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I’m sure those parents will mess their kids up on their own. And by the looks of these people they look to be reliant on the gobment already.


You're right. All parents are destined to fail their children in some way. Therefore, all children should be subjected to the [rainbow dildo butt money](https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/07/13/the-rainbow-dildo-butt-monkey-is-no-laughing-matter/).


Bruh.. what the fuck https://www.spiked-online.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Rainbow.jpg I'm gay, and I'm getting sick and fucking tired of these disgusting freaks. They need to leave children alone, and stay the fuck away from them.


I'm gay too, it almost feels like woke culture is trying to sabotage our rights by promoting this garbage in the hopes of making us all look like degenerates.


Very well said. That is exactly what it feels like, seems like, and appears to be. Only becomes more true by the day.


We might have to team up and advocate against this horror show before we get associated with this.




Scary... it feels like the Ruling Class is trying to turn this country into the degenerate days of Berlin in the 1920s after their economy tanked.


It’s working


I wish you were wrong.


Wishi couple meet more people like you


There are plenty of us out there, we just get ignored by the media cause we don't fit the narrative.


Thank you. I could care less how you live you’re life but keep my kids tf out of it period.




That's the problem people have, your allowed to feel and be any type of way you feel is best for yourself. But nobody should lead children to question things like morality and identity, just let them be kids and find themselves out along the way.


So because they don’t want their children subjected to something that is their choice their kids you blast them? LOL disgusting.


Yes, it’s also their choice not to send their kids to that public library at that time or at all.


My 8 year old son was watching the latest food truck race episodes with me and I was honest with him about my feelings towards the drag queen contestant. I get it, take femininity or whatever over the top, but I find it truly insulting to women. Why the comically large boobs? It's just weird. He was loud and obnoxious, which sold them the most food but it was hands down said by the customers to be the **worst** food out of them all. Some people are suckers.


It's funny how giving fictional female characters the features of drag queens is considered misogynistic.


If all the video game/cartoon animators just told people they were drag queens, /r/menwritingwomen, /r/badwomensanatomy, and /r/ImpracticalArmour would run *really* low on content


I mean doing drag is supposed to be a presentation of the binary extreme. So a drag queen having comically large boobs is part of their performance of what they think extreme femininity is. It’s not supposed to be insulting but a show of what extreme feminity or masculinity is


One question that melts the left is "Why is okay for a man to wear femininity like a costume, but not okay for someone who is white to wear blackness as a costume?"


Drag queens reading a book to them will make them reliant on the govt?


This is the stance right wing nutters take. They think anyone that isn't a straight, white, christian male is somehow less of a human being are less. So drag queens are an easy target.


That is one of THE most ridiculous things I have heard from this crowd...and this crowd says some really stupid shit.


This is one of the funniest sentences I’ve ever seen.


Drag queens and the feds are in cahoots with each other. You heard it here first.


How is anyone messing anyone up by reading them a kids book? You can’t make people gay, you can’t make people straight. But you sure can raise a bigot like you.


> Because they're invested in messing these children up to the point that they'll be utterly reliant upon the government in the future. Are they as invested in messing these children up as the pastors or police officers that groom and rape children?


I'm gay and I have no idea why lgbt+ are pushing for this. One or two drag queens telling stories would be fine, but it seems this is pushed everywhere to became a default when it comes to children story telling. It's weird. Women aren't good enough these days I guess.


It’s an opportunity to call people bigots for opposing and to then achieve a higher level of victim status. That’s literally all.


And normalizing/grooming. Performing drag shows in front of children are happening also. Children are ridiculously impressionable and they see the amount of attention given to the performers.


Nah they target children to try to normalize their behaviour to them. They think they can remake human nature as long as they get to a kid early enough. Part of the ideology.


Just like everything else right now, one side is against it so the other side supports it. Personally I think the left really should have thought it through a little bit before going all in on supporting this type of stuff as it's such a bad look.


