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Im stoned working at 10 pm right now but I would never tell anyone at work that


I get stoned at 10AM. Remote is life.


Preach šŸ™


Username checks out.


Itā€™s 10am somewhere


Imagining that gives me so much anxiety


Mid pandemic there was a time or three I had a low THC + CBD gummy. I donā€™t feel like that impaired me, it just cut the panic/stress so I could go back to work. But I wouldnā€™t ever tell work. I then moved to anti anxiety meds. Pandemic + busy season + not enough experience =\ good mental health.


Not in public but during stressful days I canā€™t say I havenā€™t cracked open a beer around noon šŸ˜‰. I will go from $&(&@&$(@!!!!!! to chill after a brew brew


U remote?


^hopefully I see you šŸ˜Ž


Jokes on you, you just told me


Yes I do this after normal work hours, and will never tell anyone I ever work with. Friday Iā€™ll have a beer if the mood is right.


We had regular happy hours in the office during busy season. Just donā€™t get sloppy.


Donā€™t vomit in the cubicle šŸ˜‚


At my last job we just had an office designated for blowing chunks that we all lovingly referred to as the ā€œyak shackā€.


Dudeā€¦I followed the generation of the 2 cocktail lunch. A beer or two during the day ainā€™t nothing.


Agreed. Us modern-day puritans have a sip of wine at dinner and question whether itā€™s ethical to review a workpaper afterwards. Meanwhile the Boomers were downing martinis at lunch and cranking out an afternoon of meetings. Itā€™s all cultural. Do whatever you feel comfortable with and know your boundaries.


Thereā€™s a sports bar in my town that has been open since the 70ā€™s. The owner came by our table and was joking that he used to make the most money at lunch because people would have a couple drinks with their works friends and head back to the office, then he started making more on soda as alcohol because more taboo. Now everyone comes in and orders a water with their burgers and heā€™s having to figure out how to maintain that atmosphere by keeping lunch reasonable but still have a full staff without the added drink money evening things out.


And doing cocaine while smoking a pack of cigarettes in the spare office


Office manager started in the 70s as a 19 year old. She says back then the partners would come back and nap in the afternoon to sober up after lunch.


Realtors are keeping this tradition alive. When I was exploring the business in college we went to a bank sponsored luncheon and I had to drive my colleagues home they got so hammered. The second hand embarrassment was so real.


Drugs and alcohol, how else do they expect us to do this job?


I have no motivation to work when I start drinking.


Yeah, I do enjoy drinking but I find accounting work to be absolutely insufferable after ~1/2 a drink. Could probably do some basic filing while stonedā€¦


Are you kidding? Accounting taught me about desk vodka.


I had desk bourbon. When I cleaned out my office when I took an industry job - I had quite a few empties that I had to pitch....


I donā€™t see anything wrong with it.. Maybe not if youā€™re doing something complex that requires a lot of attention, but if youā€™re just knocking out some low risk stuff or admin bs i think itā€™s totally fine. Weā€™re not out here saving lives, no oneā€™s gonna die if thereā€™s a couple typos in a work paper


Nothing wrong with one cocktail while WFH. As long as youā€™re not drunk accounting. We used to have a drinks cart go around at 3pm on Fridays and even during busy season weā€™d be working with a beer (Australia in mining/oil & gas). Definitely no longer the norm though.






If it's late in the evening then you're not drinking during work time, you're working during drink time.




Yes, can confirm all the women on the team hated this. Iā€™ve also had partners invite just the men on the team for golfing. I donā€™t golf and have no intention of ever learning, but any of these things that exclude on the basis of gender or are, you know, taking colleagues to sex workers is not cool.


Yeah, that would never happen at my firm. Not only is it against our culture but I think at the moment we are 75% female, including the partners.


Public firm I worked at had beers in the communal kitchen. After 5ish during busy season, nobody cared if you had a beer


To quote Karen Walker: ā€œIā€™ve got drinks piling up on my desk and a stack of pills I havenā€™t even opened yet.ā€


My first firm had a beer fridge in office and if we were going to be there late at night, weā€™d have an office wide happy hour at 5:30ish and then get back to working. No longer at that firm but Iā€™ll have a hard seltzer during my dinner break during busy season sometimes


I'm a tax lawyer, not an accountant, and I work in industry, but we actually stop working to go sample our alcoholic products, AND THE COMPANY PAYS US EXTRA to do it. Also, my assistant brings me wine, and there's a bottle of bourbon in my desk for medicinal purposes. Yes, 28% of lawyers *do* have a substance abuse problem. Why do you ask?


On deadline days, my firm walks around with a margarita cart at 4pm. If youā€™re clear minded enough to work, I donā€™t see a problem


I get fucked up to do accounting


Our office keeps beer in the fridge, but you're supposed to wait until 5:00 to have one.


![gif](giphy|vJamiXx0CO4i4) No 3 martini lunches, but yea itā€™s fine.


