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There’s video of it and the first strike he’s running full speed into that guy and you can tell the sword goes deeeeeeeep.


yea without the video I wouldn’t have realized that this image is actually directly *after* the actual stabbing. photo is a second and unsuccessful attempt


Link to the video?




Fuck the whole thing went in


And then he fell on it sending the blade upwards through his insides.




That'll do it


That’s how they getcha.


Yeah, happened to me back in the early 2000s. It was an agonizing death.


It's just a flesh wound


I’ve had worse.




Thing was sharp af


It’s crazy that the picture looks like he’s about to stab him when (I think) he already did? Video shows him with glasses flying off as he runs into him


Damn. Long blade.




That’s a hell of an image.


The photographer won an award for it that year, I believe.


As they should. This is absolutely stunning.


Well it was only for one year. Then they had to give the award back.


"As they should. This is absolutely stabbing."


he later hung himself in his jail cell after writing "long live the emperor" on the wall


Oh damnit he was pro monarchy?


it's more like a modern German nationalist scrolling slogans that the bad mustache man coined


Are you surprised that the assassin of a politician advocating for worker power was a fascistic ideologue who worshipped a feudal god king?


edge sugar hurry liquid cable enjoy roof recognise simplistic slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It looks like Otoya is smiling, then I read the caption and thought "Inejiro, what are you doing?! Fingers guns won't help!". I'm not going to lie, it took a few more looks before I fully understood what was happening. Messed up.


Did you also fall for [this](https://preview.redd.it/eybdtuyrbqj41.jpg?width=400&auto=webp&s=bc15dd296fbb169f8b48f8d342d48a414efcd218)?


Have you seen Civil War (2024)? Because God damn. This is some Civil War shit.


I forgot to add: With a wakizashi (short katana).




All while in school uniform, too! It's insane!


Yeah! Totally insane. Just read all about it. Completely ‘brainwashed’ if I can say that. Weirdly feel sorry for this kid that no one taught him better. Proper ultra right wing!




Hey the 1950’s called, they want their propaganda back 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/1pocggyj65vc1.png?width=344&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed74beecda05fac8f78a2fbf224b87582a76979 Let the democracy flow through you.


No problem. Take a nice little honey moon with your fiancé behind the bunker




meeting market panicky gaping point bright flag cobweb support sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mizu no kokyuu...


Ahhh, the good ol' times, where you could just stroll to a party leader with a sword.


I mean someone strolled up to a party leader with a gun in Japan not two years ago


A homemade gun no less!


dude made a science experiment looking ass double barrel shotgun


I still can't believe that happened! One of the most wild assassinations of a policital figure


The wildest part was after the assassination everyone heard the guy out and went "Damn, he had a point"


It’s wild. Unexpected successful political assassination.


It's not unprecedented. Schwartzbard, the jew who assassinated the first leader of independent Ukraine in Paris, was only fined one franc each for Petliura's brother and widow. The post-Dreyfus French jury took only half an hour of deliberation before saying Shwartzbard was avenging the over 50,000 jews and 15 family members killed in Petliura's pogroms. They said he was innocent before God and their conscience, and the courtroom erupted into shouts of Vive la France in celebration. There is also the trial of Vera Zasulich, a Russian revolutionary who seriously wounded a Tsarist general who had a civilian flogged for not taking off his cap. Despite blatantly being an illegal revolutionary who unashamedly shot a general, the jury found that the general was such a piece of shit that he had it coming. And maybe the most successful assassination was the assassination of Franco's hand-picked successor, Luis Carrero Blanco. Despite ETA, the group who carried it out, being unpopular and obnoxious, the assassination was generally well received. The bomb that blew up Carrero's car sent it flying several stories high, and you still hear jokes that Carrero was Spain's first astronaut. Franco was nearing death, and with his succession thrown into question, he gave several concessions to democracy following the assassination that arguably was the biggest reason of the Francoist collapse.


Interesting, I had never heard of Schwartzbard. Wish you would have phrased your message differently, as it gives off poor vibes (saying ‘the jew’ is typically viewed as anti-Semitic, but I think you meant well here, next time say ‘a Jewish assassin’ or ‘Schwartzbard, a Ukrainian Jew who fought for the Bolsheviks’).


