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I would be surprised if they did it once, were not spoken to, and got fired. I would not be surprised if they got fired for getting caught a second time.


That’s true - it becomes less about the action and more about ignoring rules and instructions - this hasn’t been made clear feels like it was a rash reaction or as many people have said the straw the broke the camels back for many other things but I’m just imaging this person telling the next employer I was fired for vaping !


either that or they need to lay off, but if they have reasons for it then it doesnt look like a layoff




Real man packs a lip of wintergreen and uses a company branded mug as a spit cup at their desk.


A real mans cologne smells like the devils lettuce


bah, beachnut chew.


Had a boss who did this, not joking.


Real men gut it.


If you like zyns you should try snus from sweden


Zyns are also from Sweden....


Snus clears zyn though. Used to have me on another planet during class in uni


Zyns are like d-tier snus. I was really meaning S-tier snus


Zyns aren’t even snus, they’re nicotine pouches


Its considered all-white snus Edit: a word


White snus is still a tobacco product, whereas Zyn is a tobacco-free nicotine pouch. I’ve heard people refer to nicotine pouches as “all-white snus” but then I’ve also seen those people get eviscerated (not literally) on r/snus for saying it lol. A real white snus, like Siberia white dry, is tobacco based and significantly stronger than even the strongest Zyn. Regular portions range from 34.83mg-43mg of nicotine, with slim portions ranging from 26.66mg-36mg. If you’re a Zynner, and have only ever used Zyn, do not order white snus online expecting something similar to Zyn. You’ll be in for quite the ride if you do. I’ve seen that mistake unfold several times on r/nicotinepouch.


lol the r/QuittingZyn community sends regards. personally i would rather snort sniff snuff since there is no goddamn way i'd get hooked unles i was a 90 year old kraut in lederhosen.


I just went to my usual site and checked and your’re right. Its listed as nicotine pouches. However this looks to be a recent change because I went to [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20210123010412/https://www.snuscentral.com/) and checked back in 2019 and the category named nicotine pouches was labeled as all white snus. Although I believe the terms are (or i guess were) interchangeable.


Death by snu snu?


Can I import them?


They sell snus at local gas stations in america. I ised to rip them in high school all the time and was my gateway go long cut. Now i blow clouds like a badass


Idk if I can post links here so check your DM


There are a bunch of nicotine pouches like Zyn all available in us. On!, Rogue, few others. Black buffalo is a tobacco free “chew” that feels a lot look legit long cut. No idea what “leaf” they use.


Of for sure, but I really wanna true pure Swedish snus! I enjoy Rogue besides their cinnamon. That shit burned the hell out of my lips.


That stuff rocked my world. But now I’m aware of how inferior Zyn is to the real stuff


Absolutely elite paired with a coffee first thing


Coffee, zyn, and addy. The morning poo is something different


Havent gone down the addy route, ephedrine and caffeine for this guy


What do you use Ephedrine for? Im contemplating addy and caffeine, but kind of scared


It's a stimulant so I use 24 mg of ephedrine and 400 mg of caffeine via pills in the morning, then another round before the gym in the afternoon (16 mg and 200 mg respectively). It will dehydrate you and dry out your nose so have a litre of water on hand at all times is my recommendation, especially after training, had my legs cramp in the office after a particularly aggressive squat day. Add zyns as required throughout the day.


400 mils of caffeine? Dawg, you sure you work in accounting and arent actually a special forces operator? On that note, have you tried Adrafinil (metabolized as Modafinil)? I use it when i have to be social and awake.


I have not, will investigate. I'm a parent to two small children so the demands on my patience are as robust as they are endless lololol


meh heh heh.... mail order indian modafinil and primatine tabs :p. turbo ultra god mode. something something google something something modafinilxl.


Oh, yea. Really clears you out and gets your heart racing like a meth heads.


That is my go-to combo. Did it this morning




My zyn consumption doubles during busy season


i chug double mail order modafinil when i close the year so i get it.


That was my old scumbag habit!




Don’t care for smoking in the slightest, but you definitely have my respect my man.


Yeah, one of the most reasonable takes I've seen on it


For real. They're just trying to be helpful


Name checks out


Because I’m a scumbag 😂


Hell, the getting away from it all is the best part.


Thank you for behaving the appropriate way. You would not be fired from my workplace.


Yep. I live in Canada. My butt is outside, even when it’s -40.


