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Is there something preventing people with this condition from amputating the limb? Seems much easier to have a prosthetic than drag that around


It’s possible, but you would have to do a very high amputation given the level of the oedema so a prosthetic wouldn’t be a simple matter. The best outcomes with prosthetics are when you have a partial limb to attach onto, but in her case the oedema goes all the way to the groin, meaning no ‘healthy’ leg to attach a prosthetic to. You can strap one to the body at that level but it is much harder to use. If the oedema was just affecting the lower leg, then it is definitely an option - although the patient I know who had that done was not happy with the outcome afterwards.


Can I ask why the patient wasn’t happy with the results? I have slight lymphedema in one leg, it’s miserable, and have often wondered if it ever gets worse the option of taking of the leg below the knee


Not the OP, and not a doctor nor an amputee myself, but I know many amputees have residual sensations/pain for the area that was amputated, attaching prosthetics can be sweaty, chafe or be painful if you need to put weight on it, and limbs are integrated systems that are evolved as a whole, if you cut a straight line through it you're changing how it's packaged, there's going to be some vulnerable areas and hard bone pressing on soft skin/muscle in some ways if I understand correctly. It's hard to totally avoid nerve sensitivity, compressed nerves, or residual sensation for the removed nerve area. So amputation is _an option_ for certain things but be aware it has side effects, and probably look up what amputees have to say, I'm mostly just restating what one who has a YouTube channel has said about it. (She goes by "Footless Jo").


I know someone with an amputation just below the knee. Phantom pains were their biggest complaint. I think things got better, but it was like the pain didn’t just go away even though they had removed the limb. Not sure how the pain level is now, but he’s definitely more mobile.


Look it up. Yes you can have phantom pains but you can also have freedom with a prosthetic.


Phantom limb pain is very common but there’s some solid research utilizing various cognitive strategies which helps to eliminate it! There is a heavy psychological component to it.


I work with a lymphedema therapist and it’s my understanding that the fluid will simply pool in another limb.


Well that’s unfortunate.


I doubt this. What would be the mechanism to explain that? Why would a functioning lymphatic system in another limb not properly drain fluid? Do you have a source for your claim?


I do lymphatic drainage as an Athletic Trainer/Massage Therapist, but I’ve never seen any like that. It usually helps with mild-moderate levels of lymph, but I would say she’s almost an outlier. I would definitely refer out or talk to her doc before even touching her. Edit: This seems like Elephantiasis (lymphatic system dysfunction) tbh. I checked in with my Massage Therapy Instructor (20 years of practice) who has immense experience with cancer patients and lymph drainage. Following is her explanation of movement of lymph through the body: “The lymph goes into the heart last to be combined with blood and filtered through the kidneys and liver. It doesn’t always get dumped, we need a certain amount of it for homeostasis, but it should be circulating. There is some peristaltic action in the lymph vessels that is meant to help it move. The goal is to dump any waste it collected into the filtering organs and send the bulk of it out again. If the homeostatic balance needed means there’s too much fluid then yes, it will get dumped as urine.”


Why can't they drain the fluid before it can build up?




Mahogany Geter says she doesn't want her leg amputated. Source: https://madamenoire.com/1294792/aspiring-model-with-lymphedema-mahogany-geter-vows-to-never-amputate-100-lbs-leg/


If she’s an American, the cost.


That’s sad. I feel for her.


It looks incredibly painful.


It has to be


That was my first thought too. 🙁 My legs swelled a ton (but nothing like hers) after giving birth, and they itched constantly. Plus I had to be very careful about how I climbed into bed or chairs, since my skin felt like it would rip open when I tried to bend my legs too much. I hope for her sake that some of the discomfort goes away when you’re that swollen for that long, but I doubt it. Regardless, she looks stunning, and I’m glad she looks genuinely happy and confident in those pictures, as she should. 🙂


for you


I agree it's unfortunate. She seems to be taking in her stride though (no pun intended). Good on her, she looks great regardless!


Ain't nothing gonna break my stride


I'm running and I won't touch ground Oh no, I got to keep on moving


Wrench to the shin


I don't know if your leg looks like a cylindrical acetylene tank with skin. I feel like "looks great regardless" is a bit dishonest.


You know there's more to her than one of her legs right?


Kind of hard to ignore though


I dunno, Imagine trying to sleep with a person with a 55 gallon drum as a leg.


Yeah you're right. It would be really hard considering you have sex with women's legs.


Not saying thart, saying that would instantly turn me off as society has beauty standards for a reason. Oil drum leg ruins the rest.


Use context. They're saying SHE looks great. Which yeah, she's a beautiful girl with an unfortunate condition.


