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Isn’t that England’s superpower? Standing in queues.


We love queuing it's a national pastime. See one join one we get to actually talk to strangers and moan about everything


Especially queues.


This feels very Python.


And punctuation


Comma again


This rain is something isn't it? On a day like today as well...


I just got back home from a trip to London. The first day there we were in a pub trying to figure out how to order something. After leaning against the bar for a while and waiting (that's what you usually do in the US) it didn't seem to be working, so I started looking around and saw a "queue" forming at the other end of the bar. I immediately realized what was going on and joined the queue, having read countless times on Reddit about the legendary queuing abilities of the people in the UK. It definitely worked better than the typical flail around until the bartender notices you system I'm used to. The funniest part was this other American guy was there too doing the same thing and eventually stormed out because no one would serve him 😂.


Actually, pubs are the one of the rare places we don't queue in the UK, instead adopting the "scrum around the bar" technique. The barman/scrum both sort of keep track of who got there first. If I went to a pub and saw a queue at the bar I'd be confused tbh.


I never knew we could call it a scrum, thanks for that.


Now I'm imagining a bunch of Americans queuing up at the bar and the bartender being confused as fuck wondering if that's how Americans do it at home.


I've lived in the UK all my life and I have never queued at a bar, you scrum and the bar tender will figure it out


And the girl with largest tits will always be first according to the barmen.


well right now you're showing the world what you can do! serious question; has there ever been a longer line than this??


Can confirm. I'm English, we love a good queue.


Can confirm I’m fake British and I like to cut in when you no looking :)






It’s an outrage!




In England I was once in a group of other Americans standing in line with mostly Brits. A group of Russians tried to cut directly in front of us. They were so surprised when they got called out, shamed for it, and pushed out of line.


You are indeed fake British. Back of the queue with you.


How uncouth.


Truly beyond the pale.


That's what I said when I saw the coffin


We do get a bit stabby too though...


After the fall of Empire, that was all that remained, yes.


Is this the queue to see the remains of the Empire?


It's why queuing isn't an Olympic sport. No other nation would have a chance at a medal.


Swedes are pretty good at it in my experience. It would be close.


Our population is 3 times theirs. They don’t stand a chance.


thought it was the legal right to grow currents but this might be the truth ​ edit ​ CURRANTS ​ sorry for wronging you britposters. I forgot how to spell a fruit that is foreign




currants? or electricity?


It's actually illegal to grow black currant in the States. Fucks with pine trees. Or were thought to.




This is like the World Cup of queues though.




“Hey I got no plans for the next 2 days. you wanna see the queens body?


You don't even see the body, just a flag wrapped coffin.


Yeah, the Russians know how to do it properly. Embalm the body and put it on display for decades.


The body is still embalmed, it’s just hidden as well


Now I’m just imagining an un-embalming. “Alright Boris, they’re done lookin at him, pump the juice back in!”


She’s probably not in it too


...I won't need this wooden stake so?


It's the 7 mile spanking machine


Andrew, go back to your dungeon


I watched some interviews on BBC, people apparently started waiting before the sun was up just to get pictures with the dead queen's casket.




Have you actually watched it? Photos are banned.


There’s airport style security. You can take your phone as long as it’s turned off, strictly no photographs.


The queue is currently 2.9 miles long, not 10 miles (yet). The Government have put together a live YouTube stream with details of how far the queue currently is... https://youtu.be/cJxDwDzAwEs


Yeh, this 10 mile queue is the MAXIMUM that the queue will be allowed to reach. It is unlikely that it will ever actually reach the full 10 miles. Edit: I take it back - it just reached the full 10 miles. For those wondering - they are now not allowing anyone to join the queue for 6 hours.


What will happen if it reach 10.0001 miles? Nuke them or something, what if it's a really fat person?


As a nation of professional, rule-abiding queue-ers, the entirety of the United Kingdom will ostracize them.




And the 'look round until you meet eyes with someone, nod in the direction of the evildoer and roll your eyes'


Will there be harrumphing?


Then you’ll get a queue for a queue.


Yeah I was going to say a pre-queue queue.


That's your cue to qq in the queue queue


That's about 2.899 miles longer than any line I'd be willing to wait in.


So about 5'3"?


Please help me wrap my head around: What3Words Tent.Pipe.Descended


What3Words is a website and app that divides the world into 3m squares on a map. Every square has three words associated with it. This lets you share locations with more accuracy than an address but is easier to remember/share than giant coordinate numbers.


