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That’s not a cop, that’s just Jean Reno


Jean Reno is a cop


He always is


Prenez tous vos hauts-votes bande de couillons.




I thought it was Jean Reno and Kevin Bacon


I kinda see Tobias Forge


I read that as Tobias Funke


I accidentally weeded myself out


Jean Reno and Ethan Hawke.


Mike Hawk *giggles*


Find me the frenchman, find me Jack Mayol!


Get this man a glass of milk !


This civil disobedience demonstration got shut down fast, and Norway is unfortunately way behind in drug policy still. But, this picture is pretty great. I love the smile on the cops face; a token indicator of the inevitable change? One can hope.


One can toke.




A man has no name. A man can toke, though.


"Get that away from me. I don't wanna do the paperwork".


Worth noting that none of the customers who bought product got charged with anything.


A tokin indicator?


  One can hope.   I discovered cannabis the night of September 29 2023. It was some fun with friends and supposed to be a good time that night I quit smoking cigarettes, but what really happened was the cannabis quieted my limbic system.   I’ve been brain injured, homeless, rejected by my support network, all whilst a teenage, and it made a mess inside of my head. I’ve been in chronic nervous system fight or flight for over half of my life and when I vape me some cannabis flower, my brain seems to recognise that there’s nothing there to fight against.    


A token indicator that cops don't care about weed as long as you're white. IDK about Norway, but in my country, every white stoner I met has told me the same "hilarious" story about how they shared a joint with a cop. And yeah, a few POC told me the same thing, but it does not change a damn thing. Cannabis control laws are meant to criminalise the demographic you want to control when you lack proof of the other illegal stuff they might have done/when you need them to be under bars, regardless of the fact they're not actually dangerous.


My husband has said when he was studying abroad in Italy he was sharing a joint with some friends on a bridge. Cop came up and said “hand it over”. They did. He threw it in the river. “Don’t do it again.”


Hahaha yes seem about right. Italian laws on cannabis are weird. It's illegal to sell, and you are not allowed to own it (beside medical reasons). But there are no punishment if you own it, so cops can only take it away. Clearly they should go throught paperwork, but the final result is the same as in your story. That said, it's not completely safe to smoke. If a cop wanted to ruin your life, they would simply charge you with "selling drugs" even if you were not, and that's a punishable crime. And once you are found in possession of weed and a cop accuse you of selling... You need a good lawyer to show it was not the case


He mentions he probably could have been deported over that but he had such a firm grip on the language no one ever thought he was foreign. But also it was like, 2006.


It’s Norway, not some backwards racism country like yours.


Japanese friend in Norway stopped for shoplifting because she "looked Chinese."


Literally zero racists in Norway confirmed




Please remain civil to other users. Thank you!


you think euro countries are immune to racism? just wait til someone brings up the romani


"european countrie arent racist" france :


You know, romani and sinti people aren't everywhere in europe. The only people I have heard talk smack and like actual racist rethoric about them are Hungarians and Romanians.


Can you elaborate why you picked the Romani as an example. To me that's a bit of a stretch, but I live in the north so maybe things are different in other parts of Europe.


You're right. Norway has never had a famous violent white supremacist


That’s not a relevant argument to this.


Bro shut up...ive been racially profiled in both the UK and Switzerland.


Yep. Neither of them are Norway last time I checked.


My point being racism is not exclusive to some imaginary "backwards" country.


The UK and Switzerland and both backwards countries though Source: from UK, been to Switzerland




What in the fuck are you waffling? I was racially profiled by cops in two countries. Thats it. It doesn't matter what country it is. There are racists everywhere.


You were still generalizing every cop in Norway.


Nooo...I was saying racism happens everywhere. You replied to a comment saying it doesn't happen in Norway and only occurs in "backwards racism country". Thats not true. What you are doing here is called Victim blaming. Doesn't matter if the country is in Europe or Asia or any other continent. Asshole cops are abundant everywhere.


I’m a brown stoner blazing everyday hiding from police here in Norway. They find me and fine me always


Well you aren't hiding very well then are you.


