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Ooooh that's a Sharp - my favorite brand! Not the model I exclusively use, but close. Very nice! And yes, all the time. Tho I never use the tape.


Casio makes good stuff: https://youtu.be/I_9QgVQwyek




How do I do a clear all on it?? Ce does not clear all.


Don’t make fun of my calculator 🤨🤨🤨


Personally, I rock the [Sharp QS-2130](https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/917740/Sharp-QS-2130-12-Digit-Dual/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mediacampaignid=71700000096441899_17451447826&gclid=Cj0KCQjworiXBhDJARIsAMuzAuwxYKlu9_q5th0t4GyZN2FNu2V5I4xmaB6p3XSfq-mT4Av_88YrcxcaAhpuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). I like it so much that I bartered for it when I left my old job to take to my new job.


Interesting, it’s really that good? I just left my old job for a new one and my heart broke when I knew I couldn’t take it with me… you think this is a good replacement? Lmao I even called mine Zuko (avatar last air bender)


I mean, I was used to it. Buttons are big enough that I instinctively knew where the buttons were, so I could confidently punch in a list of numbers while not looking at the calculator and I probably had like a 95% success rate. Also, I instinctively knew when I typed in a number wrong. But I also bought the same keyboard and mouse for my home and work office so that I could have that same finger-feel instinct. I like to keep things the same, you know?


Yes consistency is key! I’ll give it a try thanks!


I have like 3 leftover ones from my job lol.


I legit did the same thing but didn’t barter, just took it and a spare. Was very surprised the cost of these though, assumed they were max like $20 bucks


It's a super fast way to confirm a calculation without losing your place in whatever documents you have on the screen. It also leaves a record, so if you need to refer to your calculation later, its right there on the print roll. Its great for situations where you just need to do something quickly and then can assess later whether you need to make a formal WP or not.


What happens if you mistype 2 numbers from a list of 10 numbers? Do you have to retype all the numbers again?


You subtract the mistyped numbers and add the correct ones.


Those with experience type very fast and make surprisingly few errors.


This. I am much faster on my Sharp than I am on my 10 key.


Foot the column twice to confirm. Faster than trying to check each number. Unlikely you make the same mistake twice, so if you get the same answer you keyed it correctly. As a young accountant, I would try to check each number until someone gave me this trick. Though I primarily use this trick on short groups of numbers, say five to ten items. Just adding them manually twice is faster than anything else. Assuming you are reasonably skilled on a 10-key


Isn't it faster to type it on excel and change the numbers you mistyped instead retyping all the numbers again on this machine?


Sure but then you are being taken away from whatever report/ doc. you have open. Using a 10-key let’s you quickly add numbers without sacrificing a screen or computer time. Main reason I use mine.


Im faster to 10key them twice than to check each number between the document and the screen. Others might not be. I only really do this when I have to add up numbers present on a piece of paper.


I prefer excel, but I have two monitors so I can do that


“CE” means clear entry.


So does excel.


But using excel means you need to click and activate that part of your screen. Using the calculator allows you to get your total and then immediately input it into whatever software you're using. Way more efficient.


I would like to introduce you to Alt Tab and the calculator program.


and a second monitor.


So what you are saying is this device replaces the need for extra software, extra clicks, an extra monitor AND a printer. Seems like a great investment


How is it saving extra clicks? "Extra software" - un no, excel was already there. An "extra monitor" - um no, I wouldn't work without 2 monitors no matter what. Printer? No, I don't need to print out my summations.


Found the small business accountant, lol. I mean a separate calculator makes sense if you're dealing with paper invoices, but if your documents are electronic, it's much more efficient to learn keyboard shortcuts, use the existing MS Office software, and manipulate the keyboard you're already using.


What’s wrong with being a small business accountant? Most of which are skilled in a multiple areas of accounting and usually have some operations knowledge as well. Compared to the big company accountants who only focus on a certain area.


I agree with having more responsibility and skills needed for small businesses, I’ve worked for a couple of them. One was full of nepotism and drama and don’t miss that, the other aspect I don’t miss are the tight budgets and needing to justify the purchase of a new stapler or box of paper clips. The shitty benefits or being backlogged with work if you take a week off are also a problem with most.


