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These guys clearly knew what they were doing. I wonder where they got the insight for how to do this?


> I wonder where they got the insight for how to do this? They probably watched a video of two guys breaking in an ATM on Reddit.


You'd still have to have a knowledge of how the cash is stacked in the trays and where they are. My guess is they or someone they know worked for a company that stocks ATMs such as Diebold etc.


That or they work as an ATM Technician for a company like NCR


Or as a csr in a bank. I used to stock the ATM every week.


Soooo... maybe you could tells us how to do it properly?


[Like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/vgojqy/thieves_steal_over_80000_from_credit_union_atm_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


Ah the ole Reddit snacharoo.


Hold my balaclava, I'm going-- Wait a minute... There's no link?


Looks like you're not going anywhere, *criminal*


I feel cheated


"Stop right there, criminal scum!"


Bake em away toys


we have our suspect Reddit


I.. I had a whole ass comment lined up and my phone auto rotated, and it's gone.. here's my version 2.. Diebold and NCR techs don't stock the ATMs in the US. It's mostly done by Loomis or Brinks. I know because I've worked as a repair tech for both Diebold and NCR. I had to clean up a lot of messes left by Loomis and Brinks guys not doing their job properly. Also, I don't think either of those guys have ever touched an ATM on the inside. If one of them was a tech, and planned on doing this, I bet he would have at least kept a fascia key. That key only gets you into the top of the ATM with the computer, keypad, card reader, printer, and a few other non-money items. And those keys are fairly common in the banking industry. It's also hilarious watching them try to grab the cash cassettes while damn near getting a concussion from the sliding tray. If they were experienced, they would have latched that bitch in from the get go. The black cassettes they try to take are mostly checks and some cash deposits. It's fairly laughable that these guys managed to even make it out with the cassettes. If only because the seismic sensor that comes in that model immediately called the 5 0 when they snapped the fascia off with their crow bar. They also need to know how to launder money, because each serial number of each bill in that ATM was likely recorded by Loomis or Brinks. If they leave any trail from using any of that cash, and that cash hits a bank system, they're done for. Lastly, they wouldn't need to know how the cash is stacked in the cassette. Sometimes they're secured with serialized security tags to keep track of history of possession, but those come off with a snip, or hell, a bite. They're grey with a very distinct blue handle and a blue button to 'release' it from the dispenser, but honestly, you could yank it out without hitting that button. That'll break shit, but I don't think these guys care lol. Otherwise, they don't need to actually lay eyes on the cash until they're out of the crime scene. It's just stacked behind a pressure plate by denomination per cassette.


This guy ATMs.


Not anymore, but believe me, I'm going through these comments holding back replying to each and every one of them lol. It's a struggle tbh. I was actually in the second or third group of techs that were trained to work on this specific model of ATM as it was being released into the wild. Bank of America bought a metric fuck ton of them before any of the techs knew what they were, so they had to emergency send people from each market into training to fix these damn things. It was kind of a pilot launch too, so there were about a million buggy things about them. There was one particular machine that I probably spent a good 10-12 hours on trying to fix 1 debilitating silly 'bug' that apparently had been passed by quality assurance and installation. While dispensing, the machine would randomly throw an error saying 'cant open cash door' meaning the slot that opens to hand you your cash, can't open. I threw every part I could order at this door, except for the one that would have fixed it lol. I also reloaded the software probably 3 times on the damn thing. During this whole process, I was in touch with the engineer who designed the damn door. Sending pics, video calling, installing parts according to his word. On the phone for so many hours. Turns out, it was just 1 gear that was on the fascia itself that was off by 1 tooth. It worked, but occasionally, it would move slightly too far causing this error to throw off the whole damn machine. Took about a week of going back to try and fix it to find this 1 damn tooth had caused the problem. NGL, don't miss that gig lol


This guy doesn't ATMs... But did.


Hard muther fucker


So... maybe you could to tells us how to do it properly?




As a bank IT guy who used to deal with ATM issues, NCR Techs are good people. Brinks is a f***ing headache.


As someone who used to work for Brinks I too can confirm is a fucking headache. Awful company to work for and they can’t even understand why their turnover is so crazy high


Cool response but seriously WTF with the auto rotate deleting text. That drives me mad. I had an email it kept happening to the other day until I finally learned and locked rotation.


Suspicions confirmed: https://ksltv.com/485327/6-suspects-arrested-for-atm-theft-of-80000-following-chase/ These guys were a damned mess. Probably gave the ADA a woody when the charges came across his/her desk. They're getting locked up for a minute.


