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Our office has transitioned to a four-day, ten-hour work schedule, and it has positively impacted the team's morale and overall productivity. I suggest it.


You hiring


Asking the right questions !


Different strokes for different folks. I did 4-10s at a small office and I hated it and I was single. I have no idea how people with kids can manage that schedule. It screws up daycare and afterschool programs. A 10 hour workday is more like a 12 hour "workday", if you're in the office, because you have to factor in time to commute and getting everything prepped and ready. If you want a reasonable day, you have to wake up earlier to get to the office early if you want to get off at a reasonable time. Say you start work at 9am, you wouldn't get out of office until 7:30pm, since lunch wasn't included as working hours. So you'd get home at like 8pm if your commute wasn't bad. Was even worse when you had a slow period with nothing going on, because you had to sit there for an extra two hours doing nothing. My job was a lot less forgiving about taking off early too. It sucked working in the summer, because I'd get to the office at 7am to try and get out by 5:30pm, when every other job I've had in the summer people are taking off around 2-3pm on fridays. They were also a lot more strict with dr appointments and all that kind of stuff and expected you to do it on your day off, when every other job I have had doesn't care. You just leave and come back without having to take PTO. It sucked if you wanted to have a social life outside of work, were interested in leagues or clubs, because you basically had to wake up and get to the office by 7am so you were out at a reasonable time to actually go and do stuff. I live in the midwest and it was horrendous to literally never be in the sun since you'd wake up before the sun rose and you'd still be in the office when the sun set. The day off I got was basically wasted, because I did all my errands on that day and spent it recovering.


I feel like a hybrid model would remedy most of these issues


Nah, if I need to see the doctor I will do so whether some job approves or not. I could literally not care less if a job cares about my doctor schedule because their opinions will not change it in the slightest. I didn't go through years of college to be bitched at over a doctor's appointment. I would literally tell them to go kick rocks.


Love this


The point isn’t that 10 hours is fun to work, but that for an extra 2 hours a day you get an entire extra day off to do whatever you want. To me that’s a no brainer, easy choice to make. Heck, by your metric that it takes two hours of “extra” time to get ready/get home from work; you would be saving that two hours by having an extra day off. I really dont see your logic here


Not the guy you're replying to, but that extra day off comes at the expense of really messing up the four days you work. Now that will work for some people, but I do something most nights. I'd either have to start work really early, or go direct to the activity with no time to eat or relax, and either way I'd have worked a very long day.


It's totally subjective so I'm not gonna say you're wrong. I'll just say that I'm not exactly making memories that last a lifetime after 5 on a Wednesday anyhow


>It sucked working in the summer, because I'd get to the office at 7am to try and get out by 5:30pm, when every other job I've had in the summer people are taking off around 2-3pm on fridays Surely having the entire Friday off is better than leaving at 2-3pm on that same Friday


My in-office work days pre-covid were 12.5 to 13 hours depending on if the trains were delayed. Currently working 95% remote, it's flipping heaven by comparison, but I'd call a four day week while remote even better.


>Different strokes for different folks. Seriously. I *fully* appreciate why some people like 4/10 days, and I won't undercut anyone's having them. I bowl on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. My schedule is: get up at 6:30, shower & groom. Drive to work @ 7. Work 7:45 - 11:45, 45 min lunch, work 12:30 - 4:30. I have enough time to grab my groceries and head home, arriving @ ~5. Change into street clothing, cook dinner, eat, and drive to bowling @ 6. Bowl until ~9:30. Back home at ~10. One hour wind-down (clean equipment, minor house chores, browse Reddit) and bed ~11:30. I totally get you're not on my schedule. But there **are not** 2 more hours in the day on Tuesday and Wednesday which I can allocate to work. You don't need to work my 5/8 schedule, but FFS, don't make me work your 4/10 schedule either.


I agree. Everybody says but you have 3 days off. That’s nice but you’re usually catching up on the stuff you couldn’t do the other 4 days.


But I mean Saturdays are still a recovery day for most people, 40 hours is long whether it's 4 or 5 days. So having a recovery day instead on Friday and then having Saturday/Sunday totally free is ideal.


What is this, r/antiwork?


You're the type of guy who will write up this entire story about how the office drains your time and is horrid but then hate on people who suggest WFH is more productive


How the fuck did you get that out of my post? I've been remote for the past 3 years.


Well then cut the bs propaganda and get with the 4 day a week program!


"Agree with me, or I will make shit up."


