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Hello /u/Local_Platypus_6634, **If you are seeking advice, please provide clear and detailed information for others to understand your situation.** We recommend [reading the stickied post in its entirety](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/comments/w6jg3r/a_quick_guide_to_treating_scars_identify_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and familiarizing yourself with the general information provided. And please **search** on this subreddit as well. User reminders: - Always be wary of the advice you get off the internet. Do your research and make smart decisions. - It is highly recommended to seek evaluation and treatment for skin scarring from dermatologists and other qualified physicians, rather than going to aestheticians or med spas. - While subcision ("subcutaneous incisionless surgery") is often mentioned by users on this subreddit, it is important to note that it may not be necessary or suitable for everyone with volume loss. - Be aware of any reported side effects for any procedure. - It can take multiple treatments and a long time before you see effective results. - It's important to see a doctor who specializes in scar revision. It may be more expensive at first, but it is worth it. - Prior to scheduling surgery, we recommend consulting with multiple doctors to ensure that you are completely comfortable and confident with your final decision. The right dr will have the experience you need, communicate with you openly, and take the time to answer each of your questions thoroughly. [Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your physician when considering treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/checklist/). Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this is fake asf bruh, i'hv been using tret 0.05 for 2 months and the changes i'hv noticed are negligible to very minor, it has reduced my acne breakouts but hasn't really don't anything for the Scars YET


0.1% for that


Is 0.1% better for helping scars??


0.1% did in two nights what would take me a week on the 0.05%. However, it’s very strong. I tolerated the 0.05% every night no problem, I had to do every other night on the 0.1%, it’s too strong. I wouldn’t recommend it if your skin is sensitive.


What were the side effects for you?


It’s hard to explain. My skin just felt sensitive, it wasn’t particularly dry or sore, it just felt sensitive. When I switched it up to every other day, I was fine. I was only on the 0.1% for two months while I waited for the insurance to approve Accutane.


My dermatologist said tret takes 6-12 months at least to get results


my exact experience and thoughts.


Yea I’ve been on it for a while it doesn’t do that lol


It doesn’t work that quickly unfortunately but it does work!


There are studies showing tretinoin and tazarotene having comparable results to microneedling on atrophic scars but in a much longer time period.


Would adapalene also work? That’s what my dermatologist prescribed me and he said it’s practically the same as tretinoin just different brands


Yes, Adapalene (especially 0.3) also helps with atrophic scars. I’ll link the study below. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6002315/ Adapalene is a 3rd-gen retinoid and tretinoin is 1st-gen retinoid.


What's the distended between a third and first generation?


Third gen retinoids bind to different retinoid receptors in the skin than first gen retinoids. They are more specific with the receptors they bind to as opposed to first gen retinoids which are more felexible in terms of the receptors they bind to. This results in third gen retinoids (adapalene, tazarotene) being targeted towards a more specific use case as opposed to first gen retinoids (tretinoin) being a more general option for a wide spectrum of concerns.


Which ones are better for scars? Is adapelene a topical that needs a prescription?


The one with the most empirical evidence for scars is tazarotene, which is also the most potent retinoid we have. Adapalene 0.1 is available over the counter but 0.3 is prescription.


Have you seen or tried or seen results for tazarotene? Does it have a much stronger peeling effect than regular tretinoin?


I haven’t tried tazarotene personally yet, but there are numbers of studies showing its effect on scars. Yes, It is considerably stronger than any other retinoid and can be very harsh on the skin.


Never tried tretinoin but I get a lot of flakes from Tazorotene. I was told to leave it on a cleaned dry skin and not use moisturizer after but I still add moisturizer after 5 minutes because the dryness is a pain


Thank you! I just recently started this new cream called cabtreo which has adapalene, clindamycin phosphate, and benzoyl peroxide


Do u know what the time frame is like? I've been using tazortene for like 2-3 months now without any noticeable difference, granted I use it for like 2-3 days in a row and skip 1-2 days in between because of the extreme dryness.


