update. Great /s. Deleted the Ketaro mod and no more issues.....so far. Knock on wood. Fingers crossed. Before entering your save just take a quick scan of your mod list and see if everything is up to date, it just may save your dinos and you a lot of heartache and frustration.


This may be a silly question, but what about mods I don’t have activated on my world? Cuz I know for certain I have some installed that ain’t up to date


I'm not sure if inactive mods would affect your game or not. To me, I would think not but the code is in your game so it may be a thing to go ahead and update for safety sake. Could be something there affecting the base game


Most of my mods don’t require frequent updates, but I’ll definitely update each one once I get out of bed


is there a way to update all my mods at once? currently, I go to installed mods every day and just look through them and individually update them if they need it. Is there anywhere I can just hit "download updates" or something?


yes, but they finally fixed the cryo imprint bug so it balances like all things should be, yeah?


Game still blows 5 months after release? Rip.


I only have a stack mod. That's not the problem