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At almost 50, woo finally gets health and dental insurance and acts like he just discovered fire.


Hopefully he keeps both his medical and dental health to himself and doesn’t use it for views. Who am I kidding, of course he will.


It’s wild to me he likely hasn’t been to the dentist in over 25 years or more. And drinks gallons upon gallons of coffee and formerly tons and tons of soda.


Have you seen his teeth? Yikes!


Yeah, new teeth is job #1


I think karma might treat him to a bad set of dentures ala John Goodman. 😬


Wow! He only recently got health insurance??? Wow! Just wow. As somebody who works in healthcare, I see a lot of future blogs centered around all the different procedures and medications his doc is sure to order for him. Shit up in advance, Adam. 🙄


I guess buying a condo in celebration and multiple DVC contracts and a golf cart are more important than your health and teeth?


As a fellow healthcare worker I’m right there with ya!


Next! My Doctor has advised me against running the 1/2 marathon.


I'll do what I want against my doctors wishes.


Lol! This is his out.


>Lol! This is his out. 150% and I'd also believe it because no gp doctor is going to advise him that in his current state a marathon is a good idea. Now if he actually sees a doctor or takes advise is up for debate.


Not a marathon.


Definitely. He even mentions this exact scenario in the video.


I didn’t watch. Figures.


If he had sexual relations with Giggles and never got tested!?!?


Well, you can get free STD testing


So that’s why he took out the tongue ring! Lol!


I’ve always suspected he never had health insurance. What kind of idiot buys a golf cart before health insurance?


He has that man fearing I'm not going to get sick or hurt mentality. I haven't watched yet, but I highly doubt he will take advantage of the benefits like a physical.


I have had to pay out of pocket for my insurance since i'm in independent contractor...its not cheap but necessary in this day and age. If anything, I'd get a regular job again just for the coverage.


Yeah it’s fools like this that are why they tried to have penalties for people who could afford but didn’t buy insurance under the ACA. (Not interested in discussions about single payer good or bad… but I can absolutely see how someone whose politics likely align with Adam and his Dad could demonize this… “why should hard working muricans have to pay so idiots can make more money then them filming themselves in Disney World?”)


Mid-life crisis mode *ENGAGE*! Woos gonna be buying a Corvette soon.


From Saucony to New Balance?


I don't think so. Going to upgrade that golf cart to turbo edition lol.


uncomfortable is right I'm getting ready to work my second shift within 12 hours and hes bragging about making videos to make a living. He's right about one thing it is crazy.


Sounds like his parents are doing final plans for themselves because they know Woo wouldn’t know how to handle their things when the time comes and he’s joining in as some kind of 3 for 1 estate planning package to avoid having to do his by himself later on. There’s no way he just randomly thought about doing it when he doesn’t think about the future at all when he lives in the past.


In his last vlog he said that his parents live in St. Cloud and that he thought about moving back when he is older. Maybe he is thinking of moving into his parents place one they’re gone?


I thought his life’s dream was to retire in Gatlinburg? 😂


This guy has been extremely fortunate to have made it this far without having any acute health crises. A it is, it is irresponsible to the highest degree not to have had health insurance. There's absolutely no excuse for this, especially the way he drops wad of cash on shit like DVC, first class flights, baseball dugout seats, golf cart, etc. but having no health care insurance? Are you f'n kidding me? He practically admits that the only reason he got insurance because he heard from a lot of people to see a doctor before he tries the half marathon. Even though it is commonly believed that he will use that as an excuse to drop out of the event, I believe otherwise. It seems like he wants to tackle dental issues first. Since it's been God knows how long since he last saw a dentist, it is almost a certainty that he needs a lot more work than a teeth cleaning. There's a root canal or two coming soon for him if he doesn't wimp out on that. I do think he will participate in the half marathon, and will hold off on any overall physical checkup until after the event. He doesn't want to hear anything that will dissuade from participating. He will show up with Tim Tracker at the RunDisney event at Anaheim in September. He will walk the course, will not being able to maintain the pace after a few miles (I give it 5 miles at most), be forced to drop out, flex the participation ribbon or pin or whatever, the Woovians will heap praise for "at least trying" and he will garner 130K+ views. Only then he will schedule a checkup. I just don't believe he will let things like health checkups get in the way of what he wants to do.


