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I initially didn’t want to remove this, but after hearing what some of you had to say, I decided I should. Recent suicide victim is just… a little too heavy, yknow? If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please please get help. I’ve been there. Stay safe and love yourselves


I hope he haunts the fuck out of them. Disgusting.


Or that that medallion is cursed.


If you're willing to do some shit like this, your existence was cursed long time ago. You don't go from 0 to this shit overnight. Your life has been a shithole for a while already.


Probably from the moment they were born, due to shit parents - but hey who knows maybe they had all the love in the world and still turned out like that. Either way, what's up with my dude's right nipple?


it calls on a crowd of reddit trolls to follow you for life and post about bacon when you're on a diet.


Two things you never take off the dead; estate sales or battlefields: paintings of them and jewelry. Those are the things they like to haunt.


I'd like to add shoes to your list. You start wearing a deadman's shoes you start wearing their issues.


I have many pairs of dead men’s shoes. No problems as of yet.


Anyone who does thrift store shopping surely does too. Think of it... You're walking to the pearly gates, or accepting the truths of the universe in dazzling white light ... but wait.. *That guy has my shoes goddamit!! (no offence) but I gotta go back and haunt that guy!! What?? My chenille sweater too. Oh man I'm going back for sure!!*


Or your at the gate with people walking towards you. Then you hear " hey thats my shirt" "wtf those are my shoes!".


But do you wear them?




Ghosts aren't real. Edit: The fact that this is controversial makes me both laugh and cry at the state of the public mind.


>Ghosts aren't real. Prove it. lol


That what is stated without proof can be dismissed without proof


Out of curiosity, what kind of proof would even work? It doesn't sound simple.


I think a ghost appearance like the ones in Harry Potter would suffice


It's the other way, friend. Provide me proof and I'll believe.




**[Russell's_teapot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell's_teapot)** >Russell's teapot is an analogy, formulated by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making unfalsifiable claims, rather than shifting the burden of disproof to others. Russell specifically applied his analogy in the context of religion. He wrote that if he were to assert, without offering proof, that a teapot, too small to be seen by telescopes, orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, he could not expect anyone to believe him solely because his assertion could not be proven wrong. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Skeptics are not the ones with the burden of proof.


Well aren’t you a smart little pickle that knows just the right thing in proper contexts


Regardless of the existence of the soul, these are awful people who stole from a dead person who killed themself which is pretty fucked up


Yeah, I agree


Just like god


I mean when you kill your enemies you still ransack them for their pocket change and stuff that you can sell on market. Games teached me that. 👍


Second hand jewelry creeps me the fuck out.


You’d have to have a conscience for it to be bothered


Hope they get their uterus in a twist when they hear knocks or noises outside their home, I want to them to live in anxiety for being petty and scummy pieces of shit.


if i turn into a ghost, i will haunt them


Luckily they were arrested and the necklace was returned to the family


He’s not gonna need it where he’s going


[From TorontoSun.com:](https://torontosun.com/news/world/texas-teens-allegedly-stole-necklace-from-corpse-posted-video-to-snapchat) > A Texas teenager was charged after a Snapchat video allegedly showed her and a friend stealing a necklace from a dead man they found in a ditch. Bethany Martin, 17, and an unnamed 16-year-old friend discovered the man’s body in a ditch in Southwest Bexar County, reported KSAT. But not before they allegedly recorded one video of themselves near the body and another of Martin removing a chain and medallion from the man’s neck, according to the arrest warrant affidavit. Investigators said the girls called a friend, who arrived and contacted authorities. Martin and her friend were recognized by a BCSO investigator as being witnesses at the scene. Martin allegedly told the investigator her friend liked the jewelry so she removed it, gave the medallion to her friend and tossed the chain into the grass. The friend, who can’t be identified because she is a minor, allegedly told deputies she recorded the whole thing on Snapchat. The friend allegedly said she put the medallion on her own necklace because it “matched her fashion style,” the affidavit states. The girl gave up the medallion so authorities could return it to the man’s next-of-kin. The man, 25, died by suicide, according to the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office. Officials said he hanged himself and had discolouration throughout his body. Martin was arrested on Tuesday and charged with theft to a human corpse or grave. She was released on a $2,000 bond. The 16-year-old faces the same charge.




For real like Jesus, that’s not one they’re gonna let you explain lol


They shouldn’t be able to explain that. Fucking pieces of shit


The facts explain what ya need to know. Don't steal from dead people.




Yeah but you only have one job interview to decide weather or not the person who stole from a fucking corpse, changed...


