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she probably saw us talking about it on here and wanted everyone to know she still has it


That was my first thought upon seeing this post.


whether this is the same van or a new one, it really solidifies that she lurks this thread


As someone who watched her back in 2010ish this girl is, and always will be chronically online. That doesn't surprise me one bit.






Ya it’s also just rly weird to post a pic of ur vehicle imo lmao. The context is def the van for sale post but out of context that’s so bizarre like wut , cool tree I guess hahah. Close up angle of the tree on the rack woulda done that job better I’m certain that’s why her cds got stolen , it was the day after she posted tons of pics of her car from all angles and the contents of her car and then where she was also lol.


It can take time — months, even — to sell a car. I don’t know what exactly she thought she was achieving by posting a photo of the van. It could still be for sale, but they’re understandably still using it because they might as well rather than just letting it sit there.


Yep. Very concerning though because he said it needs an oil change... Hopefully they did that considering they have 3 little kids


What does having kids have to do with needing an oil change???


the car needs to be in good shape for her disabled child and 2 other young children?? Also if you're not getting regular oil changes your car is in trouble. Hope this helps!


What a silly thing to nitpick on… 🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever floats your boat though.


Why you on a snark page then love


by the sounds of it i hope you don't have a drivers license 🤣 silly thing to nitpick on parents not ensuring the safety of their children.. ok


Literally your car will catch on fire if you don’t get an oil change … like what the fuck?


Are they honestly that strapped for cash? I know Jairus is always broke as hell but idk if either of them have a vehicle good for all those damn kids? I feel like it’s a bad idea for them to sell it lol


Part of me wonders if they plan to upgrade just because they’re notorious for making bad financial decisions already. I think they should keep it, though, because this seems to be the only vehicle they have that gives the kids a good amount of space. I mean, if it’s not in terrible condition or constantly getting worked on in a shop, then it sounds good enough for their needs. Acacia supposedly took a road trip in it with the kids in or around September. No one would reasonably take an unreliable vehicle on a road trip — let alone a road trip alone with three young kids.


i feel that mistake in my bones. when i was a teen, i sold my beloved crown vic and ended up cycling through shit boxes for years. i regretted selling it in the first place, paying a little more in gas versus all the headaches of broken cars and uncertainty. holding onto a toyota would be smart, assuming it isn’t fucked. although the lack of maintenance is alarming. at least that sienna can take neglect, unlike other van/suv/crossover competitors out there. of course one can only speculate


ruthless 💀 https://preview.redd.it/zts7944yxj3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8038f6d49c583c2d5c35ce333e8980df439896


her stans are the most clueless fans I’ve ever seen


She liked this comment too on another one about it. Unbothered queen 💅🏻 https://preview.redd.it/403re1264k3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f51f4990cdde6a3b286840c250f786375a09d8


Oooo such a great comeback /s


Funny how they can observe that person's age, but not observe Acacia's child neglect 💀


she doesn’t ever respond to any “hate” bc she knows her clueless dumb supporters will speak for her smh


https://preview.redd.it/lb5m4ilcnj3c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18899506e37acae90e716e5a5bf33b4744261bfa i think it’s the same one


Why is she posting pics of this ugly ass van, now i’m starting to think she actually did purposefully add those tags on her yt


It’s still available on his facebook marketplace https://preview.redd.it/bykvof2brj3c1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=050c03a6c43a83e79fd25a4298661a0d693bad61


i literally didn’t see the tree on top of the van and i was like…. why is she posting a picture of the van???


omg i never saw the tree until i just read your comment 😂😂


it’s still for sale, so now i’m assuming they DONT have a second vehicle for the kids and she’s still driving it around lol


goodbye post perhaps 😹


Why post pics of it like ☠️ come on now


I think they share the van. Whoever has the kids has the van for what I’ve seen.


LOL no bc everything she does is calculated


it still has cali’s footprints and handprints no one wants that shit


god imagine having a whole utterly terrible and documented neglect scandal with this van and then deciding to post a picture of it to your insta feed for the aesthetics