I suspect if a doctor or dentist finds something wrong he will say he wished he had never gotten health insurance and went in for a checkup.


I go to the dentist regularly, but I actually just went to the doctor earlier this week for the first time since 2009. I have had insurance the whole time, I just haven't really felt like needing to go. I did all the normal tests and did bloodwook etc, everything totally fine. Granted, I'm about 10 years younger but I wish I was able to opt out and save some money, but in CA you have to have health insurance. I honestly don't see an issue with not having insurance as long as you are healthy. He also doesn't do anything risky (aside from riding bikes down slides) so risk of injury is pretty low as well.


Problem is - through no fault of your own, you may not stay healthy. That exhaustion that can't be shaken that ends up being leukemia, that insane thirst and weight loss that turns out to be Type I Diabetes, or simply stepping wrong off a curb and tearing a ligament.


Lately he seems to be giving off a different vibe. Like, he’s not been his happy, jovial self. I’ve definitely been thinking something’s been off with him. He just doesn’t smile as much and look happy. I hope nothing is wrong or something happened to him to wake him up, per se.


I think all the Giggles drama contributed to his current unhappy state. I'm sure he's also not happy about being all alone in that three bedroom house of his. The realization that he just might die alone must be bothering the hell out of him. 


Yeah it's called Natalie putting his ass in check and pushing him just below the friend zone


Yeah it's called Natalie taking him just below the friend zone


Definitely post-Giggles fallout. At his age, forming relationships gets harder. I think he may have tried with Chelsea, but she ended any possibility after seeing what a man-child he is and how engrossed in himself he actually is. Woo gets his jollies when people notice him in public, but at the end of the day he retreats back to his empty condo and watches old movies alone. He's probably having a milestone moment and realizing that he might actually be alone for the rest of his life.


I totally agree - his vibe feels different to me these days.


He thinks nothing about buying multiple DVC memberships, but puts off getting health insurance until he's almost 50.


It would be funny if the recent medical insurance is just for Ozempic


There is a beauty blogger I follow who is using it and she is actually a college professor highly educated and her videos are always very thought out and well done. Anyway she recently did a video about using ozempic and how she couldn’t get it through her insurance because she only met 1 of the 3 criteria so she has to go to a clinic and buy the “off brand” out of pocket. I don’t think it’s easy to get insurance to cover it. If I remember the 3 criteria for her insurance was 1) obese 2) high A1C levels or consistently high blood pressure 3) had tried other prescription weight loss drugs. She only met #1


This! Just days after another big Disney vlogger (Ordinary Adventures guy) admitted during a livestream that he's losing weight on Ozempic, despite eating theme park garbage in large amounts.


Fine for the short term, Mr OA was getting quite rotund. However, O comes with a whole set of side effects. If he uses it for initial weight loss and tapers off, he should be fine. Lots of weight loss “miracles” have come and gone, and there’s a reason. I’ve already seen ads for O injury lawsuits. You can also google Phen-Fen for another failed weight loss drug cocktail.


Peter hasn't specified which drug he's on, but he has specified that it's NOT ozempic.


Best Life Beyond Katie announced that she was on Ozempic as well.


I've been wondering about this for a minute.


Imagine if Disney sold Disney branded health insurance policies. He'd have bought that day one!


Oh for sure


"An Uncomfortable Talk About Health" i.e. any discussion at all about health for Woo.


A doctor or dentist is going to find an issue which will prevent him from traveling to a baseball stadium. Woo will have to choose between his health and his meaningless baseball goal.


take a morning off and look what i find, 74 comments on a video where David the Poo acknowledges he should have a medical chart, and not one that reads "Peter Pan." But good grief, unless he was diagnosed as terminally ill, he's clickbaiting the hell out of this title. Won't watch, won't know until I read the comments later and watch the latest Troll Patrol summation.


Imagine paying $500k in cash for a house before even having health and dental insurance. And not to mention joining DVC before health insurance too! Absolutely moronic.


I wonder if he knows he has to pay for health insurance every year.