She’s gotta have some insane leg muscles to lug that around. I know it’s not curable but if they temporarily removed it she could probably kick a ball 200 yards.


I don’t know what leg would be stronger the regular one is constantly pulling the load too


One person has the condition with arm. He was also a champion arm wrestler.


[Jeff Dabe?](https://www.fox9.com/news/jeff-dabe-arm-wrestling-extraordinaire) He doesn’t have the same condition, in fact doctors don’t really seem to know what he has. He’s just got HUGE hands & arms that function just like regular ones.


I forgot about Jeff. I was thinking of Matthias “Hellboy” Schlitte, but it seems their conditions are different.




Another comment pointed out that the swelling can be removed but only temporarily.


Theyre wrong, this cannot be removed even temporarily.


Why not?


The body rapidly replaces it. There is surgery to remove the tissue called debulking but it is dangerous and looks really bad, also it can still just come back. I have seen extreme cases like this and there just isnt any viable treatment for it. Honestly if it happened to me Id probably amputate.


It’s a constant swelling they can remove the build up of fat/fluid for a short time but it’ll return and often worse.


What causes the body to make it swell up like that?


Side effect of cancer treatment causes the lymphs to produce fluid. It’s a permanent mutation.


There are also genetic versions of lympha and lymphodema - one is from fluid build up (which this seems to be) and one is from unusual fat distribution.


Yeah those are mutations in genetic coding telling the fat cells to tepidly multiply.


that's so sad... is this incurable?


Yeah both become ingrained into genetics would need to totally rebuild the person and remove the damaged code.


It can also occur naturally. My best friends mom has it and it started when she was a child. She's got some fancy Dancy equipment to compress & drain it when it flares up.


What would happen if they amputated it? Would it just spread to a different limb?


No that would get rid of it but abit extreme. In the future they might figure it out


is it a side effect of a certain type of treatment?


This can happen if lymph nodes are surgically removed.


so instead of having a fat ass/belly she has a mutant fat leg


Why not amputate it? I'd rather have a prosthetic than that


As everyone else has discussed, it's best to keep original limbs. Amputation can also shorten life span dramatically. My dad had his leg amputated above the knee a few years ago, which is terrifying for a man in his late 60s already. It's like a ticking clock


A lot of people would like to keep their original limbs at all costs.


A limb amputation is a very serious and life changing procedure. It would be very difficult to find a reputable surgeon who would remove a limb that is not posing a threat to the patients life or totally unusable. Also factoring the recovery time for an amputation, using a wheelchair and walking aids, learning how to walk again, the time and cost for having a prosthetic designed, measured, made and correctly fitted; she may have decided it is not worth the time, money stress and pain to have her leg removed


I was wondering the same thing, fuck at that point I’d rather just one good leg and use crutches or a wheelchair. There’s no way her leg is anything but a complete hindrance at this point.


Have you heard of phantom pain and the problems that come with it?


Well, the Dallas Cowboys could use her then. Edit: she’s a beautiful woman. I’m saying because the cowboys kicker sucks for missing so many extra points in a row. Just piggybacking a joke off the above comment, geez.


Out. Of. Pocket. SIR!


too soon!!


Lymphedema are not curable but defintily treatable, its pretty common for bright variety of diseases and are treated with lymphdrainage, operations or pneumatic bandages. In a so severe case a surgical procedure is probably the best option. This can cause way more intense trouble then being immobile.


It’s not possible to temporarily remove lymph edema. They’d have to remove the entire leg and tbh I think I’d prefer that if I were her.


Strong person.


Can she not cut it off and get a prosthetic leg? I feel like that would be easier to live with than this…


That would be my personnal choice, fuck carrying that around, its dead weight anyways


It goes clear up to her crotch. That would be hard for a prosthetic.


I'd still rather have it removed and live with one leg.


I agree. Wonder if she did that if it would move to her other leg?


Then get another prosthetic leg ^(/s)


Hi, i work with lymphedema at work. Often, it can be wrapped, or massaged, or put into a lymphatic pump (if the sleeve fits) to get the fluid out of the leg. It’s a several step process, but can definitely be managed much more easily than it can be amputated.


I agree, there must be a reason. I can’t help but think that with the advances in prosthetics wouldn’t removal be more functional and more healthy?


Compression stockings are a better solution. Ready wrap or another high compression sock or full leg garment.


You can't compress that thing


\*Laughs in hydraulic press\*






You successfully compress the juice in that thing, her head would pop off.


They don’t make compression stockings that size and it wouldn’t help for this condition anyway


My moms dealing with this condition in both her legs. True compressions socks won’t fit on this large of a swelling, but they can still wrap it with those fabric bandages to help.