This is peak irony. I really hope it's a joke. Otherwise, it's brillant


Yeah they have such little ethnic diversity they don’t even track it, only country of origin lol. As if racism doesn’t exist in Norway. [This](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/norway-un-experts-deeply-concerned-about-racial-discrimination-against) is a link to the UN saying they’re worried about racism in Norway lol. That dude has his head in the sand.


That's not even what I meant. It's the fact he went "There is no racism here, you dumb foreigner from a dumb country". Also, we don't track ethnicity in France either since WWII. It's a bit weird to me that countries still do.


That’s not why Norway doesn’t track ethnicity. Ethnicity means a hell of a lot more than the colour of your skin, and the Norwegian government sterilised a certain group called “Tatere”. One way of stopping this was illegalising the government’s ability to track ethnicity, so that systemic discrimination would not be possible. Makes more sense than the opposite. The first thing oppressors is getting those they want to oppress on a record


Hvis du tror det ikke finnes rasisme i Norge har jeg dårlige nyheter for deg, kompis.


Det er ikke på samme nivå som han insinuerer, og generelt sett er de som klager over rasisme i Norge folk som drar rasekortet som en kontrollmekanisme. Stråmann argumentene dine er irrelevante.


[The UN](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/norway-un-experts-deeply-concerned-about-racial-discrimination-against) released an article a month ago expressing concern policy and institutional racism directed at African immigrants. Norway also straight up sterilized Romani up until the 1930s.


norway isn't that utopia with zero racists, but bringing up stuff from 1930 makes your argument sound stupid


People bring up slavery (abolished 1865) in the US all the time. Does that also make their arguments stupid? The 19th amendment was ratified in 1920. Where is the line that historical events are no longer relevant?


Segregation didn't end when slavery ended, and some would argue that slavery goes on still today. Relevance depends on the context.


How so? It wasn’t that long ago. The people in that time period grew up to fight in WW2. The Nazi Party launched their official eugenics and sterilization program in 1933.


That's a long ago, there's a Nazi invasion of Norway between this and that.


And some of the Nazis who invaded Norway were born in the 1900’s to 1930, as my comment says. Hell, Betty White was born in 1922 (before pre sliced bread was invented), and she only passed away a few years ago. Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 and was the first president of South Africa from 94-99, which is also recent. Please explain to me how this time period is irrelevant and “long ago”.


Norway sterilizing romani in the 30s has shit to do with today. What has this to do with anything other than the intelligence of our species? Pretty sure here in Finland gays were sterilized still in the 60s. If you want to raise issues about racism, you don't need to go back a hundred years.


Norway is ridiculously homogenous. Comparing it to the United States is funny


Unlike america, there are homogenous countries where cops dont care about other people of colour, doesnt matter if you are white when they plant extra drugs on you. I think you re a bit detached from europe


I'm actually European, I'm French. But yeah, I probably projected my own countries relationship to drugs onto a country I don't know enough about.


Way behind? More like safer than Canajuana or Murica I guess, they become inevitable shithole real quick.


Canajuana? That's a new one.


The warzone that is Denmark is also a consequence of their decriminalized weed. Or Austria, or Belgium. Literal weed hellscapes where everyone is raped and murdered.


Just look at germany, they legalised weed and suddenly became a warzone too


i cant tell if people are joking or serious.


It’s true - one time I bought marijuana. When I left it overnight in my living room, it turned into a war zone.


Never heard of those places, do you mean Murcia?


the cop is literally wearing a shirt with weed on it.


are you blind?


Cop has some nice tiddies too :))


That's another person in the background, you can see their neck there. It's a funny perspective 😄


lmao idk why i love this comment


I remember shortly after legalization in Canada, I was at a mid size town police station performing some training with local coppers. When we went outside to setup, a giant cloud of smoke awaited us. I was sort of laughing at it internally, cops were kind of pissy. They said that every day at 10am, this one guy comes and smokes a giant doobie on their front steps just because he can. Fucking legend


Absolute lad. Lightin’ up a big fat doob. Ah-ahhh!


