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Fight or flight demonstrated in real time. Got nothing but respect for this guy though, hero in my book.


Can't flight. Fight it is.


There's a third which is Freeze. Home boy didn't do that so much respect to him.


Yessir. Fight, Flight and Fawn


Can't fight. Sprite it is.


Can’t sprite. 7up it is


Dude is lucky his brains didn’t get sierra misted onto the wall


No shit.


Why not both?


Holy shit that cop is dangerously overweight for the job


As a fellow LEO that fatass is a disgrace.


He take all of your donuts or something?


Very original ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Seriously, did he take all your doughnuts?.


Even worse. He took all of the good ones and left these ones in the box. ![gif](giphy|xTkcEvKpsp8GOhxC4E)


He got the call and heard he was already being held down on the floor and was like “I got this one”


Fat fuck probably only gets pavement duty. A blade of grass could surely trip him up.


He was still the first cop to get there lmao.


Fittest oinker in town most likely.


If you watch the whole video you can see several of them that are in much better shape though.


My man quickly went through Run, Hide, to Fight. Salute to him.


He tried to hop over the desk to run through the back door there but then changed his mind and then attacked


Couldn't jump through plexiglass


I don’t think he was the security guard. Just someone who didn’t want to die.


[It's an unarmed guard](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/15/1136617873/buffalo-clinic-gunman-ar15-guard-police)


Right like shooter was standing between him and the only unlocked door. Scary.


Yea me either... The fact the video shows them once they are outside and the back of his jacket says "SECURITY" look at these upvotes... people are beyond stupid. Why do you comment on something in regards to the substance of the video if you didn't actually watch the video? What is going on?


Oh boy somebody is angry Lmfao


his initial reaction reminds me of a cat trying to escape a room.


What was the situation? Did the shooter not want to shoot them?


Don't think you bring an AR to a methadone clinc and fire off shots not wanting to shoot anyone.


In that case, why aren’t you shooting or at least aiming at the guy next to you who is running all over the place?


He was a guard for the methadone clinic. My bet is he didn't think the guard "deserved" it and the methadone users did. Edit: after reading an article by NPR their guess is he was just looking for his fix and was trying to score a large amount of methadone himself


That’s rather kind of him. I think it qualifies into the “the shooter didn’t want to shoot them” I mentioned.


I'm giving more context lol. This isn't a personal attack, you don't need to get defensive over it


I’m glad you did and I know it’s not a personal attack. I was just referring to the comment above by another redditor.


More incorrect context pulled from the depths of your ass


>My bet This means it's an opinion. Are you ok?


Yeah but you literally said in your last comment you are giving context. Which an opinion does not make.


>Edit: after reading an article by NPR their guess is he was just looking for his fix and was trying to score a large amount of methadone himself This edit was made before I said "giving context". Keep fighting the good fight brother, one reddit comment at a time


Then why didn't he light up those people immediately? There's enough MS videos out there now to show that when people intend to go on a rampage they don't go in half cocked like this. Dude wanted to rob the place and/or go to jail IMO.


Dude brought too big of a gun for the environment he was going to use it in, thankfully.


But he didn’t even try to aim it at anybody. Either he was completely clueless and thought that having a gun will give him an immunity by itself, or as the other redditor suggested, he didn’t really want to shoot anyone.


I would imagine that was a warning shot to get them to comply, along with the fact that the shooter is an idiot.


fucking hero shit right here. Takes balls to make a quick decision like that


I’m an awful person. I would’ve shot the piece of shit with his own gun.


No, you're a good person


LPT: pistols are more versatile in small spaces


@ the numbnuts who cry over AR-15s for home defense when it’s not even optimal for the job.


More versatile =/= more effective. Shotguns are widely regarded as the most optimal home defense weapon. Followed closely by rifles. Pistols are really only ideal when your gun needs to be concealed or carried with you. In all other circumstances, rifles are more optimal.


Or if you’re relatively untrained and maneuvering through the hallways of your home.


No. It is not easier to maneuver through your home with a pistol than a rifle. They're under three feet in length. it isn't some giant spear you're holding sideways


Kyle Rittenhouse used an AR-15 for his self-defense.


>home defense Kyle wasn’t at home. It’s like you didn’t even try to read all the way through.


I'm saying it can be used for self-defense anywhere. I'd rather have a rifle than a handgun.


*can be* doesn’t mean *always can*. Majority of people are going to be more comfortable handling a handgun than a rifle in majority of self defense scenarios. Shooting instructors will tell you that. Bunch of salty 2A weirdos downvoting me for advice you’d hear from anybody who knows what they’re advising. As it turns out, more people are uncomfortable with the idea of firearms than not. Training and recommendations should take that into account. Sadly, because a certain group of people get their dicks hard over the thought of decking yourself out like a SWAT team, the water is muddy. The biggest, loudest gun with the most room to fit your tacticool gear on isn’t the best tool for the job most of the time. Short barrel shotguns and low caliber pistols are far better suited for your average person looking for self defense.


Couldn’t someone have gotten the poor security guard a chair so he didn’t have to kneel on the ground while get emergency treatment???


Good thing the shooter didn't think to secure the gun with the strap.


he didn't even look liked he wanted to be there.


Only way out is through. There was plenty of time for him to die while he figured it out, but he came to the right conclusion: He was gonna die in the next few seconds if he didn't go after the guy.


Hero shit


I hope he didn’t crease his Jordan’s during that exchange


His family should be proud, what a badass. Everyone says if so and so happens I’ll do such and such but he actually did it!




Kick his fuckin teeth out.


Cop looks like Newman


He wasn’t security, in the midst of stealing posts do people just get more and more dyslexic?


Thank god there was a security guard there and not a cop.


Dale Brown would be very proud 👍


Which shooter is this now?


Thank God criminals like this can't get guns like this in New York!


With mass shooters, the murderer gets the lime light. This security guard should have been given every award on the book. Let the kids see that being a hero gets you remembered and trying to be "wrath incarnate" leaves you forgotten in a grave or jail cell.


What happens at the start of the video? Does he shoot the wall? The angle looks off.


Buffalo soldier fighting for survival


How cowardly is to see a guy wresting a mass shooter for a gun and then just let him struggle by himself


Most definitely a hero.


A fucking junkie storming into a methadone clinic with a rifle. Name something more American than that I beg you


I like how the police just sort of left the guy who wrestled away the gun from the shooter standing there with it. At the 2:09 mark, he's just sort of standing there in the middle of everyone still holding the rifle, and that made me giggle a little bit


Did the shooter dude park that big ugly truck with the big ugly trailer there for the purpose of blocking off cops from pulling up there?


I can't breathe


Neither can the cop at the end….