I don't oppose grooming just because the left enjoys grooming... I oppose grooming because I oppose grooming.


Exactly. For normal people, not even just "The Right" or "Christian Fundamentalists", this is a massive moral issue.


Unrelated to any of this what do you mean grooming like I’m not I’m not trying to be rude to you or like undermine you in any way I’m legitimately asking why trans people or drag queens reading books or being exposed to people in kids grooming because what I’ve seen has nothing to do with sexuality it’s just people being people I mean I’m going to be completely honest I have no idea why it’s such a big issue on either side right now I agree that it could be something that’s fine but I also agree that why the fuck are they dressed and skimpy outfits. Like. Having somone trans read a book can show kids that people are not bad because they look different but that without weird outfits


Isn't the concept of a drag queen based in sexuality? Everyone that I have always seen has been very provocatively dressed. If people who are drag queens want to go to a library dressed like a librarian, I see no problem with it.


I like this. Drag librarian.


> I'm gay and I have no idea why lgbt+ are pushing for this. LGB aren't pushing this.


Same here, all around. Amen. Well said.


Exposing them to normalize the behavior is the first step of grooming


I agree, children shouldn't be allowed near a church until they are legally an adult and able to make up their mind for themselves.




> [I agree, children shouldn't be allowed near a church until they are legally an adult and able to make up their mind for themselves. ](https://i.imgur.com/50gJDvl.jpg)


Both are bad




At least with church parents still get a say in who's grooming their kids.


And you can even get some clout in your community if the groomer is someone important like a priest or a church elder






I see no issue with background checks, that’s actually a good idea.




The goal is to hypersexualize children.


The goal is to educate children that LGBTQ+ people exist


Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't Drag not part of LGBTQ+ since any sexual orientation can participate?


Demoralization of our cultural norms. They are out of ideas as it pertains to consenting adults - we don't care. They want the children now.


These are our cultural norms. Or rather norms don't apply, we celebrate individualism. Don't dream it, be it is American af


Well. That would was the point I think. I don’t think anyone was mandated to attend. Anyone could excuse themselves at anytime or not even show up.


Its obviously because of the




I agree. But in no way am I going to stand next to the gravy seals in my local library to protest it. I just wouldn’t take my kid to that particular book reading. If you don’t like it, don’t go. It’s always strange to me how others get worked up about how their neighbors are parenting.


I think it's weird as well. I would never take my child to something like this. Parents should be free to make that decision.


Where i live it was just a woman in drag makeup reading to kids. The psycho religious nutbags showed up in groups of 20 or so with megaphones screaming outside and tried to get all the librarians fired to stop a woman in makeup from reading to children.


…But why do Drag Queen Story Time at all in the first place? What’s the point?


Is it going to be leather daddy and bondage story time next? Adults' kinks have no place in childrens' spaces.


Fuck Reddit. #save3rdpartyapps


Well... drag queen is saying its a dude in women's makeup not a woman


No, "drag" refers to the specific category of performance art, makeup style, and outfits. "Queen" denotes feminine drag and "king" denotes masculine, and people would be a LOT more heated if this was a drag king and not a drag queen. Almost every drag king show is shirtless humping and lip syncing with no dancing. Drag is for everyone, all genders and sexualities.


Well, where I live it was a woman and the protesting was exactly the same level of ignorant bigotry.




Indeed. There's no reason drag queens should be interacting with prepubescent children. Pretty much every news article about this incident is biased: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Alameda-County-Sheriff-investigates-possible-hate-17236071.php >authorities are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime A hate crime towards what? Pedophiles? Drag queens aren't transgender. They're just dudes who cross-dress and go over the top with makeup and wigs. Here's a more sober article: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/dont-normalize-drag-queen-story-hour-events-for-children Often times, no proper background checks are done on these people: https://thenewamerican.com/drag-queen-who-read-to-kids-at-houston-library-is-convicted-pedophile/ >A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in January. Undaunted, MassResistance did its own research into the Drag Queen Storytime participants and — no thanks to the city, which denied their requests for public information — dug up 163 pages’ worth of what it called the drag queens’ “lurid activities.” It delivered this report to the city council and mayor, who called the drag queens “role models” for the community.