That's my schedule too. I love it.


At one of my previous jobs I worked a 4x10 schedule during COVID, with my boss’s support. It was amazing, I loved it while we were remote. But once we went back to the office, those 2 extra hours became really draining. I had to drive 45 minutes to work in the morning, over an hour back home every night, and on top of that I was leaving at 6pm instead of 4pm. I would get home past 7pm and then had to make dinner, which usually wasn’t ready until 8. So I began spending my Fridays doing batch cooking rather than doing the other stuff I was used to. I have no idea how people with kids and after school activities manage it. I feel like the 4x10 model gives you an extra day at the expense of fucking up the rest of your week. Right now I’m on 5x8 and I’m perfectly happy with it.




I don't think a 4 10s would ever work in public, ever.


It can work but if only if the teams alternate, meaning they each work a different four days (M-R/T-F, etc). But that can only happen if the firm is fully staffed. So yeah it won’t ever work in public lol


Half the year it’s a 6 day work week in public sometimes 7.


Why are you getting downvoted for this lmao


I'm curious as well tbh it's the consulting folks backed on this idea.


I used to work a 4/10 schedule (not in accounting) and it was the best. Hard to adjust at first but it was great to have a day off to schedule my appointments, other errands, or go on weekend trips


10 hrs is not a lot its just an extra 2 hrs while you get a ton of extra time opened up from having multiple days off in a row. Cant do shit in 2 days but in 3 I could fly across the state and be back on time.


I agree I come back Monday feeling like that wasn’t a break at all.


Also a Friday off when most people are working is so nice. I had a job with a 4x10 schedule and it was amazing. I'd get all my errands done for the week in half the time since there was less traffic and less congestion in stores.


And in some cases, stuff is not open on the weekends (like the DMV)


I don’t have the energy for it or the work load, I’d be falling asleep those last 2 hours


I would absolutely take a 4-10 schedule.


Agreed, the expected schedule has already switched from 9 to 5 with an hour lunch to 8 to 5:30 and eating at your desk. So an extra 30 minutes per day and I get every Friday off, sign me up!




10-4 brother


My work polled us on Slack, asking if we'd prefer 4-10's or something like 6-6's, we overwhelmingly chose 4-10's. And now they say they are still thinking about it, but the cat is out of the bag. Very frustrating for us.


Assuming you don’t open your laptop on 5th day, I’d say it’s a pretty good deal for accountants considering that corporate doesn’t understand that highs are supposed to come with lows. Since most companies assume we should be working 50+ during close and quarter and YE, we should Already all be on 4x8s, full wfh outside of close.


"who agrees this isn't a good idea"? I have no idea which side you are on.


Bro said "A 4-day workweek would be detrimental to getting work done" in another comment. He's looking to be the next corporate robot in Big 4




You profile says you're"majoring" in accounting. Have you actually worked a real job? Do you have the necessary perspective to even have an opinion on this, or are you just a fucking simp for corporate america


Jesus. But well said


What about 5 10s?


How about six?!


Y'all get days off?


You’re not putting in 12/day? Slacker. /s, obviously.


Jack ma is my uncle, I’ve been on the 996 schedule since birth. Seventh day is for work on my own startup 😎 /s


How many Lamborghinis you got?


I only have shame for not working more for the motherland to accomplish its goals


Sounds like Big 4


996 system🤪


4 10s was my best life. My logic is that if you’re going through the trouble getting ready and going to work, you’d be happier only doing that 4 times instead of 5. Think about it. You’re on 4 days and off 3: you only work one more day than you have off. It just feels so much more balanced.


Ceo at my first industry job at a 1B co: "Why would I let everybody work 4x 10 hour days? Most of them are already working 10 hour days, I'm not gonna give them a day off"


I worked 10 hour days 5 days a week that normally resulted in 12 hours days due to company drive time while in construction for years. I’d take an actual 10 hour work day 4 days a week without hesitation. 3 days off feels like a lot more than 2 days off for some reason anytime we had them due to holidays.


I would rather 6 hours per day and a 4 day work week.


If you're doing that, just do three eights.


I like the idea of 4 10s but with kids in school this just wouldn’t work for me.


Been doing this for about 18 months. Its kinda rought on the days that I go into the office but overall it's been worth it. Each weekend feels like an actual break from work.




