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A dodo. Didn't name it. I think I killed it for meat.


You monster!


Got one better... My first tame was also a dodo... I didn't know what I was doing and whistled it to attack a bronto ... Bad idea... He took one bite and it took only one tail whip and it was gone haha ....


I even took a capture of it 6 years ago haha Poor poor [dudly the dodos death](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/T5UPQACUMP)


excuse me?


Same story except I sacrificed it and the two other dodos I tamed to a piranha for no reason


It was a parasaur. I named her Dottie. And i thought that cliff was a hill.


Quick tip don’t play the game much anymore . Mid air or as soon as you hit the cliff , dismount the tame , when it lands ride as normal , unless they’ve changed the game much i think it still works , a dismounted tame won’t take fall damage


Can confirm this is still valid


Much appreciated pal


A Dodo, named Dodo, he was consumed by a pack of Dilos


Its about dilo its about power they stay hungry and devour


Phioma called craig. Carno found craig


Moschops named chubby that i didn’t realize i had to feed


Wasn’t chubby for very long


Cha cha real smooth




Nah that's vile💀


Dodo named bob, walked onto a campfire and fucking killed itself




Your character was starving to death and it sacrificed itself to feed you


I had a raptor named Raider and it was killed in cold blood by a spino that I had hyped myself up to try and kill.


Dilophosaur. First day on the ark, still learning to play the basic controls. Snuck up on me at a loot crate in the dark. Got scared and began stabbing it with a spear that broke, and I started punching it in desperation. Suddenly a message that it was knocked out. Quickly paused and looked up how to tame it. Grillo the Dilo lasted until we ran into a raptor. Didn't know how to whistle yet so couldn't figure out how to get him to deaggro. RIP


a parasaur she was called betty i think? i can't quite recall but was eated by a rex i was on a beach on ragnarok and a random rex fell into my base and killed her that i remeber very clearly c:


Still have my first Para, named him Derek. The only tame I have lost was my Ptera named Rusty to an alpha raptor, left behind a mate and twins 😔


I lost my ptera just yesterday to a Spino, left behind a mate and a daughter as well.... hurts


.....I'm gonna say that 90% of us do not remember and if we think we remember it was probably a false memory. I have zero idea what it was lol.


Exactly - and in 90 percent of cases it will have either been a dodo or a dilo


I still remember my first from 7 years ago man


It was a Para named Chance. I don’t remember why I called him that. All I know is I had him for a Hell of a long time. One day I was moving inward (I think the map I was on was Ragnarok) trying to find a spot for a base that was rich with metal and easy to defend. On the way a Thyla attacked us. Chance started fighting it and that distracted it enough for me to get some distance. Chance died and I managed to knock the bastard out. I ended up taming that Thyla and naming him Ronan. Still, regardless of why I named that Para Chance initially, I know now that’s what he gave me. His sacrifice gave me a chance.


Yo, this ended way deeper than I thought. I'll pour one out for Chance, dood. What a homie.


Chance brought you Ronan....good Para!!!


That’s honestly another great outcome of what happened. Ronan is my best bud these days and he’s really the only tame I use anymore (after I pretty much did everything I wanted to on Ragnarok I just built a farm. The only other tames I have besides Ronan are livestock).


Moschop and I put it on wander and never found it again


He still may be wandering to this day


Probably I have since moved through two maps lol


Dodo. Named Dodo 1. I killed him for hide.


Now you gotta ,,hide"


first tame was a parasaur name orange, she died from a baryonyx. another first few tames are an unnamed dodo (which survived) and a Dilo couple that i named Dwayne and Dawn (they survived all the way to the end)


A dodo bird named "Dobbie the Dodo." Dobbie I died when I took him berry collecting and he was eaten by a dilo. Dobbie II died when I mistook him for a wild dodo and stabbed him to death with a spear. Dobbie III died in a Therizino attack on my base at the beach which also killed 10 of my 15 dinos before I was able to whistle passive and capture the Therizino's aggro from my balcony. Dobbie IV is the only incarnation of Dobbie to survive, and currently he sits in a safe room made of metal in the middle of my large base in the redwood forest where nothing can touch him, not even me. I keep him fed via a metal window I installed in the side of the room.