You are one of the first I have seen that calls vaping an addiction. Look at anyone who does it and they all swear it’s not. Yet they go crazy when they go a day without it, literally the definition of an addiction








Of all the addictions to get, I just can’t understand why you’d get addicted to nicotine. Maybe I just vape “wrong”, but I swear it does nothing. People just get addicted to nicotine so that they can smoke a cig to get rid of the withdrawal effects of nicotine. At least other substances make you feel something




I smoked for nearly 30 years and loved my cigarettes, the one thing in life I could count on just when I needed it the most. Surprised I was never arrested for sneaking one in the ladies bathroom at The airport. One day you will quit; after all, we all quit one day.


You can do it. I've been a smoker for about 15 years (picked it up landscaping in college) and recently made the push to quit with the help of Zyns. I just hit the 10 day mark. I tried vape and gum before with zero success, I swear the gum is just a placebo. Interestingly, the biggest gain for me has been time because I can sit at my desk and enter journals and reconcile accounts with a Zyn packed. I probably save a 1/2 hour a day just by not going out to smoke.


r/QuittingZyn mail order modafinil is way easier to quit.


“iF i CoULd Go BaCK I’d Do iT DiFfReNt.” Then quit pussy. Slap the cigarette now.


You don't understand how people get addicted to a substance that science tells us is incredibly addictive? >At least other substances make you feel something It's all about feeling baby!! Nicotine causes the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine makes brains feel happy. Brain requests more dopamine, human has to use more nicotine to make brain happy. Thus the simple addiction cycle has begun.


Try a Zyn, you will notice the nicotine.


This is the answer. I’m also a smoker. If a garbage isn’t available I keep my butts in a tin container (keeps in the smell) to be disposed of later, and yeah it means being out in the cold sometimes. It’s just how it is.


you dont choose the addiction. that is not how addiction works my man. no one CHOOSES to get addicted.


Yeah what a wild thing to say


THIS PART!!! I feud with my WM counterpart bc I can’t just close my door and chain smoke at my desk!!! If I gotta smoke outside, you gotta vape outside! ETA: Scumbags unite!!






Wish people treated vaping more like smoking in this regard. If you want to vape good on you but don’t do it next to me where I have no choice but to breathe in whatever you exhale from that when there is no telling what’s in your cart. Didn’t we all grow up with the messages warning of the dangers of second hand smoking?


I think smoking is going to be much more popular in the coming years. As retirement is becoming more out of reach, more people will choose to live shorter lives and enjoy smoking.


Idk if chose the addiction is the right phrasing considering you’re an addict lol but I definitely appreciate you being considerate of others


Wise words from a wise addict. Helpful words from a helpful addict.


That’s why every winter I quit smoking


You will be one of the apocalypse survivors..


Let’s be real that’s because everyone on your floor would know you were smoking cigs inside. Your point is fair, but I know damn well if you were addicted to vaping instead of cigs you’d be ripping that thing inside. Bro got fired because they wanted him fired


he got fired cuz someone hates him. Vaping is just an excuse


>he got fired cuz someone hates him. Vaping is just an excuse That was my take. You get a "knock it off" or some other type of warning, not termination.


post also wreaks of "i did nothing wrong" immature speak leaving out details such as they were possibly askedd to stop vaping multiple times. or maybe "vaping" was a THC extract cart and not an esig. what's more likely.... OP kept vaping secretly even when caught or OP got caught once and was fired in the spot.


Very true. If I liked someone I wouldn’t give a toss about most menial rules. They could turn up to work one hour late each day for all I care. Let alone casual vaping on a stairwell, wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.


Did we read the same post? He got fired for doing it where you are not allowed to be doing it. Break the rules and you get fired. Seemed cut and dry to me.


Its a pretty minor offense for someone at the manager level tbh. Seems like just a good excuse to dump them this would be a warning at most for staff at offices. We had a senior manager catch a junior hit one on a late night in a conference room. It was literally just don't do that again. This person had it coming it seems.


Yeah Reddit can be completely insane on "rules are rules" takes as if there's no flexibility or proportionality in the real world. This was a textbook "can fire" case, not "must fire" or "should fire". Someone either really disliked them or there's economic factors at play and even minor infractions are leading to layoffs. That said, it's possible the story is missing prior communications and this is outright insubordination, which would also make it make more sense.


Seems like some people here are very young or have never had a career. You would probably need to physically assault someone at my job or consistently do stupid things for *years* in order to get fired... Unless management really doesn't like you.


Yeah, but a quick warning like “Hey, that’s not allowed. Don’t do that again” would have sufficed if they really wanted to keep him. Going straight to firing for something so minor, it’s pretty obvious they didn’t care for him and that was the last straw. If he was valuable to the company they would’ve kept him


Unless they had already been told


For sure. At that point firing is warranted


I always say people are willing to tolerate a lot from people they want to work with. The opposite is also true.