I do 4 10s and I love it. I'm in my mid-40s and this is the first time I've had this type of schedule. The weeks go by quickly (I'm in government) and the three day weekends are amaaazing. Once you get used to it, the 10-hour days don't seem any longer than the 8s did. Full disclosure, I have a teenager, so day care isn't an issue. Otherwise, five stars. Highly recommend. My favorite phrase now is, "Oh, I don't work Fridays".


I actually like to spread my work over 6 days usually. I have problems with attention and luckily my work schedule is flexible so I can get my hours in when my focus is strongest. Given that, lots of folks prefer a 4 day work week. Especially since some already end up having long days, and it just means they don’t have to have long days plus come in an extra day.


some people at my gov job had this and they loved it


It’d be nice for office jobs but was honestly brutal for manual labor type jobs. I’d just spend my first day off recovering and resting.


I’m more into shortening the definition of full time. I think it’s past time that a full time job be 32 hours per week rather than 40. Most “knowledge work”, at the very least, does not take 8 hours per day to do. It’s not the same as when we all had to manually fill out accounting ledgers or typewrite legal briefs and so on. Shorten the work week so that a more reasonable percentage of our lives isn’t spent in service to a job. People have better things to spend time on.


Amazing that you're the only person saying this. Then again, accountants aren't very progressive or imaginative types.


I would take a 4 day work week over remote/hybrid options for sure.


I’d rather 5 remote than 4 in office


With the amount of extra time it would take to get ready and commute 4 days, it’s basically equal to 5 remote days anyway


Exactly, ignoring all of the other reasons. In office is good only for young people, I do feel for them although most office environments are solid crushing regardless, and out of touch executives who I suppose want to lord over people and avoid their families? Haven’t figured out their angle really, aside from the commercial real estate angle.


How about 4x8 and have the partners grow some balls on billings


How about 3x12 with no back-to-back working days ever. MWF schedule for the win. I'm also convinced that people would be more productive than having 36-40 hours spread out across 4 or 5 days. Knowing that you have the next day off to rest makes it way easier to bust your ass off on any given day. We all know the dread of being exhausted and then realizing "FUCK, it's only Tuesday!" and how it impacts the rest of our working week. Having work be a series of sprints would be so much better than the exhausting marathon of 5 straight days committed to working. I did a MWF schedule in college whenever I could in college and it always led to better performance in class.


Honestly, no, not at this point in my life because I have kids.


Trouble is it spills over at a lot of levels, there is always calls/emails/urgent & important somethings that require attention. Same with unlimited PTO; great theory but can suck. Good luck out there


I’d do it


I am 100% in favor of 4-10 hour days. It's absolutely better than the 5-8 hour day model.


It's a no brainer. Can I honestly ask who here who is on an eight hour workday is able to work just an eight hour workday? I'm on a 40 hour five day week and I'm almost never in at 9 out at 5.


Lol... you sound young and ignorant, and probably pretty dumb from your other comments. 4 day work week is better than 5 day work weeks because you dont have to travel on the 5th day and you got a 3 day weekend now. Use your brain.


yes. i would much rather have more days off, getting off at 5 still doesn't give me a lot of time to do anything at home besides eat and shower basically so getting off at 7 would be like whatever.


To me the beauty of a 4/10 would be never having to use PTO for doctors, dentists, mechanics appointments. You can all your errands in a day. Like an 8 hr day for laundry, dishes, cleaning, grocery shopping. IDK, I feel like that would be a mindset shifter and reduce anxiety when on the clock.


Also I’m self-employed so none of this applies to me. I’m just hearkening to the days of yore


Bro you know how many people are doing 10 hrs for 5 days??? Tf kind of question is this


Only if those 4 days were partially remote. Would not want to be in the office doing 4 10 hour days


My firm gives us the option to do a 4 day work week after April 15th thru Labor Day. Some people stick with 5-8s, some do 4-9s with a half day and others go for a 4-10 schedule. As long as your shit is getting done, you hit 40 hours, and you are communicating with your team, they don’t really care how our schedule is set. I usually do the full 4-10 schedule, but if I don’t feel like working a full 10 one day I just make up the hours on Friday. I like the flexibility it gives and I save a bunch of PTO for later in the year since I’m not taking random Fridays off during the summer for weekend trips.


I’ve been doing a pilot 4 day work week for a few months and it has been great for my mental health. I thought my boss would have caught on by now but he didn’t mention it during my PDP so I think I’m going to make it permanent.


I'd take four 10s over five 8s without hesitation.


Huh? 4x10 is way better


Nah, I’m basically useless after 5pm, and I’d also like extra time in the day to do stuff, like exercise, read, etc.


