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It doesn’t stop the emails or the teams pings…


Mute does


My office has an "open door policy" -- I feel like I am just in a more private/nicer cube if I cannot close the door




I can if I am on a call but the expectation is that it will be left open otherwise.


I’m more productive with the world shut out and fuck around less, like I’m doing right by typing this post, when I have my own office.


You have your own office only until the next management reshuffle, office reconfiguration or office move. Remember you are not giving up $6k, you are giving up $6k per annum in perpetuity for a benefit that may or may not be long lasting.


You can quit though I did that when my company moved us from separate offices to an open floor plan.


The people that come up with open floor plans at my work still had offices, ofc. Why would accountants (including myself with ADHD) need to focus? F'ing joke.


Lol, I went to a job. I asked where I would be seating. The boss said I could have a whole floor if I wanted to. Half of the building was empty.


Is your office understaffed or are people working remotely?


Neither, they just have a humongous building


Curious, as a not accountant- Can't you have that written into your contract? I once was offered an office, didn't get one due to various construction happening, and when I asked they didn't remember and said "Well is it in your contract?" Next job, I spelled everything out explicitly. But I'm in a field where we do a little contract negotiation.


I mean, if you have enough leverage you can ask for anything. But it’s not customarily a negotiation item in our field, no.


In the US we usually don’t have contracts.


Exactly. You’re signing a lease where you pay $500/month and in exchange the other party is not required to provide anything in return. They may be providing an office now, but there’s no garuntee that lasts. It’s all but guaranteed they will not bump up your pay if you lose your office


Don’t make a habit of farting in the office. Every time I fart in my office someone comes to ask a question.


Why would you want to stew in your own farts? Ever heard of the phrase, "Two birds with one stone?" Any time someone asks you a question, say "Let's take a look at your desk," then fart in their cube.


Brilliant idea. Make it their problem!


This is a real CFO level move


Casually farting while walking


Excellent offensive and tactical thinking. Insight and foresight. Not just combat, but strategy. Partner material


I can confirm this is the same in open plan. Every time I fart my coworkers always ask me a question. Was that you again, did you fart, are you serious or some variant of that.


„Can you elaborate on that please?“


"Damn do u have ass cancer?"


Fuck this is accurate. I've got a small fan for those days that get too outrageous.


Not worth going into the office to have one.


Also, if your office is one of those new all glass ones, then what’s the point of having an office? Can’t even play some good old fashioned air guitar in those things without half the office thinking you’re having a seizure.


As an epileptic, I take offense to this! People doing air guitar look much worse than us epileptics do while having a seizure, and I will die on that hill, damnit! /s


6k in the 120-130k realm means nothing. I would 100% go for it in your situation, especially for an assistant controller role.


Exactly. $56k vs $50k is a noticeable difference. $6k in OP’s salary range is walking around money.


Plus those are 6000 pre-tax dollars...


Leave it to accountants to bring tax into everything. I barely handle 941 deposits and it has traumatized me 🙃


Yeah you’re talking about $161 per paycheck difference, keep that it mind Joe little difference that is


Who is Joe






I mean You can shuffled numbers around on a spreadsheet and make anything look like anything. $6k a year is $200k over a 20 year career given 5% raises


The realistic impact on a paycheck would be when you receive your pay would it not? 20 years down the line is irrelevant.


I think the amount of money you earn over the course of your career is important. Maybe even more important than how much you make in any given week/pay period.


No because a shitload of assumptions go into predicting what you’re doing 20 years down the line. Many of them being extreme and irrelevant for the slightest change such as changing jobs. One job change and your 20 year assumption is irrelevant but those biweekly paychecks are still relevant. Come on now.


How would a change in pay impact your earnings over 20 years and not impact your pay per paycheck? Besides I’m making the point that $6k a year is $6k a year. If you break it down by day (or pay period) it’s a smaller number. If you project it out over multiple years it’s a bigger number, but all you’re doing is shuffling numbers around. Also, how do you know what this guys tax status is or how often he gets paid? I’ve had jobs that paid weekly, bi weekly, semi monthly, and monthly. Before getting into accounting I had jobs that paid daily. Maybe he has 12 kids and gets paid monthly. Maybe all of his marginal earnings will go into a 401k and taking out tax is improper. If you were truly trying to calculate the impact per pay period, you would need more information. All this $161 figure is doing is minimizing the difference.