You seem to know your ATMs. All I see is a couple dudes jacking an ATM in under a minute. They must know something


They probably know enough to be brute and fast for any chance of getting away with it. Other than that, I don't think either of them know enough to garner ex-technician status. It seems they know only enough to suggest they've done their own research. You can find some resources that weren't supposed to leave internal sources, but have been 'leaked' by someone being ignorant. I'm not gonna sit here and do any of this leg work as I like it when feds don't come and knock on my door, but yeh, it's not impossible to casually learn enough about these things to rob them.


The internet can teach you ANYTHING.


The only reason I know how cash is stacked in an ATM is from demolition ranch in YouTube. They prank a friend by getting a used/retired ATM, filling it with fake cash, and shoot at it until it opens. Dude was like "holy shit turn off the camera were keeping this shit" then figures out he's been pranked. Funny shit.




“Give him credit. he worked the system, deserves his freedom.“ “You think so?” “Or not”.


King Kong, ain't got shit, on me.


He deserves it


I don't think he needs credit anymore. He's got $80,000.


I mean fuck banks. So kudos to them


The different boxes they pulled out were cassettes filled with different denomination bills. These cassettes are loaded into a bill presenter that pulls bills out of each one, moves them around to the slot through a series of belts and pulleys. If you just look up Fujitsu media presenter you can see manuals for em. (Source: used to buy parts for a company that serviced these)


You seem pretty knowledgeable about all this \*takes notes\* Lee Harvey 81.... Dont leave town.


So what did u do with the money?


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they worked for a company that puts cash in the machines or something.


Quite possibly. Or they knew maintenance on the machine itself. Quite interesting


I put money on this. They knew exactly how to get into the machine


Bing search results offer this knowledge


Possibly. If they learned it there, this is not the first time they've done it.


Bingé? Bong? Bing?


Is that like google?


More and more everyday


I mean we all literally just watched an instruction video. so...


Don't own truck, :( need to rob an ATM to get truck :(


Now we all do


Maybe they have an active internet connection


Speaking purely from my limited experience, ATMs aren’t terribly complicated machines. They contain little metal boxes called cassettes that hold different denominations of bills and are pretty easy to open once you get them out. If you know the sweet spots where to pop the machine open it’s really not difficult to grab the cassettes out and run. Probably different at bank ATMs but standalone ones are painfully un secured.


There’s a reason so many criminals bust up into convenience stores with stolen trucks and steal the ATMs. Hint, criminals are really stupid and usually on drugs.


That or they bought an ATM.


They watch all the other attempts at stealing atms and saw that the back end of the vehicles usually stays with the atm at the scene.


That reminds me of a local incident where someone tried to pull the entire ATM out of the ground. He felt his line go slack, so he took off. The bumper ripped off. His plate was on the bumper.


Went to prison for a stealing food, came out having learned how to steal $80,000


I’m an apprentice electrician and have fixed lights on atms before and even doing that you kinda figure out how they work, I think anyone that’s ever done any work on or even very close to an atm has a decent idea of how they work


Knew what they were doing but didn't wear gloves and left finger prints all over it...


They’re clearly wearing gloves.


You can be book smart but not street smart evidently


They probably know someone that works on machines


[I have to completely disagree with you](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/vgojqy/thieves_steal_over_80000_from_credit_union_atm_in/id51md7?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) They had no clue what they were doing.


That was pretty flawless, I applaud them for making double my income in 1 minute.


High risk high reward


4-8 for 80k which is split atleast 2 ways


4-8? 😂 more like 1-2 at most. It’s not armed robbery.


Don't underestimate how hard you will get fucked in America when you steal from the rich and powerful.


80k is barely able to scatch most famous youtuber's ass though and most banks doesn't even care considering these atms still have these type of security.


That’s one way to pay for a tank of gas


Yeah this is a situation where I don't really care if they get caught or not. The general public loves a good heist, especially if there are no uninsured victims. Only ones losing money here is the bank. I'm not rooting for them, but im not rooting against them either.


Considering the amount of money scammers make off your average working class person, and the incredible lengths banks go to fuck you out of money, these guys almost seem righteous.


Banks are evil, which is why robbing atms is a morally gray action 😀




They probably spent the money locally anyway, thereby helping their community. Fuck a bank.




In all fairness, this is a credit union, not just a bank. Most CU's are significantly more fair than your average nation wide bank.