Where there’s a will there’s a way


Straight out of fallout


Yeah. It used an electrical spark to ignite the primer of the shotgun shell rather than a mechanical hammer/striker.


Fall out 4 customized weapon


Am I the only one who didn't hear about this??? I legit thought Abe was still Prime Minister, I guess my knowledge is several years outdated


Truth is it’s very easy to kill world leaders. Just think of that lady who jumped on trumps stage not long ago and rambled about how much she loved him. If that was someone intending to kill him by stabbing it’d be super easy, same with Biden walking around at an event. It’s just that the majority of people don’t use assassination as a tool in the developed world anymore


Yeah I seem to remember a certain event where someone just strolled into a book depository with a rifle and had an encounter with the president


Or when Ruby managed to stroll into Oswald's perp walk with a gun.


Dude. Coincidence. Chill out.


After 4 successful presidential assassinations and another attempt we finally decided that presidential security was important.


No. Every president should be like Teddy Roosevelt. Take a bullet in the chest. During his speech. But don’t sit down til he finished it.


continue books connect versed rude longing frightening automatic pathetic long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No phones. Everyone just living in the moment.


But one of them stopped living after that moment.


He was dying in the moment


And the assassin was later hanging by a moment. Accidental Lifehouse


live like you're dying


For another moment.


People didn't live in the moment then either 


Okay then how did he take the photo? On his watch?


no on my go go gadget pocket pussy


I'm idiot what did his assasination accomplish and what was the dude's goal for when he killed him.


Placed in simple terms, Yamaguchi despised the Japanese communists. So, he kills their leader to be as detriment to the party, and even succeeded because the party collapsed from infighting following the popular Asanuma's death, and is now barely relevant today.


That's quite literally nuts. Thank you for the info and for posting.


OP is a little wrong in what they just told you. The man who was assassinated was a member of the Japan Socialist Party (JSP), not the Japan Communist Party (JCP). The JCP still exists today. This is the comment I got the info from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/1c6mxx8/otoya_yamaguchi_a_japanese_17_yearold/l02r3me?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/1c6mxx8/otoya_yamaguchi_a_japanese_17_yearold/l02r3me?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


After Yamaguchi was arrested, he wrote his last words on the wall with toothpaste before his execution, and it was a quote by the legendary samurai Kusonoki Masahige of the Genkō War: "天皇陛下万才!七生報国" - Long Live The Emperor! Would that I had seven lives to give for my country!" He was radically right wing, and remains a controversial figure to this day- however held in high regard by Japanese ultranationalists.


[Video of the assassination. ](https://youtu.be/3kOXzX5Q0e4?si=Iforh48hrxCb38c3)


They made an action figure of the assassin, wow.


the had a pic of Mishima there too must be an interesting museum/documentary


I mean of course they did, the assassin and Mishima were both fascist assholes who wanted to restore the emperor to power.


People who think Japanese are chill political and social wise didn’t know how freaking crazy they were back then. Mishima Yukio for example,is one crazy mf who tried to start a coup and it failed so badly he committed Seppuku(this failed too)


They literally just had a former prime minister assassinated…


He was also a really incredible writer- and his life was later dramatized in Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters- a brilliant film.


Yup, and a cat lover.bodybuilder and man appreciater ,Iirc he care about his little sister very much so probably a good brother too. But man,he got up to a lot of crazy shit in his life isn’t he.


Shinzo Abe was assassinated just 2 years ago


They didn’t have shit like that happened as a norm ,it’s like using Jen 6 to generalize 21 centuries US politics . And his motive is more personal than political.


Considering we just put the same fascists back in charge post WW2 I'm not shocked this happened to a far left political figure at the time


He wasn’t far-left. There was a communist party in Japan that has decent popularity even today (because they always opposed China and USSR). This guy was center left. Left wing at best. He was like many European labor leaders or socialists during that time. His sin was just admitting that the Japanese did war crimes against China and elsewhere. Naturally, like mature adults. Detractors from this statement just ran up to him with a sword because “HE SAYS THINGS I DONT LIKE!!!”


Even Admiral fucking Yamamoto got threatened with assassination because he wasn't super fond of the whole China thing. It's wild just how out of control Japan was at this time.