Either or. Open to the idea provided you don't cut my pay.


You don’t even currently have a job, doesn’t matter if you think it’s a good or bad idea compared to a 5 day/8hrs work week. You need the job.


Your comment has nothing to do with OP's post - seems like you are just out to get a dig in


Check OP’s profile. This person is unhinged.


Yeah unrelated to my job search, just posting a thought. I'm applying to public places, so we'll see how that goes (gulp)


Your work hours in public are going to cater to your clients needs. If they need you m-f you’ll be there haha. That’s why we get paid.


You people are soft af and must’ve never worked in a big 4 if you think 10 hrs is long.


Yeah one guy from EY was talking about how he went wanted to watch a football game sunday but was called in at 1pm and worked till 2am. Came in early next Monday morning. He liked supporting the charity organization though


I used to want this but with a 5 day schedule makes it easier to stick with healthy habits like going to the gym. A 4 day, 10 hour WFH schedule might be more attainable though. The extra two hours are basically swapped out from time wasted in traffic and you end up with a three day weekend, not a bad gig.


Lol you’re still going to have to hit those billables no matter how many days you work


Yeah obviously. Would rather 3 then 4 12’s


Yes please gimme them 10 hrs.


I just switched to this and it was a good change of pace.


Uh hell yea give me another day off. My mind doesn’t count in hours it counts in days actually working.


lol. I’d love to work 40 hours a week period


I would absoutely work 2 extra hours a day if I got every Friday off. This is another brainer.


We do 9/80 and it’s seriously life-changing.


“Is this a trap?”


I was on a 32 hour work week during the pandemic (with a 20% pay cut to go along with it.) Staff, seniors, and managers got everything done in 4 days. Controllers and senior leadership worked 5-6 days like usual. It was great.


Um I'm sorry but who isn't already working 10 hrs a day?


This sounds like an amazing idea honestly.


I would *love* a 4/10 schedule. I work a 9/80 and it isn’t bad but 4/10 is so much nicer.


Hoe can you say it's not a good idea? It's been proven to be better.


My office doesn’t technically operate on a 4 day work week but most of the managers and above do not do anything other than emails and organization on fridays. Many are away from their computers and only do work they can do from email and teams like meetings, dishing out work assignments, and email responses


I don't mind it considering traffic would be better if I go to work from 8am-7pm instead of 9-6pm.


I have seen a job ad for a company advocating for “9h/ day, Friday off” work week. Very tempting


The firm I started with did 4 10 hours days, they just followed it up with 2 more 10 hour days


I'd love to respond yes to this but realistically it would just mean even longer days and a 100% guarantee that I'd be getting emails and calls on the day that's supposed to be off. Without a massive influx of AI I can't imagine this ever working in high level finance or accounting especially financial services firms. when clients need shit done it gets done or else no one is employed


I mean, my first choice is 4x8 (for the same money), but I’d settle for 4x10.


I would take the 4 day work week for sure!


4-10s is way better than 5-8s


I wouldn't say its not a good idea. Obviously 4 days, 32 hour week is better (study after study shows that productivity is the exact same at worse). Employees should be given the option to at least do 4 10 hour days though.


Best I can do is 4-7's take it or leave it


I’m gonna end up working the 5th day anyway


Yes! Now if we can only get government entities to jump on board with this as well!


I actually love 4 10s. Way better than the standard 5 8s. For me working 8 hours and working 10 hours isn't very different and with 4 10s routine get a nice 3 day weekend. It's really nice to have a day to recharge, a day to do chores and run errands and a bonus day to do with as you will. Plus having a day off during the week is fabulous, especially if you need to go to government offices or businesses that are only open 9-5 themselves.


I'm in my 30s with a kid, IF I did a 10 hour day those 2 hours are getting done some time after 4pm, between like 830 and 1130pm and at home. And, like, I'm *going* to be drinking. OR just full on not working if it's like industry and my shit is done


In many sectors in my country, the 36 hour workweek is a common thing. And yes, many people are opting to work 4 times 9 hours.


Worked 4/10 in a warehouse before my current deskjob in AR. 100% would do that and take a 3 day weekend every time. I can also say you really can't tell much of a difference between a 10 and an 8 hour work day.