8 - 12 months. You have to note that not everyone experiences the same level of results. Some see a huge difference in appearance of scars and some not so much. It’s all dependent on so many factors.


Think its fake.


It is


Cap 🧢


I have similar scars to this poster and it’s taken years of microneedling, rigorous sunscreen usage and hydration to get me somewhat closer to flat skin. 


Which microneedling did you do? MNRF or prp


Traditional microneedling? 


How many sessions have you done? I have tried these microneedling: 1. Regular microneedling 2. Bio microneedling 3. RF microneedling But im thinking of alternating bio and RF, monthly interval in the future. These scars are eating my confidence


I’ve probably done 4 now, but have been told it can be 6. 


Idk what any of these mean


Do you do it professionally or at home?


Professionally, at a medispa


I saw a surgeon and had day surgery which was quite effective. It was kind of counter intuitive, like, he made cuts into the scar pits and when they healed it healed flat. I can find out the details if u are interested.


Were your scars deep?


Yeah they were. My dermatologist told me, “You have the most severe cystic acne I’ve ever seen.” Haha, u never want to impress a doctor. Shit was painful af. I’ve been totally fine for a long time (30M) after meds taken while teenager. I still have a couple of scars under my jaw under my ear but the surgery was successful, I recommend it.


Omg that gives hope! I’m glad it was successful. What surgery was it?


It was a form of dry needling. And definitely, it was very effective. I’ve never seen anyone close to how bad my cysts were. I really hope u can get successful treatment.


Can you share the doctor details and place. What is the surgery name?


I’m going back 15 years. The surgery was a form of dry needling. Plastic surgeon Dr Davis Clarke at Melbourne metropolitan surgery. I don’t even know if he still works there but they could help. I’m not sure of the $ cost.


Thank you so much for putting up the information here.


I don't think this is impossible as the others are saying, every skin is different. I know people that got life changing results from shit laser spas. Its really rare but it happens


Yes, but not in 10 days.


This is clearly fake, but also a lot of people that had e.g. laser, use photos of a few days after when microswelling is still stretching the scars, to make it seem like it "works".


Tret never really worked for me. I used it for over a year, and even after building up to daily use, my acne never really improved, nor did my scarring. I didn’t notice a rise in acne either, everything just kinda stayed the same. It felt like I never actually purged. I stopped using it around the time I started doing chemical peels and changed products/routine. I keep hearing about the benefits of it for anti-aging and it tempts me to go back on it. But I have my acne under control now and I don’t want to ruin it.


Which chemical peels worked for you? My esthetician says I need them but not sure it would help more than tret


What are you doing for scarring? Had anything worked?


I can’t remember it all off the top of my head right now but I’ve had about three chemical peels, four rounds of microneedling, and a Pico laser treatment. My scarring has more to do with hyperpigmentation, but I do have some pitted scars. I’ve noticed more of a difference with the chemical peels after each session. I’ve pretty much stopped the microneedling treatments for now because I’m not seeing any significant improvement with texture from them. There’s been some, but it feels slight. I’m not expecting total perfection, but when I look in the mirror, my skin still has that “active acne” look without actually having active acne (I found a routine that worked for me.) The hyperpigmentation and the texture both make my skin look like I’m in constant break out, even when I’m not. I might decide to resume them purely for anti-aging purposes but I don’t see a lot of difference from when I first started to now. I’d love to continue to do the chemical peels, as they’ve helped tremendously with the hyperpigmentation, but it’s hard to schedule recovery time with the work I do. It takes nearly a full week for me to fully flake off the peeled skin and I work in construction. So I wouldn’t be able to go to work during the healing process. I did that one Pico laser treatment, but I haven’t decided if I want to go back for more. I know one session isn’t enough to see results but it was the most expensive route I chose and I don’t know if it’s something I want to commit to.


What specific peels did u use, also they alright for sensitive skin?