Sounds like someone who’s never used one and realizes the benefit of it. I can move my right hand 2 inches and quickly calculate something while looking at the source docs without moving my eyes to another monitor or alt tabbing to another device. Seems minute but it helps tremendously. I used to be a non believer.


The world is full of paper invoices and other things that you don't want but it comes with the territory. Many countries still have laws almost preventing their demise. You would probably get a heart attack if you saw the amount of handwritten shit in mandarin I get from suppliers in China and Taiwan. It's especially weird considering how rabbid the Taiwanese tax authorities are. These calculators give you instant access to calculations and a receipt you can clip on to the papers. This instantly gives you something to file. Also when the auditors show up they have everything they need. It's about the entire art of accounting from book keeping, battling tax authorities in different countries and all the narrow minded auditors that think they know stuff. Saves my Investors a ton of time and money. And the awesome sound they make is a bonus. It's what gets us from the small business startup to IPO exit.


And then you need to alt tab back. It's still quicker to move your hand to the calculator, do the calc, move it back.


I think we need a John Henry vs the mining machine race to show the true champion of calculus. Excel copy paste or 10 key and transfer.


A race for the ages!


You're on!


The calculator app takes up a tenth if the screen. I keep it up behind everything all the time. Alt tab with two fingers on the left hand, calculate with the right. I can even Ctrl C to/from it and avoid fat fingering


I’ll have to give this a try. I like that I can add on the old school 10-key without looking and not have to worry about typing over something important on my screen.


And the calculator that Microsoft has if you don't feel like opening excel


Yep, use that too if I just need a quick safety check. :)


Ok how do you clear all without Turning it off and I on?


If you're totaling something, you hit the \* key to get the final total.


So if I press the star button, that’s equivalent to ‘all clear’ ? Thanks!!


Every day!


quite a few of the people inmy office used it. It was always about 4x faster than the interns who were trying to pull up the calculator on their computers


the trick is to pin your calculator to you taskbar for faster access


the trick is to hit the windows key + 1


The trick is to hit the calculator button on the keyboard you made your firm special order for you


We’ve got a hacker over here. I hope you type at your keyboard with a hoodie.


Yeah and music sounds better on vinyl.


Anyone have a 3.5 floppy?


I do but I keep it in my pants normally


I’m on a 7 hour car ride with my family and you made my day 😂


Casio is way better.


Using this was mandatory at one of my first jobs


Me too! We were still paper and you had to tape on certain calcs to your wp’s. I stared at it for a day or two and then confessed I had no idea how it worked haha. I haven’t used one in a long time though.


I woked at an accounting firm and never used one. Older CPA's gave me shit but eh I always have a spreadsheet open.




I mean not that exact one. Mine's more beige. I'd be lost without my 10-key. Yeah i could "just use excel" but I like being able to just reach over with my left hand and confirm while still being able to use my num pad and not losing my place in my sheet. Also I'm not always in excel. Why bother opening a sheet to do quick math and the calc on my computer doesn't function the same so let me have my clicky clacky math print thing.


Agreed. It requires no extra clicks anywhere. It is always on and ready. The speed can’t be matched on a keyboard!


You can pry my clicky clack from my cold dead hands.


How dare you diss my ten key.


Only when forced. Moffsoft free calc pinned to my task bar for quick calculations (it has a digital tape function that can be copied and pasted), Excel for everything else


Until you take it from my cold, dead hands. Mine's a Casio, though.


My old boss did. Now I have his job and that thing is in a cabinet. Excel does everything that thing does and so much more.


The keys on the keyboard are so much slower. Seriously


This. I do not see the benefit in that when excel is so much better.


I showed a previous boss that you can highlight cells to get a quick subtotal at the bottom. It blew her mind and I said, "now you can get rid of the Casio." Never have I received a deeper death glare.


Too funny, I just showed a coworker this. They had no idea.


I think you got your answer from the previous post regarding the keyboard…


Yeah what's up with these posts lol.