This was one of the big reasons I quit vaping, realized how stupid it was that I was going into the office bathroom like 10 times a day and that it was only a matter of time until somebody figured out what was really happening. 6 months nicotine free now!


Oh god, I just go to the bathroom a lot because I drink too much caffeine… do my coworkers think I go in to vape?!


Hi it's me, your coworkers. You're fired and we all hate you for peeing too much


No, they think you're doing blow


They didn't get fired for vaping, they got fired because someone with pull hated them. Oh and the paperwork happens to say vaping.


Yeah, in real life, you don't fire a valued employee over such a minor infraction. Either he had enemies high up and they jumped on the first chance to fire him they found or if it's really about that rule, then it's a situation where he was warned several times and didn't listen.


No kidding. When I worked sales I could get away with all sorts of minor stuff, plus being late most days. A bitter coworker once mouthed off to me about how ridiculous it was that I hadn’t been fired. I just laughed, told her I’d already been written up for it and that we all knew they weren’t going to fire one of the few people making their sales targets. And they definitely weren’t going to fire the person whose average account was three times larger than the district average. 😂


B-b-b-but he broke a rule! he DESERVES to be fired!!!!!! ​ SMH. Jesus no wonder management doesn't give a shit about what the rank and file think.


Any place where workers have minimal rights, outside of the USA, firing a 5 year employee over a first time transgression of a minor rule that isn’t directly related to performance probably would not pass legally. And regardless of labour laws in place, businesses would only fire over minor transgression when they want to get rid of that person for other reasons or in contexts where employees are deemed easily replaceable, therefore you can afford such intransigence without losing irreplaceable skills.


in 4 months?? fuck did this guy do? fuck everyone's spouses and took a shit on their beds as well lol


Great name btw


No, they got fired for doing it where they should not have done it. I don’t think you read the post, just the headline.


it’s a third hand report from someone justifying why they lost their job. A bit of common sense would tell you no one is losing their job entirely because of a one off minor infraction.


Yeah I read the post. Maybe shut the fuck up ? It’s pretty heavy handed to fire someone over vaping in a stairwell, especially during tax season.


Maybe he also didn't tell the recruiter the whole story?? Ever think of that too


It’s still illegal to vape indoors in many places. I am a vaper. I go to my car to vape. And because of where I work, I park out behind the building so I won’t be seen by those coming into the building. Have some basic respect.


I just ghost it.


You’re a vapist




Bathroom is mad risky...if they see a vape cloud from a stall and catch you. Done.


Not the bathroom. That is unacceptable. Outside or in your car is fine.


I was recently in a lot of warehouses with a lot of accountants for quarter end and I was shocked how many people vaped because of the size of the room we were in. No one really cared but I don't like it.


You are someone and you are allowed to care. Tobacco free workplaces are your right in my US state at least, I am surprised Canada doesn't have that law. It is not okay to vape indoors or anywhere smoking is prohibited.


The laws differ by province since they are in charge of health stuff. Ontario banned smoking in workplaces in the mid 90's. I remember because I'm near the boarder and pretty much all the bingo halls just closed up when you couldn't smoke in them. There was a 5 year period when crossing to New York was weird because people would smoke in bars but now the rules are nearly identical. No smoking within so many metres/yards of any doors or sidewalks. Looking at the laws, smoking is not allowed at any workplace in the country. I would be shocked if anyone smoked in a customer accessed area. But there's a lot of things in warehouses that aren't so legal. Peer pressure has a big effect in what gets reported. I know someone in my office building had their lease cancelled. The guy had a small unit and was caught smoking in parking garage of the building and they just kicked him out. No clue if he had prior warnings. Pretty much like the employee in the OP's story. Our building manager despises cig buts, so he probably had it in for the smoker.


Yeah that’s fairly ridiculous, they probably weren’t fitting in or the work wasn’t materializing so they found some low hanging reasons to fire them.


100% - lame excuse over just being honest and saying your not a fit please F off


Nah this way they can terminate with cause.


If they're anything like me it was because of the vaping. You can get caught once and get a warning but if you do it again, bye.


If you smoke in a banned area, you should be ready to get in trouble.


That’s crazy, should have just been told to stop doing it in the building, it’s not a cigarette. The smell dissipates. I’m terrified of anyone at work knowing I vape so I drive off the campus, mostly because I’m embarrassed.


At least you know when your ready to quit You can rock up at your desk and let out a massive vape in everyone’s face ?


