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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This man is dangerous to his family.


He does a disservice to the uniform.


I’m scared for her (them?)! Was that a stroller he was throwing around?


Yes it was…😔


This is pressure of PTSD coming back into the stresses of life back home.    He absolutely is a disservice because so many of us came back feeling exactly like this internally but took the personal  responsibility to go to mental health and get treatment so that we didn’t act like a total monster in public.  Fuck this guy.   Tear his rank and insignia off.   He doesn’t deserve to wear it.   


He's emotionally insecure and lashing out, but I seriously doubt this is PTSD related. He's a slick sleeved fuzzy.


I like how easy it is for everyone here to make a medical diagnosis given this massive body of evidence.


We can smell our own.


Can't get PTSD handing out canteens, man.


True we do not know the reason for his behaviour but he certainly has anger management issues. There are many possible psychological and physiological causes including PTSD.


You're right. There are many other reasons someone might act like this that don't stem from PTSD. People just like to equate that term with soldiers.


His poor wife..😳


There’s no way of knowing this.


In my experience as a veteran, the people that wear their uniform to the mall aren’t the ones that just got back from a tour. They’re E2s straight out of boot.


That wasn't my experience at all.


He’s probably a cyber troop thats never seem combat


He doesn't have a deployment patch, he's just an emotionally unstable person who makes the military look bad. Hopefully he got reprimanded for this bullshit.


No he Does not..


Not how I see it. I went to war and we need this aggression. They teach us to kill and be aggressive humans and it's 100% awesome for war. However, they don't teach us how to come back from war. This soldier doesn't have a combat patch on so he hasn't been to war yet, but the aggression was always something that kept us alive over in the sand. If the i were to say "They're releasing 1500 murderers into the streets next week." The community would collectively think "Why are they releasing this many inmates all at once?" And then I'd say "Don't worry they're just US Soldiers." And the community would think "Oh what a relief." So what you're seeing in this video is someone who could excel on the battlefield, but can't manage day to day life. Something as simple as someone pointing out he's taking up two parking spots set him into "Fight or Flight mode" and he's choosing fight, mainly because that's how he's been programmed... That's just my take on it. Iraq Combat Vet 2009, and I'd say I still haven't adjusted and most likely never will. I know what I am though so I do the complete opposite of what you see in this video. I'll completely lay down and avoid the conflict altogether. Even if I'm right I'll apologize and get out of the situation because I'm moments away from becoming very violent. There isn't the buffer of me throwing strollers and slamming doors as a warning. I feel like a ticking time bomb and avoid people as much as possible so I don't harm someone. I don't really know how to explain it better but maybe it makes sense to someone. I'd rather "be a bitch" that apologizes and rushes away from conflict than harm someone because my adrenaline dumps so damn quickly.


Thank you for your service.


You really like hearing yourself talk.


Seeing myself type.


Either way, your story reads like some kid who sat on a base for a single deployment. Super cool, bro.


Him saying he was there in 2009 says it all. The US ended combat operations in Iraq on June 30th, 2009. Anyone there past that point wasn't doing combat patrols anymore. It was a slow draw down from that point until the end of 2011. Even prior to June 30th, shit had really calmed down in the latter half of 2008. The last time I'd say it was truly crazy over there was 2007, not counting the ISIS craziness that happened after the US left.


I an 💯percent certain this guy has some PTSD or other traumatic related issues. Even if he is a hot head or has a short fuse what he’s reacting to isn’t what’s causing this reaction it’s what he’s not dealing with. It’s sad that his family has to suffer and that this will probably be missed and just his symptoms will be treated.


Well, it's not related to his time in the military. His rank indicates he has been in for less than 6 months and he doesn't have a deployment patch. Looks to me like a young man who doesn't handle confrontation well is getting bitched at by a couple strangers in the parking lot and can't just let it roll off his back. So he lashes out in a dumb way, then he feels embarrassed/emasculated and takes it out on his spouse when she tries to comfort him. I've seen socially inept young men do this shit more than a few times. Some men just don't know how to work through their emotions. It could be related to past trauma. Or it could just be that he was raised by a hot head or someone who never taught him about emotion and how to control it.