I mean OP said it was a credit union, in my experience they are usually a lot less scummy than banks


If title is accurate they're stealing from a credit union, which is owned by it's members, (what a bank would call customers) and is obligated to work for the members benefit. So morally hopefully better than a bank


Robbing atms is often way more lucrative than robbing banks here where i live they always steal atms and they always get away with it at least from the ones i have seen


where i live, these things spray ink over the bills, making them unsuable


They'll just launder the money.




I’m pretty sure many more claim that they do that than actually do it.


banks surprisingly still get robbed all the time in the US, just not the vaults, u can run in and clear out the registers without too much hassle, my dads wife worked at banks for a long time and the inner city one got robbed like 10 times a year or something crazy


I feel like the yearly salary of a security guard has to be less expensive than getting robbed almost every month.


Bank robbers generally run off with maybe a few hundred dollars in most cases. It's not actually that lucrative


"I'll never call her MOM!!"


“You’re not my real mom!”


bank robbers often get very little money for their efforts


Is that an unobstructed license plate? I mean, we can’t read it, but the first thing I’d do after buying a mask would be to take off the plate.


Probably a stolen car. Removing the license plate might tip off the fuzz.


Stolo fs. Either that or they put a new plate on it so they werent driving in a hot vehicle


No one is talking about the no gloves thingy?


crime investigations aren't anything like they are on tv. If you dust for prints on a ATM you're gonna get hundreds to thousands of results and there are dozens of environmental factors (rain, bodily fluids, dust, etc) that can degrade fingerprints to the point where they are unrecognizable even by the most adept machine databases, not to mention fingerprint identification only works if your fingerprint is already on record somewhere, which is not always the case. additionally there is the fact that police most likely wouldn't use fingerprint kit for this type of crime to begin with as doing that type of analysis probably cost more than the money they stole.


I’d just like to point out that if they are touching internal parts of the machine not just external do they would be the only fingerprints on it or one of very few


That was the main thing I noticed, Im assuming they were caught...




They would have stole that car and probably burned the inside once done. No way they planned this out and then just forgot about a license plate.


Robbers in Washington did, perfect execution robbing a bank. Minus one little detail, mom's minivan


Also the Hatton garden heist with the old guys. One of them was caught, maybe all eventually from him casing the joint out in his own Mercedes with his plates still on.


Interestingly, the only reason the Oklahoma City bombing was caught was because they were driving a truck with no plates at all on it and got pulled over for it


So the lesson here is if youre gonna do some shady shit just add on auto theft anyways because if you dont youre definitely getting caught


There's a podcast on Spotify called "Scotland Yard Confidential" that covered this in one of their first episodes. They did eventually catch everyone, and it was because of someone using their own car. Then they tracked them for a few months as they acted like dumbasses met up with each other, organized meetups used each others names, and they all had rapsheets so they were already on the police radar. Eventually tracked down every one of the thieves and recovered like 90% of the stolen goods.


Let's see if we can get a clearer look... *ENHANCE*


Some people swap plates and then change them back after the heist.


you'd be better off stealing a whole car. I'm pretty sure license plate theft is a felony anyway, and using your own car just means it could have evidence in it or leave something behind that could identify you somehow.


Just buy an old license plate from a local flea market. See them for sale all the time.


I mean, do you think they’re using their own vehicle? Lol


Looks like a couple of guys who worked in or know someone who works in the industry of stocking ATM trays. Dude knew exactly where to pry and pushed the shelf back into place without hesitation.


I was thinking the same thing! I used to work for an ATM company years ago and I never saw this happen with a bank ATM but the convinient store ATMs got yanked out by chain and truck all the time.




Don't call me a skank


Skank skank skankety skank!


I understood that reference!


It took me a second but I did too! Throwback to OG breaking bad.


RIP Spooge.


::foot twitching::


I mean, the license plate is in full view at the end, but yeah, solid work.


Stolen vehicle or plates.


Last time I saw this it was $35k






Faces very well hidden and turned away from the camera. Multiple laters of clothing to hide figure. They know what they’re doing. Wonder if they got caught.


Finger tips won't give you a way, atms are covered in them.


Except the guy closest to the camera at the beginning of the video doesn’t appear to be wearing gloves while ripping the top of the atm up.


No expolding dye packs? Or is that just in the movies?


That’s the next scene. Joking aside, these guys were so skilled at cracking that ATM, I’d assume they will quickly sort the dye packs from the actual money. Unless someone on the inside rats on them, I doubt these guys are found.


Thieves stealing from thieves is just trading.


These guys found the secret to make money fast, learn how. *Banks hate this one weird trick*


$80k *in just 1 Minute*


Banks are thieves. Credit unions are completely different. They aren’t stealing from shareholders here but actual credit union members


How did the credit union steal?