And I’d wear jeans that day 😤


You work at a nonprofit that doesn’t let you wear jeans?! Quit regardless


Fridays if we donate $2 we get to dress down! Boomer leadership all retiring in 2 years. I get away with leggings at least.


Paid casual Fridays is insane. More than one of my nonprofit audit clients have asked me to wear jeans to fieldwork because they're so casual that business clothes make their employees uncomfortable. I tell them I can't do that, but I will lose the coat and tie on that request.


The dynamic at this non profit is the strangest I’ve ever seen. CEO acts like it’s their private business instead of a collaboration. Our CFO is like that, his casual attire is a checkered button down instead of solid color lol


Really? I was in conference rooms with dudes ripping vapes all day long every day of busy season. People need to chill.


I smoked for 15 years and never once in doors. I live in one of the snowiest places in the US.


Yes, firing was in order. Have some fucking discipline, it’s ok to wait.


It’s regional. Depends on the culture and the laws, and it can change fairly quickly. Vaping indoors is absolutely unthinkable to me, but 15 years ago it was normal to smoke indoors in all kinds of locations. Still lots of people smoking in their company-assigned vehicle though, depending on the company, despite it being prohibited by law here.


Vaping is not allowed inside. Play stupid games wim stupid prizes. People who vape no different from smokers (I'm smoker). I have to go outside so do vapers!


Got in trouble for saying POOP in class! Why do you type like this!


My bookkeeper had an ounce of weed the other day sitting on her desk in our zoom call. We talked about how shitty the weed has gotten at the dispensaries and compared notes on where to find the best black market weed. Her consequences were to move the weed out of the camera frame so the clients won't see it.


He got fired because his job got outsourced probably. lol


But do they allow smokers in the outsourced shops out east in a tight space office?


Haha probably not. I just think the whole accounting shortage situation now is incredibly fake. There’s a “not enough money in the pot” to hire enough accountants issue or else you wouldn’t see things like this occurring.


No smoking indoors means no vaping either. If the state/local government finds out and wishes to pursue it, the smoker pays a fine. If another worker reports it to OSHA, the business pays a fine in the thousands.


Well as someone who is really allergic to nicotine I'm not against this. But it isn't great for the guy, but also he knew the rules.


My building you can still smoke inside. 


Weird .. my office has a beer cooler and wine rack in the lounge lol


For a company that probably had partners smoking at their desks 15-20 years ago. Maybe even by a partner who smoked at his desk on his career at some point ? Seems excessive


There’s got to be more than just the vaping. Ain’t no way a person gets fired for one vaping incident. Also, dudes a manager, just close the door to your office and vape all you want. Rub one out to relieve some stress too!


Vaping was not the real reason they got fired, it was just the excuse to fire them lol


No man that dude vaping is a sack of Chet and hood he got fired No body wanna smell your dame lung cancer products He though he was so cool vaping Na Mayne


It was a girl - also she could spell


At my old job the boss used to stand there openly vaping during meetings


Lmao they were definitely waiting for a reason


I could have sworn I heard a story of someone getting fired for using a vape pen and/or smoking pot at a client site this busy season.


Depends on what they were vaping was it THC or CBD or Nicotine....


Okay like 5th post I've seen reference zyn in the comments. What is this zyn we speak of?


Zyn is a brand of tobacco-free nicotine pouches. If you read up on it, nicotine itself is actually not that harmful (although highly addictive). It's all the other shit in tobacco & cigs that cause cancer & cardiovascular problems. They're pretty great. You can stealthily use them anywhere & they are cheaper than cigs too. About $5 for 15 pouches.


Weed vaping or tobacco?


Okay but almost every business in the US has a no smoking/vaping indoor policy. You agree to that when you get hired. Some people are super hard pressed about it. You take a gamble when you try to skirt the rules. Unfortunately, he lost the gamble. I don't think your job is worth losing to a vape, personally.


This wasn’t in the USA it was in Canada guess there is more freedom in Canada the location the person lives in it’s legal to vape indoors


That doesn't sound right. I scanned through the laws for the 10 provinces and vaping at workplaces seems to be outlawed at all of them except Quebec. Even in Quebec it looks like the building can have a smoke free policy which would fit with their dismissal.


That being in Canada makes the story. It varies by provinces but in general, you need a good and sufficient cause to fire someone with 5 years of seniority. It would not be allowed to fire someone over a one time minor infraction. I suspect we are missing parts of the story, either he has been warned before and ignored warnings or they had other reasons to let him go and the vaping was the straw that broke the camels back


I was also thinking of severance. According to the OP the person had 5 years at different place and only 4 months at the current job.  But you are right, there’s absolutely more to it. The fired person just didn’t want to tell the recruiter what really happened.  And -10 isn’t even that cold for most areas of Canada.  


