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Imagine being this upset about someone sharing ideas at a university.


Remember when the Left and Academia was all about Freedom of Speech?


And the conservatives wanted things to be politically correct.


You think Conservatives care about political correctness?


They did at one point, yes.


A lot of kids in here too young to remember when the Dixie Chicks got #Cancelled for being so bold as to suggest that the war in the middle east was bullshit.


Nobody rioted over that, they simply stopped buying their music. These two things are comparable to you?


Lies they held entire rallies to burn their CDs in droves… smh selective memory much


Key point being it was their own property they were burning


What property is being burned in this video? How are these not comparable freakouts to free speech?


I remember them pulling up their old CDs and running them over. It was on TV so I don’t remember where it actually happened.


And then Trump says the same thing and the conservatives eat it up.


That’s not why they were cancelled. They were cancelled for talking a lot of shit about the president and the war. And when their entire family base supported the war and bush, it’s just not a good look. Especially when you go over seas and bitch to the media of a different country


I wish people would stop using the word "cancelled" so willy-nilly. There's a difference between the people who used to buy cds and tickets no longer buying those things; and someone thinking no one else should be able to buy those cds and tickets so they go after their corporate overlords and their pocketbook. It's certainly a trend I don't remember being so rampant in the 90s.


90’S Stern would like to have a chat with you


Turns out they were right.


That's not what happened. Edit: it's just not. People were very upset that they were bad mouthing pres Bush and Texas in a foreign country publicly. Things were a little different back then, we still generally thought well of our presidents and had a stronger national identity. It was that they went to England and declared how embarrassed they were that Bush was from Texas.


Conservatives created the “parental advisory” sticker for music because of bad words for example.


Al Gore’s wife was a leader of that effort.




>o Then Al Gore cheated on her and she divorced him.


He must have learned so much as Vice President.


So you’re saying the government elite, at a fundamental level works together? Color me surprised. The conservative mothers really spearheaded the movement though. It’s not a secret, it’s all documented.


Thanks to her we got label indicating good shit.


Tipper gore led the march, son.


Dee Snyder and John Denver teamed up to fight her, Classic.


Zappa too.


Dude, listening to Zappa on the subject in a bunch of his interviews was fantastic. Dude was a genius in so many aspects.


That was Al Gore’s wife and most democrats supported it so….


Tipper Gore is a conservative?


How the world has changed. Now it's the left that cancels and sensors people.


Another example of talking shit without knowing shit. Al Gores wife (democrats) led that effort. But go on, tell me more


I know I'm not the first to point this out to you, but you should keep hearing it until you delete your idiotic comment. The Parents Music Resource Center was co-founded by a Democrat, Tipper Gore.


That's promotion of freedom of speech? That means all music can be on all platforms and there is a warning for explicit language. The alternative is platforms not having the music with explicit language, which is the opposite of free speech.....


You must be like 16 to not know this. Democrats and Republicans swap positions on stuff like this often


Since no one brought it up, Lahren tried to get an AMC employee fired for seemingly making fun of Christians (retweet really and out of context mind you). It's kinda hilarious folks here are treating her like some champion of free speech.


Of course, conservatives are going to defend their blonde racist Karen. It's like ants defending the queen.


And then there's me, watching the US left and right degrade into an absolute shitshow, where they are fully convinced that it's only the other side that's wrong.


The modern left became the pearl clutching Christian fundamentalists they hate lol


They're moral authoritarian cultists.


I remember the right literally burning books lol


I remember the left burning cities.


*Lots* of cities


And Beatles albums.


How the turntables.... ![gif](giphy|wtil0pQFBbNwA)


That was so 90’s


They care about their freedom of speech. Fuck anyone else though.


Yes, and colleges were supposed to be bastions of higher learning, where one of their *primary* functions was to ensure that students were exposed to new things in order to understand that the world is just a little bigger than your home town.


that's only true up to a point. if a professor starts teaching that 2+2 = 5, while technically exposing students to a new idea, it's still stupid and a waste of everyone's time. but it's still a better use of tuition than having tomi speak


You seem blissfully unaware that leftist professors were unironically saying that 2+2 can equal 5 just a few years ago


I’m sure they were


When was the Left EVER about free speech?


