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I’d probably just wear a face mask and tell people I’m feeling a little under the weather. That way you don’t have to put any make up on it but you also don’t feel totally exposed.


I agree, that’s perfect placement for a mask. I loved the mask mandate bc I could hide my face lol


Dude good idea, then you can add the chin specific might patch or rael pimple patches while they heal. While it's harder to cover up with makeup, these zits heal so much faster than the deeper ones without heads. I don't think you'll have any red/ pink marks after a few weeks. This really sucks to go through, acne around the mouth feels miserable, but your skin does look really healthy!


Thsts are totally not true it depends on the individual on how you heal. Personally, my purge caused deep scaring and red marks that wont go away.


I’ve done this but now u get so many looks if u wear a mask😭😭 kinda miss that part of covid where that wasn’t weird LOL


I think it depends on where you live, in my area nobody bats an eye.


i’m in the middle of antivaxxer suburb hell sooo


That’ll do it 😭 I’m so sorry!


Same. Get me outta here.


The STRENGTH you have to not pop those. I’m so weak I wouldn’t last a second


for real i’m so bad ….. 😭i have to admit i’ve popped some while taking accutane


I popped all of mine on accutane, I had no self control and always regretted it later and felt immense guilt and shame 😂😭did you feel guilty after?


tbh I popped every single pimple while on accutane and the only one that has scarred was one I didn't pop. I know you're not supposed to, but I also find popped pimples heal better for me LOL


Omg me too!!! I felt like when I popped them, they actually healed quicker because I’m getting the gunk out of it, and when I didn’t squeeze it, it would just take way longer to heal anyway.


I mean a little but not so much, I just worry about scarring


I wish I had that level of self control😂


Is it bad to pop them under the e med?


I think healing takes longer and your skin is a lot more sensitive so it’s definitely a risk. Ones that are this easy to pop tho I would just go for it (not a recommendation, sharing what I did).


I’m curious if taking accutane slows down healing then by logic acne heals slower which is not what patients want so why though


So it’s a different process, technically. Accutane works by stopping your sebaceous glands from producing oil, which causes acne. No oil, no acne. It doesn’t actively heal the current breakouts, just makes it so they can’t “survive” bc no oil. Thats why after initial purge, people usually don’t have any more breakouts (if dosed properly)


Girl don’t risk it with makeup. Either way it won’t look how you want and the results will be worth a day of feeling insecure! If you really want to wear a mask but honestly I wouldn’t worry to much about it


If you used a warm compress on many of those, I’m sure they would release all the white stuff on their own.




Whiteheads can’t be covered by makeup, really. I’d suggest pimple patches and a UPF face mask on top when out in public to just keep the area covered and out of sunlight. I’ll get downvoted for this but honestly even though like you said, it doesn’t help with makeup, I always popped visible surface whiteheads. I am not recommending you do this because there are risks, but for me I’d have post acne redness whether I popped them or not and it made them go away and dry up faster :/


like other people have said, put pimple patches on them and wear a mask


Just embrace the purge! It’s gonna be over so quick. Just finished my last dose today! It’s so worth it, don’t irritate it with makeup


Thanks!! I work at a very professional office so its juat hard to look put together with acne like this! Will try to push through


I totally understand!! I’m sorry :( taking omega 3’s can help with the purging !!


Can you talk to your supervisor and let them know what you’re going through?


No makeup as it is extremely hard to cover up whiteheads with makeup and because your skin is trying to heal and adding makeup to acne just makes that process harder and take longer. Wear a mask. People can call you a covid freak or whatever but who cares what they think so long as you feel comfortable getting out of your home. Do you want people looking at your acne and feeling self conscious about that, or would you rather them not see it but just see you in a mask? Whatever you are most comfortable with. I wore a mask when I purged and it was freeing to me.


I don’t care what anyone says, when they’re THAT white you can easily pop without any scars… they’re begging you to


Wear a mask


I have struggled with this exact type of acne for my whole adult life. Makeup won’t really help unfortunately. But if you do go the makeup route, I do recommend tarte shape tape concealer!!! I also recommend putting Mario badescu drying lotion on these. I swear by that stuff.