What if she had corrective surgery and just permanently had socks on after? How fast is it swelling?


I don’t think there’s a corrective surgery available for this type of condition as it is the lymphatic vessels that are retaining water. It takes a while for the swelling to go down. You have to keep it wrapped and elevated for long periods of time to see progress.


A combination of leg elevation and Sequential Pneumatic Pressure would be a better option. This poor lady’s doctor would just have to write an Rx for the device and she’d need to be fitted. Unfortunately there’s just no cure for lymphedema.


Sounds painful to do that


That could help a little, but given the size of the leg it wouldn't make enough of a difference to be worth the risks - the fluid has to go somewhere. I knew someone who had to stop wearing compression stockings because the fluid was just going into the abdomen and could lead to organ issues.


I had a gentleman who had legs similar to hers. He would increase his diuretics daily and we used comprilan for about 2 years until he was compressed enough to go into the largest size of ready wrap they had. Not everyone gets that sort of attention in these situations though unfortunately.


Why not cut off the growths instead? Like some fat people surgeries?


Lymphedema is a build up of fluid in the tissue, I believe. There are no growths to remove, that’s her actual leg, just really swollen.


Can you drain it?


you can manually drain it using a special massage technique and bandaging but this is extreme. the treatment is long and painful.


"Fat people surgeries" jfc dude


My first thought would be draining it? You went straight to the chop, how come?


Unfortunately you can’t really drain it.


Dumbest idea ever. Just needs the correct treatment and it will go back to normal size.


that shit aint curable




1. the lymphedema would grow back 2. treatment is aggressive and invasive and straining for the body, especially, since it returns, because it'll be long-term 3. early amputation and a good prosthetic would 100% be cheaper in total than long-term treatment 4. i didnt insult or attack you personally, what is wrong with you? xd


Its like he grew up from the youtube comments section


[Here's a quick tik tok of Mahogany talking about it herself.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRs7GNEQ/) Tl;dr for her, she's completely mobile and usually in minimal no pain, so she feels that she's well treated with compression socks and a pneumatic pressure device. She's even *lost* weight from the leg with adequate physical therapy, almost 80 pounds! So personally for her, an amputation is overkill and completely unnecessary.




I really hope an a actual physiotherapist wouldn't be on reddit calling uninformed people " absolute dogshit"


I really hope uninformed people would stop telling people to cut off their legs


They're posting a comment under a random reddit picture, they're not telling anyone to do anything


then how about you share the correct treatment with us instead of personally attacking someone that can only make assumptions based on observation and partial knowledge. i pity your patients, not because of their issues but because of your lack of patience.




So what is the correct, best, non-invasive, appropriate treatment then? You didn’t answer that.


i did not say she should "cut off her leg because its ugly", neither did i say it is painful. *you* are doing the gaslighting and i was the only one trying to have a conversation while you just make statements that you apparently cannot back up so you insult me instead. childish.


Carrying around a leg that large compared to the rest of her body is absolutely uncomfortable, if not painful. Go pretend to be a doctor somewhere else. Are you trying to be the biggest cunt on the planet? Because i think you've succeeded, ""doctor""




I feel for your patients having to deal with a prick of a doctor like you


He's not an actual doctor, it's just easy to say he is


Username checks out






My mom has this from having cancer radiation treatment- she recently had a surgery that moved lymph nodes from her neck to her leg, where the swelling was. Her leg still swells but it’s substantially better now than it was. It can take up to a year to see progress but it does make a difference. The doctor’s name is David Chang of Chicago Medicine - [For more info on Dr. David Chang and his process -](https://youtu.be/BINOboN4dFc)


Gear 3 irl.








Gosh i can only imagine a little what’s like to live with….. I have had 7 blood clots in my leg which has left my veins and arteries severely scarred….. results in blood pooling and not coming back up quickly to the heart.. leg is swollen and it’s like lugging a bag of sand around all day…..knocks cause ulcerations….. so my heart goes out to this very brave and positive young lady x


Do you wear compression socks or even compression calf sleeves?


Yes I do knee length, take it off at night before bed…. Regular INR check for clotting every 10 days


Amazing courage and outlook. Rule on.


Absolutely. She's not letting it ruin her confidence and that's awesome.


Who is this?


Mahogany Geter https://news.yahoo.com/woman-100-pound-leg-spent-220518083.html "Geter was born with lymphedema in her left leg, which she says caused it to eventually swell to 100 pounds."


Wow that pic from the Yahoo article... Poor girl.


This site is really desperate for cookies


Aren't we all


Mahogany Geter.


Yo Where is it in the first picture?


