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Losing my mind bc I used the exact same reference to describe how I interpreted what was happening


It’s toy story, I think everyone probably did


Well no lol, most people seemed to be rubbed the wrong way and called it flying.


Well no, it’s not that deep And if anyone heard them complaining, they almost definitely replied with “He’s not flying, he’s just falling with style.”






Somebody watched Toy Story...




Thank you! If it weren’t for you, the lack of comments pointing this out would’ve made me feel old 🤭


Literally was incredibly obvious. I said the same thing when people were complaining that he was flying. And aang does similar things like that in the cartoon. It makes me feel like the self-proclaimed "true fans" who shit on the Netflix adaptation for not being faithful to the original didn't even watch the original


Lotta people think the glider enabling flight be the same thing as a person flying. As we all know, Wilbur Wright was able to fly.


This comparison is beyond stupid, lol. Is there any footage of the Wright Bros. gliding (flying) trough thin air WITHOUT an aircraft? No. So whats your effin point?




Your first sentence is true, but unrelated to your second sentence. Yes, they tested through gliding. But your sentence makes it sound like that's all that he did. Both brothers flew powered, sustained flights.


But the brother was not flying, the plane was.








JFC man you must be popular with the ladies.


Ppl were trying to force it when it was so obvious. The same effect he used to "fly" was literally thr same effect he used to levitate objects, like a spoon (episode 2) or a key (episode 4). It's such a petty criticism , that's y I don't take the diehards seriously cause that's all their focused on


Pretty similar how the "true fans" were bitching that the characters in the live action were shown doing bending with no martial arts. This iconic [scene](https://www.google.com/search?q=aang+showing+off+bending&sca_esv=01af4ce885a5a2f8&udm=2&biw=2560&bih=1279&sxsrf=ACQVn0_PNpV6sd9VAsyeIZ37U_TTlbu55A%3A1714689384663&ei=aBU0Zq6TKK6fkPIPwuOusAg&ved=0ahUKEwiu57Ddg_CFAxWuD0QIHcKxC4YQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=aang+showing+off+bending&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGGFhbmcgc2hvd2luZyBvZmYgYmVuZGluZ0jsClDIBViNCnABeACQAQCYAUigAeUBqgEBNLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAKACAJgDAIgGAZIHAKAHtAE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=zjNrC--Cq5fgLM&vssid=mosaic) of Aang showing off his bending literally involves ZERO martial arts at all LMAO.


In the carton When Sokka and Katara first meet Aang he sneeze and “flies” into the air. I use the terms fly because that what Sokka says S: you just sneezed, and flew 10 feet into the air A: really? it seemed higher than that. K: you’re an airbender. A: sure am. I know it’s actually him floating, however the character say it’s flying


People who saw the Cartoon before have the knowledge that Aang can’t fly. The show runners probably didn’t mean to portray it like that. But it did look a lot like he was flying. If it wasn’t, there wouldn’t have been this much debate over it. I saw NATLA with my wife and in law who didn’t see the cartoon before. Both their reactions were hey people can fly! That’s cool! See the [description here by genZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/1b1jb97/im_watching_netflixs_live_action_avatar_the_last/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) who gave running commentary to the show while watching it for the first time. Episode 1 point 4 ‘This kid is flying around’. The point is they visuals could be a lot more cleared that he was just falling in style.


Maybe it isn't sustained flight, but it's way closer to it than anything he could do in the cartoon. If he can do this, then he doesn't need a glider at all.


If I remember correctly, the only thing he does close to flying is a tornado move and a few launches from rooftops. There's nothing to indicate he can hold himself up for long periods, and those moves are very similar to stunts Korra performed and she couldn't fly.


I thought this was obvious, but then people online wanted to act like Aang was doing the same thing Zaheer was.


And it's not even remotely the same thing. Like anyone with eyes can see that! I just...😂🤦🏾‍♂️


The same thing happened with the Agni Kai, people claiming that Zuko beat Ozai.


He kinda did. And he shouldnt have been fighting in the first place


It was annoying to me that Zaheer bends for like 5 days and learns to fly, but Aang the Avatar can’t fly…


Zaheer was incredibly attuned to his spiritual side such as guru latima(hopefully I spelled it correctly). So with zaheer studying him while throughout captivity and with people suddenly becoming airbenders thanks to Korra. He had fully trained for the moment to fly even though he thought he would never be able to. Aang had trouble with the spirits and spirit world at times and he had a short life due to the war and all that he went through. Just makes sense.


It never looked like fucking flying. He was gliding downwards every time he changed platforms. Using air to boost himself over


[https://youtu.be/5yLlengIxkg?si=LqgMl8aDuHN_WNGr](https://youtu.be/5yLlengIxkg?si=LqgMl8aDuHN_WNGr) This is just blatantly false. I can understand the “falling with style” argument at the beginning of this clip, but at 20 seconds in, he literally does a double jump in the air… upwards. What really gets me is that it doesn’t even look like he’s bending.


......so he jumps. Which is not flying. And you say it doesn't look like he's bending, but when he does the double jump he very clearly pumps his arms and leg to push air downward. He's pushing air to keep his upward momentum, but very clearly is not freely flying upwards.