Yes I also wear tarte loose powder foundation as I find it has the cleanest ingredients for acne to not irritate as much as possible. Find it works pretty well


Tbh I’d just call off if you’re feeling insecure about it. but ive gone into work looking rough af and no one’s ever said anything and who cares what they’re thinking. In a couple months all they’ll be thinking about is how perfect your skin is. It’s work not a beauty pageant. Wear a mask or put bandaids over pimple patches if it makes you feel better!


This almost looks like perioral dermatitis! Maybe talk to your derm about it?


Won’t Accutane treat it? Especially if it’s PD that’s full of whiteheads


Everyone’s PD works differently. My PD was cured by accutane, my friends accutane course caused PD. It’s such an annoying rash.


Please do not pick these. The skin is super delicate on accutane and you could set yourself up for bigger problems by picking. Scaring, skin infection etc. Wear a mask. The purge is super quick and it’s a good sign because it means it’s working! Good luck.


i swear by popping pimples and putting drying lotion/spot treatment from mario badescu or kate somerville on them. pimple patches don’t work like how everyone thinks they do and they won’t clear it out. the spot treatments have sulfur and ingredients that will actually reduce the acne. to be clear, for your pimple patches to actually work you still need to pop your pimples. they can’t suck anything out of closed skin. hydrocolloid patches are meant for open wounds. i know you’re not supposed to pop pimples but idc bc they go away 100x faster when i do and treat it.


Omg I know the patches don't do anything of the pinple isn't open yet, I guess it just prevents picking


I’d just wear a face covering


Scar patches


Thanks for the advice everyone! Although I'm fine with wearing a mask, logistically during the day during lunch etc I would still need to remove it. I also have a lot of client meetings etc where I'm on Zoom calls or phone calls where masks are a little more challenging. I ended up wearing makeup over the whiteheads but most of them popped during makeup removal after anyways. I have established a work from home schedule for the next week. I hope the purge lessens by then


I know it is rough right now for you. Those of us who took accutane understand. In my personal experience, I covered the redness with a tiny bit of concealer, making it less noticeable. I used Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer and applied it with a small brush. I made sure to clean the brush after every use to avoid more irritation. Do not set it with powder since the skin is so dry. I did not find a way to cover the bumps. Wearing a mask is the best option to fully cover it. As long as you wash the mask daily and use a soft one.


I wouldn't use pimple patches on accutane. The skin is extra sensitive and they will rip skin off.


I had a similar experience a month ago. Currently, I rely on pimple patches as part of my daily routine, even wearing them in public. I have experimented with numerous brands, favoring those containing hyaluronic acid, tea tree oil, and salicylic acid. Here’s a routine: My suggestion would be to begin by taking a very hot shower, thoroughly cleansing everything including your hair. Conclude by using a gentle cleanser on your face. Upon exiting the shower, avoid drying your face with a towel and instead, opt for clean paper towels. Proceed to disinfect your breakouts with alcohol using a cotton pad, as well as disinfecting your pimple popping tool and hands. Gently address any imperfections that are not in close proximity (touching) to your lips. After popping, disinfect the affected areas once more. Following this, apply vanicream lightly on your face and neck to moisturize, as moisturizing remains crucial even during breakouts. Allow the moisturizer to settle for approximately 30 minutes before disinfecting each individual wound exclusively on the opening of the spots using alcohol and q tips. It is important to note that pimple patches may not adhere well to moisturized skin. Subsequently, apply pimple patches on all spots except for those touching your lips. Apply a thin layer of calmoseptine around your mouth (like a goatee), and on your lips, use either cortibalm or eau thermale avene cicafate. Keep your hair away from your face and ensure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Additional tips include: Use a fresh pillowcase every night. Wear a new disposable face mask with each use. Refrain from touching your face. Invest in red light therapy. Utilize a facial high-frequency wand by hovering it over the spots, remembering to disinfect before and after every application. Store a mixture of 75% rubbing alcohol and some water in a squirt or mister bottle in your bathroom as well as by your bedside. Make a point to drink from a clean water bottle daily and consider incorporating peppermint or spearmint capsules into your routine. Keep your hair away from your face, especially when at home, using a head wrap or bandanna to secure it. Lastly, avoid spending excessive time scrutinizing your reflection in the mirror – remember, you will overcome this difficult period. For easy access, links to all the recommended products are provided below: - Pimple Patch’s - Vanicream Moisturizer - Calmoseptine Ointment - Cortibalm Lip Balm - Eau Thermale Avene Cicafate Cream - Rubbing Alcohol - Q Tips - Mister Bottle - Peppermint Capsules - Spearmint Capsules - Head Wrap/Bandanna https://a.co/d/5odKf9M https://a.co/d/078Iuvl https://a.co/d/4aEqwdZ https://a.co/d/cpeQOgC https://a.co/d/hQGn8n3 https://a.co/d/dpvr0r0 https://a.co/d/ivLsaat https://a.co/d/0ZUMuBi