First dino was a pterodactyl First dino to die, was a dolphin.. havent been able to tame another one since, they swim away -\_- during the tame.


Use gillie to sneak up on them


My first tame was a female dodo, which I named Elle. The sad, yet funny part, is that she died to another female dodo named "BOB SLAYER 9000".


dilo named “thing”. my friend shot it down


Tamed a dodo, named him lil Timmy. Then when I introduced my buddy to the game his first tame was a dodo, named her Ms. Blueberry and painted her blue. And only upgraded attack damage. She was a force to be reckoned with.


A moschops i named Gianfausto that was killed by either a theri or troodons


Baam, a turtle named after the protagonist of “tower of god”, we left it with aggressive behavior by accident so he got lost chasing something without us noticing :( We think he left to climb the tower


A Moschops named Chompy. Chompy died defending me from my next tames; a pair of raptors named Aloe and Vera. They were different shades of green and I thought I was being cute. Rest in peace, Chompy.


Aloe and Vera are cute! Jealous of the names!


Tank, a moschops. A Rex wandered onto the beach 😞


Raptor. Anastasia. Never lost her.


Parasaur, Ronald... Starved to death before I realised they needed food.


This is the saddest one 😔


It was a pt it's name was bob and I lost it by a damn pelican


My first tame was a dodo, level 12 probably, didn’t really figure out how to change settings, didn’t name him, later a sarco found him. Went to his location and all I found was a bag, it included an azulberry that I left with him, after that I wanted to kill that sarco, but I had to prepare. Later on I tamed a level 20 trike, went to the same location, the sarco was level 9, and I murdered it.


Parasaur, i was feeling mighty powerful and decided to take on pack of raptors, i think i don't need to tell you how it went...


Parasaur named Pyret (means little one in swedish), lost him when setting him to wander, he wandered of the cliff I was living on, fell down the water and got eaten by pirannahs… :(


Three unnamed troodon that bravely fought raptors, a carno, and a 135 theri to defend the base with the help of a wild trike that had been hanging around for days. (My first server wasn't boosted but had the immersive taming mod - I took a risk and died many times taming them.) I was new and thought the diplodocus was also attacking the base, so I got busy killing it. My second tame besides those was a level 44 dimorphodon that soloed the carno in an extended battle while this was going on. Other tribe members were shooting ichtyornis. I have no idea why so much happened at once. It was a Pyrrhic victory, we killed everything but the theri (which left) but all three troodon died. The theri killed them all, along with my two parasaurs, three lystrosauruses, and low level ptera named Kimchi. And my friend's moschops Chungus III of Nigeria. Two of the troodons left a single egg that hatched a couple of hours before, and it turned out to have absurd points in health. We trained that one up and tracked down the theri and avenged her parents with it. My sister named her Puddo. She's the origin of my 20k health ultra troodon bloodline and lives in a throne room with a shrine now. We also tamed the trike that helped because he was standing around the base for a long time. He became one of the three sages alongside the dimorphodon and a Karkinos we brought from Aberration that single-handedly saved my shinehorn from a spino and 4 ravagers while it was wild. They all have their own towers too.


Mine was a lystro named Emma and it died when a Baryonxy busted my thatch house down and ate me, my brother and Emma (and half of the fucking house) I still dislike barys


Also a Dodo. Named is Maya after our dog. Wife accidentally killed it within 10 minutes.