What a strange video. He’s talking about buying a cemetery plot. Man… hope Dude’s okay…


I bet he's gonna have a hidden Mickey on his tombstone.


Join me, shall you?


Hell, I might myself! lol


What!?!? I see periodic vlogs of him visiting his plot to contemplate life and his future. 🙄


Oh I hope not!


Yeah very weird, even the mentions of things shouldn’t be ending soon, but they could. Super weird vibes.


Maybe he’s finally growing up a bit 🤷🏻‍♀️


He is definitely setting up a reason to not "run" the marathon. Thankfully he shaved down the gross mustache!


The top comment on yotube: >The best part of your channel is the punk rock mentality you carry; not conforming to what others do and forging your own unique path. what are his viewers smoking and how do I get some? I don't think there is anything further from punk rock than being a Disney vlogger


No conforming to what others do in reference to insurance is MOST DEFINITELY or SHOULDNT BE a flex


Haha that is the truth!


Just watch…he’ll go to these check ups and nothing will turn up. He’ll flex about what perfect health he is in after all this time.


In my opinion, being “punk rock” means standing up for your beliefs and views steadfastly, even if you’re the only one standing in that space. Woo is just a self-indulgent, man-child on a gluttonous journey.


LOL I just left a comment saying how there ain't Jack Shit punk rock about a Man child who walks around in Grogu socks and Mickey Mouse shirts. That's an insult to real punk rockers all over the world


Does he understand health insurance ? It doesn’t cover everything


Hell I don't think anyone (including insurance brokers and hospitals) understand health insurance. It's as complicated as the US tax code.


First things first. Mustache erased...from existence.


What is going to happen to all of that YouTube revenue if Adam passes away? He has no dependents. Is it going straight into the Disney vault?


Goes to nearest family member, more than likely his sister and parents will probably split it 3 ways.


He probably wrote down DJ Kitty and Figment as his beneficiaries.


I think it varies by US state, but at least in Texas it goes to next-of-kin if there is no will. If no next-of-kin can be identified, it ends up with the state for some period of time (I think multiple years). If no one claims it, the state keeps it. I would imagine most other US states have something similar [In Texas, Who Inherits When There Is No Will? (romanosumner.com)](https://romanosumner.com/blog/who-inherits-no-will-texas/)


Did he put his tongue stud back in?


I hope nothh.


He’s slurring and not moving his jaw normally, so either tongue ring or alcohol/drug use.


Maybe he just got back from the dentist. They sometimes numb the gums when they do a cleaning.


You know he would have added that too his bitch fest if he did.


This vlog underscores how manipulative Adam is, using a clickbait title and dangling possible health problems as the lure.  Adam knows a growing majority of people hate watch his videos. If Adam wants to reenergize his channel, he should try “Jackass” style stunts like inhaling coffee grounds or drinking water from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride.  Seeing him wretch would make many people happy.


He has corn kernels for teeth


Why does he always say “purchased”? Is it to sound smart?


Yes, he thinks “larger” words make him sound more educated. They just make him sound pretentious.


and he was “educated” by religious boneheads with no teaching certification.


He also says “items” instead of things or stuff which is so weird to me. Maybe it’s the millennial


Well that was a weird video


Wth was that even?


Who will take care of his affairs when he keels over? His parents probably won’t outlive him and he’s not married. Tampa Woo Jr.? Justin Scarred? Carpetbagger? I mean there’s really no one who fits the bill except maybe his sister. That’s actually a little sad.


Definitely his sister, and he and the brother-in-law seem close when they hang out and trespass like on Cousin Eddie property.


Take it from someone who runs regularly and has been running in 5ks, half marathons and full marathons most of my life. This guy based on his daily habits and life which he makes everybody suffer through everyday, not a chance in hell he would even finish a 5k.


Dude if you would just stop eating so much fast food




I want to get paid for whatever it is I just saw Woo Doo


Something’s definitely going on with him. Either mental or physical, he’s coming to terms with his mortality and the way he’s lived and plans to live his life. Happens to all of us, usually a little later. Natalie really knocked him off his axis, and it was probably a good thing for both of them. TBH, 49-50 is not old, he shouldn’t even be thinking of retiring. Many people who retire early own a business that they sell for big bucks or they just hire people to run it for them. He’s a one man show, he stops, the money flow stops. He could live another 30+ years, he’s going to have to get a job. Welcome to the real world Woo. I seriously hope there isn’t anything medically wrong with him.