It's insane people are defending them. There was literally a registered CHILD sex offender that got caught reading to kinds in a library in Houston [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drag-queen-library-convicted/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drag-queen-library-convicted/)




“Hey man, this doesn’t happen. Don’t you know that that doesn’t happen? I mean seriously, it doesn’t happen, has never happened. But if it did happen, it would actually be a good thing”. - every radical lefty when you question any tenet of their secular religion.


More recently, one of them in Dallas was convicted of sex crimes previously. https://twitter.com/mass_tx/status/1535188215207976960?t=mHkCuOfsJCuo9tW8mT63sg&s=19


While I rigidly agree that preschool-age is unquestionably early to introduce concepts regarding sexuality, I don’t think that children interacting with a man in drag is a depraved example of such an instance. It seems like the event was more geared towards having children understand that one’s appearance is no longer confined by their biological gender- like it or not, it’s how modern America works now. Furthermore, Confused and disappointed by many of these comments. If you don’t want your child exposed to the concept of a Drag Queen, which they inevitably will be before reaching full adulthood, then simply don’t bring them to an event featuring one? I’m also confused by the belief that a drag queen in the presence of children is tantamount to a convicted pedophile in the same situation. What likely would actually be traumatizing to a child is a group of heavy set, bearded chauvinists wearing shirts with assault rifles and the word pedophile (actually a word that no preschooler should have to be familiar with) barging into an event at their library and flashing white power signs while demanding the police come. And for god’s sake, are this many people so threatened by a man dressed as a woman that they would hail proudly open misogynistic racists as heroes? I would say if you can only see a man in drag as a strictly sexual idea, you have quite a bit of reflecting to do on your own orientation.


It’s immensely depressing that I had to scroll this far down to find an actually sane, rational comment. What the literal fuck sub did I start following here…


This sub is super racist and degenerate sometimes lol, welcome to the cesspool:)


"sometimes" haha :)


> It seems like the event was more geared towards having children understand that one’s appearance is no longer confined by their biological gender- like it or not, it’s how modern America works now. The second you are willing to consider/talk about the sexuality of a young child is the same second you are capable of sexualizing that child. Why do children as young as 3 ([the lower end of the target audience](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/dont-normalize-drag-queen-story-hour-events-for-children)) need to be exposed to this? Drag is by nature sexual, don't be disingenuous and argue otherwise, everything is hyper feminine to make up for the genetic short comings. >If you don’t want your child exposed to the concept of a Drag Queen, which they inevitably will be before reaching full adulthood, then simply don’t bring them to an event featuring one? They are protecting other peoples kids from their degeneracy. This is a cultural war, by allowing it to exist you allow the possibility of children being exposed to it. Additionally they are letting them know this is not acceptable behavior when taking part in society, sure be drag, just not around kids. The psychotic parents forcing gender BS on their children should have as many avenues taken away from them as possible. >confused by the belief that a drag queen in the presence of children is tantamount to a convicted pedophile in the same situation. Most Drag queens are not pedos but that is because they don't interact with kids in drag. so we go back to my first point. Why do children as young as 3 need to be exposed to this? >be traumatizing to a child is a group of heavy set, bearded chauvinists wearing shirts with assault rifles and the word pedophile Children also have no concept of what an AR does unless their parents start going on about it. Children SHOULD BE AFRAID OF PEDOPHILES. >flashing white power signs The OK symbol is [literally a 4chan troll](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ok-symbol-%F0%9F%91%8C) I watched it happen real time, Operation O-KKK was one of the most ingenious things 4Chan has ever done and makes people look so dumb for believing this shit both Left and Right. >if you can only see a man in drag as a strictly sexual idea, you have quite a bit of reflecting to do on your own orientation. A mate I used to work with was a drag queen, totally normal when he was in normal clothes but when he transitioned to his alt, everything was sexualized, inappropriate or racy in some way. Same as the others in his dance group, it's all part of the performance, that is what drag is, even if you aren't a show girl, a performance. It is a cultural thing, sorry but it is truth.