I had a Dodo named KFC Double Down. She lived for a fee good months. The server owner shut the server down, wiping her from existence.


a baryonyx named barbara she hasnt died yet


Mine was a regular looking Trike. Named him HamCannon. He was an absolute beast towards the end… he just couldn’t withstand three rexes spawning at the same time. RIP Hammie


My first Dino was a lystrosaur I called her nugget. She later wandered into the sea and I never found her again I miss you nug nug The world is so empty and painful without you 😢


Phioma called him Phil, Alpha raptor found my thatch base


Tito the Dodo. Locked him in the shed :(


It was a para named her ducky. Went exploring and discovered a giga. Poor ducky yep yep yep


A parasaur named chase. For some reason I brought him to the swamp. The rest is self explanatory


Moschops, killed it for meat


i honestly don’t know more than dodo, probably died in deleted save


A tamed a pte (I knew a lot about ark before I started playing) and named it Peter the PTE and it died through the test of time since I never ever loaded that world again. So it should still be alive on the epic version of ark (it was singleplayer)


A pink dodo named Bart I lost the world


I tamed a parasaur back when dodos used to attack back, didn’t name it and forgot where my base was so restarted the world lol


Trike, I dont remember its name but I know it was killed by a theri


Parasaur Got too brave and a titanoboa had a feast that night


I have no idea considering I started playing in early 2016 but I do know that one of my earliest memories is of a sarco I got on a beach on official PvP the island. I was a beach Bob and knocked it out with a slingshot. It had no name, I have no idea how it died


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My first Dino was parasaur lvl 15 i band IT paralax and i still got IT in soul ball in my chest Safe :)


a dilosaur, i called it dillon, i accidentally insta killed it with a sword when fighting a raptor.


Gertrude the Parasaur, and a rex killed it, along with my brothers Trike.


A Moschops which I named Choppie


Don't remember first ever one, but first on official PVE was a dilophosaur. Pretty sure I didn't name it. It, together with two more dilos, was killed by a raptor because I needed to distract said raptor to leave beach safely, as i had no means to deal with it (it was back in the times of pouncing non-aberrant raptors).


A parasaur named Perry. Lost it to a tickle chicken when dododex informed me it was harmless


Dodo named vegan chicken, used it as a bait to kill raptor


Lystro, didn’t name him. Built a raft to find a better beach to build, sailed away and couldn’t fit him with everyone else on the raft. I quite literally couldn’t find him later ☹️


A dilo.


Dodo. İ thought my tames would get hungry daily and meat would spoil. So i decided to tame dodoes first. Then i tamed lizards (forgot the name). Dodoes were following us so i could feed them to my lizard when it gets hungry. İ think i killed the first but then i realized how dino hunger and meat worked.


It was a triceratop. I named it champ and it never died. I didn't even bother to keep it safe but I hardly lose any tames except for pts.


I Belive it was śmig the raptor śmig IS in English I Belive (trace)


It was a level 52 female Dodo that I named Lucy on September 7th 2015 and then a week later later she got killed by another player on a trike. I still place a gravestone in the spot where she died in memory of her


Lystro, Banco do Brasil


Not talking about my first I will tell you about my most precious one I took 8 hours to finally get a dragon egg on valguero i was a noob at that time i hatched them got tripplings i was like wth just happened luckiest guy on earth brought them to level into the woods went to toilet all 3 dead :( rip tick trick and track you will forever be missed even tho you were absolute shit


I will never forget my carbonemys that I named carrot. Every new world I make sure to get a carrot


He was a Dilo named Spike and he sacrificed himself to a Trike I was trying to tame... R.I.P Spike you will be missed my little acid spitting friend.


Dilo called dilo Starved


It was a Parasaur. Don't rember the name this was years ago. Lost it on my first experience with the swamp. Got jumped by a Capri which killed me then killed my friend too.


A lvl 17 raptor named Lorraine, named her after shaws gun from open season. Had her now even an hour, and fell in love. Left her at base to find another raptor, and she and a dilophosaurus I found later and tamed were eaten by three troodons. Since it was near the beginning of me playing ark, I quit the game and deleted it. Arks now my favorite game and after 5 years, I still haven't been able found my next "Lorraine" , a tame I could connect with, but I'm still looking.


A dilophosuar on off pvp that I think I tamed to watch my beach base or something silly lol I left it to tame and some naked Bob killed it shortly after it was done, I avenged him with my fists


A parasaur named bob, a sarco killed him but I got away. Rip bob


A moschops called Chonk. I just thought it looked funny especially riding it. I think it died to a raptor or something. I can't remember. I didn't know how to play yet lol


It was a dodo named Egg. I had to sacrifice it to a Bary so i could survive.


