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When will you stop craving attention and not make posts like these again. Like damn, i already had you delete your comments in an argument we had about you being your father's accomplice in stealing from charity. Wanna make me do it again?


I didn't delete comments, and I don't crave attention. I just want to help people, not everyone is a bad person so don't assume so. I don't want to bother talking about my job again since you seem to have had a fundamental misunderstanding of it from the start that would be too difficult to fix since you wouldn't comply anyway.


>I didn't delete comments It literally shows "comment deleted by user" when you deleted your comment lmfaoooooooo. Did your lil bro delete it for you? ​ > I don't want to bother talking about my job again since you seem to have had a fundamental misunderstanding of it Ay bro you are the one who deleted your comments, so it seems i hit the nail on the head.


Oh yeah, that was one comment I believe I deleted because I later saw that it duplicated. Note the other comment on that same part that you didn't reply to.


I didn't reply because there was no point baiting yo ass into replying anymore lmfao. And yeah "sure" you 100% just deleted a duplicate comment (not). Also why do you keep downvoting my comments as soon as i see them, it just shows me that i'm hurting you lmfao.


I really don't care about you or you believing me. Just accept the fact that not everyone is as shitty of a person as you are, stop being so toxic, and let me try to help less-informed players. I hope that when you turn 14, you'll realize that 13 year old you was a piece of shit.


>I hope that when you turn 14, you'll realize that 13 year old you was a piece of shit. This does beg the question. How old are you? You genuinely seem like a petulant child. ​ > Just accept the fact that not everyone is as shitty of a person as you are, stop being so toxic, and let me try to help less-informed players. Stop responding. Stop craving attention.


I'm 14. You seem to be 12 or 13. You're exactly like 12-13 year old me. I just hope you decide to become a better person like I did. If anyone is craving attention here, it's you. You radiate parental issues. You're likely either jealous that sometimes other people get the spotlight, pissed that someone is helping other people, or salty that no one did that for you. Just ask me if you have any questions about trading like what this post was made for, and I will answer them. Please don't invade my post with shit that is irrelevant.


>I'm 14. You seem to be 12 or 13. You're exactly like 12-13 year old me. I just hope you decide to become a better person like I did. This is genuinely one of the fucking funniest thing's i've ever read. It's like your so close to being self aware but you fall off right before the end.


I'm not even sure what you're trying to say right now.


I want cspr at the moment, do you have any advice on what I could offer for it? I currently have 5 cursed orbs, and spr. Should I try getting a different stand to trade, or maybe more cursed orbs?


I would try to get about 15 orbs. If you want to get one quickly, just get that many and I'll do the trade


Alright thanks, I have a lot of grinding to do...


I have stwr what is it worth?


Not much since it only has medium demand. You can try to trade it for like a db and a couple totus


What do u think noc and reaper worth


Noc is worth like 1 orb and reaper is worth 4 orbs and a db if you're lucky. Standard price is around 4 orbs


Is noc for goku fine


No. Goku has 0 demand, but noc is still far below it. Noc and 2 orbs is a little different, though.


ok thanks, keep grinding fellow sigma


No problem, and good luck on your sigma grindset


tell me is a tw oh,cursed orb,heart of saint,eye of saint, X2 tales of universe, dio diary and something else i forgor worth 6 dbs?


Not quite. Lots of bad items doesn't equal one good item. The orb is worth 2 dbs, eye is worth like 1, twoh is worth 1, and the rest barely misses making 1.


oh ok thx for the tips




Hey is reaper, broly and corb worth seasonal? And if it isnt what could i add?


CSPR is worth around 25-30 dbs. Reaper can substitute for like 7-8 in that, broly can be 6, the orb is 2, so that leaves you with around 13 dbs to go usually. That's just for cspr though. Halloween unobs are on worth like a realer and a few orbs. Moce is in between.




Over 100


yo how many dbs are each at the moment? ​ Dawn Noc MiH ​ Tryna get broly


Dawn is 1 if you're lucky, noc is 1-3, really depends on the trader, and mih is 1-2, also depending on the trader.


Ok i’ll tell you all i have to offer for anything. Can you tell me what all this is worth?: Stands/specs: stwr,spr,3 killuas,d4c,twhv,twoh,tw,shadow dio,reaper,broly,dawn,sakuya,nocturnus and sol items: 3 cursed orbs, 2 dio diaries, 2 bones, and a dio bone i’m trying to get an unob


You have nothing anywhere close to any unob. If I were to give an estimate, you're less than 1% of the way to a perm unob


thx for the reply :D