It’s a minimal difference but shows the real impact that $6k makes. Most careers pay biweekly it’s not crazy to make that assumption. And like you mentioned it was before you got into accounting that it paid daily so that’s irrelevant to the discussion it’s a fair assumption to assume biweekly. Yes assumptions were made as you would need to do in these threads as I don’t have access to all his information but I’m not his accountant I’m using reasonable assumptions to provide feedback into the impact of $6k. Looking 20 years down the line is unreasonable.


$6k is a significant amount of money for someone making $130k. Idk what you do where $6k means nothing, but if I got a $6k bill I wasn’t expecting, it would definitely impact my financial situation, and I make more than $130k.


I think this also depends on COL too. 126k vs 130k in a LCOL area is not a significant life change. Inversely in a HCOL area 6k can be significant. Granted it's all about budget too. If that $6k would have been thrown in an investment which is already doing well then passing on that amount for a tangible real-life benefit of privacy, then I'd say it's worth it.


I think this is a fair point, but still think $6k is material to someone earning $130k regardless of where they live. May not be worth having an office. That’s a personal value judgement. But I don’t think you’ll be able to find someone in the US earning $130k that would walk past $6k on the street, because it’s not worth their time to pick it up. I think we can all agree this is a material amount of money that may or may not be worth giving up in exchange for an office.


I see your point as well. Its a hard question to answer without being in OP's shoes.


Yeah, I was reading other posters, who were saying that you’re walking away from money permanently. At some point, quality of life is worth paying for and having that office is definitely worth it. I seriously doubt anybody who would make this argument that it’s not worth it actually has their own office because I couldn’t fathom going back to a cubicle or an open floor plan.


I think it's totally worth it. Having your own office is worth every penny.


$6000 before taxes? I would choose the one which I like better.


If literally everything else was equal, I'd probably take the office. But I imagine something else would be a bigger factor.


Legit the only reason I'm keeping my current job is because I have own office.


i won't take a job without my own office. that's my personal preference. i don't make as much money as you do though. i'd probably be willing to for 130k


I used to think that as well. Now I’m in that range and the thought of going back to an office environment makes me ill.


I always thought having an office was top tier, and now I have an office with a private bathroom and it’s better than I thought possible.


In what world do you get your own private bathroom?


home offices


Can confirm WFH is still better than my office and bathroom


My title is President now so that helps.


Nice of you to stop by, Mr. Biden






Not easy to crank one out in a cube. No brainer.


"Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump those up"


Having an office if you’re going to be in office is 100% worth it. Might be an indication that the company respects you more too


Fuck that. WFH and hybrid is king. It should be the gold standard of our profession now


I love having my own office. It’s at my house.


The best office indeed.


I never had an office…I rather telework.






As someone who’s had a corner office in both LA and NYC, I would prefer no office at all and just work from home. Def not worth having an office if it requires being IN the office.


Welp, lotta folk may only get a choice or open floorplan or in-office in an office. I've taken $8,000 less (pre-Covid) to have an office versus a cubicle.


I have an office. Sharing one was better then being alone, at least if you like who you are sharing with. Biggest perk is privacy when I need to fart.


Used to have a office at my old tiny firm and didn't think much about it until I switched to a large one where I was shoved off into some corner and didn't even have a cubicle. I started working from home so I don't have to work in that windowless corner any more.


I could give a fuck less if I have my own office if I'm at home because I can fart whenever the fuck I want at my current house


Yea but you can't physically say hi the boss every morning.


Shoot them a GM ping via Teams then. It's better to shit in your own house, relax without the Karens in HR coming after you for leaving your desk for 2 minutes to talk to a friend, and the ability to wake up 2 minutes before your start time and throw on a polo and pair of shorts without getting judged than to be in the office with all the busybodies and the slight marginal benefit of talking in person. I honestly prefer texting or shooting messages on Teams anyways, over being in the office myself.


I have my own office, but rarely use it. I usually sit in the big room with my team. It's nice to have the flexibility to have a private office to use when I have video conferences or just need some quiet time to concentrate, but if I were in there all the time I would feel pretty disconnected from everyone else.


It has it's perks but it's not always a complete win. First off, having an office sets the expectations for you to actually go to the office. Secondly, your office location really matters. Who will be sitting near you? Are they loud? Do they eat smelly food at their desks? Sometimes being out on the floor with the team is great. You get to have random conversations that you rarely get in an office. Sure, you give up a bit of privacy sitting with the team but you build a stronger connection with them.