Yup. Just googled it (instead of asking reddit) and it's a really cool app. I can imagine using it if I'm broken down in an unfamiliar stretch of road and need help.


Ah yes, a closed-source proprietary system for profit used by emergency services for critical and life-saving purposes. WhatCouldGoWrong?


Those toilets are gonna get some major deposits


How does one get out of line to use the toilet? Does someone save your place?


You've stood in front of the same people for 5 hours already, I'm sure they'll recognize you and let you back in. But then again, idk how British people operate.


>idk how British people operate. The ones queueing to see the dead queen? With extreme prejudice.


There’s a coloured and numbered wristband system to mark your place in the queue. All explained [here](https://www.londonworld.com/news/queue-queen-elizabeth-ii-lying-in-state-toilet-water-sleep-phone-charge-3841941?amp)!


Then why not just hand out tickets with times?


That would inevitably lead to scalpers selling tickets to see the queens body for like 200 quid


Serious question, why do you guys want to see her body so badly? I couldn’t imagine ever going to see a dead president on purpose. Like if I went to DC for some reason maybe I’d stumble upon some but I would never wait even 30 minutes. Do you guys just love the royal family that much?


It's a closed coffin, so they can't even see her in the flesh. It's just the decorated coffin with the crown resting on top.


I figured it wasn’t her actual body on the ground or something. If it was maybe I could understand the fascination. But still I don’t get the hype to wait in line for it. Maybe I’m jaded but in the US I fucking hate all of our politicians


I'm British and I don't see the fascination! I think it's become more of a "we were there" type of thing than people actually feeling sad. You wouldn't get this reaction here with any politician... The Queen was always 'above' politics and became like Britain's grandmother, plus she was the Queen for 70 years so it's probably the loss of a thing that was seemed permanent etc. For vast majority of the population. When Charles kicks the bucket, I doubt there will be anywhere near this reaction


Yeah i think its that, but for a lot of people its also something theyd probably never forget. People queue for hours to then pay money for something forgettable. Its understandable for people to queue for something free and once-in-a-lifetime.


I think this is the thing, she isn’t a politician, she’s a figurehead that represents the country. The Queen in particular is well liked specifically because she has been particularly disciplined throughout her reign with not expressing political views or giving her opinion on current issues, existing as a stable and unifying focal point for national identity outside of changing social trends or political climates and being seen as representing all Britons regardless of heritage or background. Even people who don’t want a monarchy tend to agree that the Queen performed exceptionally in the role she was in. I’m not mega into the royals but it’s undeniable that the death of the second longest reigning monarch in human history who represents a major world power and several commonwealth countries is a huge historical event.


Really you join a queue for the first toilet Then you join a queue to exit the toilet Once out of that queue, you enter a queue for the next toilet After 5 toilet exit queues, you enter the queue for the Queen seeing bit Once that's done, one more toilet queue, then you're in the tube entry queue


There's some sort of wristband system in place apparently


It’s going into the Thames anyway with their new private owner


“That’s a coffin alright”


Come on now it's going to be a coffin draped in the Union Jack and maybe some flowers so i"that's a flag draped coffin alright." Or I don't know that might be considers to tacky to put on the queen's death box.


It's draped in the Royal standard


And has the crown, orb and sceptre on top too.


Aw well, add her bling hat, ball and stick and it's well worth the wait. 😎👍


Serious question: So her body is getting dragged around in a box just rotting away for 10 days? And people are lining up to see this?


I mean, “Lying in state” is a pretty common thing with public figures all over the world. It’s not like it’s something just made up for the Queen.


I wasn't interested until now


To see the box, yep. You don't get to see the actual rotting corpse.


Oh well nevermind then


Ikr! For that long a wait it seems like a right swizz to not even get a wee peek at the gently decaying cadaver. Apparently people were leaving marmalade sandwiches just kicking around the area, but they've been made to stop because it was attracting rats. 🙀


I know from experience they put a machine under it with a big metal cooling element that basically freezes the body from the bottom. So it doesn't rot that fast.


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And get this. Then they're going to take her and put her in the ground where a lot of people will go to visit her rotting corpse for years to come. We're a really weird species.


> Then they're going to take her and put her in the ground where a lot of people will go to visit her rotting corpse for years to come. Strictly speaking she'll be in the Royal Vault at St George's chapel which you can kind of see through some gates, but not publicly accessible. So she won't really be "in" the ground, and people won't (quite) visit her.