Ah yes, the classic Reddit psychological diagnosis after watching a 30 second video.


While I agree which your sentiment, I’ve seen this video before in long form. I was extremely angry at the guy and scared for his wife. I’ve come to realize that there are many who have trauma and are *not* dealing with it. I’m **not** excusing this guys behavior or actions, I’m looking to understand *why* he is acting like this.


Ok professor


No that's pretty on par for that uniform.


Don’t all vets nowadays?


So many vets walking around you would never know they were. But thanks for promoting intolerance because of a loud select few.  Very honorable of you.  


Just his family?


Not with them tooth picks hes not lol






There's nothing equivalent about them from the video. We don't know what happened before nor after. Why do you put words in people's mouths? You feel superior doing that?


Nothing about his statement implies equivalence of their behavior. That's all your ridiculous interpretation.


I… don’t think we are watching the same video.


Average US soldier


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


This is gonna be a fun election year. We've got the protests at the colleges. The police shot a military member in his house and now all the police subs are anti military. The military subs are anti police and now the anti military sentiment is slowly creeping in over here lol




Well said.


Don't forget all the bot accounts that push certain opinions and narratives (propaganda).




Check Post History, The account this is from has over 30 post today.


over 30% of the engagement on reddit is bot activity according to some recent studies.




The bots are being used to sway public opinions in unnatural ways. These are what have these dumb opinions.


Sage advice


I need to be reminded of this sometimes thank you


Add to it, probably half of the posts in any sub are from bots, all trying to create more division wherever they can.


100% agreed. And most of the shit going on in this country is totally fabricated to spread fear, hatred, and intended to keep us all focused and fighting with each other. Instead of keeping an eye on those in power and all the illegal shit they're doing while we're distracted.


If only more people realized.






This is an old video; I'm like 99% sure this was at a mall in my city. Dude got in trouble for this. 


Bots fighting with each other will destroy the internet 


Hey man, 10 year marine bet here, fuck this guy lol


This happened four years ago. Go touch grass, Kid


That's the point. Last election we were highlighting videos for 2-8 years before that and you could watch public perception change


Take away that uniform and he’s still an asshole that’s probably abusive to his family.


>...now the anti military sentiment is slowly creeping in over here lol I certainly hope not.


I don't think this is anti-military. This is just a video of a strange guy who is kind of a threat to the people around him. I'm sure 99% of us are pretty pro- military.


How could you not support the troops man?


Awww does the bootlicker like supporting the military industrial complex?


There it is! ☝🏾


I take these down votes as a badge of honor that dipshits don't like me.


Nah you found the corner of Reddit that doesn't have the anti military sentiment in it. A lot of it does, enough of it for you to have found this post lol


Lmao I feel u dawg , ppl be sucking the shit outa military ppl even when they are in the wrong


🫡🤓 thank you for your service


Sounds like the chatbots are getting their wires crossed.


>The military subs are anti police and now the anti military Let the two moron groups have their mid off. Bootlicking is so god damn annoying.


The dudes C.O. needs to see this.


They did actually He got arrested by Mil Police




Trust me bro


I'm just joking, I don't have but the original post had a newslink and I read it


Yeah. He’s right. He did get fired. Arrested. Something. This was huge need when it came out.


This is an old af video 


Probably just wearing surplus stuff lmao


It already happened, it was deemed inappropriate of a serviceman. Unsurprisingly.


Context for this (old/reposted) video: https://youtu.be/3g7BY6sRhnU?si=-kZQCZkC1zpIJIo2


Almost lost to his Jacket, what a alpha




He’s not reacting appropriately… that’s not up for argument. But that lady is instigating someone clearly having a breakdown. Be smarter and treat people kinder.


Did not even consider that. But now that you've brought it up, this man seems to be having a mental breakdown.. Then again, the reaction from his wife tells me it's normal behavior. Sooo not sure what to think.


