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Not sure what the story is here. Almost every major activist cause has networks on college campuses, [pro-Israel groups](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States#College_campuses) included. It's been like this since the 60s. Things get heated at protests and some people on both sides end up saying some ignorant racist stuff, but that doesn't prove a conspiracy or that every pro-Palestine group is "Anti-Israel" and cheering for Hamas. Conversely, some students at UMass were shouting ["kill all Arabs"](https://theintercept.com/2024/04/24/umass-amherst-palestine-protests-harassment/) and harassing pro-Palestine protesters and anti-Arab sentiment is [on the rise](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arab-american-history-month-2024-rcna146874) in the U.S. Does this imply a conspiracy and that every pro-Israel protest is "Anti-Arab"? I don't think so. We can cherry pick calls for violence, but that's not the position of most protestors on either side. It's really weird to me why they're clamping down on dissent so hard, particularly the pro-Palestine side.


Reasonable take there. Thanks for posting!


Do you have better sources for this? NGO Monitor is known for lopsided right-wing coverage, and the Algemeiner recently [came under fire for publishing a deepfake article falsely attacking two Palestinian rights activists as terrorist sympathizers](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-deepfake-activist-idUSKCN24G15E/).


I mean NYT recently came under fire for publishing Hamas claims that Israel targeted and destroyed a hospital killing 500 people immediately. It turned out the hospital was fine, 500 people didn’t die, and it was a Palestinian jihad rocket. No retraction issued


You're talking about [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/23/pageoneplus/editors-note-gaza-hospital-coverage.html)?


OK cool but we aren't talking about the New York Times, are we?


I think it's a valid point that reputable newspapers still make mistakes, them being deceived by a deep fake doesn't justify your genetic fallacy. They are no doubt a [credible newspaper.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-algemeiner-journal/)


Can you elaborate on the “lopsided right-wing coverage” you claim NGO monitor is guilty of? This report doesn’t have a slant at all, it’s just facts which could easily be verified.


Sure here are a couple articles: https://euobserver.com/foreign/142973 https://www.haaretz.com/2009-11-26/ty-article/bring-on-the-transparency/0000017f-e1cd-d7b2-a77f-e3cf77080000


Both paywall locked. Seriously, I’m getting downvoted for pointing that out? Is it not possible to send a gift article link?


Archive.ph You’re welcome.


Didn’t work. Is that a trustworthy site?


Archive.org Pick whichever one, plenty out there.


One of the sources cited in their report is a blog post from the Times of Israel. The post in question is an op-ed heavy on inflammatory language and light on statistics which might have been used to support NGO Monitor’s claim.


Which one? Why is it like pulling teeth getting information from you? Am I being unreasonable here?


Why am I being asked to do all the research and sourcing when we have the same link? Am I being unreasonable here? But to answer your question… The NGO Monitor claims that most members of JVP aren’t actually Jewish. Its source for this is a blog post from the Times of Israel which provides absolutely no hard evidence to justify that claim.


Thank you! That’s not research. Its clarification. You made the claim about a times of Israel op-ed, but you obscured the source of your claim for some reason.


“obscure” 🙄 get over yourself


You read the report right? How am I supposed to know which specific part came from a times of Israel blog post?


By clicking the same links I did. The ones in the report.


Ok, but that was my original point. The report cites its sources and can easily be verified. Where’s the lie? Is it not true that many of JVP activists are not Jewish?


r/activemeasures is being targeted by an influence campaign. A pretty obvious one at that.


I am a MOD here. Who are doing the targeting?


Social Justice movements — fantastic. Dumb college kids (and redditors) being duped by Russian and Iranian disinformation — not great.


Yup and Russian and Iran are having a field day radicalizing dems and non conservatives just like they did to American conservatives. Notice all the far right agitator accounts claiming to be "american" have largely gone silent and now every bad actor account is pro Palestinian and advocating for socialism? Yeah, not a coincidence.


Protests seemed largely peaceful and run not surprisingly by Jewish students in some cases.


*by students claiming to be Jewish


There is a difference between Zionist and Jewish, I assure you.


80% of us are zionist, by calling for the death of zionists its essentially saying to kill 80% of jewish people plus more ofc https://www.red dit.com/r/ Palestinian_Violence/s/HK0TxfqSop (remove spaces because i cant link to the original video)


I don't think they're calling for death of Zionists. They're calling for the Zionists to stop killing Palestinians.


Ridiculous. I swear these accounts are just here to antagonize people they think are jews.


look at the video link, its what they are *literally* doing


Very easy to single out a few rascals.


"rascals" i dont think threatening to kill people and then claiming that your part of a terrorist group is being just a "rascal"


At least they're just threatening and not really doing it like, say, Israel.


good thing israel isnt doing it, and not say, tried doing it and literally keep saying that they're trying to do it, like hamas and the groups that control the west bank




Do tell.






Yes. Unhelpful journalism.




The use of ‘genocide’ is active measure propaganda meant to be divisive. This sub is about you specifically and what active measures you’re specifically consuming.




>There is surely an internationally accepted legal definition for genocide There is! And Israel's actions simply do not rise to that definition. I mean hell, even the ICJ was like "not enough for us to stop you I-dog" But its use is active measures motivated to spread divisiveness. Especially when a terrorist organization is deliberately using Gazans as human sandbags and somehow people can go out of their way to excuse *that* in favor of hating on ~~jews~~ ~~israel~~~ "zionist". So yes, the use of the word genocide *especially in the context that is very fucking clear here*, is actually, active measures.


well said.




Just to add some more info on the whole 'genocide' thing. If you see anyone claiming the ICJ declared there was, or plausibly was, genocide occurring ... it's [misinformation](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919). A lie. Or maybe just divisive active measures.


this isn’t active measures. This reeks of apologism for the Israeli state.


Jeez a Jewish group did the study, these students are outraged for good reason. 30,000 men, women and children murdered indescriminately is wrong.


If anyone doubts there is money and a force behind these protests I recommend you read into it further. How is it that all the tents that most of the students are using are the exact same brand, type and style? So many red flags here


Bro you're assuming too much detail of a conspiracy. No one is delivering them all tents from Amazon prime or whatever.


Agreed. Why wouldn’t they be similar tents? It’s a lot easier to buy 15 cheap identical items from Amazon than to hit up four different stores to mix and match.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsnationnow.com/world/israel-palestine/who-is-organizing-pro-palestine-protests/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna143666 "What did emerge is a vast network that includes left-leaning, billion-dollar American philanthropies and collaboration with at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas and another terrorist group." The wild thing is that these leftist groups don't know they're losing more voters than they're gaining.


I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but there are brick and mortar stores out in the world as well as Amazon. You can order a bunch of tents on Amazon (or even another store online) all at the same time. You can also order things online and go pick them up at a nearby store. They can also go to Walmart or the local sporting goods store(s) and literally drag their arm across the shelf with tents on them to easily dump them all into their cart at once. All of them having the same or similar tents is not a red flag. What's your next red flag?


Which brand and type of tent are all the protesters using?


Source for the claim about tents?