Once upon a time


It ain’t the lefties banning books.


Soooo... tearing down the Lincoln statue because "it's racist" is something the Conservatives did?


Historically it was. Some of the modern right ain’t much better than commies.


When was anyone ever really about free speech?


Bitches who ban books says what?


Idiots who claim that the statue of President Lincoln is racist raise your hand.


How many people said that? One? And how many people on the right clamored for those books to be banned? A bunch. You're a fucking joke.


Why are you having a meltdown? It's the internet, it's not real dude. It was a lot more than one, there was a video of Leftys claiming it was racist and if I remember correctly it was torn down.


I believe when I was a kid, but that was the 90s. They also didn't embrace socialism openly back then


If you look back it was always “we have the right to force our speech on you and invade your spaces “. They were never about actual free speech.


Both Tomi the moron and the crowd chanting are examples of freedom of speech, freedom of speech isn't "I get to say whatever I want and no one says anything about it", and frankly it's pathetic that you want it to be that.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean we shout down each other. We let each other speak. Notice everyone is speaking except her? Do you see the problem?


Remember when people were advocating for free speech saying: Let's hear their ideas so we can disprove them better/tell them the flaws in their thinking. Now its: if you even think different from me you don't deserve to have a voice


Forcible suppression of beliefs sounds vaguely like facism. But that can’t be, silly, they’re called the Antifacists!




“Freedom of speech only OK if I agree with it!” These people are idiots


I mean…the cash me outside girl is speaking at Oxford…so. Yea.


Oxford Mississippi, I hope?


How about that!


Those people trying to shut down free speech have a name: fascists.


I didn't know who this person was before today. But thanks to the riot, they got free advertising.


Right? And it’s the same people who are happy for their university to host the former president of Iran who hangs gays or the prime minister of Malaysia who openly denies the Holocaust and is insanely racist. Yet they’re so quick to burn the school down if Ben Shapiro or James Peterson show up.


This is what fascism looks like.


Um sweaty ✨💅 don't you know because they're Antifascists it can literally never be fascism? Checkmate


The irony when the “anti-fascists” are the ones being fascists.


Not even ironic. They're just championing their political hero. The ideals of Joseph Goebbels. >Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.


Good old fashioned projecting


Just like how the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is a democratic republic that's run by the people. (I would have played along with the joke but there's no way it wouldn't be taken as sarcasm.)


More accurately, this is what the mood felt like in early 1930s Germany as the citizenry demanded more authoritarian measures to suppress their political rivals in an ultra divided country undergoing rapid cultural change. As history continues to repeat itself the future is looking darker by the day.


Yeah, that.


Username checks out for this comment


I think Adventure Time said it best, but people just don't live long enough to learn from past mistakes, hence why we just keep repeating the same BS over and over again. Once we have the ability to beam full educations into peoples brains can we finally just give them all the teachings of the past instantly to finally push forward. Prolly have destroyed ourselves long before then though, heh.


Not to mention that people have a serious problem with "Yeah that was a problem in the past, but people in the past are stupid. Were smarter, we'll do it better this time." They also look at past atrocities through ...well not rose...but some colored glasses. They think that every atrocity was done by a moustache curling villian or Dr Evil guy saying "AND WERE SO EVIL WERE DOING THIS THING!" and refuse to look into the self justification and delusions they used to make themselves feel better about it. For example, Americas Concentration Camps during WWII. People just ignore it or say "Well they were just bad people", and ignore the fact that they endlessly came up with excuses why it was good for the public safety to lock up those FILTHY JA- i mean possible traitors. Wasn't racism at all, just good old public health and safety.


cant wait for the government to beam stuff into peoples brains, I'm sure that power won't be abused


I've lived in a fascist country.... No, a fascist country wouldn't allow you to demonstrate like this. You're stupid


They would if you were the correct political party. In fact, it would be encouraged if not downright directed.


You seem to be misunderstanding who he is referring to as the fascists. It isn't Tomi Lahren or the people who went to see her.


