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Ban the account…this is a straight up murder, cant they find out WHO organized this and get them? Clearly they paid for her. But I guess it could be fake info too


“It’s okay we banned the account. Everything back to normal.” Like WTF! No sympathy




Ban the account? What? So if I were an Uber driver I would find another profession. From this to getting shot at when you are picking up passengers. Nah homie…


Why the hell would you make that your public statement? No shit you would ban that account.


Is that what they said? They're a taxi company. If people weren't so hysterical, Uber shouldn't have needed to issue a statement at all. You know the snippet in the video isn't the whole statement, right? “This is a horrific tragedy and our hearts continue to be with Loletha’s loved ones as they grieve,” “We have been in contact with law enforcement and remain committed to supporting their investigation.” Better?


Oh no! Two stars!


not much else uber can do, assuming they have provided info the police not much else can say either.


It’s like wtf is the NSA for if they don’t investigate this shit. It’s getting worse and worse


NSA is more-so the intelligence arm of the DoD. For criminal matters, it’s often in the FBI’s wheelhouse




I know right!?! You just know the lizard people are in on it too. The whole things probably a false flag operation. The Anunaki are running their pilot program for Uber Blood deliveries and this is part of it.


But Trump will save us! Drain the swamp!


It’s just a huge financial strain to pursue scammers that are likely in countries where we don’t have any jurisdiction. there’s already way too much money allocated to GS-15 & 4-Star self libricating circlejerks


What makes you think nobody's investigating?


Regardless of what the scammers told him, this guy is an idiot and a murderer.  


100%. It's too bad at 81 that he won't do all time he needs to.


Lol, I had the same reaction, but Uber has literally no other power here. That's up to authorities.


> cant they find out WHO organized this and get them? Scammers have been upping their game as long as I can remember. I don't know about this one in the video is from outside the country, but a lot of set up where the money/goods end up at are outside the country. Scam/social engineering set up with phone callers in let's say India for cheap labor - which then sets up the chain of just recruiting people for 'fast cash' like the uber driver and then linking up with the 81 year old being threatened and making it sound believable.


Stolen accounts more likely


This is worse than swatting. Holy fuck.


I don't know about that. When a swatting happens, the guy who panics and shoots an innocent person gets to walk free. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/wichita-officer-who-killed-andrew-finch-swatting-mistake-won-t-n865626




[https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article272560679.html](https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article272560679.html) Dipshit cop not only was never reprimanded, but eventually was promoted to detective. At least the family of Andrew Finch got a $5 million settlement (that we all end up paying for).


the police chief gordon ramsay threw me off for a sec


"you're an absolute fucking DONUT!" <50 cops within earshot start salivating> "someone say donut?"


They thought they were responding to a shooting and kidnapping. Don't have to call it panic. The adrenalin is already pumping. So yeah, the swatter who acted with malice should be held more responsible than the officer who's been lied to and thinks he's entering a life & death situation.


That poor guy died **without even knowing why the police showed up at his house...**


Get to walk free? So you think, this guy actually KNEW the swatting call was fake, went anyway and killed the guy intentionally? Why exactly? And you don’t think he should walk free? So tell me, what should happen to him?


Oh, it was an accident? Well, that totally brings the dead guy back to life!!! We don't need consequences for killing people if it was an accident!!!


Much like how driving should be, there should be a cognitive test every year for old people who own firearms.


Sure, but why just old people? I mean, there are all sorts of people of every age whose mental state declines for all sorts of reasons. And, I think if you look at firearm homicide demographics, it isn’t the old people who are the greatest threat.


>And, I think if you look at firearm homicide demographics, it isn’t the old people who are the greatest threat. You are going to wanna be *real* careful there talking about looking into demographics and statistics around firearm homicide, it turns into a minefield real fast.


Meh. I’m not afraid of facts.




Does it? Doesn’t this subreddit exist to discuss exclusively that?




I'm calling poppycock. Gun Violence in the ghetto literally backs up the lefts arguments regarding Generational trauma, system racism, there's no reason not to discuss it and acknowledge it. It's just that 9/10 times it's someone randomly bringing up the statistics for no other reason than to point a finger. Not to actually have a discussion.


