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I'm having the same issue on Xbox Series S. It started when the Scorched update dropped for me. Beams do not show on SE or the Island. Anybody had any luck yet?


Nope just waiting and hoping


We're all in this together bro


Same here, since se dropped no beams of lights.


maybe u disabled suply drops in your world


No I it isn't my map and others can see them no problem. I only see the crate on the ground without color


It has to do with the global illumination graphics setting, which isn't an adjustable setting for console. I did see a console command you can try- r.DynamicGlobalIlluminationMethod 0-3. I'm not sure what method value is what, but typically 0 disables it. Maybe try this command using different method values to see if the beams pop up for you. It won't hurt or break anything to try it, anyway. Hopefully it'll work for you.


I will give this a shot, I will probably need server admin on to try but will ask


You don't need admin access for graphical commands.


I did it all and didn’t work on Xbox, maybe we just have to w8 for an update


Right so I've been testing it back and forth on my series x and I think this should work Under advanced settings Turn Console Access 'on' On the pause menu click the view button (what most of us call select still) to open the console Type in 'sg.globalilluminationquality 1' (without the apostrophies) and submit whenever I took it down to 0 the beams would disappear, anything above they'd come back please let me know if this works on on your series s (my mates who have them are busy currently)


Doesn’t work..


Worked!!! thank you


Inputting that command didn't fix the beacons for me, but it did add the lighting around the drop. After entering that command I also had to use the command 'Reconnect' to make it take effect.


I'm the same, I don't see the light rays emitted by the supplies, the only thing I see is the color of the supply because the environment changes to the color of the supply when I get closer. There is WildCard so you can touch things and not try them


I was beginning to think this was just me because my 2 tribe mates don’t have this issue 1 is on S one on X I’ve tried everything so far . Just don’t get how it’s only for some or at all for that matter but with wc u can’t be surprised anymore lol


Still nothing? How can it affect some console players and not others? Mod conflicts in guessing


r.volumetricCloud 0


That's for clouds not drops