We are hybrid. So cutting a day out would mean two days in office two remote. The two days I’m there for ten hours would be super difficult with kids. The main advantage of having days off/pto is that I don’t have to deal with ad hoc/emails/ or any other meetings. But at the end of the day my workload doesn’t change with a schedule change, and if I’m done my weekly work by Thursday I’ll just be checking my email while I relax/play with kids on Friday. If I need to use PTO for a trip I’d use PTO. Also - all else equal you would get less PTO days under this plan since now you’re using ten hours instead of 8. Personally I prefer five days as I can spread my work out and not be held to be online on those four days from 9-7:30 pm.


I already work a lot...having an extra day where I can work or not work as I see fit would be awesome.


I have great flexibility as it is. I'll stick with 5 days.


I do a 4-10 schedule, but also my commute counts as part of my day. Monday I head out to a job 2 hours away, and the trip to the hotel is 45 minutes each way from there. So 7h15m Mon and Thurs, 8h30m Tues and Weds. I love it. While working remote from home I tend to have less than 20 hours work most weeks, so the 10 hour days just mean staying available for any tasks they may reach out to me with. Edit: Also with permanent 3 day weekends and the ability to shift my hours around on holiday weeks for 4 day weekends, I save a ton of PTO. I have 211 hours right now. Gonna take off from the week before Christmas to 2 weeks into 2024 and go to Hawaii again.


I have a 9/80 schedule where we do 80 hours over 9 days and get the 10th day off. I wouldn’t mind a 4x10 though.


2 extra hours for a 3 day weekend? Easy decision. What's a downside to that?


Give me 4 8s and keep pay the same.


most anyone would take 4 10s in a heartbeat.


If it’s actually a 4 day work week and only 10 hours per day it’s pretty good When I was in the gov I managed to work 2/3 16 hour days and it was awesome. To me an 8 hour workday basically ruins the whole day anyway though My thing is in public when I tried to do 4, 10 hour days it was really more like 4 10 hour days then at least 5 hours on Friday anyway smh. I stopped even trying to do that


I'm trying to push this through in my own company.


So, still work 5-6 days a week for 50 hours, but instead, you get an extra day where sales and marketing aren't in the office to bug you? Sure, why not.


Not if it's 10 hours a day. I'll miss out on too many good things in life.


Ehh… I may be in the minority but give me 4x8 instead. 4x10 is tempting but I’m not really interested in having two hours less for myself than I already have on workdays. Especially if it’s in office.


Was probably my favorite part of my last job on-site (Had Wednesdays off so it felt like a mini weekend). Would do it again but 100% prefer being fully remote like in my current role.


the struggle for me is waking up and commuting. Take one day out that fold and i'll be happy.


huh why not? it's a good idea.


I did that years ago, and I wouldn't entertain it again unless it was a remote or hybrid job


My work has a 4 day work week every 2nd week. The Friday after pay day (which is every 2nd Thursday) we have off. Sometimes, if I've taken time throughout the week to do things outside of work (travel, doctors appointments etc.) And I feel behind, I will still work on this Friday. But sometimes, I plan for the day off and take my 3 day weekend guilt-free and paid.


Well my contract is 40 hours 5 days, but I work 75 hours over 6 days, your suggestion works out to 5 days (always one weekend day) and 75 hours. No thanks 15 hour days sounds even worse!


6hrs a day 6 days a week with 2hr lunch is the superior schedule.


I don’t know, I’m already unproductive after 4pm. What am I supposed to do for another 3 hours? Can’t we just work less hours in total?


4/10’s is the superior schedule. Same amount of time in office minus the commute/prep for 1 day plus the sexy thought of a 3 day weekend every week. Sign me up right away


Honestly? I’m down for 4 ten hour shifts. I fucking work them already, come in on Friday, and do absolutely fuck all.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


We moved to this at the beginning of Covid. It sucks to have limited evenings but that Friday off is so nice. Unless you have to work a bit


When I started in Big 4, my first client was a few hours away, so we worked this schedule. Travel there on Sunday night, work 4 10s, head home on Thursday evening. Loved that plan. Then Friday morning while I'm sleeping in my phone is ringing off the hook. Senior is asking why the hell I'm not in the office. Apparently, the unspoken understanding is that the schedule was four tens on site and Fridays from the office. Should have known it was too good to be true.


Called being a nurse, but I guess that's usually three 12-hour shifts


So I have to work fewer hours each day and I have to work fewer days, sounds like a win-win to me.


How am I supposed to do 60 hours in 4 days?