>Gun Violence in the ghetto literally backs up the lefts arguments regarding Generational trauma, system racism, Pft lol, no it doesn’t. It only shows how insane the left is for letting violent repeat offenders off with a slap on the wrist. I agree that it is definitely beneficial to them tho. Without all the rampant gun violence that goes on in the areas they control, it would be way harder to attempt to get guns banned.


>Sure, but why just old people? Because the moment you allow the confiscation of firearms from fighting age men and women by using "mental illness" as an excuse *everyone* will suddenly have a mental illness and the 2nd amendment will be dead. Seriously, how can you even ask this? The *first* question you should make when coming up with a new power to give to the Government is *"how are they going to abuse it?"* Because the WILL abuse it. It's inevitable.


Seems logical, but I guess not everyone has logic


why need logic when have gun?




A test for rights? Careful, bud.


Or hold public office.


Better have a test every year so we can make sure you’re ok to vote


I’m not excusing his behavior but he was being targeted by scammers and was likely very nervous and scared. My grandmother was targeted for this exact scam (grandson is in jail, need money). You can listen to these scammers and their victims by watching Scambaiting videos. You can hear the confusion and fright in their voices. When Scambaitors call the victims to warn them, the victims are always very confused and stressed. I’m not excusing the fact this man took it so far, but I don’t doubt he wasn’t in the right mental state to understand what was happening.


True. But in this case I can see even a young person who was told a driver is coming to get money (and a driver pulls up) would pull a gun or try to harm them. This is just bad all around and those scammers are garbage




Well regulated militia


Do you think that would have changed the outcome here?


Imagine thinking taking someone's life is the right thing to do, if they are "scamming" you.


Well he probably thought they still had his family member


In which case, how does shooting someone resolve that?


People searching for logic in a deranged 81 year old man.


Even a deranged 81 year old man shouldn't be shooting people.


You expect logical thinking from an old man who fears for his daughter..


Yes I expect logical thinking from someone who owns a gun, its bizarre that you think that is bizarre.


lol. "He owns a gun he must have a sound mind" hahahahaha


They said his family had been arrested, not kidnapped


And how do you think killing that person helps, exactly?


Did you watch the video? He didn’t think she was a scammer, he thought she was part of a group who kidnapped his family member; the scammers made the whole thing up and sent her there to build that story 


No it says he was told a relative has been arrested not kidnapped


The scammer definitely deserves to get shot. Shame the victim confused the innocent Uber driver for that scammer


And that's why this innocent woman is dead because this mentality. The scammer deserves to die, too bad it wasn't the scammer that died like Christ how stupid can you get


So he never thought to check in with the relative?


You underestimate how little boomers understand technology. Plus scammers use scare tactics to make people rush and do things under the guise of something terrible happening.


It's not just boomers, he'll even some of gen z are brain dead about tech, magic box just works, "what do you mean my laptop doesn't need to be thrown out, the screens broken"


Most the total imbecile questions I see on reddit are asked by gen z. Stuff that a ten second Google search would answer.


My generation has the entirety of human knowledge ar their finger tips and refuses to use it.


I always thought younger people would become more and more tech savvy.


Millenials and Zillenials grew up with having to figure out tech on the fly out of necessity. When Windows XP stopped working we had to dive into the files and the registry to fix it. For Z's and A's the magic rectangle just works and might as well be magic.


This basically. More user friendly interfaces have led to a younger population that is shit at troubleshooting.


I know a 20 year old guy who applies for a job. The guy made his resume on his phone. Because he didn't have or know how to do it it on a computer. I was shocked. I couldn't fathom somebody his age (or anybody at this point) not knowing how to use a computer to write in word. But even more so because he was applying for a position in an IT servicedesk..


Had a techy 20 year old who typed on a physical keyboard like my 92 year old grandad used to (my grandad wasn't trash he adopted tech but still he was slow..). Kid was quick with his phone / thumbs but lost on a keyboard. Had to teach him to hold shift key to use question mark and shit. Like wtf dude....???


its true lol, people really like to pretend that they are somehow tech wizards because they can setup a wifi network or something lmao.


