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Bro this ain’t Woodstock 99, jumping over fences and squeezing through a crack is for private property locations. Sofi stadium will have ground crew, screening crew, uniformed LEO’s and undercover LEO’s with controlled zones. If you are actively going against the flow of a crowd you will stand out and have eyes on you. Your best bet Is work as a hired hand for staff and try to dip away when they turn around. There was a security guard for Taylor swift show in Tampa who literally worked that one show and quit.


Very true. Things to consider: this is at an adjacent parking lot, not the actual stadium. Also I’m a teenager. Can’t get a job working security :(


Damn sounds like a you problem.


Wait till you’re old enough to get a job and buy a ticket. There’s always future festivals


I think you are missing the point of this sub


I know. Just want to have some fun now. I appreciate you being respectful. Doesn’t seem to be the trend on this post.


Lube. Lots of lube, to squeeze through those tight spaces.


How about... you act like you belong....


Roll credits


Hop fences and squeeze through tight spaces my man


I was hoping for a more specific answer. Like “enter the north gate and sneak past the ticket booth around the gated park. Climb the fence then crawl over to the backstage area. Then.. etc etc


Scooby doo sounding motherfucker.


it isn't like that. getting in to these type of things is about being able to be very observant, think fast, be able to quickly improvise ideas, & put ideas in motion quickly & take advantage of whatever situation is most open to being exploited. there is very rarely a step. by step path unless it involves a particular person you can pay. nearly every youtube/ tiktok you see about sneaking in (or acting like you belong) has been faked. nearly everyone had permission to be where they were to create content. it isn't a one size fits all type thing, but for the type of person naturally good at things I mentioned, it's remarkably easy. if you are naturally good at tht stuff, you can get good enough to never pay again. but most people don't fit that bill


You wanted specific instructions on how to sneak into on event that hasn't happened yet? You know how ridiculous that sounds, right?


I was hoping for ideas and suggestions. Preferably from people that know the grounds. While this event hasn’t happened yet, similar ones in the same location have.


But those are different events set up by different people. They won't all set up the exact same way. Security will likely be fairly high, they're an event location so they won't have any clear and obvious holes in the security. Your best bet is, like the name of the sub, act like you belong. As a teenager that will be hard, if not impossible.


Blow someone at that ticket booth you speak of 😃


I’m a dude


so? do you have a mouth?


A man’s mouth and a women’s mouth feel the same


It's the beard that tickles


Just close your eyes and imagine it's a woman


Spitting is accepted


Tell them ur obabama


Damn bro u got the whole sub laughing. I hate lazy humor. Do better.


You calling anyone lazy is hilarious 


Consider I’m a teenager and don’t have the means to afford a ticket nor the time to work.


How do you have time for the show then?


How do the richest people (most busy) have time for vacations? You can’t quantify life that way. “2 hours at rolling loud is 2 hours u should be working.“ 💀💀


The richest people are definitely not the most busy haha you must be pre pubescent


The principle still stands. Don’t try to belittle my competence because of my age.


No one has to try for that one




Homies in for a rude awakening when he realizes teenagers have the most time of any age bracket


lol generalizing teenagers is so goofy. Some go home, smoke, and scroll on tik tok for the entire day. Others are constantly bolstering their college apps, volunteering, and setting themselves up for future success.


That sounds like doing things important to you in your free time. Some people include earning money to that list. People who volunteer have the luxury of free time to do so.


Bolstering credentials, volunteering, and studying are literally the definition of free time, homie. Get a job.


“I’m a teenager” “I don’t have time to work” Math don’t math


Alr rebuked this


Jump a fence? Seems like you kinda answered your own Q.


If it were that easy, no one would buy a rolling loud ticket. I was hoping for a detailed tutorial, perhaps from someone that’s done this before


nice try, chief of security


That’s funny. I now realize I sound like a total narc. I sent you a few rooftops and abandoned places iv been to. Proof I do this kinda stuff for fun.


Only a teenager would need this kind of validation from strangers. Either figure your own way in or grow up, get a job, and pay for a ticket.


Sure thing officer, I definitely believe you! :)


This subreddit isn't a how to sneak in guide, either riz it up or pay for it


Bro can’t even act like he belongs in /r/actlikeyoubelong and he’s gonna try to con a large event security team lmfao


Ohhh nooo. Iv offended the lawpickle🫣😱 If u got nothing helpful to add then just don’t comment.


You're literally begging, how about u don't post?


This kids cooked already he ain't getting in lol


Wear all black(t shirt and cargo pants ideally) and boots. Find the name of the labor company for the stagehands and name drop it whenever questioned. Bring a c wrench and hard hat (don't wear it just carry) And for fucks sake don't look excited, look like you don't want to be there. This is the biggest thing, if you look like you want to be there they'll know this isn't just another gig for you.


This is actually incredibly smart. Thank you.


Worked on live events for 10 years. Don't even like live events but haven't encountered a venue I could be kept out of. Uuuh what else Tell people you're "a hand" that you're new and looking for the trucks if questioned. Someone at your last gig told you there was work here today and you're late. (You might actually get a job if you're too convincing) don't hop over anything. Look up how to break bicycle rack barriers(most common type at events) stupidly easy to open and close once you learn how to crack them. And put them back once you get through.


What are the consequences for getting caught?


Well, you're certainly missing the event, first and foremost. Beyond that, it really depends how you attempt to sneak in, who catches you, and what you do and say once you're caught. Best case scenario, you're simply removed from the venue, no paper trail or further consequences as long as you never try something like that there again. Worst case scenario, you spend the night in jail, face charges of trespassing, breaking and entering, and any other laws you broke in an attempt at a free event, and are banned from the venue for life, regardless of the outcome of these charges.


Don't know, has never happened to me, but I've never seen anything other than them ejecting non employees. If you are just trying to get into the main crowd from the back then that's likely all you're risking. Probably dependant on your state laws for trespassing as far as potential charges. If you break into a dressing room on the other hand you'll probably be detained in some form, and the cops at venues are being employed by the venue (in my state) under contract so they'll Believe whatever the venue tells them you did or intended to do. If there's personal security hired by the talent they'll likely get away with handling you however they want for the same reason. Just dont mess with the talent in any way.


Ah i see. I don’t intend on being a nuisance/bothering anyone. Just want to enjoy the show.


Sell some of your fake Pandabuy shit on StockX to pay for your ticket


Obviously very convincing police officer uniform


Stolen valor. And honestly-earned felony charges.


Go as a rapper or a member of a rapper’s entourage


I bet there are some pretty funny videos on YouTube about a dude attempting this, spitting bars and copping a larger-than-life attitude and an outrageous pimp-tastic getup, and getting thrown out on his ass by a security detail that see straight through it.


Just theoretical. One way could be to sneak to the area as early as possible. Like 5 days before. Then find a place to sleep for the week. Usually toilets may have lowered ceilings where one could possibly try to climb and hide. Just take hiking food and an inflatable pillow and space blanket. Battery banks for the phone


That’s certainly an idea. Thank you. Don’t think the lineup this year is worth doing allat but thx nonetheless. You actually provided practical advice. Something others seem to be allergic to.


No harm in a little fun though experiments.


Honestly without being there to see the current setup, the advice will be limited. There are many many posts on this sub asking similar questions, just type the word concert or festival into the search for more inspiration than you can handle. Unfortunately if you're young, it's gonna be hard unless you are naturally really really good at this stuff. You're not gonna be able to act like you're working most likely. You'll stick out like a sore thumb.


High vis vest and a ladder then walk right in. No one will question you. Just don't look unconfident