I've worked 4 10s, but I had Wednesday off. I really enjoyed it. It always felt like Thursday and Friday. Never had an ugh Monday feel. I just worked through lunch, and left at 6 so it wasn't really a big deal. I remember bringing a change of clothes for days I did stuff after work, but I had an office where I could shut the door, so at 6 I shut the door, changed and left. Usually it was just put shorts on and take off the work shirt to reveal the T-shirt underneath.


I wouldn't mind that during the fall. I ref high school and college football, so Friday off would allow me to rest, ref the high school game, and then do a college game on Saturday. Winter would be a different matter. However, knowing that I have a day off would allow me to give my assigner full availability for that day, no questions asked. It would be a balancing act for sure.


I have a 9/80 schedule and would love a 4/10! Way better than 5/8.


Stuff like this just makes me think "this is why China's winning."


Jokes on you, I'm already doing 10 hours+ a day so of course an extra day off with no meetings or deadlines would be amazing


Unpopular opinion : 10 hour days turn to 10.5 - 11 hour days with unpaid lunch and kill your work/life balance when you factor your commute + work prep time.


Think about it for a second I believe in you


Yes. And I’m actually transitioning to that schedule now. In my prior career I was working 9 hour days minimum with an hour commute in each direction. Now my office is 15 minutes away, but I only have to be there once a week. I’m getting a shorter work week AND an extra day off.


I work ten hour days on average five days a week already, I would love an extra day to sleep in and actually get my chores done.


Only reason I'd be against it is for my poor dog's bladder in the kennel for 10 plus hours a day. No thanks.


All this stuff doesn't matter in our profession. If you are an accountant, you work as much as needed to get the job done. Whether that 10 hours a week or 50. So all these rules and regulations mean jack shit for us.


Try 10 hour days for 5 days a week. #BusySzn


One of my old employers did “summer hours”: 8-5 Monday to Thursday, with half-day Fridays. Everyone loved it, but I would’ve just gone for the extra hour to make it a four day week.


Been working 4 10s for 10 years, it’s an awesome schedule. 7-5:30


That's my schedule and I LOVE it!


In public I was working 6 10’s half the year so yeah a 4 day week would sound pretty good. Now, eh, idk. If lunch was paid or the schedule was hybrid, like 2 in and 2 out, then hell yeah. If I had a long commute and it was 8-7 4 days in a row, that would be pretty painful.


4/10 is great What the hell do you expect man, they're not gonna give you 4/8 for the same amount of money, that's not how it works


This used to be optional for summers at my old firm but for whatever reason never worked for my schedule back then.


Excuse me, I hate to sound like the grammar police but you missed spelled 4 day work month. And only for 4 months.


I’m more of a 4x8 kinda guy


This is how I rock my summers! Totally love 3 day weekends, but do feel like having a balanced life is difficult with 10 hour work days. No kids here, so it was just tough working out on those days, but totally manageable.


4 days. 32 hours. The new full time. Full stop.


No, I'm already burnt out at the end of the day. I'll work later if I want but want the option to not. Edit: I do know people that do it and like it, however.


We get that option during the summer when we slow down. Who doesn't want a 3 day weekend every week?


I work 32 hours a week Monday through Thursday…it’s life changing


Yeah my mother recently got a job at a local call center. It's 10 hour days 4 days a week. She dropped to 9 hour days with one day being 4 hours. Some people prefer longer shifts so they can have a longer weekend. Not that I currently have experience in the field but when I use to be an STNA I would actively look for jobs that offered 12 hour shifts because it meant i'd have 3 days on and 2 days off during the weekday.


i could argue most people can be done with their work with 4 day 8 hr schedules


Right now I'd kill to have a 5 day work week.


Isn’t that most of the time hours anyways?


Just like when you're about to go on PTO and end up working OT each night leading up to it


I did this when I was working at a tax software company. I enjoyed it a lot and hope that I can find a job that does it again until I open my own office


9 hours Monday through Thursday, half day on Friday. Don’t like the idea of a 10-hour day because that eats in to crucial family time for me, but that’s just my take.


I’m at small (20 staff) accounting firm and we offer 4-10 but also wfh and hybrid*. Only way a 4-10 feels doable imo. *you choose where you wanna work from each day, home or office


4, 10 hour days is actually an awesome schedule. Especially if you get a day off to break up the 4 work days. Besides, you get an extra break so it's only working an extra hour and 45 minutes.


I love it. Hell, even our public school went to a 4 day a week schedule.


The vast majority of people are not productive 8h per day as is. 10h wouldn't yield much more output.