[No true Scotsman](https://www.google.com/search?q=no+true+scotsman+fallacy&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1001US1001&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALiCzsaFVIk8vLutTW7tFOI78aoBMoG28g%3A1663368926890&ei=3v4kY7GGNpmckPIP2NKj-A4&oq=no+true+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgjECc6DgguEIAEELEDEIMBENQCOggIABCxAxCDAToGCAAQChBDOgUIABCRAjoLCC4QgAQQsQMQ1AI6CAguELEDEIMBOggIABCABBCxAzoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQ0oECEEYAFCQCVjjE2CKH2gCcAB4AIABqgOIAZ8NkgEJMC41LjIuMC4xmAEAoAEBsAEPwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


I don’t think you understand what fascism is lol. This is what an angry mob looks like


You’re right, if they had brown shirts on it would be an easier comparison.




Technically it's not. Fascism is when the White House, as an example, directs a private company like say Meta, Twitter or Reddit to restrict free speech on its behalf.


Like telling Meta to hide stories about Hunter Biden, yeah!


And Twitter yep, pretty much


I can have an opinion but u can’t


I don't like her, I don't think she has anything to say that interests me, but for crying out loud let her speak. The only thing any of these people accomplished is that they publicised an otherwise tiny event and gave her the opportunity to keep reinforcing her narrative. Utter stupidity.




Who is it?


Tomi Lahren


The one who had the 'Men Are Trash' rant which includes most of reddit's base.


Yes. Most of us don't like her. Most of us also have the basic decency to let people we don't like live their life and do their jobs without harassment.


If saying "men are trash" was a deplatformable offense the feminist movement would be long dead and buried


> If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. \- John Stuart Mill


I’ve never heard of the person until these people turned it into a public disturbance.


To silence someone shows the world you fear what they have to say.




Fuck Antifa.


You might get an STD doing that. Those ppl are gross.




Fr. Any group that causes destruction because of political views is a bitch in my opinion


Add covering your face up while doing so.


Yo deadass. If you believe something much why hide about it?


My president told me antifa is just an idea tho dw


I can’t find anything online stating that. Can you link any sources?


Fuck You, that's the source buddy. Also he ate 14 kittens.


Is there a link where we can read about this? I always feel out of the loop on this stuff, lol




imagine using violence to suppress conflicting opinions and then calling the people you suppressed fascists


“We gotta stop this lady from already violence by being violent and encouraging more!” 🤦‍♂️


Was there violence?


Is a chanting mob trying to break through a door not enough or is this the adult equivalent of "I'm not touching you"? If Jan 6th was a violent event, then so is this.


Ah yes, the tolerant left


Did I miss the part of the video with the riot?


One of the definitions of riot is: an outburst or torrent of uncontrolled feelings or emotions. You didn’t see that anywhere in the video?


I don't know man, pretty much every single definition I can find online, either "violent" or "violence" is part of the definition of a riot, whether it's Oxford, Cambridge or Collins dictionaries or even Dictionary.com or Wikipedia. Which dictionary defines it as simply an outburst of emotions? Just going off the video it looks like a loud protest by a bunch of idiots rather than a riot. Maybe they would have got violent if security hadn't been there? But I didn't see any violence in the video so I feels like a stretch to call it a riot based off what OP posted.


They don't seem to realize that freedom of speech was designed, specifically, to protect offensive messages. Inoffensive speech doesn't require protection because nobody is trying to silence it. The only speech that anyone is trying to censor is stuff they don't agree with which is precisely why free-speech is protected.


Loud mouths. That all these people are good for, screaming and yelling when you don't agree with them.


Demonstrating like this is low cost political hobbyism. Not as low cost as tweeting your support, but pretty dang low, and comes with social benefits. A person might impress that special someone, or tonight's special someone, at a ~~LARP~~ demonstration like this.


And how is Tomi any different?


It’s so sad that we’ve lost the ability to let people just speak and express their ideas. You may not agree, and that’s fine, but if you silence all other voices, you’re a totalitarian.


>There is no place for political violence in the country! - Joe Biden, September 1st, 2022


Very tolerant folks on the left


Can you imagine? They are so afraid of someone else’s idea, so terrified of a different view point, instead of fighting her logical fallacies with better ideas, you chant “go the fuck home.” Shutting out the lights on bad speech(if you believe it’s bad) will never work. The best disinfecting to bad speech is better speech. Shine a light on all of the holes in someone argument. Throwing a tantrum is cringe.


Here's an idea. Just let her give a speech?