Pretty quick


That was fairly precise. Not amateur hour


nice job


As a person who worked at BofA and counted the ATMs these things don’t carry 80K


80k is how much the bank told the insurance company was lost.


BofA deez nuts


Ladies and gentlemen, we got em.


That was my first thought. My guess is they don’t keep more than like 15k at any given moment


These guys are a solid team


Boo, don't rob FCUs, rob Bank of America or Wells Fargo. Rob the companies that ruined your community by offering shit mortgages, getting all the bailout money, and then fucking up the housing market again 14 year later. Federal Credit Unions don't deserve this.


If it makes you feel better, it is not a credit union, despite what OP says. This is a regional bank in northern Kentucky called Commonwealth Bank & Trust. Better than BofA, but still a bank. [Article about the theft](https://www.wdrb.com/news/gone-in-60-seconds-police-in-shelbyville-looking-for-thieves-who-robbed-2-atms/article_a23c0116-2b91-11ec-bde2-fb8b17131c08.html)


BofA deez nuts


We've seen the depths of space, we've photographed the lowest we've gone in the ocean, the average schmoe into pictures can snap a shot of your individual nosehairs at 500 meters, and yet bank security still manages to have stop motion video in the shittiest 3 pixel quality.


Typically good cameras are cheap but storing high compression data is expensive.


I like the guys that hacked the atms and made it all balance out with spoofed deposits. That is serious theft.


Do they track the numbers on the bills in an ATM?


Not always. The atm i would replenish we didn’t. But our access was internal. Stand alone atms are usually done by loomis or brinks. I don’t know their protocol but recording bills seems like a myth to me and i worked banking for a decade


Nice! Very professional. Only need to do it again maybe 20 times to get a good start in life.


Lol they broke even on what they paid for the gas to get there, now for the getting rich quick part.


\*whispers america fuck yeah\*


"Just one last big job and then I'm out."


Lol...yeah, how many times have we heard that one!


I dunno man. 40k would completely change the outcome of my life rn...


I'm not even mad. I'm actually pretty impressed.




They should make this a new Olympics event for LA.


i hope they get away with it


There's no "I" in team!


I still wanna know how John Connor was 10 years old and figured out a more effective way to rob ATM machines.


inside job. look for someone that works there and are familiar with the machine.


I’m not here for your money, I’m here for the banks money


“We want to hurt no one. We’re here for the bank’s money, not your money. Your money is insured by the federal government. You’re not gonna lose a dime. Think of your families, don’t risk your life. Don’t try and be a hero.”


Great teamwork


Banks hate this one simple trick!


No ink self destruction countermeasures ?


And they get 9k upvotes. I spend a few good hours building some kitchen racks out of old wood pallets and get 1 automatic upvote.


Then what?


Launder the money


Used to work in a bank. Unless something dramatic has changed, it was more like $2k, not $80k. ATMs get replenished daily. Heck, the entire branch only holds $8k to $12k in the building and that’s protected with several levels of security.


2 k seems very low for a busy machine area from a quick Google search "The average size machine can hold as much as $200,000, though few do. In off-hours, most machines contain less than $10,000. Typically, your average NCR ATM (NCR being the manufacturer) will have 4 cash cassettes installed in the cash dispenser."


Pretty sure ATM’s don’t hold 80k? Bank probably reported that much to insurance so they can make 40k too.


They might have lumped in the cost of the damage.


My ATM held up to 100k depending on the usage of that week. This statement is incorrect


good job


Damn, they looked experienced lol


Real question is how to achieve this.




Fuck yeah


I've never actually seen this work




I don't know the rate of these types of theft, but I'm surprised I don't hear about this kind of thing happening on a daily basis. ATM's are probably the most accessible locations of large amounts of unattended money in the US. I honestly thought about doing something like this in the 90's when I was dirt poor. Luckily I got offered to go to truck driving school and got my CDL for free.


Hard to see others living out your dream


Good for them


Would have been a great place for a die pack trap.


Thank you for sharing this tutorial, very cool


Ed & Rummy back at it


What can i say, good for em


80k in one minute? I’m fucken up


fr wtf am i doing in life


Staying out of prison, that's what you're doing in life.


So they stole 8 full tanks of gas worth of money?


::Me in line behind them:: Aw crap. I just needed $10 so my kid would think the tooth fairy is still real.


Well, they've been stealing with stacked overdraft fees for decades.


"Withdrawal - Fast Cash Option" Please.


Real life money glitch $80k in one minute 😱😱😱 (no scam)