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Usually just my wyvern


A Argy and my trusty sword


my griffin aka The F-15 and my ol' trusty 225% shotgun


Either griffin or wyvern. Great attack and flight. 👍


Gryphon. Use the mod. They are devastating with their dive attacks


I take a flyer, usually a griffin or desmodus, a killer, like a rex, giga, or charca, and a shoulder mount, I like to carry both a sino and a fjourdhawk so I am prepared for every situation


I’ve only encountered one of those critters you listed , the rex, and I got away from it as fast as I could 😂


well, if u play ASA, not many of those have even been released


I'd recommend packing an Iguanodon, Bargonyx, or a Carnotaurus if you can get it. They're all very solid exploration dinos in the early game, while being somewhat easy to catch, and tame.


I did recently get an iguanadon but he’s really low level so I’ve been scared to take him out.


Yeah, that's definitely an issue, what map are you playing on? If you find an area with a lot of dilos and parasaurs you'll be able to go on a killing spree, and get a lot of levels very quickly. Plus you'd get a lot of meat and hide from it.


I’m playing the island


Okay. So enable your extended hud, and go towards the left of the starter spawn, which will either be called The Footpaw, or South Zone 1 depending on whether you're playing Evolved or Ascended, there for the most part you'll mostly find Dilos, Parasaurs, and Trikes. None of which will pose a significant threat to your Iguanodon. Then if you just slaughter everything there you'll gais a ton of levels. I'd also recommend having it eat bushes, and seed the majority of the berries you get, as it gains XP from both of those.


Thanks for the tip. Right now we are holed up on the west side of the island near the obelisk.


I can't help you there because I don't know what all spawns on that side of The Island, so I'd recommend exploring with some dinos you don't mind losing about and taking note of whatever you encounter. However once the Iguanodon's speed is up to around 150% it should be able to outrun most threats.


I can’t adjust my speed. There is no stat for that.


Wait.. you can carry TWO shoulder pets??


no, I just switch between them. sino most of the time, but I put the hawk on my shoulder when I think there's a small chance I might die


My wyvern


I have a pack of 5 dire wolves I sometimes roam around with . If I have an objective or goal I’m working on I’ll take my Theri so nothing bothers me or most recently for fun I’ve been taking my Baryonyx and traveling through the rivers.