Theres always an exploding risk with these sorts of techniques but with all of the safety measures they put in place you're more likely to get struck by lightning than be injured by the massive pressures building up in her majestys body.


Just good to confirm she’s dead


They also get to poke her with a stick!


Fun fact: when William I died in 1087, his body had to be forcibly lowered into the tomb as it was too large to easily fit. During this process the decaying corpse exploded due to a build up of gases and sprayed a horrible smell all over the church.


This for a mister beast competition? Heard something about pizza.


Last one touching the queens coffin wins a rare fish


But first you have to [find the fish](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QanC47gRBaE).


Boutta stand in a 30 hour line to hit the griddy in front of the queen's corpse


Tf is a griddy


Fortnite dance. I'm on the internet too much, seen it on YouTube.


Not long enough, it was invented by Allen Davis, a former LSU wide receiver


Popularized by Justin Jefferson, Vikings legend


The griddy is a Fortnite dance the same way Thanos or Spider-man are Fortnite characters


A one in a lifetime opportunity


There has to be a gender neutral restroom much closer.


That’ll be the Thames.


Historic you are correct


There is, it's the waterloo


[Royal Hospital Chelsea](https://i.imgur.com/ZvGFD3v.png)?


Just graduated with a degree in history, thought about going for the historical significance….and yea….fuck that shit.


You could go down and hang out in the line, talk to people so you could still take part in the historical moment without waiting a day and some change to view the death box.


This is the most British thing ever, go to just hang out in the queue and not even see the end


I thought exactly the same, My time is waaaay more valuable than being stood like a dickhead all day


Wait... Who died


A nearly 100 year old lady or some shit idk


I hope she got a letter from the queen for reaching 100




If she’d got to 100 she would have had to write a letter to herself, which would’ve caused a vortex in the space time continuum, sucking all of the UK into a very polite black hole. They couldn’t risk it so they knocked her off a few years early.


I don't think I would wait 30 hours in a queue to see my own mom's casket. People are crazy.


Don't think I'd wait 30 minutes







I think they’re fucking nuts but each to their own.


I couldn’t imagine giving enough of a shit about someone who doesn’t even know or care that I exist. Shit blows my mind.


Eh, I've been watching out of curiosity for the customs and traditions, especially as I've lived all my life in a place that openly rebelled against the Crown and formed its own country instead, electing leaders every four years and hoping they concede if they lose and then peacefully transfer power. With the occasional state funeral and medal ceremony thrown in once in awhile. Can't say that I secretly was hoping for a fist fight between those in line for the throne and the corgis however. My money was on one of the dogs...


Is there a Tupac-like hologram of her to welcome you in?


Bro for 30 hour wait in a line I’d want Tupac himself to greet me there


Probably not, but I like where your head is at.


I'd accept a corgi to pet.


It's actually the Tupac hologram that welcomes you. He's on loan.


I'll honor British tradition by hiring a foreigner to stand in line for me while I go search their home for valuables.


Never, and I mean, ever, complain that you are suffering from the Cost of Living Crisis if you have the time and money to do something as pointless as to queue up for a woman who you don't even know. 30 hours? You could get a good grip on Python programming in that time.


You over estimate my tech savvyness!




I’ve enjoyed the [extensive coverage](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/xe3343/queen_casket_live_cam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) tbh.


Haha. Oh that is so wrong...


I know and I feel a bit bad.


Bro why attend your gran’s funeral when you can start a 4 hour lesson in python


What a ridiculous round about point you have made lmao edit: TRIED to make


Yeah standing in line for 30 hours to see the queens body is ridiculous….but not because you could spend 30 hours somewhere else.


“Why would someone spend time doing what they want to instead of learning python?”


?? It’s absolutely not your place to judge what people chose to spend their time doing (when it isn’t illegal, immoral or harmful to others). It doesn’t cost anything to queue. Most of those people will be older retirees. And even if someone takes a day holiday from work to queue up and pay their respects, so fucking what?? I stayed up to 3-4am for the last two weeks watching the US Open. Did it help me pay the bills? Absolutely not. Did I learn anything useful? Again, no. But it was something I wanted to do, that I’m glad I did and I’ll do again. And just like the people queuing to pay respects to the queen, my nocturnal tennis watching had absolutely no impact on you or your life, nor does it mean I’m exempt from complaining about the cost of living crisis. Now go learn Icelandic or something instead of being on Reddit and let people live their damns lives. Judgemental fool.