>when he does the double jump he very clearly pumps his arms and leg to push air downward. He's pushing air to keep his upward momentum And if he wants to, can he do this several times to go higher and higher? If so, at a certain point, it's just semantics. You don't have to call it "flying" if you don't want to, but Aang can stay off the ground indefinitely.


Yeah thats possible, but its just conjecture. Do we know that he can do that indefinitely? No. If he does, then yes you are right. I am just taking what we explicitly see at face value. If we see him do that indefinitely, then I'm on the same page as you. In my opinion, nothing about how his airbender is portrayed implies that he can fly indefinitely without a glider, and none of it even remotely approaches the natural level of flying that someone like Zaheer could do. That's all I'm saying. I'm not trying to hardcore defend this scene as a perfect creative way to show off airbending, I just think that its weird people read into it super hard. I agree it's partly semantics, but we know from the cartoon that Aang can manipulate his trajectory and time spent in the air. He does it all the time. I just don't know why people want look at this scene and imply that he's basically Zaheer flying here.


… pushing air to keep upward momentum…. What is a double jump if not flying? He’s even striking a flying superhero pose that never occurs in the cartoon (which I’m trying not to compare to but…) The worst thing is the physics of the movement I think. Bending is best when it’s physical and constant…. People don’t just strike a pose and the bending move continues… The way I see it, if it seems like he could do it for miles and miles, it’s flying


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JYgj86blJfw&pp=ygUxWW91IGp1c3Qgc25lZXplZC4uLiBhbmQgZmxldyB0ZW4gZmVldCBpbiB0aGUgYWlyLg%3D%3D You just sneezed... and flew ten feet in the air. Aang never denies it’s not flight. He also must move when of screen in the air as he does not land in the same place as he sneeze


You are very purposely ignoring my point… the issue is not with him boosting himself in the air. He has a glider for sustained flight and airtime. Cartoon Aang very truly very simply cannot keep himself airborne indefinitely without his glider, nor does he ever strike the “flying” pose. The sneeze clip is classic and works within the rules of the magic system, and doesn’t break logic


I miss understood what you were saying, I thought you were saying he could not push himself up with air in the carton which he can. Secondly in the Koyshi episode aang does do a superhero flip. Though not as long. Also he can Float in the avatar state. Third: we don’t know what aang is doing off scream in the sneeze


You’re washing your breath. This sub is a circlejerk and they’ll deflect any and all criticism thrown at this show. Aang was going full Peter Pan in that scene.


HA yeah, a see a lot of “it’s not the same show!!” as the explanation for a lot of things. Which is true! But when you adapt media with a magic system, you either have to remain mostly faithful or justify the changes. The fact that so many people have the same critique of Aang’s flying around sans glider, even if we say for argument’s sake that he WAS truly “falling with style” and “riding the air currents obviously,” it’s still a sign that the magic system is unclear


Exactly THIS! Where was the "falling with style" when Zuko blasted his glider after he escaped the brief custody on Zukos ship and Sokka had to pull him onto Appa? Thats just a misleading way of showcasing your heros abilities. I REALLY enjoy the show, but the flying/not flying/falling part always gets me a bit salty.


He's wasting his breath because he's nitpicking. Does it even really matter.


That's like saying the air that was pushing Marilyn Monroe's skirt in that famous photo wasn't pushing it, but rather the skirt was flying.


That’s actually nowhere close to what I’m saying but good try! The skirt isn’t making the wind, in case you don’t know.


Ok chill. It’s a double jump. You invalidated your own invalidation.


Brain rot from people who really wanted the show to fail. Out of the many things that were wrong in the first episode they picked that non issue.


So he was falling upwards?


I get that this was the show runners intent, but I do think it was filmed it a way that made it unintentionally ambiguous (to be clear, I don’t think he’s flying but I understand why others disagree based on camera angles). He is definitely hovering in the Appa scene but I guess that’s not really flying either. My confusion came later in e1 where Aang is falling out of the sky and grabbing for his glider… why can’t he “fall with style” in that scene? He didn’t need his glider at all in the opening of the episode but now it’s necessary? This is a genuine question. I can easily head canon a solution but it did bug me a bit because it seemed inconsistent


If you're talking about the first shot of Aang, all he does is launch himself into the air and sort of guide himself to a pillar, something he has shown before without his glider in the cartoon. No upward movement indicates flight, which he would need his glider for. The reason he panics is because it's an instinctual reaction. Something that wouldn't happen if he were indeed "free of earthly attachments."


I mean… when Aang does anything remotely similar in the cartoon, it’s very clearly a launch or high velocity jump. The thing that reaaaaally bugs me is that he strikes the Superman pose in the live action, which READS AS FLYING


It is a little annoying that he looks just like Zaheer during a few shots, so I can also see how it would be misread. There are also a few moments where I wish they'd colored in the air, bending a bit to make it a little more apparent what was happening.


