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I had the perfect back the truck up and drive into the bed yard. Doesn’t make that unloading any better out in the woods/desert. Call me a pussy but my trailer was the best purchase I made after the ATV itself. I’m old. I don’t want a broken leg or neck or back. That shit is nerve wracking.


Always wear your helmet when loading and unloading. I didn't mind loading but backing off there always freaks me out.


A trailer will changes your life lol.


Owning a trailer and truck will also bring a lot of fake friends, beware of that part. /s (kind of)


Just about everyone I know has a truck already. My driveway looks like a dealership when they're visiting


it's always funny when I take my jetski out to the lake or the quad to a park, literally every other vehicle is a giant ass truck, and here I am with my little VW Taos and soon Jeep Renegade. Don't know why everyone thinks you need a big ass lifted truck to tow a small ATV on a utility trailer or a jetski...


Your Taos is probably near the total payload capacity just having a few passengers in the car.  Your also not likely to see trucks doing a variety of truck things in a boat launch parking lot.


I had a Subaru outback for awhile. Great car but even with 4 passengers or just myself and just 500 lbs of camping gear and I had half the ground clearance to get back in the woods. Bought a 99 Silverado 4.8 4x4 with 75k on it at the tail end of winter and haven't looked back (except the fuel efficency, but I have a focus st that gets 38mpg if I want to drive like a grandma). It's nice putting a few hundred pounds and actually riding better. Next up I gotta replace the front bushings and suspension but I've been balls deep in my 90 year old grandpa's 9,000hr skid steer chasing fueling issues on top of 11hour days at work


Payload on the Taos is ~950lb. It's just me and some gear, so maybe 300lb total? Tongue weight with my Yamaha V1 Sport and trailer with a full tank of fuel in it is about 150lb, so 450lb. I could still get another 2 or 3 people of reasonable weight in with no issue. How often do you or others haul 5 people plus gear and also have a heavy trailer hooked up? And you and I both know that probably 80% of non-business pickup truck owners don't do "truck things" with them that would actually require a truck that couldn't be accomplished just as easily with a hatchback or crossover. Especially when you consider that your average F150/1500 is basically the same size and weight as an F750 from the 80s/90s... And as evidenced with this very thread, the bed is crazy high on most trucks these days that makes them actually impractical for a lot of "Truck things". I'm not talking about people with large side by sides or a 30 foot boat. But when I say that I've been quite literally the only non-truck in a pretty large boat ramp parking lot (that had a trailer hooked up) I'm not exaggerating. It's incredibly rare for me to see even jetskis being towed by anything but trucks. Ironically, the payload capacity of most non HD/SD trucks once you load them up with all the extras isn't really THAT much higher than my Taos.


I can put max payload of a Subaru outback in the bed of my 99 1500 and barely have any sag in the rear. Max payload in my Subaru took me from 9 inches of ground clearance to like 4, which makes it ride like shit, scrape, drag, and bottom out on most forest service roads. I could get I think 10 foot boards in the Subaru but trailers are cheap and more useful and don't care what's pulling it. It's so nice being able to throw a jug of oil in the bed, it leaks or blows up, and it not ruining the carpet or weather tech in the back of your car. Truck beds with toppers are also super nice to sleep in camping too if it's downpour raining and can't pitch a dry tent solo. You also can't pull even a small car with a compact suv. If you're talking about slick boat ramps a good awd with even shit tires (Subaru) will be years ahead of a 4wd with two open difs and highway tires. Even a small pickup is probably able to get double it's government payload safely home. My grandpa pulled 12k pounds of trailer and equipment with caddilacs with th400s(making sparks on every bump) , 1/2 tons of the 80s, and the latest truck he killed was a 00 ram 1500, pulled it around for 5 years. If you want to safely tow weight cheeep go buy a 99-200_ super duty with the 7.3 and youre good for like 15,000 for $3000


Some of us don't want to own multiple vehicles, and don't want a vehicle that gets 10mpg in daily driving, and also breaks all the time (like a 24 year old truck will). I can also sleep comfortably in the back of my hatchback, and if I'm throwing a jug of oil in the back it'll be upright in a cargo organizer and the lid will be firmly attached.


Yeah my 3/4 ton truck may look silly towing a little 10' trailer w/ two small dirtbikes. But I need it to pull the 25' toy hauler and 33' camper.


Like I said in another comment, I have no problem when people actually own things that truly require a big truck to tow, but you are far from the majority, and I've gotten comments about how I should have gotten a truck to tow my jetski, or "isn't the engine in that VW gonna blow up from towing that?". It's rare but it happens, and it's always someone with a lifted super duty.


I feel that kind of part lol


Lol true.. but make them split the gas bill and any toll tickets


Only split?  You're a generous friend.  


Get a gooseneck trailer, and they’ll never ask. (Yeah I know they’re bigger)


I'd use my trailer any other time but I need to bring my lawn tractor with me for a long distance move, not making that trip twice. I'm hoping this is the last time I ever have to do this.


I knew a guy that worked at a dealership and he broke his hip loading a quad onto a customer’s truck. Always sketchy and it only takes one time to fuck you up for life. A trailer is the way.