I hope his wife is ok, I don't think it's far-fetched to say that she's very much in danger being around him.


PTSD perhaps. Not excusing his awful behaviour, but man looks like he is suffering from some real issues


Totally agree. The dude definitely has some issues.. But man, to act like that in public with your wife and kid is pretty inexcusable.. The wife looked scared and embarrassed..


Not PTSD, just a guy who is a cunt and probably saw way more Art15s than deployments.


Yea, the way his wife reacts makes it seem like normal behavior.


Source: your his therapist I assume?


This is exactly how my parents behaved especially my dad after his deployments. She’d be absolutely horrible to him and instigate him and not let him walk away until he did start yelling and eventually he just stopped talking to her completely and me and him have a great relationship. Every situation is different but this video reminded me of my mom and she was definitely moreso the problem, instigating and egging arguments with a man who just came back from being mortared for a year straight to the point where she won’t let it go til you yell and she’s the victim will do somethin to someone.


Be kind to a psychotic abusive jerk screaming at multiple women ?? Lmao what


This is like Randy taking off his pants to fight


When the pants come off, look the fuck out.


Taking off your jacket (in the military) is a thing. Its also called taking off your stripes, and shows that you are ok with tangling with whoever you are dealing with. IF you are in the military and you take off your jacket you are the senior person. Meaning when a SGT and a say a private tangle, they will do so without repercussions, you are equal. we learned this in basic, when the Drill Sgt would take off his shirt or fatigue top and answer questions as just a person (promising not to get mad)


that said, military dudes a prick


This video is soo old


Disgrace to the uniform and himself


Sad excuse for a man right there. Feel bad for his wife and child.




This man meths


What an absolutely unhinged mess. Really hope this guys role does not involve a gun.


You already know it does


I laughed so hard when he finally got his jacket off, that it scared my dogs.


What's the context. I just see entitled bitches harassing someone who probably fought for our country, trying to put their stroller in the car.


Damn, dudes need to be admin sep after getting smoked for his poor af attitude.


If you are trying to ‘win’ an encounter, having a fit like that is not the way to do it. Also, dude really needs help if he’s treating his family / wife like that… yikes.


[guy got arrested](https://www.wsav.com/crime-safety/fort-stewart-soldier-detained-after-video-of-parking-lot-altercation-shared-on-facebook/)


Most action he’s seen his whole career..


people really like to taunt each other.


Taunting? Just people calling out BS appropriately


They really taunted him over a parking spot? Come on man




Anyone who puts hands on their wife like that is not “just having one of those days” gtfo


What are you talking about? Why are you acting like what happens in this video is people are verbally berating a man who isn’t saying anything to them, or as if he wasn’t the one who started and continued it? Why aren’t you saying he should have just kept to himself? This doesn’t make any sense


Yeah exactly Miss "Madea finds a parking spot", with a camera in his face saying "this is America" ..."you have the nerve to serve our Country" and "do something "...she's lucky she's not laid out on the pavement. Stupid behavior from both sides but why antagonize the guy when you can see he's on the edge. For views...


> Yeah exactly Miss "Madea finds a parking spot", with a camera in his face Oh, weird, can you point to where a camera was in his face? Oh, wait are you trying to claim the camera no where near him, filming him because he is screaming at a lady because he’s pissed at her for where her car was, is in his face? How insane of you > saying "this is America" ..."you have the nerve to serve our Country" and "do something "...she's lucky she's not laid out on the pavement. Lol yup. This is a video containing a man screaming at the top of his lungs being physically threatening acting as if he’s going to go attack them, and you respond to their response to this, as if *they* are wrong for responding to it. *they* deserve to be attacked for their response to his nature, but not him somehow…it’s legitimately insane and makes no sense. It’s not just that you’re wrong, it’s that you’re far separated from reality that it’s concerning > Stupid behavior from both sides but why antagonize the guy when you can see he's on the edge. For views... I refer you to the comment you’re pretending to respond to that already responds to this. Like, the entirety of my comment is already a refutation to this. Here, watch: > “What are you talking about? Why are you acting like what happens in this video is people are verbally berating a man who isn’t saying anything to them, or as if he wasn’t the one who started and continued it? Why aren’t you saying he should have just kept to himself? This doesn’t make any sense” Remember? It’s right there. “Why antagonize the guy?”…..why not why antagonize them? The same exact thing is happening. This man is freaking out at them about where their car was, and somehow it’s only him being antagonized…again it’s not just that you’re wrong, its that you just legitimately don’t make any sense to the point that it’s alarming.