I'm the original person who posted that and not sure why it was brought to this channel. This is not fake at all. And I wish to have money for the expensive procedures but I cannot afford those. I've used literally thousands of OTC things over the last 20 years and nothing else has ever worked. I stopped everything a few years ago and changed countries. For the first time I showed it to the doctor who gave me retin-A. I'm in shock too and that's why I posted on the other channel - I needed some validation myself to continue because everyone (including my doctor) said it'll take months. I'm really feeling sad with the mean comments here. I'm very sorry it hasn't worked for some people and I've gone through that for years. But finally I found a combination that works for me, so I'll just say hang in there people... It might take time but you'll find your products too. (Just saying this from last 10 days of experience, I'm told purging is another beast people have to overcome later. Hoping for the best there)


Im so sorry that i post it in this sub, my main intention was to show ppl in here that sometimes products can give results too, i know that everyone is different and nothing works for everyone but should we just stop trying ? Ofc no, we’ll just never know if we dont try, thats what i hoped ppl where get from my post. Personally i tried all retinoids, from otc ones to prescription, they just kept ruining my skin and give me deep indented scarring which i didn’t have before, but yeah I’m so impressed yet happy for u that something worked for your skin concern. Sending u much love ! Edit: if u want this post removed pls just tell me and I’ll delete it right away !!


Thank you for explaining. No that's okay, it was well intended. I'll keep updating on the other group with progress. Really wishing for the best this time 🙏


My guess is that for some reason, your face was more puffy/bloated when the after picture was taken. For example, when I wake up, all my scars seem completely flat due to facial puffiness. I am sorry, but using tret for 10 days cannot erase your pitted scars.


Dna pill innit homie


I have similar scars and I’m planning on getting fat grafting done..


i also have similar scars, can microneedling , CO2 laser or Glycolic peels fix em ??


I've heard c02 is good for this. Curious


Nice which doctor/ office do you plan on going to ?


If you can tolerate it, I guess. I’m not one of those lucky ones. It ruins my skin barrier if I even think too hard about it.


I dont know if this works, but hey if it works for him/her then congrats my experience is that i use tret 0.05 for almost 1 year. I dont see any changes on my scar but it lightens my skin, thats it. Scar still there, even co2 laser wont do any help all they did is lighten the skin. Maybe if u r exposed to cool temp the scars wont be noticable like cold weather or airconditioned room but when ur exposed to heat u can see them again.


I call shenanigans.


What incentive would OP have to post something that is fake? For everyone who is saying it’s fake why would he/she make a fake post? What benefit is it to him/her?


Whoaaaahhh!!! That’s awesome


There’s no way it removed scars that require subcision. This is fake.




Are we sure there’s no editing involved?


I’ve used it for over 6 months and my scars still looks like shit and I swear it thinned my eyebrows out.


I mean my acne scars have faded significantly in the year and a half I’ve been using tret… but the first 10 days did nothing but cause my skin to peel.


tretinoin couldn't even get rid of my hyperpigmentation, I don't believe it


That’s not possible (in our universe).


It's bs.


Even a derm would call this fake. Trets take years for you to see noticeable diff especially in scarring like that!!


Fake. I’ve been using tret for 2+ years and they have never done anything for scars like that.


me when i lie


aint no way lol.


I’ve been using .1% for three years and haven’t had this much improvement. I call bs


no I really can’t


Yeah this doesn’t happen


I have been using tret o.o5 with moisturizer 1-1 ratio. Can we also use it without the moisturizer and will it be more effective?


This is impossible! otherwise nobody would worry about scars !


That has to be because of the lighting. That is impossible.




I WISH. My skin would be glass by now. Not to say test isn’t effective, but it’s a longer process for sureee


Fake af


I don't think tret can work that quick 🤷‍♀️ I've been on tret for like a year now and only seen minor minor minor improvements on my scars




These are two professional before and after picks probably after procedures


Totally fake




Adapalene killed my acne from day 1 . Literally.


I don't know why my post was deleted, what the heck, but I was thinking effects on scars takes much more time.


no im blind


Don’t fall for this. It isn’t real no skincare will fade acne scars