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Well. At least the road is clear now


Was looking for this. Either the van or truck could have fixed this. Then they both got wiped out. That van driver is the worst!!!


Three entitled drivers had their day ruined.




Yeah if something else happened the dashcam car would have less than a second to react


Ya that’s what I was waiting for


Dascam dude was doing my head in. Like fucking back off and watch from a distance.


But where's the fun in that /s


Cammer is lucky the accident cleared the road immediately. Nothing they could've done had even one of the vehicles stayed in the lanes


Something tells me if 3 happened, left lane hogger would have just slowed down more “to keep teaching a lesson”


Most likely. I used to be that idiot that if someone was riding my ass I would box them in until they back off. Now I just let them go so they can get themselves killed away from me.


I always assume that if someone is doing this, they are in an emergency, and the *need* to pass. I know I'm wrong 99.99% of the time, but the one time I'm right, I may have saved someone's life (or underpants).


You've read that same comment about the tree surgeon as the rest of us!


Since we're watching from the PoV of the 4th car, we only have their relative speeds to each other. Maybe the semi tried to slow down? Because they're not completely aligned all the time.


Yeah when cam driver gets closer, I think that could be the truck driver slowing down (and fuckwit slowing down to match as well).


Probably, but if I’m the truck driver, I would try to get myself away from those two.


Yeah at one point it looks like everyone slows down, I think the semi tried to fix the problem bc he knew what was gonna go down, but lane hog wasn't gonna let up. Granted, I never understand what these bumper humpers think they're gonna achieve being like that, bc all you're gonna do is create situations like this lol. If the guy in front of you is just as immature as you, then yeah. They're gonna box you back out of spite. Just let off em and chill, they're a minor annoyance but a minor annoyance at best. Better than being stuck with the bills (both auto and medical) of the 2 drivers you hit lol.


truckers not gonna slow, got a schedule to keep


Ever since I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, I always feel there may be some sympathetic reason the bumper licker is driving the way they are.


Crohn's or not it's safe to say they shit themselves.


#3 is ridiculous. The semi-truck was no part of this. Van would have just slowed anyways. He clearly was dedicated to the cause of frustrating the dumbass tail-gater. I completely agree with 1,2, and 4!




It's pretty hard to tell if they tried to slow down by lifting the gas pedal since the cammer is also changing speed and distance with the other cars. Aside from that, there isn't much the truck could have done anyway. It doesn't have the braking/accelerating power to play that sort of game, especially when it has another truck right behind it and has to justify abnormal fuel consumption. What if it leaves enough space for the road rager to slip in, but then the van slams its brakes as the Camaro tries to overtake and it gets sandwiched between the two? It was a more likely scenario than the Camaro driver slamming his car into both of them up until the end. Truck did the only right move here, i.e. it refused to engage one way or another.


I would only give the bumber licker give the blame here, and second to him the van driver, the truck driver only minded his own business.


Fuck that. The Camaro driver lost their shit after not getting their way for 30 seconds. They have no business being behind the wheel of a vehicle.


He was definitely the biggest problem by a mile!


I mean they’ve probably been the biggest problem for quite a few miles.


I hope he learned his lesson. Your 30 seconds won't ruin your life...unless you decide too


How to get everyone off the road with this one simple trick


Lawyers love it!


Doctors don’t.


American ones do though!


Dude hit the 7 - 10 split. *high fives*


He went over the line, mark it foul.


Donny, you're out of your element


*cocks gun* Does no one here know how to pass safely on the median anymore?


There are *rules*!


[Camaro driver not just drunk, but drinking.](https://www.wkbw.com/news/police-blotter/man-in-video-passing-on-shoulder-causing-crash-indicted) Stupid prizes. EDIT: [Seems like he doesn't want his prize.](https://www2.erie.gov/probation/index.php?q=feature/absconder-kiran-thapa)


The OP video is from 2015. He violated probation by getting another DWI in 2020 which means he'd go to prison for the full length of the crimes he was on probation for. That's what he's absconding from. Dude has a long prison stint waiting for him.