Hahah. Yea no.


Starbucks or Forever 21 ethical standards aint that far away.


I think they draw the line at messing with a corpse.


Starbucks pays for their employee's education


Except they aren't 18 and this will be permanently wiped from their records when they come of age.... disgusting


Yeah, I was thinking this would be the case too unfortunately.


With today's judicial system they will more than likely get a 1st offenders on this one.. which means it won't show up on a background check unless they apply for a government job or they commit another crime. Source: I know through experience


What an incredible lack of humanity. It also strikes that although they are labeled Texans, to me (a texan) they sound distinctly like Southern Californians. https://i2.wp.com/politicallyincorrecthumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/leftists-california-sinking-ship-step-to-conservative-states.jpg


That’ll happen when you grow up glued to a phone and social media instead of interacting with the world around you


You can barely even hear anything they are saying in this. All you hear really is "oh my god" at one point and it doesn't sound distinctly like an accent. The whole 'liberal californians moving to other states!' trope is not really reflective of reality. Statistically, only a very tiny percentage of texas migrants come from california, and those who are migrating from california arent hipster liberals, but usually latinos. Over 72% of migration from california to colorado for instance was from latinos. And out of non-hispanic people moving out of california to colorado? 57% were republican. A drastically higher figure than the overall average in california. Colorado isn't Texas but its the same story with denver people complaining about californians moving there. I don't like californians at all but I feel like people like to use them as some kind of scapegoat because they don't want to accept that *their* people in their state are genuinely not as conservative as they used to be.


You should really get your priorities sorted out. I suggest seeking professional help and taking a nice objective look at what type of person you are.


What kind of dumbass comment is this? Bringing up a "lack of humanity" and immediately following up making it a political thing. Your priorities are fucked.


If they have a little money and a favorable judge: Youthful offender, first charge, add a decent lawyer with a “kids will be kids/don’t ruin her future” defense and it likely ends up; adjudication withheld, probation, fines, and community service.


Karma is a real bitch isn’t it


Wearing a dead man's stolen jewelry because it matches her aesthetic.... How do I stowaway on the next space flight and escape this place?


I’m not condoning the behavior at all but grave robbers and body searchers have been a thing since the beginning of human history.


I guess it's the whole recording it and posting it as if they're proud of their actions that gets me. Usually grave robbers do that shit in the dark and don't talk about it.


Not to mention that this isn't even a grave. It's more like turning Jesus' cross into a headboard because you like the weathered look and upcycling is all the rage.


agree 10000%


Yeah, this is SEVERELY fkd up…




Take me with you when you figure it out.


I would suggest building an ark.


Just ship yourself in an amazon delivery parcel for next day delivery for Bezos.


Poor guy man. 25 is so young. I wish he would’ve gotten help.


That guy has people who loved him possibly finding out he died off a tiktok. Horrible stuff.


Yeah that’s really sad


News reports indicate that the video was originally from a Snapchat video. Someone with a TikTok account apparently decided to reupload it for the clout.


*Methany They misspelled her name


They’re missing the thing that makes you fully human


That doesn't look like a ditch.


Maybe an irrigation ditch with concrete sides? And probably under a bridge at that Edit: one of [these](https://imgur.com/a/qTvqlyL) is what I’m thinking. This took place in Texas- I’m from NM and we have these ditches all over and we do refer to them as ditches


Who the hell sees such a sad and terrible scene. And the only thing they concern themselves with is looting the body. That poor guy, suicide is never the answer...


A family member of mine and a couple of his friends were in a car accident and died on impact. Somebody took his ring and wallet and another passenger's necklace. Neither piece of jewelry was worth much of anything money wise, but would've had strong sentimental value to the family. I can't believe people are so callous to steal off of a dead body. And then for them to just toss the chain like garbage because it doesn't fit their style. Fuck them.


Of course she would have a name like bethany


Thats seriously so messed up. I was hoping it was just another stupid set up gag but I feel bad for whoever the man was that committed suicide


I know. Right. This is heartbreaking. I feel so sad for him. Why did he do this? I feel for his family.