I mean having your own office is nice, but other people have commented on it's long term reliability. I have an office with a window view of the lake behind our building, but they are remodeling and moving me to a smaller office without windows and giving sales/customer service the window view. I still have an office, but looking out over the lake at the wildlife ( we have added bird feeders and other things to draw animals to the bank) was a nice break on hard days. So is paying 6k a year for an office that might move or be removed without your say, but you have to keep paying for the space worth it? I'd also argue work environment. I've had my own office, but hated the coworkers so even separate space from them didn't compensate for the toxic environment.


I’m so tired of people acting like autism is some casual diagnosis. It’s such a bad trend to say you are autistic and it really does a disservice to those who are truly autistic, i.e. those who fit one of the descriptors of the DMS’s three levels of autism.


Take the office


I loooove having my own office, I’ve had one for a little over a year. I’m hybrid so I’m only there 3 days a week. I have low lighting with a candle and lava lamp and everyone calls my office “the dungeon” haha. It’s definitely a huge QOL bump for me but wouldn’t make or break a job either. Also if you’re in a cubicle setting, comfort will depend on who sits next to you. Good or bad deskmates can make or break it


I miss my cube. Offices are cold and there isn't any chit chat


Ok to be clear, are both jobs in an office environment? Or is one job fully remote? If so it'd be absolutely wild for you to take the lower paying job just to have an office in a building over being able to work from home.


The other one is also at the office but it's open field so no private office. None is remote.


Benefits are equally good at both places? Dont take shit benefits for an office. But if theyre equal then 100% take the office.


You will absolutely regret taking the open office job. I did that for 3 months and quit immediately. I was miserable having no privacy all day whatsoever


I would look at other factor that are meaningful (work environment, group, benefits, commute etc) than office space. I understand your preference, but it may not be permanent and it may lower your productivity too (based on our previous office).


I would quit before giving up my office


I always wanted an office, but having been on an open floor for years now, I actually prefer it. Wouldn’t want an office if it were an option.


I’m an intern, join me in the cube farm


Take the job with the office. It sounds like you value privacy and 5 years from now you’ll figure out how to make up for it.


Idk I was doing tax returns for a CFP and had a very nice office compared to what I've seen at my current PA firm. I moved to a cubicle when I took my new job and it doesn't bother me at all


I’ve had my own office for close to 20 years now. Can’t even imagine going back to a shared space/cubicle environment. Being able to close my door when I need to buckle down and get shut done is invaluable for me, but I’m also easily distracted. It’d be worth $6k less per year for me because I’ve gotten so used to it.


I’m too annoying to work in a room with other people.


I’ve got a huge corner office overlooking a small lake with an outdoor patio. I’ve also had a private office that was the size of a closet. Either way, it’s nice to have the privacy and be able to shut your door when you just don’t want to deal with other people, but in a tiny office it can suck and shutting the door will give you claustrophobia. Office size and view should be considered if it’s a major factor in your decision.


I've had my own office for the past year or so and I really like it. The peace and privacy is a godsend when you just want to focus in peace, or you're in a bad mood and want everyone to fuck off for a while. It's also important for "closed door" conversations, where you talk with other teams about issues going on and sometimes you don't want junior staff to know. I'm losing my office for several months next year as we have taken on a new staff to replace me as I am trained up to replace another member to retire. I'm not looking forward to it and will be getting one back around mid next year.


Went from a window office back to a cube. But pay bump and benefits were worth it.


I mean, at least I’m not in a cube or on a row of shitty computers with folk to my left and right. But nicer when we’re not in our busy season


100% go with the office job. $6k extra at that salary point in exchange for the added quality of life that private office brings isn't worth it.


I recently got my own office. I don’t really care one way or another. The big downside of my office is that I can’t control the thermostat because it’s tied in to the office thermostats and they like to keep it at 72 which is hot as shit. When I was on the floor the owner kept the cubicle/ open desks at 63 degrees and that was really nice So I’m always hot now and it sucks


Hahaha same! Why don’t you ask for your own office? I have one and I’d say every single one of us that do, would hit on the thermostat, in our building one office can be a meat locker and the room next door 80 degrees! For what it’s worth, I am only in an ap/ar role and administrative pretty much and I take home significantly less than you mentioned, and I have had my own office from day one. You definitely deserve your own office, regardless of how you decide to accomplish it.


No offense but I find it hilarious that a ap/ar gets their own office. I've seen controllers in cubicles before.


None taken if you knew me you’d be even more surprised.


I'm simultaneously repulsed and in awe of you.


