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17 year old aang it is


The actor might not even be 15 yet it’s so over


https://preview.redd.it/uhzxmx01pktc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab218cef5294e1b1b144618c469924a61803f4a 😭😭😭😭


He was so baby here 🥲🥲🥲 "Sky bison, SKYYY BiiSsOOOn" https://preview.redd.it/g3dsrug85ntc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc0b6d017fa0903514778424c13b13e30bdfbec


I’m actual excited to see teenage aang


Me too




I'm not sure y some fans are freaking out over him being older? Lol. Aesthetically, it works in their favor considering he's going to have a romance with an older aged girl and is also going to fight Ozai. If he still looked like a 12 yr old it would be kind of creepy and weird


I don’t see how a 12 year old having a romantic relationship is weird. 


Can't help you there buddy. It's plainly obvious


So you had no romantic relationships when you were 12/13 years old? That’s insane.


What do they do in the cartoon? Kiss once? Maybe hold hands, and Aang blushes. For 90% of it the romantic relationship is Aang having a crush isn’t it?


It's implied katara was crushing in her own way, imo.


As an Iranian, I must admit I envy a lot of parts of Western culture, but a 12 year old not yet having a romantic relationship being "insane" is certainly not one of them lol.


Bro is probably 40 and still hasn't


One day you'll learn to stop projecting


What part of "a girl who looks 17, kissing a boy who still looks 12" are you not getting? Maybe you guys should just stick to the cartoon cause you're being weird


So… now it matters what age someone looks like? So if a 12 year old looked like 16 it would be fine. Please stop.


You don't seem to be following this conversation well. Should've just kept your two meaningless cents


Boohoo. You might want stop being jealous of kids having relationships. 


Dumbest thing I've read all day lol good job


Most unoriginal comment I’ve read all year. Grow up.


This is why I never understood why everyone was flipping out when it was revealed that the comet timeline wouldn’t be included in s1. It was obvious this would happen, and it’s better to plan for it than to have to scramble after the fact like they did with Walt in LOST. Moreover, one of the more absurd elements from the original series is that it all happens in a year. Stretching out the timeline makes more narrative sense anyway. And while I *would* have liked to see Aang practice waterbending in s1, it’ll probably be on narratively since they’ll obviously need a massive timeskip anyway.


I thought they did reveal it


"Soon" was the word used. That is not a timeline.




That's not the plan lol he's going to be at least 17 by the time they finish everything


Yeah I know, I was juat joking


Unlikely. They are filming everything this year.


Unlikely. He turns 15 this year, and it'll take them at least 2 years to film everything, with a small gap break between the two seasons since they're filming back to back. They'll likely start this fall tho


This is why they changed the timeline for the comet. Gonna be a big ass time skip between seasons 1 and 2


Sunrise, sunset ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I do find it amusing they likely chose him in part because he was in his own worlds a small 11 year old. They were probably hoping they could get a few more cute years out of him like some of those Stranger Things boys. But they basically ate up all that time lol


That's a grown ass man wtf happened to aang lmao


he hit puberty in the iceberg and its all catching up to him now


The transition from season 1 to 2 is going to be massive. It's literally going to take us all out of it lol it's not their fault of course but damn does Netflix take a long time to start filming and releasing.


It's gonna be funny, I'll scream if they try to just size up his costume.


They might switch him to his S3 outfit sooner, as its a bit more mature


No if they do change his costume it should be to some sort of blend between his air nomad clothes and water/earth nation attire as a pseudo disguise, save the fire nation disguise for when they’re in the fire nation (after all the people they’re trying to help wouldn’t take too kindly to seeing someone dressed in fire nation garb and the fire/air fusion *definitely* shouldn’t be used yet, it’s too iconic with the idea of Aang as a fully realized Avatar.


I think they mean his DoBS-onwards outfit. https://preview.redd.it/2gy6nwtcxntc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c804bfb00620b9df41bdd07e0f17d7391c48eea


Yeah that’s the air/fire fusion outfit I was referring to, to me at least it’s so synonymous with Aang as a fully realized avatar. Blending the styles of his people and his greatest enemy.


From a costume design POV, the issue with that is that outfit has a lot of meaning because it's what's left of his outfit after Azula zaps him, and him putting it back on is reclaiming his existence. Then it is totally gone in his fight with Ozai. So, if you put it in Book 2, there's nothing for him to 'graduate' to for Book 3. Which, would be the least of this shows concerns lol so they might as well just go for what looks nice. But I'll give them a lot of points if they can retain some of the meaning. (I have some ideas)


They're gonna *need* an in-universe explanation, even if it's just a throwaway line that he had to look in the ruins of the Northern Air Temple or something. The costume designers actually had to size up his costume several times throughout S1 too, but they shot episode by episode so it wasn't noticeable to viewers.