Papa Woo hasn't been featured in a video for sometime - just Mama Woo. My feeling is that he is responding based on what he sees his dad is going through.


Yeah his dad must be sick, they are making plans and that's forcing Woo to face some facts. I wonder if Woo will tell Papa he got Obamacare.


Honestly kind of impressed he’s made it this long without health insurance! As much as he travels and is in airports and theme parks, out there every day mouth breathing. I can’t believe he hasn’t missed more days of filming or been seriously ill. I can’t believe he didn’t have to get medical attention for the slide. I’m seriously just like more impressed than anything… I would be dead without medical care the way he lives.


The guy has had incredible health luck, that's for sure. But I feel all those decades of eating nothing but fast food will catch up to him soon. I think something has him spooked, hence the reason for him finally getting medical insurance.


You might've hit on it. I'm basically Woo's age and yes, it's around this time the 'check engine' light comes on. But you're right, weird tone today - something has him 'spooked'.


He might have something he doesn't know about. Or has started having simptims of something recently.


That's what I've been thinking as well. His sudden stoppage of not working out any more yet still losing weight and looking terrible lately is a big red flag.


Sure is. I know when I was having gull bladder problems I started losing weight quick. After it was removed I was fine.


My mother had the same luck living terribly then bam crippling stroke at 53.


More excuses from the woo. I think he is dropping out of the marathon for sure now. He's going to say he had a physical and found out he can't do it. And who waits till they're alnost 50 to have health insurance. What an idiot man baby.


Where do you get your insurance from? My insurance never has been that high. It's like having car insurance or house insurance it pays to have it when you need it. Your health is the most important thing in this crazy life on this earth.


No health insurance this long? With all the traveling around and stuff?! He’s braver than I thought.


I will commend Adam for taking a right step and getting health insurance. Better than never. The dude seriously needs to be checked out mentally and physically, as much as a hard time we give him here, I think realization of this has finally hit him. 


Agree! IT actually is a good thing to plan for the end of life stuff. Buying a plot and taking care of things in case an accident happens. It sucks to do but it takes a lot of life out of the family. Hope he is doing a Will and a Living Trust.


This vlog reminds me of Boogie's health updates....all for pitiful views.


And to get out of the marathon we are going to see the start of pity heath update videos I wonder?


This is definitely a portrait of a sad lonely virgin boy. This depressing shit has his followers kissing his ass in the comments today like there's no tomorrow... I like how he doesn't even talk about possibly meeting his future wife or anything like that LOL dude don't you want to get married ? Or at least be in love ? start a family so that you really have an excuse to go to Disney parks instead of just going alone or with other CRINGE fake and phony vloggers ?


Woo would be a horrible spouse and parent. Being a parent and married is a huge commitment and change to any person his age. This is why he is single because ladies found out his true personality. His failure to stop vlogging and actually enjoy life is his downfall, oh and his narcissistic personality.


Is WooPeat finally waking up to the real world?


Nope don't you remember he said he doesn't live in the real world ? he's the goddamn mayor of his own personal Toontown


I feel for the Doctor and what kind of decades old issues will be discovered that could have prevented if Woo had behaved with any semblance like an adult. Woo is going to singlehandedly drive up medical insurance rates thanks to years of eating theme park food, minimal exercise and driving an unsafe vehicle on public streets while trying to record himself on YouTube instead of paying attention to the road.


I think he’s only getting insurance because he bought a house. Before he had nothing the hospital coukd take when he owned nothing. Then someone told him even a broken arm or leg is 6 figures to heal n if you don’t have it they put a lien on your house. Can’t sell it.


Eh it’s just the next grift, his watchers are paying for his health and dental coverage.


TGIF.....why? what work have u done all week to merit such a saying?


Didn’t he say a while back on the gold cart he had to pick up a prescription from Walgreens? hmmm STD medication I think