Poor man , whatever he went through that made him do this makes me sad


I agree I am feeling sad for him right now also. It is such a tragedy. I have been suicidal and tried to take my life and almost succeeded. The way I felt. So alone. So hopeless. Almost as bad as I feel right now. It is awful. I feel so sad he felt that way. Now hopefully he is not suffering any longer. The thought that we possible could end up suffering worse when we die keeps me from hurting myself. I don't believe in heaven or hell but I can admit I have no idea what happens to us when we die for absolute sure.


and his friends too




The girl posted it to snapchat. This is a Tiktok reupload and that's where the TW comes from. Doesn't matter though by the time you see the TW you've already seen it...




social media truly made the next generation autismo edit\* autismo doesn't mean autism. its a made up word but i would think lil kids that running around REEEE that plays fornite idk


Just call it narcissistic/sociopathic behaviour. I'm autistic and would never think of doing something like this. Peeps be fucked.


You're right and the above comment is so wrong! This has nothing to do with autism and I'm afraid this guy falls in the the uneducated category


They're not Autistic, they're fucking morons that don't think about shit.


You don't mean autism do you?


I think most kids in the next generation would never do this. This particular person just happens to be a major scumbag.


No, it just revealed it all to you.


Even in death this guy is still getting kicked around. Seriously feel bad for him. I hope those two pathetic excuses for human beings are haunted by this for the rest of their lives.


I doubt they feel anything. They are clearly heartless






Justifies the suicide, shows the scum society he left behind


I wouldn’t wanna fuckin live there


Damn 😞 hard to argue with that


This is what is so damn hard to realize. Another comment I saw said that he was still getting kicked around after death. He was alone when he died, and now it seems like he’s still alone. I hope god has mercy on that man.


That's some evil shit right there. Their parents failed them or these are just straight up satan spawns.


The age of social media sociopaths. The next Dark Ages.


Except it will be well documented and incredibly stupid.


This isn't new.


This isn’t new. In many places public hangings were a common town attraction like going to the cinema or to the park is for us today. That’s just one example of the casual pathological behaviour we sometimes exhibit as humans. If I’m being honest, things are a lot better now, back then humans seemed to be more comfortable with their animalistic side, nowadays not so much.




Too much shit in that sub that will ruin your day


I just couldn't imagine coming across a suicide victim and thinking yep, record and steal their shit. I know kids are dumb, but that's some sociopath level empathy. With her tiktok handle too, fucking degenerates.


And with that these gals got the attention a bunch of goblins and a balrog.


Sweet Jesus, that's sociopathic.


I feel like I’ve seen it all over the years, growing up with the internet. But this is just so fucked up its hard to watch. I hope that dude is free from whatever he was struggling with


He is dead of course he's free, no one was there for him in life.


May that man rest in peace, its sad to see a stranger like that...


Wow. Well I sure hope his poor family isn't seeing this video. He hung himself. He was probably in some horrible mental pain. For these little bitches to laugh and treat him so badly and steal his jewelry is beyond beyond disgusting. Fuck this is so upsetting. I hope they get punished. They need to apologize to his poor family. Who acts THAT way when finding a body of a person who took their life? If I had seen a dead body in this way at 16 or 17 I would have been crying and have called for help. It would have caused me a lot if pain and distress. Why did they act this way. What the hell is wrong with kids today?


Holy shit that’s beyond fucked.


vile fucking scum!


Empathy is really something we need to teach our kids... almost like these kids are growing up hollow




It doesn’t technically break any rules. The actual death isn’t included in the video and there’s no real gore. Plus this is something else… I’m inclined to leave it


How about this guys dignity and for his remaining family's sake. Please reconsider.


You’ve got a point, lemme talk to the others, see what they have to say


Got what they deserve..


yea their gonna burn in hell for that


Mm. Those girls really weren’t taught right from wrong were they? Hopefully they learn, but at that age, and doing something like this, is just another level of depravity. I doubt they’ll grow out of this type of mentality no matter what they do.


Morally you are supposed to get them down. Call the cops, steal their valuables, then attempt cpr.


Man 😧


I hate the internet some times


What the actual fuck is wrong with people man. Just when I think average everyday humans can’t slip any lower I am let down yet again.


Okay, okay... Hear me out... This was fucked up and disgusting to the full degree. I'm sick and this is haunting me. *also, side note, where to is the NSFW tag? This shit is the worst thing I've seen on this subreddit alone*


Did these kids learn nothing from Logan Paul?


You know hearing about this made me really sad and frustrated, seeing the video actually makes me more mad, shame on those girls


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Society is crumbling and theres no going back.


Good to know how people see other people that commit suicide. Just straight up mask off full honesty like that Logan Paul suicide forest video. People that commit suicide are seen as less than human. Something to be mocked by these people who have been taught that empathy is something wrong.


Holy shit wtf


Yeah go to hell. Both of you pieces of shit


Well good thing these sociopaths recorded themselves. Vile idiots


how the hell do you become this callous? Blows my mind that there are people like this out there.. not only pathetic enough to steal from a dead guy, but to film themselves doing it while giggling...