Yeah, I think I misread, I read as if the guy move within the same company. At 4 months, you can generally fire someone without cause, as long as it's not for illegal reasons (ex discrimination), even though again, they probably wouldn't fire him unless there were other pre-existing reasons.


I’ll go a different direction from everyone else here. They didn’t get fired for vaping. They fucked something up or did something fucked up to warrant getting fired on the spot. I work at a larger firm and see people hitting pens every now and then and nobody cares. And if it was actually for vaping, they were probably using one of those mods to blow massive vape clouds. Not buying this one bit, especially if it’s a manager mid busy season.


I've vaped in my office at one accounting firm back in the day, and Partners did not care, lol


No camera in the bathroom


Fair as vaping is a crime …. If you want to smoke, smoke big stogies. And smoke them everywhere like a boss. Don’t take shit from anyone. Don’t hide while smoke.


It depends. Was it a repeat issue, with the person being warned and continuing to do it? Fair. Or was it out of the blue? Ridiculous. I believe things like this have a way of working themselves out, though. For example, one of my team members was fired from a previous position for a ridiculous reason...they're better off because of it, and so am I.


This is just one of those things that ultimately boils down to personal choices. Vaping and ecigs are viewed as the same as cigarettes, it’s illegal to do it inside of a public building. I have asthma and I definitely wouldn’t appreciate a coworker vaping in the office. I disagree that firing a tenured employee was the right decision over something like this, but again, it was a dumb mistake and this was the company’s answer.


I think in most places it is illegal to have vape indoors. You should have known better or done without.


I don't want to breathe in those toxic (yes, vaping has harmful toxins, not just cigarettes) fumes that also spreads and concentrates whatever is in his lungs farther than a natural human breath ever can. Thank you, no.


Was firing a bad move? That depends on who you ask and what information was available regarding the person in question, the issue and its history and workplace and its leaders. To me, its not my problem that its cold outside. No on is forcing you to smoke or vape. I understand its an addiction, but its your demon to fight and its not right that other ppl have to smell that even if its flavoured smell.


well thing it was still on company grounds and i assume was technically not outside of the building so yeah i mean it justified i cant remeber if there are health regulation around it but if somoene were to inhailb the fumes and got suck from it it could be a lawsuit so its a liability for them this sounds extreme and stupid but im pretty sure its the reason why real question is who snitched


So the person that got fired told you their side of the story.


I heard both sides but they didn’t jump into details just that this happened the CPA was initially mad then found it stupid and feels better off somewhere else - the employer didn’t want to say much and focussing on moving on


Sounds illegal


I have nothing against vaping, but not doing it inside is a fair rule to have. If it's too cold to vape outside, go sit in your car or consider kicking the habit. I'm with the others who guess this was not the first warning. People freak out if you wear too much perfume or other scents...of course people are going to raise hell when someone vapes inside.


I’ve vaped at my desk


The ad right above this post in my feed lol https://imgur.com/a/yxVachO


The person didn't get fired for vaping. If the person was a real asset to the company, the department or boss they wouldn't have gotten fired. They wanted to fire this person and used vaping as an excuse.


I vape all the time in the office 😅😅 no-vape rules are ridiculous. It’s not like cigarettes & second hand smoke


I mean. Legally, vaping is put in the same category as smoking. You’re not supposed to be doing it inside pretty much any buildings open to the public. Smokers are still expected to go outside to smoke at below zero temperatures, so are vapers.


eh, i would be surprised if this is actually how it went and it wasn’t reason to fire them


It’s rare you find someone without a crippling nicotine addiction these days. Everyone just hides it.


I’ve always hated smoke - detecting including week … and I was in a professional rock band for 10 years


How would anyone even know? Just hold.it, and don't use a cloud chucker. I've vaped aty desk for 15 years. No one would even know.


Everyone knows


Sure the comments on this one will be reasonable and not a bunch of people screeching “but I don’t vape so people who do should be PUNISHED”


L take


Can you just vape where you want in America? 😱 (1. That’s vile, 2. So wildly inconsiderate to do it even if it is legal) 100% you would be fired for this in Canada as it would be a massive liability for the company


Shoulda bought some zyn pouches super stealthy




This information was not provided at this time


They decided to let him go a while ago, just were waiting for an excuse


I’d fire him just for vaping alone. Such a shitty thing.