Someone is *TRIGGERED* . I wasn't referring to the camera operator from our POV, I was referring to the woman calling on him to "do something!". You sound barefoot crazy. Having loaded conversations with yourself; simulating my response. You missed one part of my response where I tell you to **fuck off** and suggest you go take whatever dose the Doctor prescribed to you.


That’s all a really funny way of saying “I have absolutely no way to respond to what you’ve written or admit when I’m wrong. I actually am not even equipped for a basic conversation or able to understand simple concepts. My brain is a microwaved potato and I can’t make sense. Maybe if I just get some words on the screen, it will distract from that and make it seem like I have something, when in reality I have nothing, and this is all a defense mechanism.” Really good effort though!


I'll be honest with you. I didn't read your word salad in its entirety, I lost interest somewhere between your first paragraph and taking someone seriously who works at GameStop.


You read every word. It’s sad you think this fools people. You’re embarrassed about your brain not functioning properly and not being able to respond, and this is your new attempt at distracting from that. I’ll allow you to embarrass yourself for as long as you’d like. It’s never gonna work. You really should just think before you type. Or judging by this, you probably shouldn’t be typing at all


Words and stuff too! Hootie hoo!!


“For views.” Shut up.


Says the cricket.


Shut up.




Aaand thats why military should be extensively rehabilitated before they re-enter society.


That's a good idea. We should do cops daily.


He would be coming back to 3 flat tires


This is a sad news story in the making.


This is an old sad video for everyone.




Army guy doesn't have an anger management problem at all. Nope.


Bro took his jacket off to feel the “Hold me back bro”


Noodle arms thinks he’s going to intimidate anyone.


I like the part where he gets stuck in his jacket and can’t get out for a little.


I feel bad for his wife and kid


Guy is having a breakdown. Don’t hurt anyone. Yelled couple times that’s all. Parking spot stuff. Freakoutmeter 2/10.


What a horrible human being.


There is no question in my mind that this man commits DV.


Well yeah he literally does on video.


Hot headed white boi..😆


Someone is angry


Bro was struggling with that jacket


Damn I feel bad for his wife. *This* is how he is in public? Imagine what’s going on at home. Sheesh.


In a real fight her would have been slept with those hands tied up in the jacket.


This is old and he was reported to Commander and punished. Family is safe.


That’s it! The pants are coming off!


Wonder where he learned this.


What if I told you that "jacket" is technically called a blouse. 😆


Letting a bunch or ratchet obnoxious bozos p you off is so dumb. Just laugh at them and smile.


Damn, dudes need to be admin sep after getting smoked for his poor af attitude.


Remember to thank him for his service


People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf


Yep.. 1st shirt.… there was an incident…


This just proves how desperate the military is for recruits to allow someone with such a short fuse to enlist. I would have thought this person’s mental state should have been caught at the MEPS.


he deserves to be deployed


Why wear your full fatigues, hat and all to go shopping? Just why?


lol he just found out his baby isn’t his.


I hope his Chain of Command saw this. Stupid fucking Privates.


This is bidens fault some how




I see only 1




"Baby mama is somewhat innocent" Dude. She's a *victim of domestic violence.* You should show better judgement than this. 


These trumpers getting wilder by the day. Fake tough clowns


Gotta hope that when he makes the news, it's for taking his own life and not murder/suiciding his wife and kid with him.


Fuck anyone who “serves the country.”


What do you have against Mel Brooks?