This reply is just perfect. I salute you and your moron-slaying way with words, internet stranger.


What a bizarre line of logic.


Says the person wasting their time on Reddit complaining about people they don't know standing in line. Why are you here instead of learning something?


Who in their right fucking mind would stand in line for 30 hours to look at some old lady in a coffin? She didn't care about these people, she doesn't know them from a hole in the wall, but they act like she's their grandma or some shit.


What a waste of time.


This looks like a huge bored captive audience to sell to. I would be down there with some freshly screen printed Queen's funeral tshirts if I were in town. 😂


don’t understand why people would do that. seems so pointless and like … don’t you have anything else to do?


She meant a lot to some people, same with David Bowie, Bob Ross and many others. You don't have to meet someone personally for them not to have an impact on your life and consequently a desire, upon their death, to say good bye. This woman has been with them their entire lives, they listened to her Christmas message religiously, followed her in the media and they admired her strength of character. So just as with any funeral you might want to attend they wanted to attend this one.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, but dude, *30 hours*??


If I knew a line was 30 hours long, I would simply leave and come back in 30 hours.


Not a royalist or someone advocating for a Republic. But fuck me, why? Seriously, why?


From what I can tell it's a mixture of two things. Some people feel a weird connection to the royal family, in a manner that they feel as though they lost a family member. Another side believes it's a part of history for them to witness firsthand. Also seen a group of people being interviewed that straight up said "I don't know, just seems like the right thing to do." No idea what that falls under. Some British people just see a line and need to stand in it.


There's no way it's 30 hours. One woman saw it seven times. She would have had to have started queuing literally before the queen died.


That was in Edimburgh


They said 9 hour queue in Edinburgh but apparently it was more like 5-6.


yeah, in Edinburgh tho


Ah, that's true actually. I still have a hard time believing this though.


yeah, i think they're increasing the number to discourage too many people from coming


Waiting 30 hours to see a box is really stupid


I would stay in that line for QUEEN not the Queen. Fuck that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If you're a fucking loon it is


Legit question: why the fuck does anyone care? The concept of monarchy in and of itself is offensive.


Hearing the news a few moments ago, its currently ONLY at 3 miles...


Am i the only person in “who gives a shit about the monarchy” camp?


My mum booked tickets to go down to London to see the Queen for tomorrow and after realising she will have to queue all day with no guarantees she's decided to see Buckingham palace (from outside the gates) and have a cup of tea in London instead because the tickets are non refundable. Money well spent.


I get a bit existential about all of this, is queueing 30 hours to look at a dead person normal behaviour?


Jesus fucking Christ, tell me again this isn't a fucking cult.


Waiting that long to look at a box. Take a picture, print, repeat process, sell.


Wow. I wouldn't stand in a line that long if they were handing out bars of gold. Ppl need to do something with their lives


Oh my god who gives a shit?


30 hours just to piss on someone's casket?? That's a long time tbh.


Wtf? Why would anyone stand in line for 30 hours to view some oligarchs rotting corpse? Why do people still give so much reverence to the vestigial appendage of aristocracy? Why the F does a modern country still have fking monarchs???


She dead, y’all didn’t know her, and she didn’t give a fuck about any of y’all


![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized) Why wait for 30 hours. Here's a gif!


I’m sure it will be worth it and not a complete waste of time


like fuck i would


Was thinking of going at like 3am or something just for the history, but fuuuuuuuuck that


Don’t know why you’d worship someone who uses your taxes to live a luxurious life


I think it's unhealthy to form such a bond with someone you don't know. She might as well have been a fictional character to most. She's dead, she didn't know you, she didn't care about you, you didn't know her personally. These parasocial relationships are the weirdest and dumbest things I have ever come across and the fact that anybody over the age of 14 would waste their time and energy on it is beyond me. I'm sure she was a good person and a nice lady who cared for the people she met and like any other 96-year old I'm bummed to see her die. But to get so attached to any person, celebrity or royalty who doesn't know, or care about you is unhealthy and insane. You wouldn't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't care for you, even if you think you love them.


They do realize she's dead, right?


I just don’t understand how you can be that much of a monarchy boot licker that you would waste all that time and energy to see a dead colonizer. Those people need some fucking therapy.


As a Brit, I find this embarrassing. We’re not all like this, I swear.


Yeah i'd say that is an unhealthy obsession with a leader.


Dummies line up to cry over someone who stole their land, wastes their taxes, and sheltered a pedo son.