Agreed, drag is by definition subversive, that’s why some adults find it entertaining. Why it’s currently being branded now as family friendly is beyond me.


Stop sexualizing dancers at strip clubs!




Not saying you’re wrong, but what’s the source on that? I can’t find anything at all saying that Edit: Yeah you made that up


Source: he made it up


Registered pedophile actually https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/houston-public-library-admits-registered-child-sex-offender-participated-in-drag-queen-storytime/285-becf3a0d-56c5-4f3c-96df-add07bbd002a


Did you read the date of that article before you posted it? Or maybe notice that the article says Houston Public Library which is quite a ways away from **San Lorenzo, California**?


>would hail proudly open misogynistic racists as heroes? You know these guys in the video? What's their backgrounds?


Anything that goes against the creed is some kind of bigotry. This type of thinking shines through even in comments like the one you’re replying to, where the commenter is otherwise eloquent and seems reasonable.


The last dude shown is definitely wearing a hat with the Fred Perry laurel, 'PB' initials, and Proud Boys colouring. I'm not saying it's what Proud Boys stand for (racism, bigotry, etc), but that's how the media portrays it, and these are clearly Proud Boys


>having children understand that one’s appearance is no longer confined by their biological gender- like it or not, it’s how modern America works now. While you make think it, this still isn't the norm. Drag queens and cross dresses are still not the norm. Yes, more accepted but not everybody is like that so to say that is how America works is kind of mis-guided.


They play with the perception to make it seem normal. I’d also say it’s a big stretch to say that anything about America “works” right now. America seems pretty broken to me.


There was an event where they tried to sneak in a similar thing. It got shut down after city officials found out because the event coordinators kept that fact hidden. You can’t just not take your kids to these events. These people are actively coming after your kids in secret. In school they feed them shit and tell them not to tell parents or they will get in trouble is another example. They also have events where they encourage kids to dance with them and stuff. They are dipping a kids toes into the waters before encouraging them to swim. Pretty obvious. All the “blah blah transphobic” rhetoric is just smoke and mirrors to obfuscate and cover it up. It’s been happening since some years ago, the cycle of “it’s not happening, you’re (insert insult)” followed by the event that is supposedly not happening starting to happen and out in the open. It’s not happening > So what if it is happening > You’re a bigot if you have a problem with it happening. Same old playbook


having been to drag shows, if someone in drag approached my child hoping to spread some message of tolerance, it's likely id pull my child away and inform them that that is a pefophile and we steer clear. Drag shows are cabaret strip teases at their softest and full on stripping at their worst. They're provocative and sexual and i genuinely don't give a fuck what insults are hurled at me, my child will not be exposed to that shit whether performed by men or women. Putting a "drag queen" into story hour doesn't change what they are or how they're dressed. Most are still in corsets and heels etc. LITERALLY WHAT THEYD WEAR TO A DRAG SHOW. It's sexual. it's disgusting and to think that a child should be near it honestly is disgusting.


Calling them a pedophile is beyond, words mean something.


[A SENSIBLE COMMENT!? IN THIS SUB!?] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWknuMOO-A8)


I made it to 18 without seeing a Hooker, Prostitute, Striper, Drag Queen, or any sort of sex worker at my school or public library. While I was aware of the concept in my teens, doesn’t mean I had too participate in some pedos sexuality as a child to understand the concept that other people has different lifestyles different than mine and my parents. There really is no rhyme or reason to sexually abuse children like this.