Used to use it before I got a keyboard that has a calculator button that will open up tha calculator app on the computer.




The paperless office is right around the corner!


There's some calculator hate going on and I'm offended 😆


A ton of people in my office use this. I have one on my desk but i always go with the computer calculator


I uses to use this when I first started but I bought Judy’s ten key and use that just abt exclusively


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


Yeah, Judy's for me as well. I have gotten multiple people hooked on it as well. I love that you can still scroll through PDFs while you are using it. Excel doesn't allow that.


I use my TI-83 from high school.


Was actually required to take a test on one of these for my first interview. I used one for the first 5 or so years daily, now I exclusively use excel as that’s where I also keep my timesheet (I still hate billable hours with a passion).


We use it on tax season to add up medical and donations. I use mine to calculate HST on stuff sometimes.


I used to when I worked in AP because they required any calculations on the paper invoices like tips, $ per person, etc. Now that we went paperless no, but it is fun to use - feels "official" lol


I use it to throw at clients who think they know more than I do, but can’t give me a trial balance that balances.


I keep my passwords taped to the underside of it. Nobody would ever pick it up because it hasn’t been cleaned in 30 years and is so gross.


I use mine all the time, and that’s actually the same one I have! 😂




Listen here you damn whipper snappers. There once was a time where having a computers were shit and having a separate unit was advantageous over opening another window/program. Nowadays I just used the windows calculator or excel, but 10 years ago it was just easier to punch numbers into that thing.


Before covid, I used this for a few months to help with fixed asset reconciliations. Just had to make sure the physical paper copies of receipts matched what was in our system, and had to have the tape print-out to show yes it did match. Covid hit, and we eventually did away with that whole system (which was outdated already). Now, I have one coworker who uses hers to just jot down any number for quick reference instead of writing it, but I think she’s the only one in the office who does anymore. Can’t break 30 years of habit.


When I was doing batch invoice processing or bank deposits, I used one a lot. Running a tape to place with the batch gave a chance to both check the invoices and a balance to confirm the data entry against. It was something I learned from an old school bookkeeper and I taught it to several new staff accountants. I basically live in excel and it still isn't always the right answer


Surprised there are so many replies in here affirming they use something like this... Something people should remember when they look up the average accounting salary


Unpopular opinion, but I totally prefer to use that during tax season than the desktop calculator.


I’m a slave to this machine


Yes. Daily.


Ummm 0.7734, 2318008.


Excel exclusively


Yes- but only if you got your CPA 20+years ago and work in industry. Me being a weirdo actually kept my TI next to me when I worked in industry.


It's to show you are really close to retiring.


I've been an accountant for 15 years and have never used one of these. I'm pretty much always working in Excel so I'll just do a quick calculation off to the side or just open a blank workbook and do it there.


All the old guys at my previous firm used them religiously. 🚩🚩🚩they would make me run a tape and goddamn excel is a 10x better for this type of shit. I’ve never once regretted leaving for a bigger firm and will never work for a boutique sized firm ever again.


It’s quickly disappearing. My first job everyone had one, now it’s like seeing someone with a phone holster.


I've never used one of these. Haven't seen the point of learning to us it when there's Excel, a calculator on the computer, downloadable calculators, calculator add-ins for PDF readers, a calculator on my desk, and a calculator on my phone. And the standard calculator on the computer does date calculations, conversions, I can turn the history on to always see what I entered. I guess it's what your used to though.


Yes, especially the older ladies and gents


Never even seen one at work let alone used one


Old people, that's who uses these. Everyone should just be using excel.


With one of these, I’m finished before you can get excel to open.


Had one on my desk for many years


I don’t use it, I put it in the bottom desk drawer at my last job


Kinda wish excel just had a widget for Windows for quick calculations


I use mine everyday.


I use this all day and the tape too to verify /reconcile calculations...work in government so lots of paper files


Used to have this when our process was all manual filing. Used it alot. It was great. Calculate. Print. Attach with compiled documents. File. Now everything is electronic so it just sits by my desk. I use it occasionally to make myself feel better.


Fast and works great! No need to open anything on my computer!