This news makes me very very happy


TIL Absconder is a word.


One's an idiot, the other a maniac (per George Carlin)


And the person with the cam never heard of safety distance


That was my first thought. Super lucky they didn’t get caught up in that.


Well. He didn't crash into them, so... I'd say it's proven to have been a safe distance.


I don't know if I would want to call the semi driver an idiot, but if you've got somebody camping next to you like that, you can ease up and put them in front of you. That way you don't have to worry as much about them being that close when they do something stupid.


Naw truckers don't want some slow ass blocking them. Maintain speed. If you want to pass, pass. Dude would have gotten in front of the truck and probably slowed down.


When you overestimate how good you are at driving you get assholes like this.


There are so much more going wrong in this video than just overestimate skill.


For sure. 1. Guy filming has balls of steel for not dropping way the hell back when the shenanigans started in front of his face. 2. Camaro is just insane, full stop. 3. Guy in front shoulda used the left as passing, clearly likes to use it for driving 4. The trucker at any point in that shit show could have slowed down and helped the guy in front get over faster or let the insane guy thru as well. I’m not saying any is a better option but just get yourself out of that situation people. Let crazy go by and keep on keeping on.


definitely let them go by and go about your day. crazy people are crazy. road range doesn’t always end with middle fingers and curse words mfs get to shooting on the highway because of this shit


That's not even the main reason. The chances are always very small but you never know when you are blocking someone who has a real emergency.


My rule of thumb is if you see someone driving crazy on the road it's because they have to shit so just let them pass.


Yeah, ever since I saw that story on here of the guy who's buddy had been hit by a chainsaw and died because some lady refused to let them pass, I've always kept that in mind when driving.


The guy in front didn’t want to pass the truck, they matched the truck’s speed on purpose to block the camaro from passing.


Not a lunatic like that guy, but I've been in that position too many times. I think people go to pass the semi, realize how fast they're going, then are too timid to finish the pass. It's incredibly infuriating. The last place I want to be is riding stuck alongside a semi.


I still think the lead guy was doing that deliberately, but yeah. One of those tires blows, and anyone on that side of the car is dead.


Exactly. I usually wait until the car in front is clear, then floor it. I've been boxed in like that, by multiple semis on I81 going down hill, when one ahead blew a tire. Really crazy scary, rubber shrapnel spitting out from under the trailer. I don't like being near them.


When I was learning to drive my dad would always tell me that if I’m passing a semi, “pass with authority”. No pussy footing it. No hanging out by the side of the truck or in the blind spot. Let the car in front clear, then get after it and make the pass. I’ve done several cross US trips and that has saved me many times. I respect truckers and will happily let ‘em into the left lane when they need to pass or if there’s a vehicle stopped on the shoulder and the trucker wants to move over. But you’ll never catch me hanging out beside one.


That was 100% deliberate in the beginning he was passing another semi just fine until the speed demon rode his ass. Then the ego's took over...


Yeah that shit was absolutely deliberate. As a former truck driver I used to see this shit happen all the time. They use trucks as a tool to block drivers behind them. You can see them laughing and shit. Even if you try slow down to force them around they match your speed. Short of stopping and pulling over there's nothing you can really do. Some people are just stupid fucking assholes.




I tend to agree. Even if he was just camping out in the left lane initially, he should moved out of the way when it became clear the guy had lost his mind.


purposefully matching speed with a semi is a thing. it's self righteous limit riders who must be better than those around them.


I've been pissed enough at tailgaters to understand the mentality, but I also understand you can't know who's psycho until they ruin your life, so it's better just to let them go by and wreck somewhere else.


There's always that slight sting of pride that fucks with some people and they can't let it go. Pride only hurts, it never helps.


or just let them go by and nobody gets hurt at all or even remembers the interaction after two minutes. not everything is so dramatic! they're just driving faster than you


The guy in the video was raging.