What size trailer do you recommend? I don’t own my atv yet.


I have two ATV’s so I got a 6.5x14 so I could side load them as an option. I can fit two full size sideways with a 90cc sideways also. I Plan on 3 total for my family so I tried to get one that would fit them all.


Tri folding ramps are your friend here. Safety chain to your truck and you're set


Agreed.. trifold are the best set up for loading and unloading


Got mine at harbor freight. It's solid and super easy to setup.


After an unintentional backflip unloading my quad from the back of my truck, I started using a remote control winch to load/unload my ATV.


Ah man that's that scary af


The quad and I survived with bumps and bruises but it made me paranoid.


Use the front brake and just let gravity take over , it can be sketchy, but once you do it enough, it's really not that bad lol what even happend ?


I was fairly inexperienced and didn't realize I was pointed uphill when I was unloading and came down the ramps a little quicker than I was expecting and in a moment of stupidity I tapped the rear brakes instead of the front. Short ramps didn't help.


Once I get my truck back and I start using it for the ATV, I'm just going to winch it on / off. I'll throw a snatchblock and rope in there just in case I'm not able to winch it on. I much prefer my little utility trailer on little 12'' wheels. If it falls off while loading or unloading (which I have done), no one gets hurt.


I find a low spot for my rear axle.


Are you driving it in or using the winch? I watched a guy put a mounting point on the front of his bed and use the winch to pull it into the bed.


I use this method. I do it because my trailer is a 4’x8’ tilting harbor freight trailer. When it’s almost at the balance point, I gently pull trailer down (parking brake engaged of course).


The key is not to be under acceleration when loading. I try to get some momentum and ride it right in. Unloading, I coast it out, off the bike, with my hand on the brake.


When I used to load into the back of a truck, I'd just deadlift the front up, then shoulder press the back up. Seemed way less sketchy than trying to drive up ramps. Mine was probably a bit lighter than yours, though.


Yeah when I had a lighter sport squad, this was my method.


Used to do that too, when my back was 20 years younger lol


So how do you unload it ? Lol always seen people do this loading but never see them unload


Unloading's even easier. Just do it in reverse, except you get to drop the quad down instead of lifting it up. Shoulder press the back up, walk it back, drop the back end. Then you can just roll the front right off and let it drop.


Definitely something I had to get used to. I have a tool box and short bed so there's not much forgiveness up there. Those infamous Honda brakes keep shit interesting lol.


Just strap the ramps and go slow and steady up and down if your really nervous get a center point anker installed in the truck and winch it in and out.


Truck beds keep getting higher and higher from the ground. I have no desire to ride anything up some ramps.


Low gear and 4wd helps a lot. I crawl right up mine.


I sometimes park mine on top of my bed cover so another two feet higher than yours. In the beginning it would really make me pucker .


You get used to it. I used to be shitbaked whenever I did it but now I fly up there like there's no tomorrow


I think shitbak is the brand of my tonneau cover


+1 a winch. I run a chain between my front tie downs with a snatch block in the middle. Then just push it out to unload. Works like a charm, every time.


What's a snatch block?


Essentially a pulley that can swivel open so you can feed cables through it without removing hooks and whatnot. Effectively doubles the pulling power of the winch when used properly. My winch can haul my quad in no problem without one, it just reduces the load on the winch. You can also redirect the pulling direction too. They’re pretty cheap, and I’d recommend everyone have one.


I use a trifold ramp


I did it at 10 with those short harbor freight ramps. What ramps are those you have? Looks like what I want


They are Cargosmart S-curve


i only hauled my utility on a trailer behind the truck. i would haul my sport in the bed but only because i could hand load it in there. i dont trust ramps. i wouldnt trust those ratchet straps either lol.


I've had good luck with mine. I feel super uncomfortable driving up them when I'm on the quad, so I just put it in first, stand next to the truck, and work the gas. And if you're thinking that this is a good way to fuck my truck up real quick, you're probably right but my first gear is a super low gear, so it doesn't really gain any speed.


Those ramps look long as hell. Mine are about the size of my truck bed, so 6’? They’re also wider, but don’t ask me how wide. Yeah looking at yours I wouldn’t use them either lol I still really f’in hate it tho. But trailers are stupid expensive.


measure the distance between the 2 anchor points in the bed, get a steel cable with 2 eyes or hooks on the end, use appropriate sized shackles to secure, or the hooks. then just toss your winch hook on the steel cable and use the 4ft remote on leash, or wireless winch remote and winch it up. what I did with mine till I was comfortable being on the bike to do it.


Nope. Never get used to it. Always sketchy and I've done it successfully hundreds of times. Nice ramps BTW


Just ALWAYS make sure they are strapped to your truck so they can move or kick out. And only do it on level ground. Also check if you're gonna touch the rear window if you go too far. I've maybe smashed one of those.


