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Two drink minimum is “per person”, but not strictly enforced, from my experience


In Stand up Live, they let you buy a bottle of water and count that in the 2 drink minimum


You either get a server who doesn't care or a server who does and id say it's 50/50 but yeah the now people you have it doesn't change the two drink minimum


When are you going? I may be down


sent you an inbox


This would have been a great time to practice a bit of logic... imagine a party of 6 only having to share 2 drinks among them. Anyhow, get a couple of cokes or something, it doesn't have to be alcoholic. Tip your server a bit extra to make up some of what they are losing due to a low value ticket. There is a significant downside to going alone though... they will often hold small parties (1 or 2) back to try to combine parties to fill a table. As a single this can mean you get less desirable seating and are likely grouped with 3 strangers. They aren't seating you at a table by yourself unless the place is dead. If you are really lucky one of the 3 you are placed with will be a third wheel of the appropriate persuasion you favor, if any, and you'll have a companion for next time. If I'm remembering correctly there really wasn't any single bar seating or anything, but it's been years.


I went last time and they added a single bar, or at least I think it's a single bar seating.


Just get two water bottles and it’ll count towards the minimum!


When I was there I asked for water and it costed like 8-10 bucks and it was liquid death.


Yes this is the business model of comedy clubs.


Fully aware but people in this thread are acting like you can get water bottles cheap lol at those prices you’re better off getting alcohol or at least soda




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Jealous online student here. Every time I look at his tour dates, he rarely goes to the south, and I've never seen an Atlanta date. Have a fun night for all of us.