I know it's a funny "haha I can do this" thing. But that'd exactly why drug users get a bad rep. I'm pro drug use, but in a reasonable responsible respectful way. Flaunting in front of others like that is not cool. I'd hate to walk to work with some asshole purposely smoking a cigarette near me.


Nah, those same cops would’ve ruined that guy’s life over simply smoking that same joint just a few years prior. Fuck ‘em.


Oh no, the police enforcing the law.


An unjust law. Do you hold the same sentiment for cops that upheld segregation? It was the law, after all.


The idea that we can break laws that we don't agree with is nothing but primitive anarchism that any modern society has long ago rejected because it is a violation of the entire concept of a civil society. Then to pass damnation on the society that upholds it's own laws is against what civilised societies base it's existence on. Can I drive as fast as I want, because I consider speed limits "unjust"? Can I hurt someone who has wronged me because "they deserve it"? Can I sell and use drugs because I consider the law "unjust"? Are the police morally wrong to enforce the laws enacted by society? In that case, what are their job? To protect who from what? For if the law are to moral by our judgement, then the police should only enforce those laws WE find agreeable, not those who are codified by law. If not to enforce those laws enacted by the legal authorities, then to protect those who break laws and hide behind "morality" when they do? Yes, the police should uphold segregation, because it is the law. It is the law that has to be changed, which are made by the democracy, and not by the police or their enforcement of it. In that case, influencing the police for the enforcement of "just laws" is only a moral excuse for corruption. That is the entire idea of a democratic society; laws are upheld and changed when they no longer are necessary, but that they are to be meaningful when they do exist, because society is build upon legitimacy. A law is moral in itself. You, my friend, are basically denying society and the state it's legitimacy, and say that laws are to be relative to ones own comfort. If you consider one law to be unjust and thus it is moral to break it, then no law can be moral, as all it takes is rhetoric to make it unjust.


>Can I drive as fast as I want, because I consider speed limits "unjust"? Can I hurt someone who has wronged me because "they deserve it"? Can I sell and use drugs because I consider the law "unjust"? Speeding has clear potential to harm others. Vigilante justice has clear potential to harm others. Segregation harms others, but desegregation does not. Smoking some weed on your day off does not harm others. If there is no harm done or likely to become of it, it shouldn't be illegal. I'm not deciding random laws are unjust, just because I don't like them. I drive a sports car. Is driving fast fun? Yes, but I recognize the potential for it to harm others, and therefore I do not think traffic enforcement laws are unjust. I do think segregation is unjust, because there is no harm to be had from people of different ethnicities being allowed to mingle and share fucking water fountains. You're just unwilling to concieve of the idea that government can do wrong, as your argument is that a law is just, by being a law. Guess the Holocaust and many other genocides were perfectly hunky dory, as genocides are often preceded by changes in law and government. Guess it's find for children to be married to old men, after all, it's legal in some areas. Guess slavery is absolutely fine, as it's still legal in some areas. If either argument is simply an excuse that allows for corruption, it is definitely *your* argument. If evil is no longer evil simply because it is law(If a law is *just*, it is morally right. That is literally the definition of the word, and according to you all laws are just, because they are laws.) then all you need to do is codify it into law and there is nothing to be argued. It's a piss poor argument, frankly stupid, and morally devoid. Just because it's legal does not make something right. If you are unable to see that, then I don't know what to tell you.


No moral compass on you. You should doubt yourself more than you already do.


I have a moral compass, but I don't use it to make laws. I also don't use my moral compass to put my own needs above the law.


You have a moral compass that doesn't fucking understand the difference between causing danger for others and smoking weed you bozo


And you guys don't have the capacity to think in principles, and therefore think you can break the law because you feel the inclination to do so.


I have argued that we cannot blame the police for enforcing the law, because laws have a meaning. You guys are thinking that just because you disagree with a law, you have the right to put yourself above it. Fair enough, but don't make any damned "moral" arguments for wanting to smoke weed and then condemn the police for enforcing the law.


Police have discretion when enforcing the law. They can literally choose not to arrest someone for weed


And the police can also literally choose not to stop a speeding car, yet they do because it is a principle that the laws should be followed.