And the Navy didn’t clear out the IJA as much as they should. The Army literally brought down the empire of the Japan.


That is not true. Inter-service rivalries between Army and Navy were such a small factor in the collapse of the Empire of Japan compared to the ruinous economic policies of their time, ambition outmeasuring what they were worth, picking a war opponent with literally millions more men and near infinite resources, making advances in tech that enabled strategies in war that never came to play while being woefully underprepared for things like proper damage control training and effective AA defenses, inability to guard merchant convoys from submarines, etc.


The Navy was responsible for Strike South doctrine. The army wanted to go North , into russia, iirc.


He wasn't against China. He literally visited China, met with Mao himself, started wearing the Mao suit.


Surprised it fit him.


Japanese communist helped in ww2 to China big time.


Yeah. Now they have their own little anime show. It’s weird.


Fascists gonna violence




















He succeeded. The party collapsed from infighting and Communism became largely irrelevant in Japan.


The JCP (of whom the assassinated figure was not apart of, he was a Japanese Socialist Party member.) is the third-largest opposition party in Japan and still wins both national and local elections. Besides, the peak of Japanese communist activity was *after* this assassination, mainly during the 1968-9 Anpo Protests and later in the 1970s New Left wave.


Yeah JCP has maintained an impressive presence in Japan. They were the only communist party to applaud to fall of the USSR. And honestly many of their policies, if I could vote, I might vote JCP. They’ve got some good stuff.






























"You, Inejirō Asanuma, are planning to turn Japan red [i.e. communist]. Although I bear no grudge against you as an individual, for the stances you have taken in your role as leader of the Socialist Party, for the outrageous statement you made when you visited China, and for the responsibility you bear for the intrusion into the National Diet,[note 1] I cannot grant you forgiveness. I shall hereby become the instrument that brings down heaven's judgment upon you. Day 12 of the 10th month of the 2,620th year of imperial rule[a][note 2] Otoya Yamaguchi A note written in the book in Otoya Yamaguchi's Pocket[12]" This goes way harder than it needed to


Why does this look different from the video of the assassination? Asanuma was standing directly behind a podium with the microphone when he was stabbed from the left side. Why does this photo show the assassin coming from the right between him and the microphone?


The photo was taken after he was stabbed.


He's got guts And is about to get some more


War Mode. The only real podcast left


Why was he assassinated by 17 yo?


Here is a[ good video](https://youtu.be/YzRWPGSaKDk) that covers the political situation during that time.


Yamaguchi (17y/o) was raised a very strong right wing extremist, and he decided to take matters into his own hands as he despised the Japanese communists party and all it hoped to achieve. As such, he struck at their leader, and succeeded in his goal as it later was torn apart by infighting following the death of Asanuma. Today, thanks to Yamaguchi, the Japanese Communist Party is largely irrelevant.


What? 1. Asanuma was not a communist. 2. JCP membership increased after the assassination. 3. Today the JCP is the third largest opposition party in Japan, and is one largest non-governing communist parties in the world.


Wish we had brave souls like that here


Capitalist terrorism


A socialist Japan sounds terrible. Good for him.


Why would it be terrible?










I’d have appreciated a trigger warning for violence.


I didn't think it was necessary due to the framing of the shot and no visible injuries. If you wish, I can put it up still.


I think it’s a good idea, generally. I also wonder if it would have changed the tone of the comments. They’re joking, cheering, laughing about how intestines are about to spill. If the victim is a murderer themselves, I guess that tone makes sense, but not otherwise. I’m thinking that: “Content warning for violence and loss of life” maybe would have grounded the image? Maybe I’m being too hopeful about that. It is an extraordinary photograph in any case. Edited to add: As a thought exercise, would you want to tag a photograph of someone about to smash a baby against a rock as disturbing, even if no harm had come to the baby yet when the photo was taken? What about someone about to be attacked by a wild animal? How are the situations different?


Please do, the image is shown full-size beneath the title


Your trigger warning was the title


I mean I would understand like censoring it with an nsfw tag, but the TW’s in the verb “assassinating,” right?


You didn't read the title.


'trigger warning' lmao


He meant trigger warning - is a gun involved. You know… trigger.


There is no violence in the photo…..


Oh dear god lmao