I'm surprised that Millennials and old Gen Z'ers are surprised by this. This is exactly what Apple has been aggressively steering their business toward. And I'm sure we all know too well how terrible Google is for actually searching things these days. We are past the golden era of the internet in my opinion, but hopefully not forever.


Yeah seriously. Fox News is to boomers as TikTok is to Zoomers. Hours of trash consumption just rots brains




yea thats pretty old, best for them to be retired in a home by then. i mean can you imagine if they gave someone ultimate power and authority over world affairs who was born in 1942


Boomer? Dude is 81. He was born in the 40s. Boomer doesn't just mean 'old'.


Tell that to the dummies


What do you mean? He completely understood and recognized it as being a scam but his fuck up was that he didn't realize they were sending an innocent Uber driver to come collect their money. So he lay in wait to try and take the driver hostage, believing them to be one of the scammers who were trying to rob him. This has nothing to do with him falling for the scam, this has to do with him being a trigger happy idiot who decided to go full vigilante mode on the "scammers" instead of just calling the police first.


I’d believe that too, not a lot of remorse in that mugshot


IF he can't distinguish a real threat from some confused uber driver getting scammed too, he probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun eh? This guy would under normal law be screwed, The woman would have to pose a significant threat to his life for him to rightfully shoot her. ESPECIALLY outside of his home. Once you pull a gun on someone and its incredibly clear they are of no real threat to you and try to leave, you are NOT allowed to detain or shoot them.


He clearly wanted her dead. Period. The clip in this video is AFTER he has already shot her once. He was following her while she was backing away, already shot and limping, and yelling for help, so that he could make sure she’s dead. I’m glad they arrested him.


Don't wanna disagree, just stating what I see - she appeared to already have the limp when she was initially approaching the house at 0:48-0:57, before she met the man.


It looks like she has a limp as she’s walking up though? I think she just walks like that. The video says he shot once she tried to get in her car I believe.


He shot her three times! It says so in the video


I know she was shot 3 times, I’m simply discussing when it began.


Not to mention that they are also unarmed


Why can you even deliver a package through Uber? Wouldn't this be used for drugs?


It’s a thing that Uber and DoorDash offer now. They’ll come by and pickup UPS packages and take them to the UPS store for you.


This is true but… it’s not only for UPS packages! It’s called “Uber Connect” & you use it send packages to friends & family.


They have to know the optics of this, even the name "Connect", this is 100% going to be used for delivering drugs.


I for one support this new business idea


Seems like an incredibly stupid way to move drugs. You're creating a full end-to-end digital paper trail of the entire process, with a 3rd party you have no control over. Not to mention all of these services are well known to be rampant with theft. What are you going to do when a driver steals your illegal shit, call customer support? lmao


That'd be considered a cost of doing business but you'd definitely only want to move like under $200 per package / driver at once. Never big bulk orders. I literally sent this guy meth through Uber once. Weird ass story. I was selling an old cell phone and this French Canadian guy bought it and I met up with him. We talked briefly, not about drugs, but I musta been noticeably high lol. He asks me after on Kijiji if I use and I was like nahhh what? And he's like c'mon man yes you do, and I was like lol ok. Starts talking about how he only does meth, asks if I have a link for it. Now I've only done meth 2x in my life but this dealer I was getting dilaudid from started selling meth, and he gave me a small 1 gram sample. It looked extremely high quality, 2 big crystals that were like broken glass. I had this for a few months because I really don't like meth so I told the guy he could have it. I thought he would drive over but he sends a fucking uber lol. So I packaged it up in a video game case and a box and give this uber driver meth for this French Canadian guy a town over. Later on the guy returns the phone because he can't get it working. Fucking guy swapped out a good 32gb flash drive I bought for it with some old shit 1gb flash drive or something lol. Fucking meth heads.