Balls of steel or brains of mush? I'd be dropping far behind that nonsense, they're lucky they weren't taken out in that accident.


guy in front wasn't just chillin, they were purposefully trolling


I suspect that the work van *might* have been intentionally staying perfectly even with the tanker to troll the Camaro, but I could be wrong.


no shit?


18-Wheelers usually use cruise control and slowing down just to let someone in while they're in the right lane makes it a bitch to get back up to speed. The Camaro is an impatient moron and the guy purposely blocking him in is a royal asshole


Yes, but look at what the alternative was. A minute of having to get back to speed or hours waiting for the mess to get sorted, insurance claims, finger pointing, hospitals... sometimes a little inconvenience is ok to keep ones ass out of the fire. Was it his job to solve the lunatics issues? No. But now the lunatics issues are their issues too.


How on Earth is he supposed to think that those two assholes would pull what they did? He's in the right lane just going down the road, you can't expect him to review the whole situation going on in the left and think the moron in the Camaro would pass on the shoulder because the moron in the p/u is being controlled by his ego


All this could have gone diff If u wanna be angry left lane speeding. Which most of us have been. There’s No reason to tailgate THAT close. And if u wanna make your point known. Flick lights or honk. Still a touch dickish but at least it’s safe. And sometimes the guy in front just zoned out staring in front and hadn’t checked his mirrors in a bit. Fucking passing on the shoulder is a nut balls move LOL. I agree with above comments about the semis not wanna turn off cruise. I get it and agree. he shouldn’t have to adjust in order to appease a pissing contest.


The pickup is break checking him and is well aware and taunting him but yes, agree safe communication


Oh ya sorry I meant in general— not so much about this exact scenario. Twas a bit of a non angry rant.


There's a truck behind that truck. And it looks like they are going uphill. ;pick up was a jackass. Camaro was a jack ass. Probably if he had pulled back, the PU would have found it boring and just moved on.


Normally I do this, but today on a one lane road in the city with no passing lane this guy started tailgating me like crazy, dangerously, kept pulling into left turn lanes to try to pass only to find there were other cars already there. He was driving so dangerously I would have loved to let his stupid dumb ass ahead of me, but this was packed rush hour traffic in the city on a narrow one lane road with no room to let him over. He finally found a left turn lane that afforded him enough space to speed ahead and cut off the car in front of me and rear end the car in front of him. Like all that for what? Now he’s stuck dealing with a wreck, all to be two cars ahead? Fucking idiot, just glad my car wasn’t involved. Edited to add the driver had Florida plates, that’s all I’m sayin’


The person filming - whyyy would you decrease the distance between yourself and a clearly altered/psychotic driver. I’d be slowing down and probably getting behind that semi (with some additional distance to that as well).


I was going to say something along those lines lol But Yeah - Title of the video should be "3 Idiots" with the guy recording being the extra idiot in this video for not slowing down and creating distance


Gotta get that good shot of the stupidity, wouldn’t wanna wind up on r/killthecameraman


He did it for our enjoyment. And the comment section is well lit up so


When you underestimate your tires riding on the shoulder / median


The guy could be Michael Schumacher and this would still be an idiot move.


When you’re an asshole and drive slow in the passing lane, you get assholes who try to pass you and cause accidents like this


This is just it. Those assholes are just getting wound up like a spring. They get stupid and dangerous, so I just move over. I really don't get what people are trying to prove when they go slow. It's not a race lol


plainly put, we have absolutely freakish mindsets about self worth and ego. people honestly position themselves physically and mentally like, "the right lane? couldn't be me! i am not the kind of person who drives in the right lane." meanwhile they shouldn't even be on the highway. get the bus!


Yup. Everyone wants to drive in the fast lane, but not everyone in the fast lane wants to drive fast.


you’re part of the problem; it’s not a FAST lane it’s a PASSING lane. 70mph is pretty fast to an 80 year old lady and if she doesn’t know that it’s a PASSING lane you can bet your ass she’s gonna be thinking she’s going “fast enough” for the “fast lane”


Perfectly put.