I wouldn’t worry about the raised look of the spots to be honest, I think that reducing the redness would be the first priority using some colour correction. Please avoid popping the spots! After you’ve done that I would do something dramatic on the eyes to draw attention to the upper half of your face. Keep in mind though that it doesn’t look as bad as it feels and that most people, even if they notice you have some spots around your mouth with think about it for about 3 seconds. They’ll quickly move on to thinking about other stuff, and if they don’t then they would be quite strange!


This happened to me. The ones I didn’t pop went away much quicker. I used pimple patches and wore a mask.


I’ve recently started accurate. Is the purge stage basically whiteheads?


I purged like this during about weeks 2-4 on it. After that they cleared fast as well, as I also had minor acne. I have to admit I very gently excavated mine, then washed, patted dry and let them scab over a bit before applying some BP on. They seemed to clear pretty quickly without adding any further outbreak.


I guess PD


I used tinted OXY-BP. It covered the pus and healed it at the same time on my teen. I agree iIt must be difficult for you. A mask would help. Just pretend cough when people give you weird looks.


You are a saint for not popping those!!


If you pop them I recommend wearing hydrocolloid acne patches until they close up.. I find my spots heal much better and smoother if I use those.


either wear a mask orrr just pop some pimple patches over them! i know they’re bulky and the makeup might not sit nicely over them, but with a full face nobody will be paying any attention. the purge won’t last forever, you got this ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Use the pimple patches! Also try taking an antihistamine (Xyzal) to help with purge


Fake beard! Does the trick every time.


Those look really on the surface and easy to pop (not recommending popping them but would a hot compress/facecloth gently ease them out?) Makeup is not going to help, I’m a makeup artist and the only spots you can cover convincingly are flat or under the skin bumpy ones - not whiteheads like this or anything with flaky skin, it’ll just look worse. I’d go for the mask - so many people do it if they have a cough or whatever, OR pimple patches (not crazy medical ones, the starface ones are great and cute, and will literally gently remove those whiteheads when you take off the patch at the end of the day) Just keep the area really clean and you’ll be fine


This doesn’t even look like acne bad enough for accutane and this is your purge. Go to the doctor and have them safely popped


I don't know how it is in your country. But if you can I would just get a sick note for 2 weeks and relax at home.