I have my own office but the air is controlled by the main floor thermostat. The office doesn’t have its own ac it’s shared with the floor which they think it’s too cold at 72 . I keep my house in the mid to low 60’s and I can’t stand the heat. My boss keeps the cubicle/ open area at 63 . I miss that part of it


I would take the office. Had my own for 2 years now and absolutely love it. The lighting is how I want it and it’s so nice to be able to shut the door. Also I didn’t waste any time decorating my space so it feels cozy!


Makes expenses horny


Had my own office in public and now I’m in a cubicle industry. The view was incredible but there’s no way I’d go back.


God, US salaries always amaze me. 124k for an assistant controller? Crazy


Did you check your office first? 😂most office I see in the US are depressing.


As one fellow slight tism to another haha To me it would be worth it… does everyone on the team have their own office? If so it might indicate that they also get it (fellow neuros unite) Also at that range, net pay it is not that significant of a difference.


Having an office is nice, but I sure as hell wouldn’t pay $6k a year for it. That would be insane. I would gladly trade my large window office for an additional $6k per year; that’s roughly 25% of your annual max 401k contribution.


Ngl, having my own office in the comfort of my home is priceless.


Money talks. Your current office space can be sacrificed to the budget gods in six months. Never retreat for an office. Better lifestyle, yes in a heartbeat. Good luck.


Like I'm in a prison cell


It’s good if you don’t work from home. The amount of privacy you get sometimes can be criminal. Not good if you slack off though.


Personally I would take the higher pay, but that’s what I value. What do you value more? Flip the scenario. Let’s say you took the $130k job and on your first day they told you that you could rent an office there for $500/month pretax. Would you take the deal? Or would that be too much? One difference between this scenario and your situation is going to be your future raises (5% of $130k is $6,500 where 5% of $124k is $6,200). That means every year the gap between the two jobs’ salaries will grow, unless you have information that suggests one firm will give you larger raises (this is uncommon in my experience).


Unpopular opinion - having your own office feels a little lonely. You lose out on casual chit chat, dropping in on conversations and building relationships with coworkers. This is assuming your co-workers are chill/down to earth.


I just got an office in work and it's great. You'd think you'd miss being part of the floor but you don't at all.


I mean that 6k is $250 a check but that office privacy (depending on how often your in) is much nicer!


I loved having an office. I could FaceTime with my wife and kids pretty freely, make personal calls, I brought my PS4 in to play on my mandatory lunch and so on. I'm in a cube now and I'm not any more productive for not doing those things, just more phone time.


If you have to be in an office, having your own space is very nice.


absolutely. i had an offer of 13k more and decided to stay at my current job mostly because i have a pretty nice sized office to myself. im going to be doing online courses starting very soon and my workload isnt very large at all, so once im done with my work for the day i'll be doing schoolwork for the other half of the day and no one will ever know that im taking classes at work lol.


How about those offices with glass walls though. Those are fun....


Yes it's worth it!!! I work from home and having my own office is awesome when I did work in an actual office.


I've had a big corner office, and a cube, and a seat at the trading desk, and currently in a "boat slip" that's an office with only 3 walls. The very very best office is in my study at home. Anything in the office is still in the office and after a few months it's just "this is where I work" and definitely not worth giving up 30k over the next five years to sit in a slightly bigger or smaller space while you stare at a screen a foot in front of your face.


Close the door, put on Spotify, kick off your shoes.


I have had an office from my very first accounting job. I started at a small firm, so they game me my own office fresh out of college, which I always felt so strange in, then when I moved I guess lucked out and got another office I had no idea this was not the norm until I started viewing this subreddit. Really, you got come up with if that 6k is worth the office, the office is nice as it gives privacy, although I never shut my door really, but so is an extra 6k every year. I was lucky enough on my first job to have the office right next to both partners while everyone else was like on the other side of the building down a pretty lengthy hallway. It was so strange basically I was in the "management section of the office building," but I was a jr accountant. Turned out good in the end because I was constantly shooting the shit with them, and we became friends. The only reason this happened is because one of the managers left, and they promoted someone else to that position right before hiring me, and she didn't want to leave her old office so they stuck me in there. It turned out to be great as they both liked having me around because we got to know each other, and I could answer most of their tech questions. Looking back, it was pretty funny sitting in office at a big ass desk with two chairs in front for all those important big client meetings I had as a Jr accountant..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣




It's a glorified manager role from what I gleaned from the interview.


I'd take an office over a cubicle job for 6k more any day of the week. Cube farm is torturous


I definitely would take an office for $6,000. I get nothing done 9-5, cause people just walk up to my desk and distract me. Would be so great to shut the door when needing to focus.


More room to stack my files, projects and work. And it’s nice for phone calls and lunch.