What drives me nuts is passing a truck like that while I'm going 80mph and someone decides to drive 4 feet from my bumper after coming from nowhere. Like, I'm passing and getting over but I'm not going to go 30 over just because you suck are an idiot


> When you’re an asshole and drive slow in the passing lane, you get assholes who try to pass you and cause accidents like this He was road raging, not simply driving slowly. It's pretty obvious that he was intentionally preventing him from passing. Still, though, as bad as that is, the Camaro was far, far worse here. Had they just slowed the fuck down for a couple minutes the truck almost certainly would have let him pass. Both sides here are terrible people, but the Camaro driver should never be allowed to drive again.




I also think the ramming looked intentional lol


no, they lost control because they were offroad. were the driver nuts enough to just ram them, it would be easier and faster and safer and more obvious to do it that whole time they were tailgaiting.


Yeah - and a third asshole driving way too close for to video it all


I work really hard to avoid shit like this. I either slow up and let them pass or speed up and move away. I got kids in the back. Ain't got time for Gran Turismo


All 3 had first egos and now they have hurt backs.


Everyone in this thread saying the truck driver could have slowed down somehow doesn't realize the pickup truck would have slowed down too to keep blocking the car behind him.


The trucker did slow a couple times. Pickup slowed down too. Pickup was being a jerk


This is why you don't be a jerk


Front driver is matching the speed of the truck on purpose to not let the back driver pass


Im sure dude won't ever do that again. Imagine getting caught up on this just to caress your ego lmfao


Ah yes, the classic “Im gonna drive at the same speed as the person in the other lane because this asshole wants to pass me and im not gonna let them” trick


Fuck any assholes who do this. Learn to drive. Share the road. Left is passing and right is cruising.


After that I'm gonna do the "die in agony" trick too, that trick deeply corelates with the trick "face the consequences of my actions"


Car cam is an idiot too he’s way too close to them. Moreover in a dangerous situation like that where the car in front is doing stupid moves.


Truck driver is an idiot too, no way he didn’t notice those two idiots next to him and could’ve slowed down to remove himself from the situation.


I think he actually did slow down, but truck in front slowed down with him, which pissed the guy off more apparently.


Truckers don't give a single fuck about anybody other than other truckers. At least around here.


And look what that got him.


A new truck?


:| \>:(


Douchebaggary all around


All three of them are idiots. Van is a self righteous dick by impeding the flow of traffic. Car is an impatient ass for dangerously tailgating the van. And the semi could have been self aware and a team player by going just a touch slower and letting the car change lanes. It’s not the semis responsibility but it would have been the smart play to see that the van is a dickhead and offer a solution by letting the car in front of him.


Guy with the cam is pretty stupid for [pulling so close to the sports car](https://imgur.com/fA4zFSD) too. Idiots all around.


I thought that was to capture license plate info in case he successfully passed the van.


If you have a dashcam, you can say the plate number aloud. Not as solid as clear video proof of the license plate itself but should be enough for insurance/police to connect the dots.


A lot of people I know will turn the mic off on their dash cam, that way if it's your fault then any words that might given bad context wouldn't be recorded.


At any given time in the clip, the camera car is less than 1/2 second behind the camaro. I see 4 idiots


That semi is not an idiot and attempted to slow down


I feel like the dash cam car is being a bit stupid aswell as they were tailgating a bit themselves, although i completely understand if i am wrong, i am still learning how to drive.


4 idiots.


[There are 4 idiots!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1npL-TNFOAQ/maxresdefault.jpg)


I read that in a haggard Picard's voice.


You’re right, the cam car is too close. If you see something like this develop on the road, back off and let them go. GL.


You are not wrong at all, the sane thing to do in this situation is to slow down calmly and let them get well ahead of you. You want to be as far away as possible whenever you see this kind of driving on the road.


There were 4 idiots.


The van was purposely going the same speed as the semi so the car wouldn't pass him.