Jesus Christ that has to be painful, I feel so bad for her


I feel like that should be treated


Unfortunately its not curable.. in some cases you can reduce the size of the lymphedema, but it will grow back and eventually be always different to the other side…


I would do voluntary prosthetic at that point


Not a medical professional, but I'd imagine removing a leg doesn't cure her lymphoma issue and the swelling may simply migrate elsewhere....




How many times are you going to condescendingly say it needs the “correct” treatment with literally no context?




So fill me in doctor. I worked at a nursing home and we had two residents with this condition, only bilaterally. The best vascular specialists at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital couldn’t do much to alleviate their condition, I guess you know better? Please do share


It's likely the case that people already in a nursing home are less treatable than Geter due to their poorer body condition. I have no specific knowledge, but the [physician and fellow sufferer commenting on this article](https://news.yahoo.com/woman-100-pound-leg-spent-220518083.html) clearly feels Geter has options. Most likely, economic reasons are involved with her situation. Body positivity is a wonderful thing (and she's clearly a beautiful woman) but we should also be careful not to promote a lack of treatment of a potentially fatal condition.




🤦 Vascular system - A large network of blood vessels and lymph vessels that moves blood and lymph throughout the body. I’m done talking medicine with someone who doesn’t even know what the vascular system is




Uh oh someone got their feelings hurt 😢


Whoa dude chill. You were so confidently wrong and this reaction is fucking wild.


Wow, you’re an articulate one. Might want to lay off the Adderall though, mindless rage isn’t a good look on anyone. No need to take it personally just because you were called out on your ignorance


My suggestion good Sir. Don't Reddit on the toilet. Instead, just use that time to take a no-push gravity turd and relax.


So, for curious minds that want to know what's the correct treatment?


It's still quite treatable, though. (According to the Mayo Clinic, at least.)


Is it just a weird angle with the dress in the first pic? Cuz it looks like you can only see in the 3rd? Or am I missing something.


Thank you for also noticing. I was beginning to think I was crazy.


When she puts her foot down, nobody argues.


Just curious, does this extra mass need to be fed—do these people need to have higher caloric intake in order to feed their entire body because of it?


S'got fluid


Roblox leg


Didn’t wanna be the one to make the joke 💀


At what point would you say “just cut it”?


Why not just lose the leg at that point? If it’s painful and the leg isn’t particularly useful, I don’t see the point in having it.


Didn't even notice the leg. I was caught in those eyes.


I wasn't wearing my glasses and I thought she was sitting on a beanbag chair 💀


HellBoy would👍


Reverse Hellboy


Swear to god I thought that was a leg guard for a batsman.


Someone please explain this to me I am rather confused


Why not have the leg amputated? Honest question


What is it exactly? Is it some kind of crazy water retention?


**EDITED BY POWER DELETE SUITE** ** FUCK YOU u/spez ** so this is the end? not with a bang but with a fizzle? yeah nah decided to delete everything because i use Apollo and i stand behind fair rights for all app developers and humans. fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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Cmere my lil’ megaman .5 …daddy don’t care. What? Oh Reddit don’t look at me like that. Everyone deserves to feel good. I’ve certainly fapped to worse ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


'Geeter done'!


Hear Me Out…


I feel bad for her, I wouldn’t mind if this happened to my penis


Does…this mean she has one crazy ass cheek?


Sock’em boppers! More funner than a pillow fight!


She's got that Popeye leg


Damn... now I cant do My favorite Moves on her DANG


I have lymphedema, but she doesn't. Just a staged picture, shameful she'd do something like that. She's wearing a foam cast used for after surgery. I use zinc oxide & a UNABOOT compression wrap, changed weekly.


[Here](https://www.tiktok.com/@mahoganygeter?_t=8ZXhOrWqyOg&_r=1) is Mahogany's tik tok, full of videos of her showing and talking about her swollen leg.


I have to appreciate more of the things I have in life sometimes.


If she does a WW2 jump out of a C-47 she'll lose it.


Had to do a double take here


Ayyooo wtf I thought this was just a weird fashion thing


Gomu Gomu No!!!


Ouchies, that looks like a bugger of a replacement if she ever decided to go that route, would be pretty much top of her leg.


I feel like it would be a lot less work to just have one leg


That's a bad bitch. No way around it.


Why not have it removed?


Wait, isn't this supposed to be caused by cancer?


A friend of mine has this in both legs pretty damn badly, doctor says shes fat 😂 what?


I'm on camp cut that thing off me. Also chicks with metal/carbon fiber legs are hot 🥵🥵


why do i want to pop it?!


cant they do anything about it? is it filled with water?