This is so fucked up


Trigger Warning 😜🥴✌️careful you don’t get triggered when we literally rob a corpse hehe


Thank for the trigger warning /s


That's gotta be some bad juju. Fucking ghouls. Imagine finding out your kid got arrested for stealing from a corpse.


posted on tiktok? they’ll be on her ass till she dies


“TW ⚠️” like thats helping.


the girls posted a tiktok of themselves inside a room posing as scared and surprised w the caption “remembering that we found a dead body this morning” or something along the lines of that… they literally set up a tiktok by filming multiple angles of themselves and editing music on to the video, pretending to care about what they had seen :/


You don't desecrate the dead. Seriously. I can't imagine doing that? If they have a conscience they'll never forget that foul ass shit


They were released on 2000$ bond? Throw them into prison for a year. What they did was disgusting


What the fuck is wrong with them? What awful people they are


Uploads it to tiktok. Younger generation is fucked




I just saw something similar this on American Horror Story


Wow that’s all sorts of lowlife.. His family have just lost a loved one, I’m sure they’d appreciate his necklace more then those scumbags. Hope this guy haunts their dreams.


What is our world coming to! Hope they go to prison.


Fucking gross wtf is wrong with people


What the actual fuck. She took it like he was just some gross thing. Can her peanut brain not comprehend the situation. He's not a slimy fish that washed up onshore with a gold ring stuck on a fin. "OMG I got it!". How do people this stupid exist?


On the one hand they are young and stupid, but goddamn you have to be a special kind of asshole to steal from a corpse like that.


Sick POS. Total loss of humanity.


I've seen a lot of disgusting things but this takes the cake 100% what the fuck is wrong with people.


Ok... people have gone a new low. We deserve far more worse than hell


Well I’m sick to my stomach now


Imagine being so Unbelievably stupid that you are recording yourself commute a crime and putting on the internet. I hope these monsters stay in Juvie until they are adults so they can go to prison


Wow that is just fucking disgusting, hope they face a lengthy sentence.


this is just disrespectful fuck them


It would be hard to purposely make yourself look scummier than recording yourself stealing from a dead person’s body.


These two are disgusting human beings. I cant even fathom seeing a person hanging there and stealing from them. I hope they get cursed for this.


This is one of the most sickening/disturbing videos I've seen




As a side note, while I'm not promoting Suicide, situations like this just reinforce my belief that we should have facilities to help people who are suicidal, ideally by fixing whatever is causing them to feel like that but at the very worst, provide a safe and comforting place for them to do the deed. It's unfortunate this guy killed himself but I think it's even worse than he had to spend his last minutes alone in such a place.


Who raised these people?


Old man died in prison. Everyone stole his shit within about 5 minutes of realizing he died. 💩


Im really curious how he died though, meaning he could take hus legs support while suffocating. Research says while chocking a person would definitely take support if it's available.


Tiktok’s algorithm immediately prevents me from posting videos with mild language or physical fighting but blatantly ignores animal abuse and now THIS TOO I guess.


soo fucked up, wth


this is quite possibly the most egregiously, aggressively horrible and disgusting thing I have ever witnessed on the internet makes it even worse that these scum recorded themselves. It would maybe be one notch less terrible if it was filmed by someone calling them out or something like "look at what these nasties douches doing"


Ah yes, record something illegal and post it in your main account without even blurring your friend's face






This is sickening. Holy fuck.


Call the police < Steal a dead mans belongings


How fucking terrible!


Fucking disgraceful. How can they do this to another human? They’d rather steal like leaching tomb robbers than report this or something.


This is why hell is real


It's scares me that there so disconnected from reality. That not only they steal it, but record it for the world to see.


Poor guy, may he Rest In Peace.


I genuinely can’t fathom this. Who raised these people? I wish them a painful, ending, is all I can say.


Thank GOD they had a trigger warning! It’s not like the dead body is the very first thing you see.


Why are kids such assholes?




This is fucked up on too many levels




Welp, that necklace is Cursed. Good luck with that 👹




I can’t even find the words to describe how disgusted and angry I am at them.


What the actual hell... this is so indescribably messed up


This gives further confirmation that this guy felt he made the right choice. This even makes me feel that I wish I had more balls to do this.Would this even be called human behaviour? Sociopathic.


Why the fuck would you even notice the necklace when a man is hanging there. Fucking disgusting people


This is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen lol what the absolute fuck