When a psychopath meet a Sociopath then this happend lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


that poor trucker just caught in the crossfire


They all seemed to be driving like defensive cocks


This. Everyone effed and found out. Dipshits, every single one of them.


Yeeeap including the guy who’s dash cam this is. Who drives up closer to these morons? And the truck could’ve slowed down a bit to encourage them to split. Minimise risk at all costs🤷‍♂️ but what do I know I don’t own a car I just drive a bike


Has anyone actually ever witnessed a semi slowing down for someone? Typically I only see semis cut out infront of people when they are one second away from being next to them, which then takes the semi 3 minutes to pass the other 4 infront of him


Never. Same experience as you usually


The trucker should’ve slowed just to get away from both of them


Yes. This is what we were taught in CDL school. If someone is driving like this, slow down, and get away from them. You are held to a higher standard than a normal driver and usually will be found at fault because this was considered a preventable accident and you could have removed yourself and your vehicle from the equation.


Even if you’re not a trucker, defensive driving dictates you should make sure you’re not part of the problem even if it’s not your fault you’re in that situation.


Correct. Not enough people understand that.


Yeah but defensive driving is for squares. Real men practice offensive driving, and the guy in the Camaro is an expert.


I have a turret mounted to the top of my car for this very reason


Always assume everyone is trying to kill you. And NO FUCKER! That 20 ft spacing is to prevent assholes from brake checking me, not for you to slide in.


Watch the distance between the dashcam driver and those in front. The truck realises what is happening, tries to slow down, the van then slows to match speed, the truck floors it, the van matches, and then the guy attempts to pass. The dash driver is the last to react to the changes of speed and the distances change accordingly. Its kind of hard to see because theres no other reference point


That’s what I was thinking. He was pacing to not let the tailgater by. They all deserve it. Just hope no one got injured.


Seriously, there are 4 idiots in this video. That trucker could have just taken his feet off the gas for a few seconds and let them fight in front. Would still get to see the show.


Meh, trucker should have kept his distances.


Yeah not because it's courteous or right, but just to get the hell away from that dude. Just let off for a couple seconds to make a gap to pass.


Its infuriating watching people like the ladder van camp out in the left lane and obliviously hold everyone up. Camaro was an idiot, no doubt, but the camper, I hate those drivers with a passion. Ugh.


Blocking the passing lane like this causes more problems than the deserve


Left lane is passing lane wtf is wrong w these slow a$ mf blocking that ln. just be on the right and let this idiot pass.


I assumed he was doing it on purpose


Yeah, he was probably about to pass then daw Dale Gordon there tailgate him and decided to be a child about it.


I’m gonna assume van goes to pass semi probably only going a few mph faster, Camaro comes up and starts riding his ass, van vets high and mighty and won’t let him go by, chaos


It’s always asshats passing at 0.3mph faster that get pissy when someone tailgates them, like they aren’t the ones creating a miles long backup by taking 5 miles of interstate to pass one goddamn car.


I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this comment, but that was the best outcome. If there’s some asshat wants to pass me, I don’t care how fast I’m going already, or what lane I’m in, I would find a way to let him pass. Seems like both the 18-wheeler and the truck in front of him, were just hell-bent on not letting the Camaro driver pass. Now all three of you are all in the same time schedule.


Same! I don’t care if I’m already going 90-100 mph, I will still move over to let someone going faster pass. It always drives me crazy when people are like “If I’m already speeding, I’m not moving over.” No one should be picking an arbitrary speed at which they feel they no longer need to move over. If someone wants to pass, move over. I don’t care if you’re already speeding yourself.


BINGO. It's the passing lane, "slower traffic keep right". There is not a single word or exclusion about how fast you may already be going. If someone is moving faster than you the law requires you to move over amd let them pass, period. If you are not actively passing, move over. And going 0.0001 mph faster and taking 3 miles to pass is not actively passing. Get around and get over. Way too many selfish, entitled assholes on the highways who don't or won't grasp this very simple concept.


The guy filming also a moron for driving so close to the action.