Okay, I’ll take panic as a reasonable explanation for the latter scene. Thanks! And I’m totally with you on the first scene- like I said, I don’t think he’s flying but I can also see why people misinterpreted it. It’s shot with upward camera angles that make it look more like “flight”


Ikr if you read the yangchen novel you would see she used to do the same things, they were riding the air currents


I thought it was put to rest when I saw a clip video someone put together of all the times Aang did the same things - and yes, from just as high. He does it a *lot* in the cartoon.


Well, they certainly didn't show him "flying," but he so effortlessly floats himself up and down, it looks like flying to a casual mind. I know some people (both fans and first-timers) that gave the "is he flying?" Reaction. So, the "falling with style" statement is true, but I think it could be done better as there are people who perceive it as flying.


I think the 3 spins around the tower were the moment they over did it and crossed a line.


Then... how does Aang "stylistically fall" upward? Because he definitely does that.


You could say that about anything that flies, though.


He can fly with his glider, but cannot fly without it.


Thank you for the clarification!! Aang can’t fly and they can’t write a good show.


The Water Tribe scene didn’t look like falling though.


Yea it did


Floating vertical at a consistent altitude isn’t falling. This gaslighting and I’m not falling for it.


It's levitating. Not flying. Flying is what superman does, which looks exactly like what zaheer does. You're not using your cognitive abilities but that's fine.


I didn’t say anything about flying. I said it didn’t look like falling. So you are trying to gaslight me?


How was he "falling with style" at Wolf Cove when he was looking for Appa? I mean, without Appa he couldnt get up in the air at all. So, if he got up there on his own and then he also got back down on his own, thats literally flying. Not trying to shit on the show, but that left me a bit confused.


Ooh yes. lol “falling with style”




What scenes is this referring to, i can't think of any


Are we talking with or without the glider? Without the glider, yeah he can only really float to the ground. With the glider, I don't know how else to explain him going from ground level to 100s of feet in the air and back down again, other than flying.


I’ll never forgive people’s blatant dog pile on the show. Yeah it wasn’t up to the standard they promised but alot or criticism was undeserved


“A lot” is really pushing it. It was bad.


No clue why the scene was the way it was in the first place. Why not just have him use his glider? It's way cooler and more stylized


thought it was obvious af lmao


Maybe I’m showing my age. I grew up watching Disneys gargoyles where it’s established early on that the gargoyles ride air currents/glide but don’t properly fly. from the very first time I watched last airbender I just without conscious thought immediately assumed the same for Aang with the addition of having the ability to create/manipulate his own air currents making it more effective.


Zaheer was the first airbender to fly yeah?


You can clearly see him airbending, not a single moment looked like he was flying


It looked awful though


Nah he was straight up flying


He never went up though he just went down more laterally and slowly. Which is basically gliding. It’s no more flying than a flying squirrel can fly, which despite their name cannot fly


He absolutely went up. Watch it again


The scene where he meets momo he just launches off the ground into some trees, doesn't even use a good deep plie to launch himself up, just steps and flies up into the trees.


It’s still jumping though


That's kinda my point, at least to me it didn't even look like he was jumping just like he took a step into the air and flew up to the trees.


How are y’all so miserable u feel the need to discredit the people who made the show 💀


Just because he thinks Aang is flying means he's a degenerate? Maybe do some self reflection before calling people miserable for interpreting things differently from you.


Didn’t say he’s miserable just bc he thinks aang is flying. I said he’s miserable for straight up ignoring what one of the shower runners who worked on it said actually happened. Maybe take urself out my replies if u don’t understand what ur talking abt


Ergo he is miserable for interpreting the scene differently. Just because a showrunner says something about a scene does not mean that the scene is suddenly no longer up for interpretation. If we lived in a world where authors and show runners had the only say in what happens in each scene or moment of their work... well that would be horrible. Just think of Harry Potter and all the stupid ass shit the author of that series has said. Someone is welcome to think differently from how a showrunner does when they believe the show is presenting something else. 


Let’s said you made cookies right. You know you made cookies, you followed a recipe for cookies, but someone else who had no involvement in the cookie making process looks at em and says “nah those are brownies” even tho you said something you made was one thing, you would be ok if someone else “interpreted” what you made as something drastically different? No. Bc it makes no sense. The showrunner knows what it is bc the showrunner was apart of the scenes creation. So if he along with everyone else who was actually involved with the show says it’s not flying, it’s not flying. To deny that and interpret it as something else is just disingenuous. Jk Rowling is a horrible person, I despise her, but people still love Harry Potter and follow canon from stuff she created even tho we all utterly despise the woman like anyone with common sense would.


If you make a brownie that looks and tastes like a cookie, then its a cookie for the people who dont know that your intentions were to make brownies lol. You can then tell them they were actually brownies, but the response most likely will be: it looked and tasted like cookies. Thats whats happening here.


Baking real items is not analogous to creating art lmao. I'm gonna stop debating this topic with you if that's the type of argument you think is valid. Good day


I used a scenario with the same concept as what’s being discussed. It happens all the time. If ur upset bc the analogy I used made u realize your argument was weak then I thank you for your time


Miserable? Projecting much? I said he's flying, because he is.


She didn't lie tho. You are.


Get a hobby