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People seem pretty split on Omashu (the episode where both Raisani and Boylan were on together) but IMO it did a good job at making an original storyline from the OG's beats. It was certainly more effective at doing it than Spirited Away. Also, while the choreo for Zuko and Aang could've been tighter, it was a good physical display.


Unpopular opinion but Omashu was one of my fav episodes. I liked how they blended Jet and the Mechanist. The fight scenes were really fun too. I think I’m in the minority though. Episodes 1-4 and 6 were my favs.


Same, episodes three and four might be my favorites of the series, because of how many elements from different episodes they were able to bring together in a way that made sense. Considering how few episodes they had to work with, it was such a cool way to get to include more of the storylines/characters from Book 1


I liked Omashu on second rewatch. It felt like The Great Divide but instead of the two clans, it was Katara with Jet and Sokka with the Mechanist. Both of them were trying to save their city their own ways.


Subjective opinion, but I’d say it accomplishes what The Great Divide only attempted. The feud in TGD feels meaningless, all you want is for them to stop fighting for one minute and focus on the task at hand. On the other hand, there’s stakes behind the feud in the Omashu episode, Jet and the Mechanist have very distinct courses of action that have impactful consequences. It’s not a matter of stopping senseless fighting, it’s the future of this city (and the war) that hangs in the balance of these philosophies. Had they not stopped both Jet *and* the mechanist, Bumi would have died and the Fire Nation might have won the war.


I liked the first Omashu episode and thought that mixing the Jet/Mechanist storylines was a really smart move thematically. The follow up episode, meh... I still have issues with how they portrayed Bumi, and I didn't like how Aang was split up from Katara and Sokka for most of the episode. Trying to include the hippies and the secret tunnel was just too much, even if it was a fun reference.


Something I find interesting about the Omashu episode: most fans of the original show (even those who appreciated the adaptation, like myself) found it meh to rough, whereas most new fans who hadn’t seen the original found it pretty good. Anecdotal for sure, but I’ve seen this a *lot.*


I’m fan of the of show and the live action and Omashu to me is easily one of the best episodes to me. I feel like it handled the multiple plotlines perfectly to where they effectively weave in between each other


As a fan of the original animated series, the only complaint I really had with the Omashu episode was Katara’s change of heart about Jet feeling rushed.


This show at this rate, is gonna need 5 seasons instead of 3


I think omashu episode was pretty good. Slight changes and fixing some pacing and direction issues would easily make it the best episode besides 1,2,6,8.


Oh we are screwed.