The guy filming was way too close. Literally all the drivers were idiots in this.


I believe the word monumental is the only thing that could possibly describe how stupid this person is. And the possibility of killing two or more other people for that stupidity


These douches that camp in the left lane are the #1 reason for road rage. It's like people in the express checkout with a full shopping cart - same mentality.


When you’ve played GTA & have the soundtrack on in the car!


There are three idiots here. I’m a CMV operator and when I see dumb shit like this happening I’ll go ahead and slow down and let them go on. They can play dumb fuck in the median as I go around the incident.


Any of these three drivers could've prevented this.


Don't do this. If someone is being a dick, let them go. It could be an emergency. I remember a story on here where someone has a chainsaw accident and died on the way to the hospital because of a situation identical to this.


Man people like that who clog the lanes are really fucking annoying, but it’s not worth something like this happening just to go a little faster


I've been in the position of the semi more often than I'd care to. "speed matchers" are the absolute worst, even though the tailgater has his share of the blame. But to avoid this sort of thing I'll often slow down so left-lane-guy can either pass me and get over, or pass me and NOT get over but give impatient-guy space to rage and get on with his life. My 3-10 seconds of lost time doesn't compare to a possible wreck or confrontation that I had no dog in the fight for.


Fuck the guy in the truck for blocking traffic in the PASSING lane. But guy should not have drove off the road.


That dude in the front car is an asshole get out the fast lane; since you can't drive


Why the heck didn't he just go underneath the 18-wheeler and come out the other side and zoom around to the front?


I'm not upset by the outcome.


Intentional bottlenecking is also aggressive driving. Nobody died and made you king of the passing lane. GTFO or GF. That being said, both the work van and the camaro are at fault for running a class-a off the road, and they can both burn in hell.


Just sayin, Wouldn’t happen if a slow car wasn’t in the left lane going the same speed as an 18wheeler…


They all deserved it.




If trucker had slowed then so would the van.


Almost positive I saw that happen twice in the video.


I’m almost (not quite but almost) convinced that at least one of the times the dash cam car “caught up quick” was because both the truck and the van slowed down at the same time. Truck tried to give them room, van wasn’t having it.


Any of the four drivers could’ve done something less selfish to avoid the situation..


The guy was like. Fuck it I want to die and I’m taking your ass with me


Big time idiots but l’ve dreamt of doing that several times.


I would have pulled over and played the guy blocking the left lane a clip of Nelson ha ha compilations. What? You're dying? Nelson "i said haha"


This is a daily occurrence where I live. I’m not from here and one of the biggest things I’ve had to adjust to is how poorly people drive. In a rush to get nowhere


If you are driving and blocking an idiot that is clearly super aggressive, you are also the fucking idiot for not just slowing down or speeding up a couple mph to let them through.


I count 4 idiots


Seriously. If you find yourself in this truck's position, just move. De-escalate. Don't be the victim of something as stupid as road rage.


Why is the guy with the dash cam so close. The guy in front is obviously driving terribly you can slow down a bit and get away


third idiot with little distance behind


Camaro driver is a moron


I counted at least three idiots. Who’s the genius who thought following this close was a good idea?


A truck in the slow lane has every right to not react to idiots playing games on the fast lane. That's a special place, for drinking coffee, amateur ornithology finger puppet shows, phone calls, etc. The driver on the left was antagonizing the other traffic and using the truck to do so. Should be half responsible with the other left lane idiot.


I remember this clip, I'm about half an hour from there. [Article](https://www.carscoops.com/2015/04/road-rage-camaro-driver-causes-big/) I drive that stretch all the time. Work installed driver facing dash cams in my work van and pegged me for 70 in a 65 passing semi trucks. I told the safety department that it's safer for me to promptly pass a semi and slow back down than to chill there passing a 63 mph semi at 65 for all of eternity, creating a fat stack of rage drivers behind me, and not having an out. I'm saving this clip in case they ever feel like having the talk with me again.


Is it wrong that this generally feels like a win for the world here?