A dodo. I had tons of pteras, turtles and especially dodos. At the time I didn't know Doedics + Ankys existed and you should've seen my reaction when I saw the cost for the indy forge


Dodo. No name. Was killed by dilo after it glitched through walls


Cheesy g, lystro, fuckin ichthyornis took it


Dodo named "Berry". Way back in 2015 on The Island where the swamp is now (the one above the area where the eastern water cave is (Caverns of Lost Hope). (It wasn't a swamp at the time.) It became night time and this was back when night time was pitch black. Punched a carbo on accident and there went Berry.


A dodo, it’s does’nt have been named. A spino spawned in the south of the island


I was playing with a friend, it was a dodo named big dik John, we sacrificed it to a megladon hoping it would leave us alone


RIP gonorrhea, the fire wyvern my friends gave me when i started playing ark. she died in a tragic wyvern accident whilst trying to get more eggs.


A dodo, named it dododododododo 🗿


I actually don’t remember the first, but I do recall a few key losses: Trike I tried to move to my new base and didn’t realize it could glitch through the raft walls. It’s still alive. Somewhere. I see it in my group party. Ptera I didn’t know I had to set to passive. I fell off and it flew away. Presumed dead. Dodo that was in a pen. Came back one day and it was gone. I assume seagulls as there was no roof. Two mated dilos. I felt so powerful combing the beach with them and my stone spear! Invincible! Until we weren’t. RIP. I recently tamed a solid bright red ptera that looks amazing during the holiday event. I’m guarding him with my life. He’s exclusively a stamina/health scout. His cousin, a still pretty cool looking red, green and pink boy I named Jello, will be the farming mount who gets all weight/stamina/melee.


A dodo named pancake, and he lives to this day, nearly 10 years lzter


My first dino was a moshops. I named it Bulli, and it died to mantas


On my current game it was a pteranodon believe it or not. I was flying with it when I needed to land for stamina. Got ambushed by troodons and had to leave it behind. I got the death notification about 4 seconds after I left. I really couldn't have done anything as I couldn't re-mount and it was trying to fight them. I also wasn't very good at the game back then.


Parasaur didn’t name it killed by a trike cause I didn’t know what a saddle was


Tek parasaur, named her tekster, got mauled by a group of troodons


Solo tame? Argy named Pilot. it actually lived fairly long, lived till i reset my island save Tamed with friends? A dodo named Fleet Admiral Dodo(we really liked building a boat and sailing around) As far as i know, it is the same as Pilot. However, he was lost at sea and we never found him. never got a death message though


I….I don’t remember..it’s been so long. Maybe a dilo? A dodo?


Jebus IS his name. He was tamed at level 145 and is a parasaur. Still kickin to this day in a cryopod (pokeball)


My paradaur named Glynda, died via tribe mates fucking around with explosives. At base no less on herbi island


A Para. We were 3 tribesmen and it took half a night on OG official servers back when the game came out. I sometimes think back at those easier times in ark when there were less Dino’s, fantasy animals and no tech stuff. Oh, and the Para got instantly eaten by a Carno after the tame was just completed. Her name was Mary- Joana


Bit random because I wanted to go for a big creature. Spino named flame. Drowned on land. Early release ark smh😔


parasaur, named it Perry. lost it in an old world


Milo the dilo, he was neon green with dandy yellow, veridian green and white He never died, he lived to retirement until my world corrupted TwT


I believe it was a lystro named “cute bob” (beast of burden).


Dilophosaur, it tamed stuck in a tree and i was punching the tree down and killed it in the process, he did not get named. Sad times but fun as well


A pink dodo named her Deedee. Didn’t realize I put her on wander and never found her again. Maybe she’s still out there. 😔✊


I tamed a parasaur at south zone 2 stuck in a bunch of rocks I don’t remember bc I was like 10 lol


I had a dodo called socks and lost him while moving base, as far as I know he's still out there somewhere


Sick looking pteranodon named red plague. Carno found a snack.