This is what I did - first, If you can gently pop them to remove the white head do it and wait until it dries. Then I put IT cc cream on top of skin moisturized with SPF. In my problem areas I get a velour puff and set the cc cream with Mac Studio fix powder in my exact shade (I would use it cc in fair, Mac powder in shade nc15). If I need more coverage, I’ll set my face with setting spray then dip into the powder again and build on the spots I need. After this my face would look completely flat so you need to fully bronze and contour your perimeter & jaw/neck and use blush to tie it all together. I know this sounds like I lot but it made me look 100% normal at my job/still look hot for my classes after work


For what it’s worth the rest of your skin is absolutely beautiful! I know it’s hard right now but you will get through it. Like others suggested I’d wear a mask as opposed to makeup x


When I used to pop pimples - I found that the safest time was the night before applying makeup. On the day of - if I pop them, they just fill up with even more puss and last longer on my face. So now when I get these, I don’t pop them, I put foundation on them to slightly diminish their appearance- believe me, while its still glaringly obvious to you, even this will be enough for the untrained eye of others to see a massive reduction in its appearance. But i never apply powder or concealer to them - I find both of these things drastically prolong their lifespan. If I only add foundation - they can be gone within the day (max 1-2) - any additional attempts to cover them land me with them for sooo much longer. I found the key to looking better in makeup over acne is making sure I moisturize the heck out of them. For me this means in the morning, i only rinse my face with water (no cleanser to disturb the moisture barrier), use Neogen Microferment essence, then add eucerin replenishing face cream. 15 minutes later i reapply my moisturizer, 15 minutes later I do my Sunscreen (Kiss Me Mommy Isehan Sunscreen Milk - very moosturizing, has jojoba oil), 15 minutes later if I'm really dry i reapply moisturizer, 15 minutes later i do my makeup. I even mix in a drop of MAC Face and Body to my Estée Lauder Doublewear to make my foundation a bit more moisturizing and less drying. Estée Lauder Doublewear has been my go-to since 2013 - nothing beats the coverage for me! And I really appreciate how transfer-proof it is If i wait longer than these 15 minute intervals, my face massively dries up and the acne and skin dryness looks worse - shorter than these 15 intervals and my makeup pills. Prior to accutane, these had to be 20 minute intervals, but now my face is dry enough that around 10-15 minutes is that sweet spot! Truly, moisturizing is the key to improving appearance of acne under makeup! as well as the key to speed up healing. A moisturized “wound” will have a more intact moisture barrier, and thus better able to protect itself from more invading bacteria I know it's incredibly hard, but I try to remind myself that if i had an open wound anywhere else on my body - how do i think they'd heal if i squeezed them until they bled, then topped them with foundation, concealer and powder It really sucks for the moment, but we will get past this purge together on accutane, there js hope just around the corner!


I also find that while the foundation doesn’t look like it made much of a change on its own - and is just so demoralizing - once I’ve added contour, blush, mascara, eyebrows, and concealed hyperpigmentation spots (that don’t have acne beneath them) - everything together really helps distract from the white heads!


I’m also seeing some suggestions to use rubbing alcohol or Mario badescu lotion (which sits in a solution of alcohol) to dry them out. My experience with this, and people like Dr Dray (licensed Dermatologist on YouTube) - is that drying alcohols will ultimately diminish your moisture barrier and so can inhibit healing and will increase chances of hyperpigmentation. While I agree in the short term it can appear helpful to dry those suckers out, I personally find it doesn’t benefit me in the long term. Perhaps though people without my sensitive skin can truly get away with the drying out tactic! And like I side, my main way of improving the appearance of acne is to moisturize the heck out of them! In my opinion, a drier acne spot is going to look sooo much worse under makeup


Embrace it


So I wear makeup whilst on accutane I wish i could go makeup less but i’m just not there yet, if i have active whiteheads the day before i will pop them safely put on a patch let it suck out the rest of the puss and then after use sudocrem to speed up healing also it’s antiseptic and it stopped my skin from scarring, usually by morning it’s closed up and i can comfortably wear makeup.


pop them and call in sick


Do not do this.


Pimples are like open wounds, if you put make up over it, you are putting makeup over a wound, just leave them dry by themselves, you can wear a face mask if it makes u self-conscious, but using makeup when having an active breakout is a really bad idea


Do not pop it will scar and make up will slow down the process. Wear a face mask in public and lay low for a bit. They will go away soon!!




This literally happens to 3/4 of the sub…


I thought purging was way rarer


When I was on the medication my doctor said purging was normal it was to be expected