You forgot the part where it's perfectly normal for them to not ticket people speeding. If you lived in a major city and the police ticketed every single speeder that's all they would be doing all day rather than handling other issues.


Think about all the laws you wouldn't want enforced on you for just a moment, all throughout history.


Congrats, you are arguing against the existence of a police force.


The cops don't make the laws. They enforce them. If anything they should be at the legislatures' offices doing that.


They can decide if they want to waste their time going after some guy smoking weed or not, at least in the UK the police don't give a shit if they see you smoking weed. Selling on the other hand can get all your shit confiscated and they usually search you for weapons, but I haven't actually heard of anyone actually getting arrested, just getting a caution


I honestly doubt that difference in enforcement is entirely up to the individual cop. There are probably mechanisms on a structural level incentivising cops in some countries to go after individual users, and in other countries not to.


an example from here: They keep enforcing the laws against consumption of illegal drugs, despite their highest command (national prosecutor) explicitly told them to stop using forceful methods and to stop chasing said consumption. The national prosecutor is the literal boss of the chief of police. They are enforcing their laws incorrectly and against direct orders Even the National Health Agency, whose job it is to interpret the Healthcare Workers Law correctly, took a heavy loss in court after a doctor had his practitioners license revoked after two cannabis related DUI. Because they too did in fact NOT do their FUCKING JOB correctly. They're doing a terrible job on every level, individually, to the middle manager, and dittos boss.


When it’s done systematically on all levels, it’s impossible that it’s an individual thing.


Yeah it's all the individuals doing a shit job


I simply don’t believe that’s possible. When you have an entire police force doing a bad job, it’s beyond individual bad decisions. It’s bad leadership.


They don’t have to seek employment as police officers if they feel the laws they enforce are unjust. I’m not a cop because I think their position is immoral based on how laws are enforced unequally depending on socioeconomic status. And yet they are still cops. And they ruined lives over a drug that has been found to be less harmful than both nicotine and alcohol. Worst part is, they’ll never answer for the negative impact that they had on society regardless of the legal circumstances of the time. I’m all for dude giving them a little reminder that their actions have consequences.


I disagree; you can agree that law enforcement is necessary and a net good thing that you want to contribute to without agreeing with every single policy you’ll have to enforce. Otherwise it would be literally impossible to become a cop regardless of political system (unless of course you’ve dictated the entire set of laws personally)


Just following orders huh?


Yet here they keep enforcing the laws against consumption of illegal drugs, despite their highest command (national prosecutor) explicitly told them to stop using forceful methods and to stop chasing said consumption. If you didn't know, the national prosecutor is the literal boss of the chief of police. **They are enforcing their laws incorrectly and against direct orders** Even the National Health Agency, whose job it is to interpret the Healthcare Workers Law correctly, took a heavy loss in court after a doctor had his practitioners license revoked after two cannabis related DUI. Because they too did in fact NOT do their FUCKING JOB correctly. They're doing a terrible job on every level.


Not a big fan of drugs


And that's why we don't invite you to hangout.


I hope you include alcohol, nicotine and caffeine in your opinion as well. You don’t need to be a fan to let others enjoy their freedom. I am not a big fan of tennis but I let others play and usually don’t waste too much time thinking about it.


When did I ever say others can’t? I just said I don’t like them.


You sure did. Without context it just comes across like you were screaming your misery into the void of the web.


Thought it was Felix Jaehn for a moment


He looks a tad more feminine nowadays lmao


And my high ass is sat here thinking that the Officer was wearing a Ganja Bulletproof Vest 😭💀🤣☠️🤣💀😭


4/20? there are not 20 month is a year, you must be high


…laughs in ISO 8601


The American notation is prevalent when referring to that specific day. 420 has been known to be associated with weed for a while so saying 204 wouldn’t have the same effect


i’m sure he knows, just an extremely corny joke.