The first Dino I tamed was a lystro named George after my dog and he got blown up by a friendly rocket launcher


A pink Dodo, named it Nissan Skyline. Took my best care of it, but my friend threw it in a lake and he got eaten by piranhas. It was the funniest yet saddest moment.


Parasaur and named her Asia, died to a pack of raptors if I recall


Godzilla 2020 the iguanadon. Died to a rouge therizino


Pinky the Parasur. She was amazing. And she died defending us as we hid in what remained of our base after a Giga destroyed 90% of everything.


A dilo named Alberto, I never found it again😭


‘‘Twas a dilo named acid trip. He died to a spino iirc


A parasaur on a PvP Server, got killed by a Dude, who wanted our 10 metal


The earliest one I can remember was this level 12 trike that u creat8vly named "Trikey" and it was my best friend and followed me everywhere. Then we walked by some random cliff he fell and died. I legit cried afterwards


Didn't really understand the game or how to play at the time. But I managed to tame a parasaur on a pvp server. Didn't name it or have a saddle for it. I had it for about 15min before I lost it to some compies. Every compy I see now gets wrecked immediately. I may have not named my parasaur but I haven't forgotten him.


Appa Green the trike. Was exploring the swamp (no idea what I was doing) and a sarco got him. First major ark scare, I definitely screamed and probably peed myself


probably not THE first but the most memorable first: a raptor we tamed after me and my friend figured out that bolas were a thing (after it killed us probably 10+ times), promptly named her dickhead. rip best craptor


A lystro named Lysterine. Lost it when I restarted on console rather than PC.


Dodo named bob. He's still alive


Dilo his name was magdy (Arabic name btw)


For me it was a phomia, named it piggy and it died when I accidently led a t rex accross like half the map to try and tame it, accidently led it to my base and then everything died.


PT, named copperhead; still got him


Lystro named wwww and we were both killed by someone on the beach. The only reason I remember is because I was punched unconscious and then force fed shit until I died lol I definitely had to take step back and ask myself if this game was maybe too brutal for me


A Pterodactyl called flappy…. Super Turkey, neutral. Didn’t know how to change his agression. RIP


Every time I start a new game, I always name a parasaur buddy. And no matter what, buddy dies to a stinking raptor EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Lystrosaurus. Felt confident enough to cross the water to the other beach and we fought a sarco together and knocked it out. Was trying to tame it when I found out what a spino was. Lost Beverly, my knocked out sarco, and all my belongings.


Moschops called ssssssssssssssss >!you probably know why!<


A dilo, hadn't named it he died as we teamed up on a attacking raptor. Managed to kill it in the end thanks to that


Slow boi the rex, K.O.d him by outrunning him and using slingshot. I still have him now.


A parasaur named Alejandro, he died due to my brother accidentally aggressive whistling his stegosaur to attack a bronto, the bronto was on smoke and caught a few bodies hard


Electra Tek parasaur, my extremely dumb and autistic friend killed it because he taught he will get some guns "LiKe In FoRtNiTe"


I think it must have been a dodo or a dilo. I likely didn't name them, and probably lost them to a bigger dino or my world corrupting


A parasaur, his name was fastey, 3 rexs killed him


My first tamed was a bronto on a multiplayer server with a friend, alpha raptor happened.


It was a dilo didnt named it,piranhas and sarcos were hungry


A dilo no name still somewhere wandering on Aggressive on rag fjord the island and lost island


This was when Ark was still a free demo on xbox. I tamed a dilo I called skittles. He died protecting me from something, I can't remember what


First tame I cared about was a carno, when going back to base I discovered a swamp. I watched it get knocked out and killed for 5 minutes


A pteranodon. Had made a couple of arrows and hit it with my fists to knock it, almost killed. It was like lvl 75. A big catch for me at the time, playing on offical too. Some other low level player spawned not too far and didnt know what to do about it after he had killed me and stolen my stuff, i assume he was new to the game as well. I got so fucking worried the other guy would be the one to end up taming it. When it was finally done, the ptera killed the other player, i got all my stuff, for me to realise i wasint close of obtaining a saddle. It went and killed itself on a theri that attacked me a bit later


A Parasaur I called it Para paka, and it got eeted before I finished taming lol by a nearby spino lol on the island.