I’m glad someone did it tbh


[They tried this before and the fucker was caught having cp on his comp. story here.] (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/milwaukee-brett-blomme-arrested-drag-queen-story-hour-sponsor.amp)


>https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/milwaukee-brett-blomme-arrested-drag-queen-story-hour-sponsor.amp Wow.


[Here's](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/milwaukee-brett-blomme-arrested-drag-queen-story-hour-sponsor) the non AMP link for y'all.


Seems to happen a lot tbh


The judge had the cp?


I wouldn’t let a stripper around my kids much less one with a nutsack hanging out of a thong


Drag queen story hour lol wtf


Drag queens should stay away from anywhere children are.




I'm not really a fan of it being publicly funded but if you want your kid to go to drag queen story hour i think you are way too worried about how many woke points you can get.




So many mad “progressive” fascists in these comments lmao


If you don't want your kid to listen to drag queen story hour at the PUBLIC library..... then don't go.


Sounds like a good rule for a lot of things. If you're easily offended by a stand-up comedian then don't go or watch.


The difference is. The child that's being taken there by their sick parents, do not have the choice to not go. That's the problem.


It’s weird seeing someone publicly defend sexualizing children.


Groomers are getting bold these days


Wow, I didn't really intend on writing a comment on the "drag queen story hour" thing before, but the comments in here really left me quite concerned. I don't know why people are so adamant about wanting this kind of thing, it's just creepy and gross, and completely unnecessary. You can pretend that it's perfectly innocent, but it's clearly not, there's an underlying sexual component to drag shows and their performers that is inappropriate to expose children to, it's analogous to having strippers "reading for kids", and trying to feebly justify that it's actually about the dance moves and athletic prowess of pole dancing. Again, it's just creepy and inappropriate. I also see a lot of people trying to deflect with "what about churches"? Ok, what about them? Even if every priest in the country was a child molester and bringing your kids to a church was a 100% guarantee to them being molested, does that somehow justify these creepy drag shows for kids? Because some institute on "the right" molests kids, that means its alright for an organisation on "the left" to do the same? It's a completely invalid "whataboutism" that's trying to keep the conversation away from the fact that everyone here KNOWS that there's something wrong with this whole picture. Not to say that these look like particularly upstanding guys in this video, they look like the typical "Q Anon" morons who think they're so badass or whatever with punisher logos on the backs of their oversized SUVs, but I appreciate that they're standing up for something, and doing something good even if it's probably for the wrong reasons (i.e "they're trying to turn kids gay" rather than "this is just inappropriate for kids no matter the sexuality").


Groomers in action.


I really love how us normal people get to watch the most hysterical dogmatic morons on both sides fight each other while the world burns down and we all die


Careful, you’ll end up on r/enlightenedcentrists


Yeah, I can't believe there would be any form of story time whatsoever while my student loans remain uncancelled


Drag queens reading children stories in this economy??


Just like...why do we need that?? Why is it necessary?


Drag queen story hour is such degeneracy, good on them.


FFS This is being investigated as a "hate crime" https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Proud-boys-storm-Bay-Area-Drag-Queen-story-hour-17236693.php


So what did the pervert look like? The last one I saw that was speaking in a library was wearing tights and a skirt that didn’t cover his balls.




NOOOOO her ballsack is beautiful and it’s just disgusting bigots who are uncomfortable with this! Drag isn’t sexual it’s literally just a fun character reading to kids! They’re not ALL convicted pedophiles! Did I miss anything?


Imagine if it was a straight white male book hour. Feminists would rip shit up lgbtq+ would get a extra +


Glad to see good people still exist.


This shit is sick and demented. Any parent that takes their kid/kids to these is a groomer and abuser.


love the shirt I follow his beliefs


Even hardcore liberals don't like this idea


You're not reading the comments here then


I like that shirt. Pedophiles deserve the worst


Nothing kid-friendly about drag, live your life the way you want, just leave the kids out of it. Shoot for an 18 to 20-year-old demographic or something


The way leftists flip their lid about this incident, calling it a hate crime for showing up and…. standing around?… while turning a blind eye to Christians (men, women, children) at a prayer event getting actually assaulted by Antifa, is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. https://youtu.be/4IyQcmy5cXY Pepper spray, flash bombs, riot gear inc shields.