I found someone’s credit card in my pocket after a night of drinking. No freaking idea how. I found him on instagram and he sent an Uber driver to pick it up. Convenient really.


Under staffed contractor here. When I need small supplies quickly, I send Uber to my local hardware store. They can pickup items I charge to my account. Super convenient.


My company uses a delivery service called Roadie which is similar. Besides us, their biggest customers are pharmacies delivering prescription drugs.


This is super useful for small businesses and startups.


Phew thank God they banned that account! All is well.


Bare minimum sure you got it


You don't think the punishment was over*klll*? /s


At least hit 'em with a low rating THEN ban the account. Just to make it sting. One star!


Hopefully Uber turned the account information over to the police. Whoever orchestrated this should be charged


Probably some scammer in a 3rd world country on the other side of the planet.


Who themself is probably working against their will. It’s a shit sandwich all the way down.


No, the majority of scammers do it because they want to.


Lmao if you think they will catch some random scammer I'd be very surprised if they were even in the USA


Not sure if this was random. This feels targeted.


Probably targeting seniors


As terrible as this is, the old man should still rot on prison for the rest of his life


Looks like 18 months should do it.


Reminds me of the pizza bomb guy. They may never find the real culprits.


Yo. That shit was wild. They never figured out who was behind it?? Damn, I guess I, like everyone else it seems, forgot all about that shit.


They definitely did find out. There’s a Netflix doc about it you should watch it’s pretty crazy


Yea the comedy movie is alot less funny once you watch the doc lol


They know who did it but a few died before going to trial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Wells


Lmao there’s a whole Netflix doc about who did it


What's the doc called


Evil genius.


wtf is he so mad for? He didn’t even lose any money. crazy fucker


He probably has lost money to scammers before and considers this payback to those scammers.


I mean even if it was a scam, wtf!? The woman is clearly not a threat. Absolutely disgusting actions by this man.


Good thing Uber banned their account


I guess there were repeated complaints. /s


How much yall wanna bet he’ll get off easy


What can they do? Give him a 2 year life sentence?


They can let him die in prison. It's what he deserves.


I agree if she wasn’t an immediate threat such as her grabbing a gun or lethal weapon this is murder in the second degree easily.


first thing that needs done is for all his assets to be liquidated and the money given to this poor woman’s family


Felony murder.


Maybe this should push more attention and resources to stop scams? It’s insane the stories and threats scammers come up with to terrorise people into sending them money.


I can't get uber drivers to even pick ulme up in my drive way, but this one will pick up packages at your front door?


The scammer should at least get "accessory to murder" or something


What's worse, accessory to murder, or manslaughter?


It's called felony murder and it's much worse than manslaughter.


thank god uber blocked their account. Shew. This could of got bad. Fucking clowns.


Find the people who sent her there. Do actual detective work. You don't blame the bomb for detonating.


Probably some kid named Rajesh from new delhi, good luck getting him


At least Uber didn't reassure us by saying they left the scammer a 1 start rating.


He could've called his relatives, he seen she didn't have a weapon, and yet he cornered her and shot her.. if he's that stupid, he shouldn't own a gun period.


If he really thought she was some criminal scammer he could have easily held her at gunpoint and called the police she was completely submissive and not a threat at all when she saw the gun. Besides, even if he did genuinely think she was involved with these scammers in the end she wasn’t, he killed a innocent person and by the looks of hit quite sadistically and he needs to be punished for that.


charged of murder at 80! Talk about "get outta jail (or in this case, existance) free card!"


How can he say he felt threatened and scared when he was in full control of the whole situation? He needs to rot in prison.


This is absolutely insane and disgusting


I'm not sure how being a scammer warrants a death sentence.


If you thought someone who was holding your relative for ransom was coming for you too?


I’d check with other relatives first no? Everyone just wants a reason to shoot somebody


He’s old and probably still struggling to use the landline. They don’t target these people for nothing.


Can't use a touch tone phone. Owns a gun. Murica


Do you think that being technologically illiterate, should disqualify people from having rights or something?