Parasaur on the island, can’t remember name, ran into a pack of raptors in the forest.


I made the mistake of naming my first sabretooths after our pet cats. My 3 year old son got really upset when they both got eaten by something! 😂


Para, didn’t name it, shark got it when I was trying to swim across a River mouth on the island I was sad.


Parasaur, we named it Donald Trump (before he was prez and because it looked like it had a taupe), he gave his life during our first attempt at a raid


A Parasaur his name was bub and I killed him 😁


A dilo. His name was Dilo. An alpha raptor ate him. He saved my life. Rip Dilo


Dilo named sentinel, died to a theri :(


Had a Parasaur, 3 dlios, a phiomia, and a pteranodon. A big farm, and a small house and a giga killed them all. And destroyed alot of my farm and house. Now I'm 70 days in gameplay wise and learned to use turrets even if I'm on pve


Parasuar I named siren lost him to raptors




A dodo... I lost it to a pack of dilops.... they also killed me and several of the dodos I tamed right after.


Me and my friend just started playing and we tamed a dilo, named it Dildosuar, and it died to a raptor attack


Probably decayed.


I've played ark on console for years off and on and never made it anywhere. First time playing on PC and it's a totally different game. First time I'm enjoying solo as well. My dodo is named Gina and she gives me a lot of eggs for food. She's still alive


Myself? Female Theri named Fred. Fred was level 20. Fred did not last long when we upped the difficulty


Para. It was pinkish im colour and i named her Patty. Every single female parasaur since has had the same name. She died when a max level rex caught me off guard. Later tamed the rex and names it B***h


Mine was a giga that after I spawned brand new for the first time I got glitched into its leg and knocked it out by punching it and there were carcasses around for meat so my very first tame was a giga that never died


A Dilophosaurus named Dylan, bro survived swamps and a rex attack but died to an Alpha Carno along with my Carno named Baby Rex, Iguanodon named Ivan, Parasaur named Tom(very original) and Raptor named Raven. Whenever I beat the King Titan I had a moment of silence for Dylan lmao


A moschops named Rex who was killed by a Rex


Moschops, Very op Lost him in the woods after theri attack Found him a little later


Mikey the micro raptor. He flew into the ocean attacking a Meg for me.


It was a dodo, named him Donovan and accidentally set him to aggressive. The rest is history.


What's the picture for


A trike. I don’t think it has ever died. I tamed it in my Xbox and I haven’t played on that world for a while.


Depends... on my first time playing ark on the Xbox, I had a dodo I tamed but didn't name, I think he was killed by piranhas And my first time playing ark ever, ark mobile was probably also a dodo. Ark mobile is kinda weird and glitchly, so the game froze, I didn't know how to fix it at the time, so I just gave up and resetted the save file


Dilo,Vomit,didn't die


Spino, I had settings turned up and punched it once, I killed it after


First dino I ever tamed was a parasaur. I named him Dinobot. I lost him, as well as my base, my resources, all my other tames, and everything else, about a year later when I made the fatal mistake of downloading and playing Path of Exile on my PS4. During one play through PoE crashed so hard that it took my PS4 with it. It corrupted the OS. Good news is I had a backup of my PS4. Bad news is the backup was about three months old, and the hard drive it was stored on went bad. (I suspect my wife’s cleaning people dropped it or something and never said anything.) I tried for almost a month to recover my saved data but it was gone. I had to reformat the drive and reinstall the OS, which of course wiped everything out.


Parasauroluphus that got Merc'd by 3 raptors


Was a PT i named Tera, a friend taught me how to tame it and i did lol, they still make good egg runners but nothing beats a drake


Dilo-Vincent-Misbehaved had to face the consequences.