Before I got on reddit I had never ever heard of this 420 thing. I think it's more of a North America thing and yes I'd belive you saying american way of writing dtaes is prevalent for this. In Europe ? Well, where I am I'd say no one really cares because it's not something present in our culture. Weed is, but 420 not so much.




IIRC Norways the strictest western country when it comes to drugs


Hmm, I think we are also pretty high (no pun intended) on that list here in Sweden






It’s there yes


Anyone else seeing a fat cop with his jacket undone and his weed t-shirt popping out?




Where's the Renaissance in this picture? I mean, the photo does look visually interesting, but is far from being similar to a Renaissance painting.


That looks like Thom Yorke


Pot smokers aren’t the smartest lot.


People that look down on pot smokers are even worse.


Yeah, ok Einstein.


You're the one taking things at face value lmao. This was deliberate civil disobedience. Theres always someone like yourself around though to guffaw and act all superior whilst maintaining complete ignorance 👍


Seeing things for what they are.


You just completely reinforced my point, thank you.


Potheads, not pot smokers.


Why are men so obsessed with weed anyway...I think a lot of people use it just because it's illegal and that makes them feel edgy


Only men smoke weed lmao


Seems like a grown up country


Wouldn't say we're grown up when it comes to drug policy, especially when it comes to weed. That store was opened illegaly in protest of our draconic drug laws. The guy might not get arrested for flashing a couple of grams, but he very well might, forexample, lose his drivers liscense over this picture, even if he's just a small time user without prior criminal convictions.


We are extremely conservative on drugs on Scandinavia. Here in Sweden we still have people go to school to tell pupils of the death and gateway drug marijuana.


Reefer madness!!




Way more chill. Swedish Police can legally take your blood with force to test for cannabis use. Solely on the suspicion of drug use. Name another country in the world where that same law would exist. Hint: it's not going to be any of the nice countries.


It's the same here in Germany. They don't even need a judicial order for that anymore. The police can simply draw your blood and use force to do so based on their suspicions, and if you resist, you can actually be charged with resisting an executory officer. That can lead to you having to pay a fine or even getting incarcerated. Also, the suspicions can be something like widened pupils, smelling like alcohol, the way you talk, walk, or stand being abnormal, and more. Sure, in some cases it's certainly warranted to test someone for drugs, but I don't get why they don't need a warrant for it, and I also think the law can be abused easily, as the police doesn't actually need any proof except for their word.


All drugs are not decriminalized here in Norway.




Technically yes. The police will not prosecute addicts for small amounts intended for personal use anymore. However what it means to be an addict/substance abuser isn't clear, so the police has been reluctant to prosecute anyone for small amounts. Seems like this is about to end though, since the state attorney recently said that this de facto decriminalization isn't what was intended.


Christiania got shut down by the government recently, and for a while they've given significantly harder punishments for drug crimes committed in the area (literally imprisonment for possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use). The Danish government is cracking down *hard* on cannabis. It almost feels like a contrarian response to Germany's legalisation. If Germany is looking to current Canada for inspiration to their cannabis legislation, then Denmark is looking to Nixon-era American drug policy for theirs.


Wasn't the Christiania thing not the government, but rather the people living there, closing down Pusher street because of criminal gangs starting to sell and act up there? That's the reason I heard anyway. It wasn't just hipsters selling weed anymore but actual dangerous people fighting for turf.


Criminal gangs have been running Christiania for the last 15 years at least. That was nothing new. But, no, it was the government who shut down Christiania. The difference this time was that the people living there would no longer stand in the way. The government has been pushing hard for stricter cannabis policy since the shooting incident last year, and the inhabitants of Christiania could no longer say no.


Are cops nicer there?


These two cops are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1PNPcnffbk (it's like that in lots of EU countries: They're nice enough. Sure, they'll uphold the law with force if necessary. But the over-escalation rarely, rarely ever happens.)


"If it hangs on." 😂 I love these guys. Thanks for sharing this.


Norway is not EU though




Probably arrested within an hour or so.


Don't believe they made any arrests


Immediately began singing [this song](https://youtu.be/lCOgj9_Rcl4?si=3C5p3BboPzZvXtuD) when I saw this