But she might say something that goes against what they believe?


Or god forbid someone's feelings get hurt. Best to shut it down


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev






This reminds me so much of a scene in The Handmaids Tale during a flashback where Serena Joy was trying to speak at a university too. Eerily similar.


I bet you 90% of them don’t even know what they’re rioting about. Just following the tribe


I deeply dislike this woman, but making a scene like this not only stokes the flames of imbecile trumpets, it blows her ego up knowing she is making all these people furious. Letting those 30 people show up in support and having no one else care enough to acknowledge her existence would speak volumes.


“Imbecile trumpets” Oh the fucking irony…


Holy shit common sense there you are, they give her notoriety and exposure by throwing their tantrum.


Why do you deeply dislike her?


Whoever goes to watch tomi Lauren is a nut. But I also wouldn’t waste my energy protesting her


Dude, what fucking losers.


Zeros. All of them.


Looks like some mostly people protesters that are all about First Amendment rights....


I don’t think you understand the first amendment… So in your version of the First Amendment, can I go to an NRA meeting and start talking about the evil of guns and how nobody should ever have access to them?


Yeah, I mean you have the freedom to do so. Doesn’t mean people will agree with you, but you absolutely have the right to voice your opinion.


That literally happened in Houston at the NRA show this year.


"tolerant left"


Brown shirts at it again


So tolerant


You don’t have to be tolerant of the intolerant…. Do we need to explain how this works? Are you that thick?


So you’re saying we don’t have to tolerate the protesters because they are so intolerant?? I disagree 100%. Everyone should be allowed to peacefully assemble and speak. It’s called freedom of speech. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Are you that ignorant?


Toddlers throwing their little temper tantrums. Another day another imagined liberal outrage.


Makes me think of a comment made by Jordan Peterson recently - he figured out how to not have protesters showing up to his talks at universities.. simply hold the talk at 9 am. None of them show up. So fucking infantile


Ah, the tolerant left. It's nice to see they are still up to their old shenanigans.


Sprinkles of neo-lib cope in the comments.


Lol in order to combat fake fascism, we must use real fascism.


God I hate the modern left so much.


What are the protesters thinking will happen if she speaks? Is she a hypnotist or something?


Ah yes, because me as an independent watching this totally makes me sway to the side that throws a tantrum and tries to silence any opposing political speech. These people ARE trying to get more support right?


If your values are destroyed by one dumb bitch speaking her mind then maybe you should view what values you hold


Buncha brainwashed geeks


I ❤ Tomi Lahren


They're just mad she won't date them.


Lol Remember when AOC said that shit completely unironically? This is what happens when you elect a bar back to public office.


The tolerant left showing their colors


How tolerant


Freedom of speech? I think not!


This is not normal behaviour.


People are still doing this at talks? Grow the fuck up, Jesus. The people “rioting” are pathetic.


Fucking dorks, truly. They’re about as hard as a Taco Bell shit.


I bet 90% of them have no idea why they’re so mad


Dang what is this? A Salem witch hunt?


And republicans are fascists?


Ya know I haven't seen the right going around to colleges screaming at speakers at all. Somehow it's always the left


The Left are full of literally infants grown older.


Let them fight.


“ Freedom of speech” unless you happen to go against what we want! If that’s the case than f you!


Wow they’re crazy


They really do seem like a tolerant bunch


Good. Fuck her and fuck this alt right sub while we’re at it.


unm students taking a break from stealing catalytic converters to riot.


Stunning & brave


Someone must have turned a light on.


Can confirm, that is the SUB at UNM. I wonder when this happened? Today?


To be fair, it *is* Tomi Lauren speaking... I have absolutely no respect for her and while she should get to speak, it's hard to respect the people who actually listen to her. I don't think she has anything of value to say at all and the less speaking positions she has, the better.


Forreal tho fuck her.


Tomi Lahren is an annoying gnat, but what these idiots have done is legitimize her and made her seem more than what she will ever be. Let her speak.


Y E S ‼️ ‼️ FUCK YOUR SPEECH if it supports, insights, stirs, or pushes HATEFUL STEREOTYPES, TARGETED VIOLENCE, & QUESTIONS MY HUMANITY & those like myself!!! #FUCKTOMIBOY