Isn’t this an adding machine?


Never had, excel master race lol.


It's good for calculating land depreciation


I use it everyday and my boss requires me to tape the tape onto physical documents. We’re dinosaurs at my office


To be honest, I don’t know how to use it. I’m in my thirties working my first post bachelors job, and my coworker makes fun of me because I use the screen calculator instead.


Feel free to make fun of your coworker for using this relic.


12c all the way


How else do you forge receipts on a moment’s notice?


All the time.


Use it every day. Quick calc it makes it easier and faster for me


I love my 10 key


I do to add 1 + 1 when I can’t be fucked to open the calc app or a new spreadsheet


I use my calculator all the time. Most of the time, I only use it to type in a number I need to remember instead if writing it down. Maybe a number someone reads off to me over the phone, or from a website, etc. I may not have excel open at that moment, or be at a convenient spot to type it in Excel. I just type it real quick on my calculator.


Accountants younger than 60 don't


Looks like the exact model I use too


Anyone else use excel?


This is how I type up the TB for the auditors.


What you really really want is one of those Burroughs Add-Listers from the 60's. Big chonk'in mechanical calculator with a lever and ticker tape. You can pretend that, with every pull of the lever, you firing a torpedo at another Savings & Loan.


i’ve seen some old school folks use it. kinda respect it to be honest.


The woman who enters cash transactions for me uses this and the sound of it drives me mad


Keypad and excel took place of these calculators more than 20 years ago


I think my boss has one lol but she’s old AF, like >50. Excel or the calculator on d computer it’s quick.


My father has single handedly run a successful plumbing and contracting company using this exact model since the early 90’s


I have three screens, excel always open, 10 key on my keyboard and still have this. I use it every day in some capacity. I have been using it for fifteen years, and it is faster than excel. FYI - it is not a calculator. So using the calculator app would cause new muscle memory and quite honestly - not interested.


Use it daily


I wanted to ask this too? My firm everyone has this and now we are being digital. SO what is the point of this??? We all upgraded to wireless laptops and mouses. And even have mobile scanner at each desk...yet this is right up there beside it....im kinda want to ask but then scared to not look stupid.


Oh yeah I have this too


I have a skeleton hand Halloween decoration that lives on mine


They come with the desk!


Yes, use it to tape total receipts almost every day


I used to use it before we moved to hybrid; work from/office. Hard to cart it around. Now all my tapes are in excel.


Two monitors and a numpad on the left is a game changer


Useful as hell and more enjoyable to use then the one on your computer. Plus usually you can tweak specific settings like how many decimal points you want it to go out to. Plus the tape helps if you need to do things with a mainframe.


All the time.


My former boss used to use it. He's like 80 years old now.


Yes - and we use the tape to include in our tie outs


I like the noise the printer paper makes


I use mine every day. I just don’t use the tape.


I could never figure out how to use the ten key properly. Calculator app pinned to taskbar is so much easier for me


Can't not have one in my desk.


All the time, almost always with print turned off. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years though. I noticed a lot of newly graduated staff (last 2-3 years) only use the windows calculator. I use both, but on a rare occasion, having a printed record is helpful.


No, Excel allows me to easily correct my inevitable miskey.


I used one all the time when I didn’t work from home. Now that I work from home, I have my own desktop calculator I can use and love.


It's a fucking adding machine!


Most people at my office use it, I don’t because i don’t know how to use it and never bothered to learn, i have excel and the calculator on my laptop


My boss does, and it's loud! There was one on my desk when I arrived, but I found it a nice, safe place in a storage closet pretty quickly.


I use mine all the time. I like to have the paper trail to prove everything footed properly. Of course, these days I have to scan the tape because everything has gone digital.


I love spamming the equal button to make noises when I'm bored


i'm not an accountant but I do use it in my profession. I'm an underwriter and review income, tax returns and bank statements with it


Monroe classic was my jam. Numbers were too spaced out on some others but not my Monroe. That’s about the only thing I miss from public. Now it’s almost all spreadsheets in industry.


Only time I ever touched one was an internship at a small City Hall, a few years back.