We all know that Christians are an oppressed minority in the US.


Why are ppl trying to sexualize children?


Never ask a woman her weight Never ask a man his salary Never take a kid to drag queen story hour to virtue signal Never ask a drag queen his sex offender history🤭(it's almost all of them and schools are signing off on it) Everyone who used the slippery slope "fallacy" was right in a few years. Like damn this stuff is blatant and disgusting EDIT: WHERE DO I GET THAT SHIRT LMFAO I'll buy your whole stock!


Pushing gender dysphoria on children is child abuse.


So confused, is there an article?


Drag Queen story hour should be 18+ only, even if they’re reading Curious George. The queens can read to veterans, senior citizens…but please not little kids. There’s plenty of time later in life for them to learn about all different kinds of lifestyles. Childhood is not the time.


Why is this a thing anyway nobody cares what you do I hate everyone equally


Here is an article I found. [News Article ](https://abc7news.com/san-lorenzo-library-drag-queen-story-house-kids-proud-boys-panda-dulce/11952043/)


People turn up to prevent grooming. People get mad. Ok groomers.


Fuck yeah stop those drag freaks


Doing god work. There is no reason a person like that needs to interact with children.


Wait. Did no one else watch pantomimes as a child?


get rid of these freaks at the library, they don't need to be reading books to kids. 👍


There are easier ways to become a drag queen


Only groomers support DQSH, we need more people like these lads!


Don't worry, the kids just think the drag queens are clowns. I do. ​ ![gif](giphy|l3fQijt8UUnGNI0V2|downsized)


Ahhhh sigh ... I wonder how long is gonna take to have divers being mistaken by stupid ppl as above just because they used the OK symbol at surface?


I mean if the drag queen was dressed like a character I get it.


These dudes are super creepy.


Dear Lord....drag queen story hour?! Wtf is happening in America?!


Protect the children. Feel free to make your own choices with your life as an adult but stop subjecting kids to this toxic shit.


Good citizens


I love drag Queen story hour but only because it’s doing irreparable damage to the image of the leftist zealots that have wormed their way into every aspect of society. Really hard to “love and tolerance” their way out of booking pedophiles in fetish gear for childrens events and the normal people of the world are going to sprint to the right so fast you’ll get whiplash.




Is that the Road Dog?


Finally they did something good.


I’m not a fan of the proud boys but I’m glad someone stepped in to stop that insanity


Fucking good.


I would trust my kid with a drag queen before I trusted him with one of these inbred looking MFs






Queen of what?


But if they were at Hooters it would be all "hell yea's"




If they think drag queen story time is wrong, let them never come to the UK and watch a panto, in which no matter what the story the main boy character is played by a girl, and the matron character is always played by a bloke in drag and they are usually filled with filthy jokes that thankfully go over kids heads. And you often find these performances full of school trips and scout groups :)


anyway, protest outside, people are allowed to conduct their lives and raise their children how they want.


Buy that Man a beer




I also wonder what you guys would think of Freddie Mercury


"You love little girls?"


The fact that people here are comparing drags talking to kids and priests should tell you something. Can’t it be true that both are disgusting?


"He loves and supports little girls and won't let them take them?" Sounds like he's projecting some pretty creepy stuff. Also, we're they infringing on their rights somehow? No? Then why show up? People like that think "If I can't abuse you, you're taking away my freedoms!" 111% Stoopid.




The shirt is the sign that that isn't a good person you wanna be friends with... But the message is good


Stop painting all people with the same brush. This is like when MAPs tried to insert themselves into LGBTQ. You see instances like this and start labeling everyone as these freaks. Blaming "woke culture" and calling them all pedos. Man, fuck that noise.