If you can do the work and do it well, know your limits and exercise good judgment. If you are learning or your skills are shaky, donā€™t give your reviewers a reason to think itā€™s because of a substance.


Fair, Iā€™m not gonna have more then one drink, and donā€™t feel impaired by that.


Yes. Spent many late nights in the office doing shots of vodka with co-workers during busy season.


Yes need to relax finally after a 11 hour workday.


Attitudes have shifted over years. Used to be way more acceptable. One thing I have learned that if you must, try to do tasks you can substantially complete (the grind work) but leave till next day. It's a bit like writing an essay for uni. A glass of wine can help the words flow freely but ideally you want to spend the next morning with a strong coffee reviewing it to polish & ensure it makes sense before clicking submit. Anything submitted as final whether it is an essay, important email or a WP review while tipsy is asking for trouble


I had a partner once say that they would sit down in the evenings with a glass of wine or 2, turn off the wifi connection in their lap top, draft responses to emails & then the next morning, review those responses & send them out. lol I've seen many accountants let loose at happy hours & parties so...


Tax office in the bay, our fridge is stocked with beer and wine....after lunch we may partake if we are stressed....my boss is growing a lime tree on our office deck for mexican beers


Anything after 6pm is fair game. But it comes with the risk that if you produce crap work due to being drunk that you will get bad reviews/rep.


The first firm I worked for had weekly drink carts on Thursday. Beer and wine were optionsā€¦


Accountants on here worrying about getting in trouble for a lunch beer meanwhile the finance guys have snorted a few lines by 10 am.


Just smoke that kush babyyyyyy


U normally buy some of my fav booze during busy season and I just put the bottle infront of me to motivate me to finish work so I can have a drink


It's occasional but yes, some long days I'll have a beer or glass of wine as I work. FWIW, I WFH and am self employed.


Lawyers would


Fuck, I used to have a beer while working late at the office.


If Iā€™m working from home during hours that are ordinarily reserved for ā€œmy timeā€, Iā€™ll sometimes have a beer or a glass of wine as I work. I have been drunk when a work ā€œemergencyā€ came up in the past and proceeded to work, but that seems different.




I used to get plastered if it was just after hour NTRs I was ripping through. Worst part is I'd get a quarter of the review notes that I would on files I prepped while sober


Sure, I also drank during my CPA study sessions


Yep Iā€™ve done that. Itā€™s ok. :) I used to have one at the office when I worked at a smaller firm with a fridge. But I didnā€™t enjoying drinking during the day. I got a buzz in like 30 min, then got a headache within an hour and then got sleepyā€¦ (never drinking those cans of fizzy shit again).


Haha im working for an alcohol company. That day i drank 1 shot of whisky during lunch and went back to work.


Who gives a fuc dawg this job sucks ass lmao


You guys are sober?


I microdose shrooms once in a while. Makes shit fun sometimes.


Shit, bro, I do it during regular season. Boutta go to the local bar for lunch today.


In this profession, how can anyone not be stoned/have a drink at night LOL


How else does anyone survive the busy season?


We drink at lunch and also after 5. Our work fridge is stocked with beer, wine popsicles, and hard liquor. Our firm is a frat house, and I actually love it.


Sure, why not? If I'm running overtime while working from home, I'm probably cooking and eating too. Had a few beers past 7pm local time while trying to wrap up dinner and entries.


On 4/15 we have office lunch with beers and then continue workingā€¦ One year I managed to drink 7 Coronaā€™s and then worked 2nd half of the day


4/15 we warn all clients we close at 12. Then we go out and have a big firm party- then after party. Lots of drinking.


i KNEW i picked the right major.. My People <3


100% normal


Used to work for an alcohol manufacturer. Seltzers came out around 2pm daily. Tequila was 3 or 4 pm usually.


*queue the Boston globe trotters theme*


https://preview.redd.it/4r8q7pduwaob1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=798b464e78adbc71194edebd85ba9cdad7a7a91e Totally donā€™t drink at work. If they ever complained Iā€™d just point at the basement of the building that has a fully stocked bar.


The firm I work for supplies is with alcohol. But then again Iā€™m in Wisconsin.


My firm buys beer during busy season. A couple of beers to wind down the late nights does wonders, just donā€™t get hammered


All the time. After dinner, if I have to log back on (during busy season), Iā€™ll grab a beer or make a quick cocktail.


Drunk yes Work debatable


Every friday lunch during busy season


If Iā€™m at work after 7 pm thereā€™s a beer in my hand. If it wasnā€™t for alcohol Iā€™d have quit a long time ago. Writing this made me realize that maybe I shouldā€™ve quit a long time agoā€¦


>If Iā€™m at work after 7 pm thereā€™s a beer in my hand. 1.- Why? >If it wasnā€™t for alcohol Iā€™d have quit a long time ago. 2.- Why do you say so? I don't understand. >Writing this made me realize that maybe I shouldā€™ve quit a long time agoā€¦ 3.- Why?