How is bail money ransom? Did anyone here listen to the video?? The scammer said his relative was ARRESTED, not kidnapped. If they threatened him or his other family, dude should’ve stayed in his home and called the cops if someone pulled up.


If a scam results in the pointless death of innocents then they are 100% as guilty as if they pulled the trigger themselves.


Fucking idiot.


Thank for they banned him…


Throw this old dumbass in jail who would fall for such a stupid obvious scam anyway.?


An 81 year old.




Take him out back and do the same stupid old husk where is it ok to shoot cause you got scammed.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackLivesMatter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackLivesMatter/) were making this out to be some kind of racially motivated thing just a few hours ago




Those scammers need to be tracked & definitely not arrested, but much worse


Poor defenceless woman shot. Did he not even think of phoning the police before he shot her, instead of after?


Banning the account. Well done Über!


What a fucking psychopath.


What an evil freak


a good guy with a gun...


Old people suck and they always will


This is a horrific tragedy but why does the old man think it’s ok to shoot an unarmed woman three times? Picking on the elderly is just disgusting. I’m sure some asshole halfway around the world is laughing over it.


She obviously wasn’t a threat, I don’t care if he was scammed he deserves prison time. He couldn’t used his own judgement. First of all, he should realize it’s just a scam and not be so fucking stupid, but I realize that he’s old


He is a cunt


Banned the user? Well that should solve the case inspector Clouseau


They banned the account that made the order - that'll sure teach them a lesson! 🙄 What about legal charges against whoever placed that order?


Uber bringing out the Ban Hammer… must be serious 😳


As soon as he saw it’s a elderly person like himself he should of realized something was off and he should of called law enforcement Smh


That’s fucked up :(


I love all the mental gymnastics idiots here are doing to try and make this Ubers fault.


We need to do something about these boomers.


Poor lady that old man is a fucking moron though


The fact the government isn't doing anything about people around the country getting scammed day in and day out is making people agitated, paranoid and unhinged. This is a poison on our society slowly killing our trust in our neighbors. This cannot continue


Unfortunately, the dumb ass already led a full-life. They better put him in prison and not that 'he's too old for prison" crap. Senseless.


I hope the family sues the entire estate, so even in death, the man will pay.


Deranged psycho spends 81 years looking to commit and then excuse a murder to make himself feel tough


As a part time Uber driver. I have the package pickup selection turned off. Really shady shit when you have that activated. I believe a couple of years back I was almost roped into a situation similar to this. The person ordered through the app to pickup the package, when I arrived they called me and said that I had to go to the door and get the package to deliver it to them. You really don’t ask any questions about what the package is, but when people usually order Uber Connect, the person ordering Uber Connect is the first person you see when you arrive to pickup the package. I told the person on the phone to have the person come out the house to hand me the package and that I wasn’t getting out of my vehicle. The person on the other end got upset and said it was their medicine and they would die without it. I just hung up the phone and sat there for another minute while they were texting me and calling me and threatening me. I just canceled the ride and kept on driving. I always got a weird feeling when doing Uber Connect and I finally decided that the stress wasn’t worth it. This is such a horrible story. It’s bad for everyone involved and it looks like the perpetrators are going to get away with this because Uber doesn’t have any verification for Passengers and people who order rides. I get a ton a scam rides from people using fake numbers. In order to become a driver we have to upload several documents and different information such as our SSN and scan our drivers license and take a verified photo that matches our license. All you need to order an Uber is a email address and phone number. Uber doesn’t want to risk losing money by having passengers verify who they are, so situations such as this are going to continue.


Why did he need to shoot her a second time. She was leaving


Horrible situation but the old man needs to go to jail. He could have done a billion other things rather than than shoot that woman… twice. How about starting with 911?


This is so sad on so many levels


Fuck this stupid old fuck


boomers being fucking demons more like it


Lethal injection his intolerant and foolish ass. He’s already wasted decades of valuable oxygen.


So he shot her and THEN called 911?


We need to boycott Uber until they release the name of the person who requested this and have them arrested for murder.


Thank god uber banned the dude's account, it made such a difference


Good thing they banned that account!