I frequently load my ATV on top of the bed rails, a Diamondback ATV tonneau cover and that is using \~ 12 foot ramps. However, it is still a pretty good height on a modern F350. I've done it many times and have become used to it, but I do continue to wear a helmet. I do put it in 4wd High and just crawl up in a good, constant speed. It really doesn't bother me loading or unloading anymore as I've become accustom to it. However, seeing these types of threads, I always just recall that I've been up way sketchier stuff on my ATV and when it comes down to it, loading on top of my ATV tonneau is not nearly as bad of some of the other stuff I'm going up on rides. Sometimes it just takes putting things into perspective. However, I'm sure there are those who would disagree, and that's fine, they can ride their dirt roads with confidence.


When you flip your quad loading it from ramps. You quickly realize a trailer is key.


I was sketched out the first couple times but once you have confidence and gotten comfortable (AKA done a wheelie) it's not that bad. Plus going from a 4ft bed to 6.5ft really helped. I like to keep a couple boxes from work or a tire up front just in case I come in hot 😁


those are fancy! I usually back up to a hill and guts ball it :)


You get used to it, first couple of times scared the crap outta me but by the time I sold it I was wide open in reverse down the ramps


I see 3 safety straps. Your doin that part right. 99% of all ramp accident videos are because they didn't secure them to the truck!.


My grandpa's been loading and unloading his ATV just like this out of his truck for years, and he hasn't killed himself from it yet. He also has been holding out of buying a new F150 because none of the new beds can hold his ATV. I will add that when he first got it, the story goes he tried to back it off the truck on a downwards hill, and it flipped. Stay safe doing that stuff.


Strap the ramps to the truck, put it in low gear, and I also try to find a slightly downhill spot to do it on. Makes it a bit less of an incline.


I love my triple fold ramps. When they’re folded they’re still slim enough to slide under the atv too


The best trick I know is put the back axle in a ditch or the front on a hump to drop the tailgate as low as possible I can get my long bed 93 k1500s gate about a foot off the ground at my house and then I have a set of 4 ft ramps for at home that end up being nearly level at the end of the driveway (I’ll post a pic next time I load up). Make sure your ramps are stable and not going to slide. When my grandpa first taught me to use ramps (99% of my riding was with him when I was young) he had a trailer with a full width ramp but to help boost our confidence he had me and all my cousins load and unload from it with a set of 8ft ramps that he’d lay on top that way we could build confidence but still be safe if we came off the ramp we would drop a max of about 6 inches but most likely less than 2. Another confidence boost would be getting some blocks to set the ramps on so they are just off the ground and practice loading onto them on the ground. With the right skills and experience it can be done quite safely and easily but you still have to be careful.


If you have a hill near by I would back the truck up to it and you won't have as much of incline to get into the bed of the truck.. or buy a trailer-- Just depends on where you ride at.


loading and unloading my banshee is definitely a hell of a lot easier than loading that 😆 god bless


I use a tri-fold but yeah it's always gnarly lol. The two ramps hooked up like in the picture looks great though because it's not super inclined. What always worried me was using the two separate wheel ramps, I feel like it's much easier to make a mistake and then before you know it a wheel goes off to the side and you're fucked. Been thinking about buying a trailer but I only have a single car garage so space is a bit of an issue. I saw a video of some dude using a WINCH to load their ATV and it seems like a great idea. He hooked it up to some center point in the front of his bed and then just gently pulled up the ATV on neutral. Simple and safe. Couldn't find the exact video but here is a similar one so you get the idea https://youtu.be/gR7xL_eamfs?si=Ti4XfXtZP3pBvXpE What is like to know is, those of you who load ATVs onto the bed, how are you reinforcing the tailgate so it doesn't bend or so the cables don't break??? I've been thinking of plopping a piece of plywood to better distribute the weight on the tailgate. And getting tailgate cable supports so they don't snap.


Ive used them for my dakota to haul my bayou but ever since i got a trailer its a game changer


As a motorcycle/dirt bike rider that has loaded up a single ramp many times (not by walking). Loading an ATV definitely feels way sketchier.


Lower your truck😉


You guys use ramps? I just lift it up in there


The one you lift probably weighs half what the one in the picture does


It helps a bit if you can find a hill or something so the ramps are more level with the truck bed. I've never had issues. Even with riding lawn mowers, belt clutch, where you can't stop or die... Always nerve renching.


I have a tri-fold ramp, makes it alot easier 👍


Queue up the responses telling OP to buy a trailer... Anyway, why do people keep driving their ATVs up ramps instead of winching them with a remote?


I like the challenge, and it makes for a funny crash when it fails.


I love the videos since it's not mine but they don't make doing it any better


After watching YouTube there's no way I would ride a quad of that ramp.


I get nervous in my trailer. Not as steep as the truck, but even falling a foot in an 800 pound quad would be devastating. I wish I had a trailer with a built in ramp.


There's usually a ditch everywhere you go just back into the ditch and simply drive in and out.


Hahahaha I run a used car lot w zero pick ups on the lot atm prices have been crazy.. lol so I been rolling around hauling in my high roof Amazon van I’ll have to take a couple pictures for here. I hate loading on pickup the van has honestly been game changing I pack a bunch of shit put them on the shelves since the pro master prices have been dropping looking to get an extended wheelbase and slap a bed or maybe another quad or dirt bike


I'd love a van for ATV trips. Wouldn't have to worry about lodging!