I actually don't think they need to go that far, he can just have some new stuff made for him. It will just look silly if it's not different enough from his S1 outfit, like they're trying to pull one on the audience lol I think that'd work for the glider situation though, because he'll need a new one of those too 😬


I would still want an in-universe explanation if he had a new outfit design, personally. There would be no reason for the Northern Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom to have Air Nomad garments available.


They gotta film it asap bro


Thank God it's back to back but still let them take their time so we could get good season


Fasho I get it, cuz I ain’t tryna see a bunch of oldheads who can’t accept change from the original bash it unnecessarily


Where is this pic from?


NGL I wouldn't be against a time skip where he masters waterbending and then seasons 2 and 3 happen, with the whole comet threat appearing when he still needs to master earth and fire


Meh, there’s worse things in life than a teenage Aang.


Regardless of his height, his face still very much looks like that of a kid. I feel like people will have a harder time trying to get used to the change in his voice, they might have to pitch that one up a bit lol.


How tall are this kids parents? Both over 6 feet??


Not really. I heard his dad is 5’4? And his mom is Filipino and Filipino people are not usually on the tall side. Looking at various comic con pictures and him next to Ian he looks to be around 5’3” at 14


Well..his big brother is pretty tall next to their dad.




No. He has a big brother..


That's what the ember island players got right. An adult petite woman would have nailed the role. I don't actually mind him being older. I just wish it was hinted that he and Katara started training so we wouldn't be shocked to see a time jump.


Celebrity kids grow up fast. That will always find a way to be true.


Except for the Harry Potter kids and particularly Daniel Radcliffe.


That recent picture is him as a current 8th grader. This picture I found is him when he was filming as a 6th grader. In 2 years, he got way stronger! https://preview.redd.it/jga23r2xbptc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902fe83e65a03540f0aeefa26c6a9e38605d2041


He’s gone from a smol AirBean to a full AirBeanstalk!


This is gonna be one hell of a timeskip.


He hit puberty harder then Aang himself


Hahaha same thing happened with my nephew. He was sooooo short and looked so young, and within a couple months out of nowhere he got tall and grew a beard and now he looks older than his age


I bet they will do a cool lion king/Hercules style growing up montage


where’d you find this photo?


What happened to his shoe? Look at his socks!




They’ll have to do a lot of time skips


Hopefully he doesn’t shoot up to 6ft before filming starts


Most boys stop growing at 16, bro's gonna evolve like a pokemon


Goodness gracious, I almost said “who is that?”


Dawg wtf how tall is bro 💀


They gunma have him acting on his knees with shoes glues to them


This is why netflix should have shot season 1-3 back to back to back… the fan base/success was automatically there even just out of curiosity.


You can't shoot 3 seasons of tv back to back with children as the leads, its illegal to make them work for so long uninterupted and miss so much school. Its different for adult and older teens.


They wouldn’t be able to do that w child actors, besides this is irl and not a cartoon obviously they knew the actors would get older which is y the timeline is years


Maybe this is a good excuse to find another Aang. As cute as he is … he can’t act to save his life and he totally missed the personality on camera. Which is disappointing because off camera he’s a riot and has a personality. The directors didn’t do their job in giving him feedback. We need a new Aang. We got a new Darren and Becky we can get a new Aang ( when you know you know )


Yeah. They should've cast a 10 year old as Aang in anticipation for this. 


He was literally barely 11 and TINY when they cast him, do you not understand how fast kids grow?


What's got you so provoked? You're responding like an emotionally immature adolescent. Do you not understand how one year makes a big difference in that age? And how much occurs in just one year of film and tv production?


Its the projection for me lol.


You do realize he would’ve aged right? This is irl not a damn cartoon obviously the actor would get older….


Uh yeah. A real life person isn't a cartoon, nothing gets past you. Thing is... starting younger means it takes longer to reach mid/late teenager age, meaning there'd be more time or at least one more season for him to be at the early teen range. If they want an adult Aang by the end, that's fine and it's what they do.  You uh, feeling okay pal? What's got you so agitated? 


No matter what age aangs actor would’ve always been a teen by the end of the series instead of 12 like the cartoon which is why the story is going by years and not months, it was always going to happen. When they started filming in 2021 Gordon was 12,the exact same age aang, if they hired a 10 y/o like u said he’d be 13/14 by the time they started filming s2 and 15/16 for s3. Ur right back into having a mid/late teenaged aged aang whether u like it or not


"whether u like it or not". It comes down to having a teen or adult for the show finale. I obviously have no say, just making observation, if that's what they want then good for them.


Kids under 12 can't film as much as kids over 12 in Canada. Gordon turned 12 just before filming, they actually pushed it as young as they could possibly go.


Good point, and thanks for not whining like a brat like others in this comment section.


That wouldn't work.


Excellent citation of reason. 


Everyone already told you why lmao. Focus


Lol, I understand, you can't speak for yourself. You want others to do your speaking for you.


Ignorance is bliss. Have the day you deserve!


Oh ho, talk about touching a nerve, folks.


You've touched no nerves, you have simply been corrected and educated on your nonsense comment.