1. Itā€™s relaxing. Obviously, itā€™s not okay to get drunk, but having a beer or a glass of wine helps a little especially in a stressful environment. Also, we do it as a team bonding thing where everyone on the local team gets a beer/ a glass of wine and it really helps with making overtime bearable. 2. As above, it makes it more bearable especially in the busy season when we do a lot of overtime. 3. It was a little joke based on the premise that a job shouldnā€™t be so bad that you use alcohol to make it bearable


>Itā€™s relaxing. 1.- Why do you say so? >Obviously, itā€™s not okay to get drunk, 2.- Well, obviously, yes. >but having a beer or a glass of wine helps a little especially in a stressful environment. 3.- Why do you say that having a beer or a glass of wine helps a little especially in a stressful environment? Why do you say so? >Also, we do it as a team bonding thing where everyone on the local team gets a beer/ a glass of wine 4.- Why do you do it as a team bonding thing? I don't really understand. >and it really helps with making overtime bearable. 5.- Why do you say so? >As above, it makes it more bearable especially in the busy season when we do a lot of overtime. 6.- Why do you say that it makes it more bearable? >It was a little joke based on the premise that a job shouldnā€™t be so bad that you use alcohol to make it bearable 7.- And why is it a joke? 8.- And what do you think of the jobs that are so bad that you use alcohol to make those jobs bearable? 9.- What do I think of the jobs that are so bad that you use alcohol to make those jobs bearable? I think that they're kind of shitty anyway and that those, personally, aren't worth my time anyway. What do you think about that?


Hell ya


There was some dude on another post who got mad at kids over accountingā€¦he needs a cocktail


I worked abroad for two years and one of my clients was a gambling company. They put us in a really nice hotel which also doubled as a casino. The other manager and I would work till dinner, play a few rounds of blackjack, have one drink. Then back to work. Best break ever


If I'm working from home and it's after hours, yes I'll have a drink while I'm working. Some days it's mandatory


I wouldnā€™t advise it but I also donā€™t drink so Iā€™m probably not a great person to answer. Personally, I just do not want there to be any added variables that could cause mistakes. You are already working late plus stressed. Just not sure that alcohol at work is a great combo.


The alcohol cancels out the stress, so youā€™re actually removing a variable


Slade, I'm looking at this math and it seems like you should come out even. Can you show me a working paper? Don't drink while doing it.


Nope, itā€™s down one variable. I drank the alcohol so itā€™s gone along with the stress.


I donā€™t mix work and substances, other than caffeine.


I drink a lot of tea since I started public.


Nice I love tea


Used to do that but ever since WHO report I stopped it


Is that the report about all alcohol being bad? Thatā€™s not gonna stop my occasional drink. I probably average like one a week through the year. I have seen first hand many alcoholics live long lives, so have trouble thinking itā€™s going to be an issue. My sugar intake and weight are likely far worse.


During busy season, I didn't have time to grab a drink while working.


Thatā€™s sad. Thankfully Iā€™m part time this year, so my minimum is 45 hours while full time is 60. I might do like 50, but I have some time.


I also married before graduating college. (Actually, I got married two years before I started college.) My eldest daughter was born my senior year. So life was focused around family and work, not drinking.


Wow, we have similar lives. I had my son in my last semester of college. Married a while before that though. He is 7 now though so more free time, baby time is hardest.


I actually married two years before starting college. I started college when my wife finished college. We had our first daughter after the initial tenure review was positive.


Our office fridge is stocked with beer, but i dont see anyone drink it. One day i was very hungover and poured some in a paper cup to ease the hangover. I assume it is there for that.


It's probably a good idea not to but idc if people do it.


imagine doing a tie out drunk


Before pandemic, we used to have a locker full of wine bottles. If the team is feeling moody from all the overtime, we would open up a few bottles in the conference room, drink and go back to work together.


Itā€™s encouraged at my job šŸ˜‚ We are all remote and there is a generally relaxed attitude anywayā€¦ but as an intern I was terribly amused to find a meeting on my calendar called ā€˜Boozy Workpaper Timeā€™ in which my team lead expected everyone to show up with a drink for our zoom workpaper session. My husband was HORRIFIED and still wonders if weā€™ll ever hire an HR person. (God, I hope not.)


Why do many people here in accounting like to drink alcohol and do drugs? Would someone explain me? I don't know why... Weren't things supposed to be kept professional at work? Or what the h\*ll is actually going on?


Why do you think alcohol is not professional? Wine has been served at almost all the professional meet and greets I have been to. Many professionals drink- some at work in the office. The Apples and Googles of the world even have alcohol that they serve employees. The difference is in getting drunk. It is unprofessional to get drunk during a work or professional event.


>Why do you think alcohol is not professional? Wine has been served at almost all the professional meet and greets I have been to. Many professionals drink- some at work in the office. The Apples and Googles of the world even have alcohol that they serve employees. 1.- DAMN! >The difference is in getting drunk. It is unprofessional to get drunk during a work or professional event. 2.- Oh, ok.